Английская Википедия:April 1946

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:Events by month Шаблон:Calendar

Файл:Palais des nations.jpg
April 18, 1946: The League of Nations closes after 27 years
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April 11, 1946: The rocket plane X-1-1 makes its first flight
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April 18, 1946: The United Nations World Court opens at the Peace Palace in The Hague
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April 22, 1946: U.S. Chief Justice Stone suffers fatal stroke during proceedings

The following events occurred in April 1946:

April 1, 1946 (Monday)

  • A tsunami, generated by an 8.6 magnitude earthquake near Alaska, killed 159 people in Hawaii. Waves 25 feet high struck Hilo shortly after Шаблон:Nowrap local time, and almost five hours after the Alaskan tremor.[1]
  • Bituminous coal miners walked off the job across the United States, as 400,000 UMWA members went on strike in 26 states.[2] The miners returned to work after six weeks.
  • As part of Operation Road's End, the United States Navy destroyed and sank 24 Japanese submarines that had been surrendered at the end of World War II. Twenty-three were blown up with demolition charges. The I-58, which had sunk the USS Indianapolis, was destroyed by shellfire.[3]
  • Dissolution of the Straits Settlements: The United Kingdom made Singapore a Crown colony, separating the predominantly Chinese population from the rest of the Union of Malaya.[4]
  • The United States Supreme Court declined to grant certiorari on an appeal from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in Chapman v. King, et al. 154 F.2d 460 (5th Cir. 1946), which held that African-Americans could not be barred from voting in primary elections in Georgia. At the time, the Democratic Party was the dominant political party in Georgia and other Southern states in the Fifth Circuit, and the winner of the Democratic primary was frequently unopposed in the general election. Primus E. King of Columbus, Georgia, had commenced the suit in 1944, to challenge the practice of allowing political parties to set their own rules concerning who would be allowed to vote in a nominating election. The decision paved the way for allowing Black Americans to vote in primary elections in other states.[5]
  • Born: Robert Garwood, U.S. Marine and Vietnam POW, who was convicted in 1981 of collaboration with the enemy; in Greensburg, Indiana
  • Died:

April 2, 1946 (Tuesday)

  • In Japan, General Douglas MacArthur, administrator of the American occupation, issued the first regulations against fraternization between American soldiers and Japanese citizens. Originally intended to stop soldiers from consorting with prostitutes, the regulations soon provided for segregation in public transportation, food service and accommodation, with Japanese residents being barred from American facilities, and vice versa.[6]
  • Japanese storekeeper Katsumi Yanagisawa began the business of manufacturing music stands, which grew into the Pearl Musical Instrument Company, and eventually became Pearl Drums.[7]
  • Born: Yves "Apache" Trudeau, Canadian murderer alleged to have killed 43 people for the Hells Angels group.[8] (d. 2008)
  • Died: Kate Bruce, 88, American silent screen actress

April 3, 1946 (Wednesday)

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General Homma
  • An article, on the front page of the Amsterdam newspaper Het Parool, brought the attention of publishers to the existence of a diary, written by a teenage girl who had died in a Nazi concentration camp. Historian Jan Romein wrote, under the headline "Kinderstem" ("A Child's Voice"), "[T]his apparently inconsequential diary by a child ... stammered out in a child's voice, embodies all the hideousness of fascism, more so than all the evidence at Nueremberg put together." Published in the Netherlands as 1947 as Het Archterhuis: Dagboekbrieven ("The Attic: Diary Notes"), the book would be translated into English in 1952 as Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl.[9]
  • Died: Lt.Gen. Masaharu Homma, Japanese general who ordered the Bataan death march, was executed in Manila by a U.S. Army firing squad.[10]

April 4, 1946 (Thursday)

  • The eleven nation Far Eastern Commission exempted Japan's Emperor Hirohito from being tried for war crimes.[11]
  • Nine U.S. Navy personnel, from the aircraft carrier USS Tarawa, were killed while watching training exercises from an observation tower in Puerto Rico. One of the airplanes inadvertently released a bomb which made a direct hit on the tower.[12]
  • Born: Dave Hill, English guitarist (Slade), in Holbeton

April 5, 1946 (Friday)

April 6, 1946 (Saturday)

  • Captain Hoshijima Susumu, Japanese commander of the Sandakan prisoner-of-war camp in Indonesia, was hanged for war crimes. Capt. Hoshijima had ordered the "Sandakan Death Marches" as the war approached a close in 1945. During his administration, nearly 6,000 prisoners died—4,000 Indonesians, 1,381 Australians and 641 British.[20]
  • Acting on a tip from a geisha house, American officials unearthed two billion dollars worth of gold, silver and platinum that had been hidden in the muddy bottom of Tokyo Bay. An officer of the Japanese Army had carried out the concealment of the precious metals in July 1945, shortly before the surrender of Japan.[21]

April 7, 1946 (Sunday)

April 8, 1946 (Monday)

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Qin Banxian

April 9, 1946 (Tuesday)

April 10, 1946 (Wednesday)

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April 11, 1946 (Thursday)

  • The French National Assembly passed a resolution sponsored by deputy Félix Houphouët-Boigny of the Ivory Coast, finally outlawing the practice of "forced labor", in France's overseas territories. Until that time, it was permissible for the colonial government to require adult males in the African colonies to work on government projects, without remuneration, for a set number of days in each year. On the island of Madagascar, Malagasy men had to labor a minimum of fifty days on colonial projects.[35] Houphouët-Boigny, for whom the "Loi Houphouët-Boigny" was named, would become the first President of the Ivory Coast in 1960.
  • The Bell X-1 experimental jet airplane made its first powered flight, with Chalmers "Slick" Goodlin taking the first of the three prototypes, X-1-1, on a flight from the Muroc Army Air Field. The X-1-1 had first been glide-tested on January 25, 1946. On October 14, 1947, Chuck Yeager would fly the X-1-1 at faster than the speed of sound.[36]
  • Born: Bob Harris, radio presenter in Northampton, England

April 12, 1946 (Friday)

April 13, 1946 (Saturday)

  • A group of Jewish employees at a bakery in Nuremberg placed arsenic on the bottom of thousands of loaves of bread to be delivered to a prisoner-of-war camp housing former members of the German SS.[40] In all, 2,283 SS men at Stalag 13 became ill, none fatally, in the week that followed.[41]
  • In France, the "Loi Marthe Richard" took effect, and the system of government-regulated houses of prostitution came to an end. The 1,400 brothels, including 200 in Paris, were closed.[42]
  • "Arzamas-16" was established by the Soviet government at the site of the Russian town of Sarov, as a secret center for the construction of nuclear weapons.[43]
  • British Prime Minister Clement Attlee authorized Sir Stafford Cripps, the leader of the Cabinet Mission to British India, to agree to the partition of the colony into separate nations. The predominantly Hindu provinces became the Dominion of India, while the mostly Muslim provinces became the Dominion of Pakistan (and, later, Pakistan and Bangladesh).[44]
  • Rikichi Andō, the last Japanese Governor-General of Taiwan, was captured by Nationalist forces and charged with war crimes. He committed suicide one week later.[45]
  • Born: Al Green, American soul and gospel singer, in Forrest City, Arkansas
  • Died: Miss Elsie Marks, who worked in carnivals for 20 years as the "Cobra Woman", after being bitten by a diamondback rattlesnake during a performance in Long Beach, California. Her autopsy confirmed that the Cobra Woman had been a man, Alexander Marks.[46]

April 14, 1946 (Sunday)

  • Sh'erit ha-Pletah members of Nakam, the "Jewish Avengers", carried out a plan to poison as many former members of Hitler's SS. After the war, thousands of former SS men were detained at Stalag XIII-D in Nuremberg. When the avenging group learned that most of the bread supplied to the prison camp came from a single bakery, one of the group's members, Arye Distel, obtained a job as an apprentice baker. Over a period of several days, Distel smuggled bottles of arsenic fluid into the bakery and, on April 13, he and four other members brushed the poison on 3,000 loaves of bread to be delivered to Stalag XIII-D. "How many of those SS men actually died following the poisoning at Stalag 13 has never been verified,", The Guardian would report more than 60 years later, "but some put the figure at several hundred, others at a thousand." [47]
  • Chinese Communist leader Zhou Enlai announced the beginning of a war against the Nationalist government of Chiang Kai-shek, one day after Soviet troops had withdrawn from Manchuria.[48] The Communist forces attacked Changchun on the same day and captured it by April 17.[49]

April 15, 1946 (Monday)

April 16, 1946 (Tuesday)

  • The United States made its first successful launch of a V-2 rocket, captured from Germany and tested at the White Sands Proving Ground. In all, 63 were fired for various purposes as part of American development of its own missile program.[56]
  • The mining firm Western Holdings Ltd. announced the discovery, at Odendaalsrus of the richest gold vein ever found in South Africa, setting off the first gold rush since before World War II. The yield was 62 ounces per ton, compared to 1/4 ounce per ton in most South African ore.[57]
  • Baseball Commissioner A.B. Chandler announced a five-year suspension of any American players who broke their contracts to sign with Jorge Pasquel's Mexican League. Twenty major leaguers had been signed away after Pasquel attempted to compete against the American and National Leagues.[58]
  • In the eight opening games for the 16 major league teams, a record 236,730 turned out. Among 18,261 who watched the Boston Braves beat the visiting Brooklyn Dodgers, 5–3, more than 300 discovered that they had been sitting in wet paint.[59]
  • The world learned for the first time of a coal mine disaster that had killed 1,549 miners—mostly Chinese and Korean, laboring for a Japanese company – four years after it had happened. The April 16, 1942, explosion had been kept secret, even from the Tokyo government, by Japanese military officials.[60]
  • Born: Moni Ovadia, Italian-Bulgarian actor, in Plodiv.

April 17, 1946 (Wednesday)

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American selection Shidehara
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Hatoyama, barred from serving

April 18, 1946 (Thursday)

April 19, 1946 (Friday)

April 20, 1946 (Saturday)

April 21, 1946 (Sunday)

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  • The Socialist Unity Party of Germany (Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands or SED), with one million members, was created in the Soviet zone of Germany (later East Germany) by the merger of the Communist Party and the Social Democratic Party. The SED would govern East Germany from 1946 until 1990.[73]
  • The Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) made the first successful transmission of its system of color television, in a format that could be received by both black-and-white and color television sets.[74]
  • in Milan, "red Eastern". In San Vittore prison, an armed riot breaks out, led by the gangster Enzo Barbieri and the former gerarca Giulio Caradonna. The rebels (both common criminals and fascists jailed for political reasons) surrender the 24th, after the Army’s intervention. The final toll is of five victims (four inmates and the warden Salvatore Rap).[75] 
  • The Roman daily newspaper Il messaggero, after a two-year suspension, resumes publications with the headline Il nuovo messaggero. The director is Arrigo Jacchia, a Jewish journalist victim of the Fascist racial laws.[76]
  • Died: John Maynard Keynes, 62, British economist for whom Keynesian economics is named

April 22, 1946 (Monday)

April 23, 1946 (Tuesday)

April 24, 1946 (Wednesday)

  • In the United States, the Blue Angels stunt flying team was formed by the U.S. Navy.[88]
  • In the Soviet Union, two new fighter jets—the MiG-9, flown by Alexei Grinchik, and the Yak-15, piloted by Mikhail I. Ivanov—both flew for the first time. A coin toss determined that the MiG was allowed to take off first.[89]
  • In France, the Constituent Assembly voted 487 to 63 to nationalize the insurance industry, taking over fifty large companies.[90]

April 25, 1946 (Thursday)

  • Forty-seven people were killed and 127 injured in a railroad accident at Naperville, Illinois, when the Burlington Railroad's "Exposition Flyer" crashed at Шаблон:Nowrap (CST) into the same line's "Advance Flyer", which had stalled after an earlier departure from Chicago.[91]
  • A Marian apparition, wherein observers see the Virgin Mary appear before them, was first reported to have happened near the Bavarian village of Marienfried. The Virgin's appearance was repeated on May 25 and June 25, and the shrine of "Our Lady of Marienfried" was established.[92]
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American Fuehrer Kuhn

April 26, 1946 (Friday)

April 27, 1946 (Saturday)

  • The "Whirlaway", the first successful helicopter to have twin engines and twin rotors, was flown for the first time, with test pilot Charles R. Wood taking it up. Made by McDonnell Aircraft, the helicopter was designed so that if the engine powering one rotor failed, the remaining engine could still power both rotors, making helicopters safe to use.[96]
  • In the first FA Cup Final to be played since 1939, Derby County beat Charlton Athletic 4–1.[97]
  • in Milan and Rome, release of Vittorio De Sica’s Shoeshine. In Italy, the film is, at first, a commercial failure; only later, it gets an international success and becomes a classic of cinema.[98]

April 28, 1946 (Sunday)

April 29, 1946 (Monday)

April 30, 1946 (Tuesday)



Шаблон:Events by month links

  1. "Oceanography: Special Report" Шаблон:Webarchive by Laura Kong, UNESCO.org; "Tidal Wave Death Toll Now 152, Property Loss Totals Millions"Salt Lake Tribune, April 3, 1946, p. 1
  2. "Coal Tie-Up Grips Nation; Miners Out in 26 States", Salt Lake Tribune, April 1, 1946, p. 1
  3. "U.S. Blasts 24 Honorable Subs, Cherry Blossoms to Bottom"Salt Lake Tribune, April 2, 1946, p. 1
  4. Lennox A. Mills, Southeast Asia: Illusion and Reality in Politics and Economics (University of Minnesota Press, 1964) pp. 53–54
  5. "Primus E. King", New Georgia Encyclopedia
  6. Yukiko Koshiro, Trans-Pacific Racisms and the U.S. Occupation of Japan (Columbia University Press, 1999) p. 60
  7. Pearl Drums company history Шаблон:Webarchive
  8. Yves Lavigne, Hell's Angels: "Three Can Keep a Secret If Two are Dead" (Carol Publishing, 1993) p. 335
  9. Anne Frank Museum
  10. "Firing Squad Executes Homma As Death March Punishment", Salt Lake Tribune, April 3, 1946, p. 1
  11. John W. Dower, Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II (W.W. Norton, 1999) p616
  12. "Bomb in Air Test Kills 9 Observers", New York Times, April 6, 1946, p. 5
  13. "Soviet, Iran in Accord on Oil" Post-Standard (Syracuse, NY), April 6, 1946, p. 1
  14. Iranian History Chronicle
  15. "Senate Votes 65c Wage And Higher Farm Prices" Salt Lake Tribune, April 6, 1946, p1
  16. Gilbert Chase, America's music, from the Pilgrims to the present (University of Illinois Press, 1987) p. 443
  17. Шаблон:Cite news
  18. Шаблон:Cite web
  19. Шаблон:Cite web
  20. "Sandakan Death March"
  21. "Bullion Is Found in Tokyo Bay Mud", New York Times, April 7, 1946, p. 1
  22. "Milan Election Is Quiet; First Free Votes in 24 Years Cast by 800,000 for Council", New York Times, April 8, 1946, p. 3
  23. "League of Nations In Final Session" Post-Standard (Syracuse, NY), April 8, 1946, p1
  24. "Zollners Capture 3rd Straight Cage Title", Dubuque (IA) Telegraph-Herald, April 9, 1946, p. 8
  25. Frank Capra, The name above the title: an autobiography (Da Capo Press, 1997) p. 382
  26. EDF official site Шаблон:Webarchive
  27. Ethiopian Airlines website Шаблон:Webarchive
  28. Шаблон:Cite news
  29. Montreal Canadiens website
  30. Dutch Aviation Society Шаблон:Webarchive
  31. Шаблон:Cite web
  32. Mayumi Itoh, The Hatoyama Dynasty: Japanese Political Leadership through the Generations (Palgrave Macmillan, 2003) p. 82
  33. "A.T.& T. TO EXPAND; FCC Approves Addition of 1,000 Long-Distance Phone Circuits", New York Times, April 11, 1946, p. 43
  34. "U. of C. Chemist Gives Name to 2 New Elements", Chicago Tribune, April 11, 1946, p. 23
  35. A New Paradigm of the African State: Fundi wa Afrika (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009) pp. 76–77
  36. "X-1 specifications" at GlobalAircraft.org
  37. "Alexander Takes Office in Canada", New York Times, April 13, 1946, p6
  38. "Dirigibles Planned to Fly 300 Overseas", New York Times, April 13, 1946, p13
  39. Michael G. Lemish, War Dogs: A History of Loyalty and Heroism (Brassey's, 1999) pp. 73–78
  40. Rich Cohen, The Avengers (A.A. Knopf, 2000) p. 208; "Deadly Jewish revenge: the real Basterds who killed Nazis", The Sunday Times (London), July 26, 2009
  41. "2,283 Poisoned In Plot Against SS Prisoners"Шаблон:Dead link, Miami Daily News, April 22, 1946, p. 1
  42. Melissa Hope Ditmore, Encyclopedia of Prostitution and Sex Work, Volume 2 (Greenwood Publishing, 2006) p. 402
  43. VirtualGlobetrotting.com
  44. "Pakistan, a British creation", by K. Subrahmanyam, The Times of India, June 22, 2005
  45. "Ex-Formosa Governor Captured", New York Times, April 17, 1946, p12; Taiwan History
  46. "Death Bares 'Cobra Woman' as Man" Post-Standard (Syracuse, NY), April 16, 1946, p. 1
  47. Шаблон:Cite news
  48. "China Red Leader Openly Proclaims War in Manchuria" New York Times, April 15, 1946, p. 1
  49. Lyman Van Slyke, The China White Paper: August 1949 (Stanford University Press, 1967) p149; Fall of Changchun to Reds Conceded New York Times, April 20, 1946, p. 1
  50. "Post-War Television to Be Shown Monday", New York Times, April 10, 1946, p. 20; "1st Television Net Links City, Capital" New York Times, April 16, 1946, p39; David Weinstein, The Forgotten Network: DuMont and the Birth of American Television (Temple University Press, 2006) p. 16
  51. "The Minute Maid Company", FundingUniverse.com
  52. Nikon Historical Society Шаблон:Webarchive
  53. "Unhindered in Germany: Jews Observe First Passover Without Fear Since 1933" New York Times, April 13, 1946, p20
  54. "Sniperscope 'Sees' at Night as in Day; Introducing the 'Snooperscope'", New York Times, April 16, 1946, p. 20
  55. Toonopedia.com
  56. "Project Paperclip", AirForceMagazine.com
  57. "African Gold Rush Follows Rich Strike", Milwaukee Journal, April 17, 1946, p. 24
  58. "Chandler Acts Against Those Who Did Not Return by Opening Day; Must Wait Five Years to Seek Reinstatement" New York Times, April 17, 1946, p41
  59. "Fans Smeared by Paint; 330 Meet Clothing Mishaps at Redecorated Boston Park" New York Times, April 17, 1946, p. 40
  60. "Tokyo Bares Mine Blast In '42 That Killed 1,549" New York Times, April 17, 1946, p. 18
  61. "Assaults and Sabotage Against Allied Forces During the Occupation of Japan", by Bertrand M. Roener
  62. Syrian Arab Republic Шаблон:Webarchive, United Nations website
  63. Шаблон:Cite web
  64. Шаблон:Cite news
  65. "League of Nations to Expire Tonight"Шаблон:Dead link, Milwaukee Journal, April 18, 1946, p. 1
  66. "U.N. World Court Holds First Sitting". New York Times, April 19, 1946, p. 16
  67. "U.S. Recognizes Tito's Regime Without Approving Its 'Policies';" New York Times, April 19, 1946, p. 1
  68. "12 Killed in Blast Mile Inside Mine" Post-Standard (Syracuse, NY), April 19, 1946, p. 1
  69. "Deputies Vote French Senate Out of System", Montreal Gazette, April 20, 1946, p. 1
  70. Report of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, The Avalon Project; "Commission Finishes Report on Palestine", New York Times, April 21, 1946, p. 30
  71. "Lake Success Vote Welcomes the U.N.", New York Times, April 21, 1946, p. 15
  72. Шаблон:Cite web
  73. "Left Wing Parties Merged in Berlin", New York Times, April 22, 1946, p. 10
  74. "Color Television Test a Success Over Black-and-White Facilities" New York Times, April 22, 1946, p. 22
  75. Шаблон:Cite web
  76. Шаблон:Cite web
  77. "CHIEF JUSTICE DEAD, STRICKEN IN COURT" Post-Standard (Syracuse, NY), April 23, 1946, p. 1; Artemus Ward, Deciding to Leave: The Politics of Retirement from the United States Supreme Court (State University of New York Press, 2003) p. 146
  78. "Seeks Seat in Congress; J.F. Kennedy, Ex-Envoy's Son, Is Massachusetts Candidate" New York Times, April 23, 1946, p. 15
  79. Norris McWhirter, ed., The Guinness Book of Records 1992 (Guinness World Records Ltd., 1991) p. 66
  80. "Roxas Leads Osmena 2–1 For Philippine President" Post-Standard (Syracuse, NY), April 24, 1946, p. 1
  81. Davide Mazzanti, Vespa: Italian Style for the World (Taylor & Francis, 2005) p. 20; "Safety vs. freedom: the Vespa debate" Шаблон:Webarchive, by Lucy R. Frank, The Florentine, March 22, 2007
  82. "Mussolini's Body Stolen in Milan; 'Democratic Fascists' Claim Deed" New York Times, April 24, 1946, p. 1
  83. "Body of Mussolini Found In Trunk at Pavia Monastery", Reading (PA) Eagle, August 13, 1946, p. 20
  84. "CBA shortens season because of financial woes", USA Today, February 3, 2009
  85. "Berserk Sailor Kills Nine Men", The Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA), April 23, 1946, p. 21
  86. "Sailor Killer Ends Own Life", The Lima (OH) News, August 2, 1947, p. 10
  87. Шаблон:Cite web
  88. Шаблон:Cite web
  89. "Defining the Jet", Aviation History (January 1998)
  90. "French Insurance to Be Nationalized", New York Times, April 13, 1946, p. 1
  91. "44 Killed, 125 Hurt in Train Wreck; Manslaughter Warrant for Engineer"Шаблон:Dead link, Milwaukee Journal, April 26, 1946, p. 1
  92. Salve Maria Regina website
  93. "Kuhn to Be Freed in Germany Today", New York Times, April 25, 1946, p. 8
  94. Шаблон:Cite web
  95. "Reds Taking Harbin Unopposed", New York Times, April 26, 1946, p. 8
  96. McDonnell XHJD-1 Whirlaway Шаблон:Webarchive, National Air and Space Museum
  97. Derby County F.C. website
  98. Шаблон:Cite web
  99. "GIs Called to Quell Riots In German Election; Nazi Swastikas Are Displayed", Palm Beach Evening Journal, April 29, 1946, p. 1
  100. Шаблон:Cite web
  101. "Chinese Reds Take 3d Manchuria City", New York Times, April 29, 1946, p. 1
  102. Шаблон:Cite web
  103. "Allies Indict Tojo and 27 for a Plot to Rule the World", New York Times, April 29, 1946, p1
  104. Batangenyong Online Шаблон:Webarchive
  105. Christine N. Halili, Philippine History (Rex Book Store, 2004) p. 251
  106. Шаблон:Cite web
  107. Шаблон:Cite news