Шаблон:Навигационный блок1

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Версия от 20:26, 4 марта 2017; Myagkij (обсуждение | вклад)
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Main page link block template.


Nothing to see here


Color used for the top-left blocky thing; one of "red", "green", "blue" or "grey"
Category name for the box; this will become a hyperlink, so use only title if you do not have a category to link to
Title if different from the category name, or if no category hyperlink is to be used
Content of the box

Usage notes

Main page link blocks are designed to have zero additional spacing between lines, but MediaWiki will "randomly" add blank lines for no clear reason. As such, all <ul> and <p> spacing is removed by way of CSS on MediaWiki:Common.css linked to classes in this template. Do not be alarmed; this behavior is intentional.