Английская Википедия:Funen (Folketing constituency)

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:Use dmy dates Шаблон:Infobox constituency Funen (Шаблон:Lang-da) is one of the 12 multi-member constituencies of the Folketing, the national legislature of Denmark. The constituency was established in 2007 following the public administration structural reform. It consists of the municipalities of Ærø, Assens, Faaborg-Midtfyn, Kerteminde, Langeland, Middelfart, Nordfyn, Nyborg, Odense and Svendborg. The constituency currently elects 12 of the 179 members of the Folketing using the open party-list proportional representation electoral system. At the 2022 general election it had 378,832 registered electors.

Electoral system

Funen currently elects 12 of the 179 members of the Folketing using the open party-list proportional representation electoral system.[1][2] Constituency seats are allocated using the D'Hondt method.[3][4] Compensatory seats are calculated based on the national vote and are allocated using the Sainte-Laguë method, initially at the provincial level and finally at the constituency level.[5][6] Only parties that reach any one of three thresholds stipulated by section 77 of the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act - winning at least one constituency seat; obtaining at least the Hare quota (valid votes in province/number of constituency seats in province) in two of the three provinces; or obtaining at least 2% of the national vote - compete for compensatory seats.[7][8]

Election results


Election Red–Green
Green Left
Social Democrats
Social Liberals
Conservative People's
Liberal Alliance
I / Y
Danish People's
colspan=3 Шаблон:Party color cell colspan=3 Шаблон:Party color cell colspan=3 Шаблон:Party color cell colspan=3 Шаблон:Party color cell colspan=3 Шаблон:Party color cell colspan=3 Шаблон:Party color cell colspan=3 Шаблон:Party color cell colspan=3 Шаблон:Party color cell colspan=3 Шаблон:Party color cell
Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats
2022 14,487 4.65% 0 25,525 8.20% 1 8,476 2.72% 0 101,064 32.45% 6 9,305 2.99% 0 36,742 11.80% 2 16,190 5.20% 0 19,992 6.42% 1 8,023 2.58% 0
2019 21,182 6.78% 1 20,961 6.71% 1 9,505 3.04% 0 94,337 30.18% 4 22,793 7.29% 1 73,046 23.37% 3 19,256 6.16% 1 5,867 1.88% 0 27,746 8.88% 1
2015 26,575 8.51% 1 13,790 4.42% 0 14,165 4.54% 0 90,061 28.86% 4 10,513 3.37% 0 56,673 18.16% 3 10,849 3.48% 0 20,271 6.49% 1 67,913 21.76% 3
2011 19,914 6.31% 1 32,990 10.45% 1 89,577 28.38% 4 26,658 8.45% 1 76,845 24.34% 3 16,033 5.08% 0 13,164 4.17% 0 38,978 12.35% 2
2007 5,446 1.76% 0 43,258 13.97% 2 83,395 26.93% 4 15,554 5.02% 0 66,198 21.38% 3 41,225 13.31% 1 7,476 2.41% 0 45,843 14.80% 2

(Excludes compensatory seats)



Results of the 2022 general election held on 1 November 2022:[9][10][11][12][13]

Party Votes per nomination district Total
% Seats
Assens Faa
Nyborg Odense East Odense South Odense West Svend
Шаблон:Abbr [[Compensatory seat|Шаблон:Abbr]] Шаблон:Abbr
Шаблон:Party color cell Social Democrats A 8,762 12,218 14,314 12,806 12,411 12,324 12,280 15,949 101,064 32.45% 6 0 6
Шаблон:Party color cell Venstre V 3,940 4,667 5,880 4,185 3,579 5,559 4,152 4,780 36,742 11.80% 2 0 2
Шаблон:Party color cell Moderates M 2,074 3,470 4,335 3,259 3,952 5,526 3,952 4,257 30,825 9.90% 1 0 1
Шаблон:Party color cell Green Left F 1,663 2,586 2,972 2,555 4,299 4,127 3,524 3,799 25,525 8.20% 1 0 1
Шаблон:Party color cell Denmark Democrats Æ 2,706 4,127 5,087 3,427 1,803 2,249 2,277 3,810 25,486 8.18% 1 0 1
Шаблон:Party color cell Liberal Alliance I 1,315 1,870 2,873 1,993 2,921 3,637 2,828 2,555 19,992 6.42% 1 0 1
Шаблон:Party color cell Conservative People's Party C 1,096 1,735 2,113 1,860 2,008 3,354 2,210 1,814 16,190 5.20% 0 1 1
Шаблон:Party color cell Red–Green Alliance Ø 719 1,400 1,073 1,204 2,928 2,228 1,987 2,948 14,487 4.65% 0 1 1
Шаблон:Party color cell The New Right D 1,189 1,477 2,057 1,549 971 1,035 1,076 1,519 10,873 3.49% 0 1 1
Шаблон:Party color cell Danish Social Liberal Party B 454 779 935 711 1,933 1,944 1,382 1,167 9,305 2.99% 0 0 0
Шаблон:Party color cell The Alternative Å 512 878 710 608 1,549 1,330 1,165 1,724 8,476 2.72% 0 0 0
Шаблон:Party color cell Danish People's Party O 810 1,065 1,324 1,033 850 853 867 1,221 8,023 2.58% 0 1 1
Шаблон:Party color cell Independent Greens Q 41 99 81 162 1,725 392 288 170 2,958 0.95% 0 0 0
Шаблон:Party color cell Christian Democrats K 110 141 156 116 160 167 131 154 1,135 0.36% 0 0 0
Шаблон:Party color cell Millah Kongsbach (Independent) 36 39 32 30 44 37 34 82 334 0.11% 0 0 0
Valid Votes 25,427 36,551 43,942 35,498 41,133 44,762 38,153 45,949 311,415 100.00% 12 4 16
Blank Votes 409 591 661 549 858 733 645 622 5,068 1.60%
Rejected Votes – Other 95 110 112 120 209 161 234 181 1,222 0.38%
Total Polled 25,931 37,252 44,715 36,167 42,200 45,656 39,032 46,752 317,705 83.86%
Registered Electors 30,733 43,974 52,356 42,780 53,406 53,194 46,942 55,447 378,832
Turnout 84.38% 84.71% 85.41% 84.54% 79.02% 85.83% 83.15% 84.32% 83.86%

Votes per municipality:<[14]

Party Votes per municipality Total
Ærø Assens Faa
Nyborg Odense Svend
Шаблон:Party color cell Social Democrats A 1,173 8,762 11,045 5,718 2,906 8,047 6,267 7,088 37,015 13,043 101,064
Шаблон:Party color cell Venstre V 379 3,940 4,288 1,517 1,117 3,265 2,615 2,668 13,290 3,663 36,742
Шаблон:Party color cell Moderates M 327 2,074 3,143 1,425 650 2,719 1,616 1,834 13,430 3,607 30,825
Шаблон:Party color cell Green Left F 237 1,663 2,349 1,009 546 1,890 1,082 1,546 11,950 3,253 25,525
Шаблон:Party color cell Denmark Democrats Æ 714 2,706 3,413 1,401 983 2,640 2,447 2,026 6,329 2,827 25,486
Шаблон:Party color cell Liberal Alliance I 143 1,315 1,727 819 330 1,882 991 1,174 9,386 2,225 19,992
Шаблон:Party color cell Conservative People's Party C 265 1,096 1,470 1,043 255 1,285 828 817 7,572 1,559 16,190
Шаблон:Party color cell Red–Green Alliance Ø 259 719 1,141 505 297 701 372 699 7,143 2,651 14,487
Шаблон:Party color cell The New Right D 97 1,189 1,380 738 306 1,092 965 811 3,082 1,213 10,873
Шаблон:Party color cell Danish Social Liberal Party B 63 454 716 271 110 683 252 440 5,259 1,057 9,305
Шаблон:Party color cell The Alternative Å 136 512 742 248 201 497 213 360 4,044 1,523 8,476
Шаблон:Party color cell Danish People's Party O 103 810 962 435 285 701 623 598 2,570 936 8,023
Шаблон:Party color cell Independent Greens Q 12 41 87 74 21 59 22 88 2,405 149 2,958
Шаблон:Party color cell Christian Democrats K 22 110 119 64 29 97 59 52 458 125 1,135
Шаблон:Party color cell Millah Kongsbach (Independent) 6 36 33 11 16 21 11 19 115 66 334
Valid Votes 3,936 25,427 32,615 15,278 8,052 25,579 18,363 20,220 124,048 37,897 311,415
Blank Votes 50 409 541 225 93 373 288 324 2,236 529 5,068
Rejected Votes – Other 15 95 95 49 33 66 46 71 604 148 1,222
Total Polled 4,001 25,931 33,251 15,552 8,178 26,018 18,697 20,615 126,888 38,574 317,705
Registered Electors 4,741 30,733 39,233 18,183 9,988 30,172 22,184 24,597 153,542 45,459 378,832
Turnout 84.39% 84.38% 84.75% 85.53% 81.88% 86.23% 84.28% 83.81% 82.64% 84.85% 83.86%

The following candidates were elected:[15][16]


Results of the 2019 general election held on 5 June 2019:[17][18][19][20]

Party Votes per nomination district Total
% Seats
Assens Faa
Nyborg Odense East Odense South Odense West Svend
Шаблон:Abbr [[Compensatory seat|Шаблон:Abbr]] Шаблон:Abbr
Шаблон:Party color cell Social Democrats A 8,152 10,697 13,645 12,386 12,015 11,618 11,677 14,147 94,337 30.18% 4 1 5
Шаблон:Party color cell Venstre V 6,767 9,915 12,069 8,361 7,259 10,815 7,881 9,979 73,046 23.37% 3 1 4
Шаблон:Party color cell Danish People's Party O 2,956 3,882 4,484 3,551 2,745 2,971 3,070 4,087 27,746 8.88% 1 1 2
Шаблон:Party color cell Danish Social Liberal Party B 1,156 1,994 2,248 1,713 5,646 4,510 2,770 2,756 22,793 7.29% 1 0 1
Шаблон:Party color cell Red–Green Alliance Ø 1,287 2,195 1,722 1,911 4,291 3,012 2,630 4,134 21,182 6.78% 1 0 1
Шаблон:Party color cell Socialist People's Party F 1,564 2,285 2,527 1,967 3,464 3,273 2,894 2,987 20,961 6.71% 1 0 1
Шаблон:Party color cell Conservative People's Party C 1,428 2,124 2,648 2,307 2,006 3,627 2,418 2,698 19,256 6.16% 1 0 1
Шаблон:Party color cell The Alternative Å 574 986 763 706 1,901 1,573 1,233 1,769 9,505 3.04% 0 0 0
Шаблон:Party color cell The New Right D 572 696 911 764 682 794 645 862 5,926 1.90% 0 0 0
Шаблон:Party color cell Hard Line P 594 667 884 743 872 613 736 810 5,919 1.89% 0 0 0
Шаблон:Party color cell Liberal Alliance I 365 469 745 518 1,091 1,162 879 638 5,867 1.88% 0 0 0
Шаблон:Party color cell Christian Democrats K 327 422 487 339 417 604 398 459 3,453 1.10% 0 0 0
Шаблон:Party color cell Klaus Riskær Pedersen E 218 313 329 280 390 323 311 387 2,551 0.82% 0 0 0
Valid Votes 25,960 36,645 43,462 35,546 42,779 44,895 37,542 45,713 312,542 100.00% 12 3 15
Blank Votes 260 341 401 324 495 418 375 458 3,072 0.97%
Rejected Votes – Other 79 87 129 123 200 130 154 125 1,027 0.32%
Total Polled 26,299 37,073 43,992 35,993 43,474 45,443 38,071 46,296 316,641 84.59%
Registered Electors 30,849 43,965 51,542 42,413 53,493 52,257 44,896 54,907 374,322
Turnout 85.25% 84.32% 85.35% 84.86% 81.27% 86.96% 84.80% 84.32% 84.59%

Votes per municipality:[21]

Party Votes per municipality Total
Ærø Assens Faa
Nyborg Odense Svend
Шаблон:Party color cell Social Democrats A 1,030 8,152 9,667 5,422 2,789 7,713 5,932 6,964 35,310 11,358 94,337
Шаблон:Party color cell Venstre V 1,065 6,767 8,850 3,256 1,926 6,715 5,354 5,105 25,955 8,053 73,046
Шаблон:Party color cell Danish People's Party O 411 2,956 3,471 1,594 854 2,357 2,127 1,957 8,786 3,233 27,746
Шаблон:Party color cell Danish Social Liberal Party B 195 1,156 1,799 709 324 1,595 653 1,004 12,926 2,432 22,793
Шаблон:Party color cell Red–Green Alliance Ø 369 1,287 1,826 773 538 1,060 662 1,138 9,933 3,596 21,182
Шаблон:Party color cell Socialist People's Party F 228 1,564 2,057 839 488 1,471 1,056 1,128 9,631 2,499 20,961
Шаблон:Party color cell Conservative People's Party C 380 1,428 1,744 1,244 591 1,557 1,091 1,063 8,051 2,107 19,256
Шаблон:Party color cell The Alternative Å 132 574 854 263 207 498 265 443 4,707 1,562 9,505
Шаблон:Party color cell The New Right D 57 572 639 297 144 478 433 467 2,121 718 5,926
Шаблон:Party color cell Hard Line P 39 594 628 357 159 421 463 386 2,221 651 5,919
Шаблон:Party color cell Liberal Alliance I 29 365 440 218 53 482 263 300 3,132 585 5,867
Шаблон:Party color cell Christian Democrats K 52 327 370 172 73 312 175 167 1,419 386 3,453
Шаблон:Party color cell Klaus Riskær Pedersen E 33 218 280 123 61 201 128 157 1,024 326 2,551
Valid Votes 4,020 25,960 32,625 15,267 8,207 24,860 18,602 20,279 125,216 37,506 312,542
Blank Votes 31 260 310 131 65 237 164 193 1,288 393 3,072
Rejected Votes – Other 9 79 78 54 19 74 55 69 484 106 1,027
Total Polled 4,060 26,299 33,013 15,452 8,291 25,171 18,821 20,541 126,988 38,005 316,641
Registered Electors 4,895 30,849 39,070 18,054 10,129 29,308 22,234 24,359 150,646 44,778 374,322
Turnout 82.94% 85.25% 84.50% 85.59% 81.85% 85.88% 84.65% 84.33% 84.30% 84.87% 84.59%

The following candidates were elected:[22][23]


Results of the 2015 general election held on 18 June 2015:[24][25][26][27]

Party Votes per nomination district Total
% Seats
Assens Faa
Nyborg Odense East Odense South Odense West Svend
Шаблон:Abbr [[Compensatory seat|Шаблон:Abbr]] Шаблон:Abbr
Шаблон:Party color cell Social Democrats A 7,657 9,985 12,724 12,051 12,493 11,636 11,305 12,210 90,061 28.86% 4 1 5
Шаблон:Party color cell Danish People's Party O 6,617 8,691 10,735 8,607 7,245 7,656 7,641 10,721 67,913 21.76% 3 1 4
Шаблон:Party color cell Venstre V 5,379 8,211 9,230 6,687 5,199 8,211 5,590 8,166 56,673 18.16% 3 0 3
Шаблон:Party color cell Red–Green Alliance Ø 1,806 2,710 2,444 2,405 5,282 3,729 3,246 4,953 26,575 8.51% 1 1 2
Шаблон:Party color cell Liberal Alliance I 1,626 1,955 2,675 1,872 3,176 3,864 2,687 2,416 20,271 6.49% 1 0 1
Шаблон:Party color cell The Alternative Å 925 1,549 1,280 1,102 2,466 2,227 1,705 2,911 14,165 4.54% 0 1 1
Шаблон:Party color cell Socialist People's Party F 939 1,493 1,606 1,435 2,343 2,133 1,877 1,964 13,790 4.42% 0 1 1
Шаблон:Party color cell Conservative People's Party C 836 1,590 1,439 1,041 1,172 1,964 1,369 1,438 10,849 3.48% 0 1 1
Шаблон:Party color cell Danish Social Liberal Party B 680 1,041 1,212 759 1,895 2,205 1,362 1,359 10,513 3.37% 0 0 0
Шаблон:Party color cell Christian Democrats K 115 136 175 129 194 246 139 159 1,293 0.41% 0 0 0
Valid Votes 26,580 37,361 43,520 36,088 41,465 43,871 36,921 46,297 312,103 100.00% 12 6 18
Blank Votes 254 351 381 317 558 430 395 496 3,182 1.01%
Rejected Votes – Other 89 106 89 126 228 179 166 142 1,125 0.36%
Total Polled 26,923 37,818 43,990 36,531 42,251 44,480 37,482 46,935 316,410 86.00%
Registered Electors 30,895 43,810 50,268 42,166 51,695 50,854 43,562 54,666 367,916
Turnout 87.14% 86.32% 87.51% 86.64% 81.73% 87.47% 86.04% 85.86% 86.00%

Votes per municipality:[21]

Party Votes per municipality Total
Ærø Assens Faa
Nyborg Odense Svend
Шаблон:Party color cell Social Democrats A 965 7,657 9,020 5,183 2,246 7,260 5,464 6,868 35,434 9,964 90,061
Шаблон:Party color cell Danish People's Party O 944 6,617 7,747 3,713 2,309 5,784 4,951 4,894 22,542 8,412 67,913
Шаблон:Party color cell Venstre V 794 5,379 7,417 2,795 1,912 5,001 4,229 3,892 19,000 6,254 56,673
Шаблон:Party color cell Red–Green Alliance Ø 361 1,806 2,349 991 780 1,417 1,027 1,414 12,257 4,173 26,575
Шаблон:Party color cell Liberal Alliance I 155 1,626 1,800 819 271 1,637 1,038 1,053 9,727 2,145 20,271
Шаблон:Party color cell The Alternative Å 223 925 1,326 449 366 824 456 653 6,398 2,545 14,165
Шаблон:Party color cell Socialist People's Party F 128 939 1,365 730 328 1,005 601 705 6,353 1,636 13,790
Шаблон:Party color cell Conservative People's Party C 614 836 976 517 169 793 646 524 4,505 1,269 10,849
Шаблон:Party color cell Danish Social Liberal Party B 67 680 974 304 152 845 367 455 5,462 1,207 10,513
Шаблон:Party color cell Christian Democrats K 16 115 120 66 28 112 63 63 579 131 1,293
Valid Votes 4,267 26,580 33,094 15,567 8,561 24,678 18,842 20,521 122,257 37,736 312,103
Blank Votes 31 254 320 132 95 224 157 185 1,383 401 3,182
Rejected Votes – Other 17 89 89 47 41 48 41 79 573 101 1,125
Total Polled 4,315 26,923 33,503 15,746 8,697 24,950 19,040 20,785 124,213 38,238 316,410
Registered Electors 5,088 30,895 38,722 18,047 10,245 28,428 21,840 24,119 146,111 44,421 367,916
Turnout 84.81% 87.14% 86.52% 87.25% 84.89% 87.77% 87.18% 86.18% 85.01% 86.08% 86.00%

The following candidates were elected:[28][29]


Results of the 2011 general election held on 15 September 2011:[30][31][32][33]

Party Votes per nomination district Total
% Seats
Assens Faa
Nyborg Odense East Odense South Odense West Svend
Шаблон:Abbr [[Compensatory seat|Шаблон:Abbr]] Шаблон:Abbr
Шаблон:Party color cell Social Democrats A 7,841 10,228 11,791 11,388 13,425 10,827 11,028 13,049 89,577 28.38% 4 1 5
Шаблон:Party color cell Venstre V 7,191 11,075 12,774 9,020 6,704 10,988 7,830 11,263 76,845 24.34% 3 1 4
Шаблон:Party color cell Danish People's Party O 3,634 5,005 6,179 4,968 4,227 4,521 4,462 5,982 38,978 12.35% 2 0 2
Шаблон:Party color cell Socialist People's Party F 2,509 3,586 4,112 3,799 5,279 4,400 3,876 5,429 32,990 10.45% 1 1 2
Шаблон:Party color cell Danish Social Liberal Party B 1,935 3,096 3,112 2,458 4,066 4,820 3,107 4,064 26,658 8.45% 1 0 1
Шаблон:Party color cell Red–Green Alliance Ø 1,419 2,070 1,825 1,871 3,581 2,660 2,445 4,043 19,914 6.31% 1 0 1
Шаблон:Party color cell Conservative People's Party C 1,291 1,844 2,013 1,551 1,948 2,953 2,224 2,209 16,033 5.08% 0 1 1
Шаблон:Party color cell Liberal Alliance I 1,135 1,405 1,960 1,426 1,748 2,233 1,490 1,767 13,164 4.17% 0 1 1
Шаблон:Party color cell Christian Democrats K 139 180 166 125 159 220 113 228 1,330 0.42% 0 0 0
Шаблон:Party color cell Lars Grønbæk Larsen (Independent) 4 12 4 47 4 11 4 16 102 0.03% 0 0 0
Шаблон:Party color cell Michael Ellegaard (Independent) 2 6 12 6 9 12 9 13 69 0.02% 0 0 0
Valid Votes 27,100 38,507 43,948 36,659 41,150 43,645 36,588 48,063 315,660 100.00% 12 5 17
Blank Votes 224 298 300 264 321 308 294 335 2,344 0.73%
Rejected Votes – Other 81 127 137 159 203 140 148 150 1,145 0.36%
Total Polled 27,405 38,932 44,385 37,082 41,674 44,093 37,030 48,548 319,149 87.78%
Registered Electors 31,003 44,247 49,998 41,745 49,693 49,486 42,136 55,260 363,568
Turnout 88.39% 87.99% 88.77% 88.83% 83.86% 89.10% 87.88% 87.85% 87.78%

Votes per municipality:[21]

Party Votes per municipality Total
Ærø Assens Faa
Nyborg Odense Svend
Шаблон:Party color cell Social Democrats A 1,113 7,841 9,115 5,002 2,567 6,622 5,169 6,386 35,280 10,482 89,577
Шаблон:Party color cell Venstre V 1,304 7,191 9,771 3,740 2,224 7,159 5,615 5,280 25,522 9,039 76,845
Шаблон:Party color cell Danish People's Party O 676 3,634 4,329 2,122 1,388 3,285 2,894 2,846 13,210 4,594 38,978
Шаблон:Party color cell Socialist People's Party F 371 2,509 3,215 1,719 916 2,158 1,954 2,080 13,555 4,513 32,990
Шаблон:Party color cell Danish Social Liberal Party B 287 1,935 2,809 1,057 596 2,084 1,028 1,401 11,993 3,468 26,658
Шаблон:Party color cell Red–Green Alliance Ø 309 1,419 1,761 759 688 1,083 742 1,112 8,686 3,355 19,914
Шаблон:Party color cell Conservative People's Party C 404 1,291 1,440 753 358 1,140 873 798 7,125 1,851 16,033
Шаблон:Party color cell Liberal Alliance I 121 1,135 1,284 634 268 1,190 770 792 5,471 1,499 13,164
Шаблон:Party color cell Christian Democrats K 29 139 151 61 45 110 56 64 492 183 1,330
Шаблон:Party color cell Lars Grønbæk Larsen (Independent) 1 4 11 7 2 2 2 40 19 14 102
Шаблон:Party color cell Michael Ellegaard (Independent) 0 2 6 1 5 8 4 5 30 8 69
Valid Votes 4,615 27,100 33,892 15,855 9,057 24,841 19,107 20,804 121,383 39,006 315,660
Blank Votes 32 224 266 109 58 151 149 155 923 277 2,344
Rejected Votes – Other 21 81 106 61 29 74 63 98 491 121 1,145
Total Polled 4,668 27,405 34,264 16,025 9,144 25,066 19,319 21,057 122,797 39,404 319,149
Registered Electors 5,325 31,003 38,922 17,844 10,679 27,987 22,011 23,901 141,315 44,581 363,568
Turnout 87.66% 88.39% 88.03% 89.81% 85.63% 89.56% 87.77% 88.10% 86.90% 88.39% 87.78%

The following candidates were elected:[34][35]


Results of the 2007 general election held on 13 November 2007:[36][37][38][39][40]

Party Votes per nomination district Total
% Seats
Assens Faa
Nyborg Odense East Odense South Odense West Svend
Шаблон:Abbr [[Compensatory seat|Шаблон:Abbr]] Шаблон:Abbr
Шаблон:Party color cell Social Democrats A 7,198 9,533 11,214 10,186 12,459 10,375 10,323 12,107 83,395 26.93% 4 0 4
Шаблон:Party color cell Venstre V 6,430 10,105 10,961 8,400 5,439 8,048 5,768 11,047 66,198 21.38% 3 0 3
Шаблон:Party color cell Danish People's Party O 4,236 5,771 6,977 5,709 5,282 5,323 5,173 7,372 45,843 14.80% 2 0 2
Шаблон:Party color cell Socialist People's Party F 3,136 4,791 4,641 4,761 7,507 6,144 5,305 6,973 43,258 13.97% 2 0 2
Шаблон:Party color cell Conservative People's Party C 3,517 4,656 5,712 4,188 4,645 7,619 5,802 5,086 41,225 13.31% 1 1 2
Шаблон:Party color cell Danish Social Liberal Party B 1,160 1,907 1,880 1,411 2,251 2,777 1,676 2,492 15,554 5.02% 0 1 1
Шаблон:Party color cell New Alliance Y 649 892 957 711 1,028 1,327 807 1,105 7,476 2.41% 0 0 0
Шаблон:Party color cell Unity List Ø 302 558 386 432 1,080 819 640 1,229 5,446 1.76% 0 0 0
Шаблон:Party color cell Christian Democrats K 112 134 146 107 181 222 116 177 1,195 0.39% 0 0 0
Шаблон:Party color cell Michael Ellegård (Independent) 3 9 9 13 3 10 7 14 68 0.02% 0 0 0
Valid Votes 26,743 38,356 42,883 35,918 39,875 42,664 35,617 47,602 309,658 100.00% 12 2 14
Blank Votes 142 226 228 207 202 191 156 267 1,619 0.52%
Rejected Votes – Other 84 93 98 70 94 95 84 105 723 0.23%
Total Polled 26,969 38,675 43,209 36,195 40,171 42,950 35,857 47,974 312,000 86.55%
Registered Electors 31,094 44,375 49,435 41,356 48,724 48,691 41,412 55,388 360,475
Turnout 86.73% 87.15% 87.41% 87.52% 82.45% 88.21% 86.59% 86.61% 86.55%

Votes per municipality:[21]

Party Votes per municipality Total
Ærø Assens Faa
Nyborg Odense Svend
Шаблон:Party color cell Social Democrats A 1,176 7,198 8,357 4,397 2,298 6,362 4,852 5,789 33,157 9,809 83,395
Шаблон:Party color cell Venstre V 1,158 6,430 8,947 3,367 2,286 6,124 4,837 5,033 19,255 8,761 66,198
Шаблон:Party color cell Danish People's Party O 721 4,236 5,050 2,482 1,763 3,737 3,240 3,227 15,778 5,609 45,843
Шаблон:Party color cell Socialist People's Party F 474 3,136 4,317 2,083 1,170 2,644 1,997 2,678 18,956 5,803 43,258
Шаблон:Party color cell Conservative People's Party C 748 3,517 3,908 2,004 883 2,952 2,760 2,184 18,066 4,203 41,225
Шаблон:Party color cell Danish Social Liberal Party B 157 1,160 1,750 618 402 1,198 682 793 6,704 2,090 15,554
Шаблон:Party color cell New Alliance Y 81 649 811 307 194 588 369 404 3,162 911 7,476
Шаблон:Party color cell Unity List Ø 69 302 489 172 211 230 156 260 2,539 1,018 5,446
Шаблон:Party color cell Christian Democrats K 18 112 116 55 32 101 45 52 519 145 1,195
Шаблон:Party color cell Michael Ellegård (Independent) 0 3 9 4 1 5 4 9 20 13 68
Valid Votes 4,602 26,743 33,754 15,489 9,240 23,941 18,942 20,429 118,156 38,362 309,658
Blank Votes 17 142 209 92 68 117 111 115 549 199 1,619
Rejected Votes – Other 10 84 83 32 26 65 33 38 273 79 723
Total Polled 4,629 26,969 34,046 15,613 9,334 24,123 19,086 20,582 118,978 38,640 312,000
Registered Electors 5,434 31,094 38,941 17,562 10,998 27,541 21,894 23,794 138,827 44,390 360,475
Turnout 85.19% 86.73% 87.43% 88.90% 84.87% 87.59% 87.17% 86.50% 85.70% 87.05% 86.55%

The following candidates were elected:[41][42]



Шаблон:Constituencies of Denmark