Английская Википедия:Foreign relations of Ghana

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:Politics of Ghana

Файл:Diplomatic relations of Ghana.svg
Nations with which Ghana has diplomatic relations.

The foreign relations of Ghana are controlled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ghana. Ghana is active in the United Nations and many of its specialised agencies, the World Trade Organization, the Non-Aligned Movement, the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), the African Union (AU) and the Economic Community of West African States. Ghana generally follows the consensus of the Non-aligned Movement and the OAU on economic and political issues not directly affecting its own interests. Ghana has been extremely active in international peacekeeping activities under UN auspices in Lebanon, Afghanistan, Rwanda, and the Balkans, in addition to an eight-year sub-regional initiative with its ECOWAS partners to develop and then enforce a cease-fire in Liberia. Ghana is also a member of the International Criminal Court.

Guiding principles and objectives

Ghana's foreign policy since independence has been characterised by a commitment to the principles and ideals of non-alignment and Pan-Africanism as first enunciated by Kwame Nkrumah in the early 1960s. For Nkrumah, non-alignment meant complete independence from the policies and alliances of both East and West and support for a worldwide union of so-called non-aligned nations as a counter to both East and West power blocs. Pan-Africanism, by contrast, was a specifically African policy that envisioned the independence of Africa from Western colonialism and the eventual economic and political unity of the African continent.[1]

The PNDC, like most of its predecessors, made serious and consistent attempts at the practical application of these ideals and principles, and its successor, the NDC government, promises to follow in the PNDC's footsteps. Under the NDC, Ghana remains committed to the principle of non-alignment in world politics. Ghana is also opposed to interference in the internal affairs of both small and large countries. This is a departure from Nkrumah's foreign policy approach; Nkrumah was frequently accused of subverting African regimes, such as Togo and Ivory Coast, which he considered ideologically conservative. The NDC government, like the PNDC before it, believes in the principle of self-determination, including the right to political independence and the right of people to pursue their economic and social development free from external interference. Another feature of NDC rule carried over from the PNDC era is faithfulness to what a leading scholar of Africa has called "one of the most successful neoclassical economic reform efforts supported by the IMF and the World Bank."[1]

Файл:Nkrumah, his family and Nasser, 1965.jpg
Kwame Nkrumah and his family meeting Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser during the 1965 OAU Summit in Accra.

The broad objectives of Ghana's foreign policy thus include maintaining friendly relations and cooperation with all countries that desire such cooperation, irrespective of ideological considerations, on the basis of mutual respect and non-interference in each other's internal affairs. Africa and its liberation and unity are naturally the cornerstones of Ghana's foreign policy. As a founding member of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), NDC policy is to adhere faithfully to the OAU Charter.[1]

Another important principle of Ghana's foreign policy involves the closest possible cooperation with neighbouring countries with which the people of Ghana share cultural history, ties of blood, and economics. The results have included various bilateral trade and economic agreements and permanent joint commissions involving Ghana and its immediate neighbours, sometimes in the face of latent ideological and political differences and mutual suspicion, as well as numerous reciprocal state visits by high-ranking officials. These measures have contributed significantly to subregional cooperation, development, and the reduction of tension.[1]

Файл:Diplomatic missions of Ghana.PNG
Diplomatic missions of Ghana

As an example of Ghana's interest in regional cooperation, the country enthusiastically endorsed formation of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in 1975. This organisation was created specifically to foster inter-regional economic and political cooperation. It has served as a useful vehicle for contacts with neighbouring West African governments and for channelling increased Ghanaian exports to regional markets. Since 1990 ECOWAS has been engaged in a peacekeeping mission in Liberia to which Ghana has contributed a large contingent of troops. Ghana has participated in other international peacekeeping efforts as well, sending soldiers to operations of the United Nations (UN) in Cambodia in 1992-93 and Rwanda in 1993-94.[1]

In August 1994, Rawlings became ECOWAS chairman, a post that had eluded him since the PNDC came to power. He immediately undertook several initiatives to reduce tensions and conflict in West Africa. Notable among them was the Akosombo Accord of September 12, designed to end civil war in Liberia.[1]

Bilateral relations


Country Formal Relations Began Notes
Шаблон:Flag 1962
  • Algeria has an embassy in Accra.
  • Ghana has an embassy in Algiers.
Шаблон:Flag 8 October 1976 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 8 October 1976.[2]
  • Angola has an embassy in Accra.
  • Ghana has an embassy in Luanda.
Шаблон:Flag 20 June 1962 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 20 June 1962[3]
Шаблон:Flag 21 May 1979 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 21 May 1979 when Ghanaian High Commissioner to Botswana, Mr. A. K. Afful has presented his credentials to President Khama.[4]
Шаблон:Flag 1961 See Burkina Faso–Ghana relations

With the coming to power of Thomas Sankara in Burkina Faso in 1983, relations between Ghana and Burkina became both warm and close. Indeed, Rawlings and Sankara began discussions about uniting Ghana and Burkina in the manner of the defunct Ghana-Guinea-Mali Union, which Nkrumah had sought unsuccessfully to promote as a foundation for his dream of unified continental government. Political and economic ties between Ghana and Burkina, a poorer country, were strengthened through joint commissions of cooperation and through border demarcation committee meetings. Frequent high-level consultations and joint military exercises, meant to discourage potential dissidents and to protect young "revolutions" in each country, were fairly regular features of Ghana-Burkina relations.[5]

  • Burkina Faso has an embassy in Accra.
  • Ghana has an embassy in Ouagadougou.
Шаблон:Flag 20 August 1963 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 20 August 1963[6]
Шаблон:Flag 24 July 1967 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 24 July 1967 when first Ghanaian Ambassador to Chad , with residence in Kinshasa , M. John Quashie has presented his credentials to President Tombalbaye[7]
Шаблон:Flag 5 July 2015 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 5 July 2015 when first Ambassador of Ghana (resident in Pretoria) M. Kwesi Ahwoi, has presented his credentials to the President of Comoros, Dr. Ikililou Dhoinine.[8]
Шаблон:Flag 8 February 1964 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 8 February 1964 when Mr. John Hector Williams has presented his credentials as Ghana's first ambassador to the Brazzaville Congo[9]
Шаблон:Flag 7 November 1957
  • Egypt has an embassy in Accra.
  • Ghana has an embassy in Cairo.
Шаблон:Flag 26 August 2004 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 26 August 2004 when Ambassador of Eritrea to Ghana (resident in Abuja) Mr. Daniel Yohannes, presented his credentials to President John Agyekum Kufuor.[10]
Шаблон:Flag 1958
  • Ethiopia has an embassy in Accra.
  • Ghana has an embassy in Addis Ababa.
Шаблон:Flag 1958
  • Guinea has an embassy in Accra, which was opened in 1958.[11]
  • Ghana has an embassy in Conakry which is also accredited to Guinea-Bissau.[12]
Шаблон:Flag 15 March 1961 See Ivory Coast–Ghana relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 15 March 1961.[13]

Ghana-Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire) relations suffered from the same ups and downs that characterised Ghana-Togo relations. In early 1984, the PNDC government complained that Ivory Coast was allowing Ghanaian dissidents to use its territory as a base from which to carry out acts of sabotage against Ghana. Ghana also accused Ivory Coast of granting asylum to political agitators wanted for crimes in Ghana. Relations between Ghana and Ivory Coast improved significantly, however, after 1988. In 1989, after fifteen years of no progress, the Ghana-Ivory Coast border re-demarcation commission finally agreed on the definition of the 640-kilometer border between the two countries. The PNDC thereafter worked to improve the transportation and communication links with both Ivory Coast and Togo, despite problems with both countries.[14]

  • Ghana has an embassy in Abidjan.
  • Ivory Coast has an embassy in Accra.
Шаблон:Flag 16 December 1963 See Ghana–Kenya relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 16 December 1963[15]

  • Ghana has a high commission in Nairobi.
  • Kenya has a high commission in Accra.
Шаблон:Flag 24 November 1966 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 24 November 1966[16]
Шаблон:Flag June 1957 Both countries established diplomatic relations in June 1957 when M. Abraham Benjamin Bah Kofi, Ghanian Charge d'Affaires to Liberia presented his credentials to President Tubman.[17]
Шаблон:Flag 27 June 1978 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 27 June 1978 when Ambassador of Ghana Maj. Gen. Joshua M. Hamidou has presented his credentials to President of Mozambique Samora Moises Machel.[18]
Шаблон:Flag 21 March 1990
  • Ghana has a high commission in Windhoek.
  • Namibia has a high commission in Accra.
Шаблон:Flag 24 August 1961 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 24 August 1961 when has been appointed first Ambassador of Niger to Ghana M. Tanimoune Ary.[19]
Шаблон:Flag 1 October 1960 See Ghana–Nigeria relations

Ghana set up a commission in 1959 when Nigeria was still a dependent territory. This was elevated to High Commission status on the attainment of Nigeria's independence on 1 October 1960[20]

Despite close cultural ties, diplomatic relations between the two countries have in many instances been volatile. After the takeover in November 1993 by General Sani Abacha as the new Nigerian head of state, Ghana and Nigeria continued to consult on economic, political, and security issues affecting the two countries and West Africa as a whole. Between early August 1994 when Rawlings became ECOWAS chairman and the end of the following October, the Ghanaian president visited Nigeria three times to discuss the peace process in Liberia and measures to restore democracy in that country.[1]

  • Ghana has a high commission in Abuja and a consulate-general in Lagos.
  • Nigeria has a high commission in Accra.
Шаблон:Flag 1961
  • Ghana has an embassy in Dakar.
  • Senegal has an embassy in Accra.
Шаблон:Flag 10 October 1988 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 10 October 1988[21]
Шаблон:Flag 27 April 1961 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 27 April 1961 when Ghana commission who was opened here in 1960, was raised to the status of High Commission[22]
Шаблон:Flag 6 May 1994 See Ghana–South Africa relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 6 May 1994[23]

Файл:Ghanan High Commission in Pretoria.JPG
High Commission of Ghana in Pretoria
  • Ghana has a high commission in Pretoria.
  • South Africa has a high commission in Accra.
Шаблон:Flag 20 September 1959 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 20 September 1959 when has been accredited Ambassador of Ghana to Sudan Mr. Carl Senage Dey.[24]
Шаблон:Flag 21 January 1963 See Ghana–Togo relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 21 January 1963.[25]

The strains in Ghana-Togo relations stretch back to pre-independence days. After 1918, following the defeat of Germany, the League of Nations divided the German colony of Togoland from north to south, a decision that divided the Ewe people among the Gold Coast, British Togoland, and French Togoland. After 1945, the United Nations took over the Togoland mandates. During the 1950s, when the independence of Ghana was in sight, demands grew for a separate Ewe state, an idea that Kwame Nkrumah, leader of the Gold Coast independence movement, opposed. Following a UN plebiscite in May 1956, in which a majority of the Ewe voted for union with Ghana, British Togoland became part of the Gold Coast.[1][26] After Togolese independence in 1960, relations between Togo and Ghana deteriorated, aggravated by political differences and incidents such as smuggling across their common border. At times, relations have verged on open aggression.[14] The result of the transfer of Togoland to Ghana has meant that many Togolese keep one foot on either side of the border, living in Ghana by night and working in the markets of the capital, Lomé, by day.[26]

  • Ghana has an embassy in Lomé.
  • Togo has an embassy in Accra.
Шаблон:Flag 30 November 1964 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 30 November 1964 when first Zambian High Commissioner to Ghana , Mr. M. Ngalande , presented his letters of credence[27]


Country Formal Relations Began Notes
Шаблон:Flag 28 March 1961 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 28 March 1961[28]
  • Argentina is accredited to Ghana from its embassy in Abuja, Nigeria.
  • Ghana is accredited to Argentina from its embassy in Brasília, Brazil.
Шаблон:Flag August 1994
  • Barbados has a high commission in Accra.
  • Ghana is accredited to Barbados from its embassy in Havana, Cuba.
Шаблон:Flag September 1981

Both countries established diplomatic relations in September, 1981.[29]

Шаблон:Flag 3 December 1987 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 3 December 1987.[30]
Шаблон:Flag 2 January 1961
President of Ghana John Kufuor with President of Brazil Lula da Silva
  • Brazil has an embassy in Accra.
  • Ghana has an embassy in Brasília.
Шаблон:Flag 17 May 1957
  • Canada has a High Commission in Accra.
  • Ghana has a High Commission in Ottawa.
Шаблон:Flag 6 October 1961 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 6 October 1961[31]
  • Chile has an embassy in Accra.
  • Ghana is accredited to Chile from its embassy in Brasília, Brazil.
Шаблон:Flag 23 June 1988

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 23 June 1988[32]

Ghana and Colombia's diplomatic relations dated back to 1988 but it remained dormant until July 2013 when Colombia opened its embassy in Accra. Colombia helps Ghana by providing assistance on building capacity of the Ghana Police Service, Immigration Service and the Narcotics Control Board on cybersecurity and drug trafficking.[33]

  • Colombia has an embassy in Accra.
  • Ghana is accredited to Colombia from its embassy in Brasília, Brazil.
Шаблон:Flag 23 December 1959 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 23 December 1959[34]
  • Cuba has an embassy in Accra.
  • Ghana has an embassy in Havana.
Шаблон:Flag 18 January 2018 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 18 January 2018[35]
Шаблон:Flag 23 September 2019 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 23 September 2019[36]
Шаблон:Flag 18 September 2023 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 18 September 2023.[37]
Шаблон:Flag 29 August 2011 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 29 August 2011 when ambassador of Ghana Mr. Daniel Ohene Agyekum presented his credentials to President of Honduras Porfirio Lobo Sosa.[38]
Шаблон:Flag 8 May 1968 See Ghana–Jamaica relations
  • Ghana is accredited to Jamaica from its embassy in Havana, Cuba.
  • Jamaica is accredited to Ghana from its high commission in Abuja, Nigeria.
Шаблон:Flag 8 August 1961 See Ghana–Mexico relations

Ghana and Mexico established diplomatic relations on 8 August 1961.[39] Soon afterwards, both nations opened embassies in each other's capitals, respectively. In 1972, Ghana closed its embassy in Mexico City. Mexico closed its embassy in Accra in 1980.[40] Mexico re-opened its embassy in Ghana in 2013.

Шаблон:Flag 17 June 2021 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 17 June 2021[43]
Шаблон:Flag 23 June 1987 Шаблон:Main

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 23 June 1987[44]

  • Ghana is accredited to Peru from its embassy in Brasília, Brazil.
  • Peru has an embassy in Accra.
Шаблон:Flag 1 April 1977 See: Ghana-Suriname relations
  • Accra currently hosts the only Surinamese embassy in Africa.[45]
Шаблон:Flag 6 March 1957 See Ghana–United States relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 6 March 1957[46]

The United States is among Ghana's trading partners. The Office of the President of Ghana worked closely with the U.S. Embassy in Accra to establish an American Chamber of Commerce to continue to develop closer economic ties in the private sector. Major U.S. companies operating in the country include ACS, CMS Energy, Coca-Cola, S.C. Johnson, Ralston Purina, Star-Kist, A.H. Robins, Sterling, Pfizer, IBM, 3M, Motorola, Stewart & Stevenson, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, and National Cash Register (NCR). Several U.S. firms recently made or are considering investments in Ghana, primarily in gold mining, wood products, and petroleum. U.S. mining giant Newmont entered Ghana's mining sector in 2004 and intends to invest up to $1 billion. In late 1997, Nuevo Petroleum concluded an oil exploration agreement accounting for one of Ghana's offshore mineral rights zones. Several other U.S. oil companies also are engaged in offshore exploration.


Country Formal Relations Began Notes
Шаблон:Flag 2 August 1961 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 2 August 1961[47]
Шаблон:Flag 29 May 1992

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 29 May 1992.[48]

Шаблон:Flag 11 September 1992 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 11 September 1992[49]
Шаблон:Flag 19 July 1974 See Bangladesh–Ghana relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 19 July 1974 when Bangladesh High Commissioner to Ghana presented his credentials to the Head of State Colonel I. K. Acheampong.[50]

  • Bangladesh is accredited to Ghana from its high commission in Abuja, Nigeria.
  • Ghana is accredited to Bangladesh from its high commission in New Delhi, India.
Шаблон:Flag 10 December 1991 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 10 December 1991[51]
Шаблон:Flag 5 July 1960 See China–Ghana relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 5 July 1960.[52]

Ghana's relations with the People's Republic of China (PRC) date back to 1960 when President Nkrumah became one of Africa's first leaders to recognise the country. Ghana and the PRC have had close and relatively good relations in that time despite a short period of relatively cold relations after Nkrumah was deposed in 1966.

  • China has an embassy in Accra.
  • Ghana has an embassy in Beijing.
Шаблон:Flag 4 December 1992 See Ghana–Georgia relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 4 December 1992[53]

Шаблон:Flag 6 March 1957 See Ghana–India relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 6 March 1957.[54]

  • Ghana has a high commission in New Delhi.
  • India has a high commission in Accra.
Шаблон:Flag 1959
  • Ghana is accredited to Indonesia from its high commission in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Indonesia is accredited to Ghana from its embassy in Abuja, Nigeria.
Шаблон:Flag June 1974
  • Ghana has an embassy in Tehran.
  • Iran has an embassy in Accra.
Шаблон:Flag 6 March 1957, severed 28 October 1973, restored 9 August 1994 See Ghana–Israel relations
  • Ghana has an embassy in Tel Aviv.
  • Israel has an embassy in Accra.
Шаблон:Flag 12 March 1959
  • Ghana has an embassy in Tokyo.
  • Japan has an embassy in Accra.
Шаблон:Flag 5 June 2007 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 5 June 2007 when Ambassador of Ghana to Jordan Mr. Rashid Bawa, has presented his credentials to King Abdullah.[55]
Шаблон:Flag 30 March 1959 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 30 March 1959.[56][57]
Шаблон:Flag 5 December 1966 See Ghana–Malaysia relations
  • Ghana has a high commission in Kuala Lumpur.
  • Malaysia has a high commission in Accra.
Шаблон:Flag 10 August 1989 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 10 August 1989[58]
Шаблон:Flag 25 September 2019 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 25 September 2019[59]
Шаблон:Flag 8 March 1989 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 8 March 1989[60]
Шаблон:Flag 1958

Pakistan and Ghana enjoy amicable and cordial relations. There has been historical support extended by Pakistan to the African states particularly OIC member states in which Ghana has significant importance. Despite this, there has been a low level of bilateral trade between the two countries. The volume of bilateral trade during 2011 was just $19 million.[61]

  • Ghana is accredited to Pakistan from its embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
  • Pakistan has a high commission in Accra.
Шаблон:Flag 15 August 1981 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 15 August 1981[62]
Шаблон:Flag 1 April 1960 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 1 April 1960[63]
  • Ghana has an embassy in Riyadh.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Accra.
Шаблон:Flag 11 October 1989 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 11 October 1989[64]
  • Ghana is accredited to Singapore from its high commission in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Singapore is accredited to Ghana from its Ministry of Foreign Affairs based in Singapore.
Шаблон:Flag 14 November 1977 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 14 November 1977[65]
  • Ghana has an embassy in Seoul.
  • South Korea has an embassy in Accra.
Шаблон:Flag 25 October 1985 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 25 October 1985[66]
  • Ghana is accredited to Thailand from its high commission in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Thailand is accredited to Ghana from its embassy in Abuja, Nigeria.
Шаблон:Flag 1958[67] See Ghana–Turkey relations
  • Ghana has an embassy in Ankara.[67]
  • Turkey has an embassy in Accra.[67]
  • Trade volume between the two countries was 353.3 million USD in 2018.[67]
Шаблон:Flag 25 August 1981 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 25 August 1981[68][69]
Шаблон:Flag 25 March 1965 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 25 March 1965[70]
  • Ghana is accredited to Vietnam from its high commission in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Vietnam is accredited to Ghana from its embassy in Abuja, Nigeria.
Шаблон:Flag 30 November 1995 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 30 November 1995[71]


Country Formal Relations Began Notes
Шаблон:Flag 1964 See Austria–Ghana relations
Шаблон:Flag 2 October 1959 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 2 October 1959 when has been accredited Mr. G. Walravens as Ambassador of Belgium to Ghana.[72]
Шаблон:Flag 13 February 2013 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 13 February 2013[73]
Шаблон:Flag 28 September 1961 See Denmark–Ghana relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 28 September 1961 when was accredited first Ambassador of Denmark to Ghana Mr. Hans Adolf Biering[74]

Denmark has historic relations with Ghana from once possessing Danish Gold Coast.

  • Denmark has an embassy in Accra.
  • Ghana has an embassy in Copenhagen.
Шаблон:Flag 1957
  • France has an embassy in Accra.
  • Ghana has an embassy in Paris.
Шаблон:Flag 24 June 1957 See Germany–Ghana relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 24 June 1957[75]

  • Germany has an embassy in Accra.
  • Ghana has an embassy in Berlin.
  • Ghana has an embassy in Rome.
  • Italy has an embassy in Accra.
Шаблон:Flag 19 December 2019 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 19 December 2019[76]
Шаблон:Flag 27 February 1974 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 27 February 1974[77]
  • Ghana has a high commission in Valletta.
  • Malta has a high commission in Accra.
Шаблон:Flag 26 September 2019 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 26 September 2019[78]
Шаблон:Flag 20 September 2012 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 20 September 2012[79]
Шаблон:Flag 31 December 1959 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 31 December 1959[80]
  • Ghana is accredited to Poland from its embassy in Berlin, Germany.
  • Poland is accredited to Ghana from its embassy in Abuja, Nigeria.
Шаблон:Flag 14 January 1958 See Ghana–Russia relations
Шаблон:Flag 13 January 1959 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 13 January 1959[81]
Шаблон:Flag 10 November 1967 See Ghana–Spain relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 10 November 1967[82]

  • Ghana has an embassy in Madrid.
  • Spain has an embassy in Accra.
Шаблон:Flag 19 July 1960 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 19 July 1960[83]
Шаблон:Flag 6 March 1957 See Ghana–United Kingdom relations
  • Ghana has a high commission in London.[84]
  • United Kingdom has a high commission in Accra.[85]


Country Formal Relations Began Notes
Шаблон:Flag 21 February 1958 Both countries established diplomatic relations on Шаблон:Dts[86]
  • Australia has a high commission in Accra.
  • Ghana has a high commission in Canberra.
Шаблон:Flag 8 November 2023 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 8 November 2023.[87]
Шаблон:Flag 1 March 2001 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 1 March 2001.[88]
  • Ghana is accredited to New Zealand from its high commission in Canberra, Australia.
  • New Zealand is accredited to Ghana from its embassy in Addis, Ababa, Ethiopia.
Шаблон:Flag 20 December 2019 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 20 December 2019[89]

Ghana and the Commonwealth of Nations

Файл:Chatham House Prize 2008 (6024766923).jpg
Recipient of the 2008 Chatham House Prize and 10th President of Ghana John Kufuor with Prince Philip, the Husband of the Head of the Commonwealth and Queen of the United Kingdom, Elizabeth II.

Ghana has been a member state of the Commonwealth since independence in 1957, firstly as a Dominion, then as a republic in the Commonwealth of Nations.

See also



External links

Шаблон:Foreign relations of Ghana Шаблон:Ghana topics Шаблон:Africa in topic

  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 Owusu, Maxwell. "Guiding Principles and Objectives". A Country Study: Ghana (La Verle Berry, editor). Library of Congress Federal Research Division (November 1994). This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain.[1]
  2. Шаблон:Cite web
  3. Шаблон:Cite book
  4. Шаблон:Cite book
  5. Owusu, Maxwell. "Burkina". A Country Study: Ghana (La Verle Berry, editor). Library of Congress Federal Research Division (November 1994). This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain.[2]
  6. Шаблон:Cite book
  7. Шаблон:Cite book
  8. Шаблон:Cite web
  9. Шаблон:Cite book
  10. Шаблон:Cite web
  11. Шаблон:Cite book
  12. Шаблон:Cite web
  13. Шаблон:Cite web
  14. 14,0 14,1 Owusu, Maxwell. "Relations with Immediate African Neighbours". A Country Study: Ghana (La Verle Berry, editor). Library of Congress Federal Research Division (November 1994). This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain.[3]
  15. Шаблон:Cite book
  16. Шаблон:Cite web
  17. Шаблон:Cite book
  18. Шаблон:Cite book
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  26. 26,0 26,1 Шаблон:Cite news
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  28. Шаблон:Cite web
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  60. Шаблон:Cite book
  61. Pakistan-Ghana. thenews.com.pk.
  62. Шаблон:Cite book
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  64. Шаблон:Cite web
  65. Шаблон:Cite web
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  67. 67,0 67,1 67,2 67,3 Шаблон:Cite web
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  86. Шаблон:Cite journal
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