Английская Википедия:Fusarium sterilihyphosum

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:Speciesbox

Fusarium sterilihyphosum is a plant pathogen.[1] It infects mango trees.[2] Its aerial mycelium is almost white; conidiophores on aerial mycelium are erect, occasionally prostrate, and sympodially branched bearing mono- and polyphialides. Phialides on aerial conidiophores mono and polyphialidic. Sterile hyphae are present. Microconidia are obovoid, oval to allantoid, 0-septate conidia are abundant, 1-septate conidia less common. Sporodochia are seldom present. Macroconidia have slightly beaked apical cells, a footlike basal cell, 3–5 septate. Chlamydospores are absent.



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Шаблон:Hypocreales-stub Шаблон:Fungus-tree-disease-stub