Virginia Margaret-Ann Adlide
For service to the families of seriously ill children through Ronald McDonald House
Henry William Aitken
For service to the community and local government
Stanley Clifford Alchin
For services to psychiatric nursing
Peter Charles Alexander, Шаблон:Post-nominals
For services to veterans and to the Scottish Celtic community
Leslie Alexander Anderson
For service to the community
Laurence Stanley Andriske
For service to local government
Clarence William Arbuckle
For service to health as CEO, Wesley Hospital, Auchenflower
Lorraine Margaret Archer
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games, Madrid 1992
Dr Louis Charles Ariotti, Шаблон:Post-nominals
For service to medicine as a surgeon and radiologist
Tanya Ann Atcheson
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games, Madrid
Grace Millicent Atkinson
For service to the aged through St Annes Nursing Home and Hostel
Maisie Pauline Austin
For service to sport, particularly basketball
Daniel William Austin
For service to the print media, particularly through the Regional Press
John Gordon Bain
For service to the Australian Rugby Union football as a player and Australian selector
Kenneth Lawrence Bannister
For service to the community through Lifeline and the Gold Coast Homeless Youth Project Inc
Tracy Lee Barrell
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games, Barcelona 1992
Jacqueline Barrett
For service to the community, particularly through the SID's Association, NSW
Denis Joseph Barritt
For service to the community and the law
Alfred David Basheer
For service to the tourism and hospitality industry, particularly through the Australian Hotels Association
Phyllis Eileen Batchelor
For service to the performing arts as a composer, pianist and teacher
Margaret Winifred Beardwood
For service to the community
Rex Cyril Daniel Bennett
For service to the community and to the road transport industry
Lorna Bennetts
For service to local government and to conservation and the environment
Dorothy Elizabeth Betty
For service to women, particularly through the National Council of Women, NSW
Lloyd Henry Bird
For service to botany and conservation
Reginald James Percival Bishop
For service to youth through teaching and conducting brass band music
Vera Jessie Victoria Blood
For service to the community and nursing
Raymond Botto
For service to the sugar industry and to the community
Bruce Leonard Bowley
For service to hockey and to cricket as a player, coach and administrator
Sydney John Bradley
For service to veterans
Hedley Murray Bray
For service to health through the Australian Medic Alert Foundation Inc and to the community
The Hon Ernest Francis Bridge
For service to the WA Parliament and to Aboriginal Affairs
Brian Ernest Austin Brown
For service to the performing arts as a jazz performer, educator and composer
Stanley Bryant
For service to the manufacturing industry
Donna Burns
For service to sport as a gold medalist at the Paralympic Games, Madrid 1992
Kenneth Graeme Burrows
For service to the Public Service, particularly in the field of marine cartography
Zona Gladys Burston
For service to the community
Allan Robert Butler
For service to the sport as a gold medalist at the Paralympic Games, Barcelona 1992
Archibald William Cameron
For service to history and to the community
Alan Beval Castle
For service to the community and veterans
Mary Fairbairn Childe
For service to music as a concert pianist, teacher and examiner
Elvis Yiufai Chow
For service to the Chinese Chamber of Commerce
Gladys Evelyn Christian
For service to the community and youth
David William Clark
For service to the building and construction industry and to the Stanwell Skills Development Project
John Henry Collinson
For service to the sport of rifle shooting
Jason Stuart Cooper
For service to sport as gold medalist at the Paralympic Games, Madrid 1992
Priya Naree Cooper
For service to sport as a gold medalist at the Paralympic Games, Barcelona 1992
Ivy Shirley Coulson
For service to the community, particularly through the St John Ambulance 'Save a Life' programme
Tracey Nicole Cross
For service to sport as a gold medalist at the Paralympic Games, Barcelona 1992
Anne Nicole Currie
For service to sport as a gold medalist at the Paralympic Games, Barcelona 1992
Winifred Hilda Danby
For service to the community through social welfare services and organisations for senior citizens
Colin Frederick Davies
For service to the law and to the community
Cedric Davies
For service to local government and to the community
Robert Edwin Day
For service to the community
Gladys Edith Delaney
For service to sport as a gold medalist at the Paralympic Games, Madrid 1992
Harrie William Dening
For service to the sport of soccer
Maurice Lindsay Denson
For service to the community and to scouting
Clare Devlin
For service to the community through the 'Friends at Court' support group
Leonard Mervyn Diprose
For service to aviation
George Boi Ditchmen
For service to avaition engineering
Pamella Phyllis Dock
For service to community nursing through the care and support of mothers and babies
William Matthew Dougherty
For service to the community and the aged
Wendy Fay Driver
For service to the community, particularly to children with hearing impairments and other disabilities
Gordon George Drummond
For service to the community, particularly through the NSW Animal Welfare League
Squadron Leader Walter Alexander Eacott
For service to the community and to retirees
Neil Oldham Easton
For service to the performing arts as an opera singer and teacher
Dr Thomas Wynn Edwards
For service to veterinary science and to the RSPCA WA
Myra Eunice Farley
For service to philately, particularly through the Royal Philatelic Society of Victoria
Sergeant Leslie Alfred Fawkes
For service to the community
Karl Peter Thomas Feifar
For service to sport as a gold medalist at the Paralympic Games, Barcelona 1992
Francis John Fenwick
For service to amateur swimming associations
Mavis Jean Filmer
For service to charitable organisations
Anton James Flavel
For service to sport as a gold medalist at the Paralympic Games, Madrid 1992
Iris Merle Forsyth
For service to the arts as a pianist, teacher and examiner and to the community through fundraising for charitable organisations
Ian Munro Fraser
For service to youth, particularly through the Naval Reserve Cadets
Dr Peter Allen Fricker
For service to sports medicine
Neil Robert Fuller
For service to sport as a gold medalist at the Paralympic Games, Barcelona 1992
Melissa Jane Gallagher
For service to aport as a gold medalist at the Paralympic Games, Madrid 1992
Daryl George Gallagher
For service to the sport of skiing
Maxwell Noel Gamlin
For service to the community
Michele Gangemi
For service to the Italian community
Geoffrey Leo Gard, Шаблон:Post-nominals
For service to the community, particularly through the Sportsman's Association of Australia (Tas) and the Royal Australian Corps of Signals (Tas)
Maida Winnifred Gardner
For service to scouting and to women
Pete Mcpherson Garnsey
For service to the community
Frances Thelma Gavel
For service to the community, particularly through the United Hospital Auxiliaries of NSW
Margaret Valma Joyce Gebhart
For service to the sport of netball and to the community
Margaret Beryl Gill
For service to English teaching and to education
Dr Wojciech Gorski
For service to the Polish community
Ernest Norman Graham, Шаблон:Post-nominals
For service to the community and to veterans
Peter John Graham
For service to local government, the Presbyterian Church and to the community
Edward John Stephen Grant
For service to the community
Eric Vincent Gray
For service to secondary school education and to the community
Barbara Elizabeth Grealy
For service to women, particularly through the Catholic Women's League (SA), Australian Church Women and the World Union of Catholic Women's Organisation
Ronald Ninian Grieve
For service to primary industry, particularly as a breeder of Angus cattle and to the community
Freda Madge Griffin
For service to people with disabilities, particularly through Better Hearing Australia (WA)
John Arthur Griffin
For service to tourism
Lieutenant Colonel Jerzy Gruszka,(ret'd)
For service to the Polish community
Dixie Christina Gunning
For service to the Guide Dogs for the Blind committee, WA
Margaret Gutman
For service to the Jewish community, particularly through the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies
Josephine Elspeth Hall
For service to children as director of the University Pre-School and Childcare Centre, ANU
Joan Margaret Halliday
For service to classical dance education
Monica Marie Halliday
For service to classical dance education
Valrene Joy Hampton
For service to children, particularly through the support of an orphan scheme
Rene Hardenbol
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games, Madrid 1992
Dorothy Elizabeth Harrington
For service to people with intellectual disabilities
Helen Ruth Harris
For service to community history
Daphne Heather Hass
For service to softball
Kevin James Haycock
For service to scouting
Robert Lewis Hayes
For service to Technical and Further Education and to education administration
Kenneth George Hazelwood
For service to veterans
Sister Marie Therese Hedigan
For service to hospital administration and to Hospice Home Care Services
Trevor Ross Heitmann
For service to the State Emergency Service (SA)
Daryl John Hicks
For service to Australian Rules football and to the community
Fiona Ann Hinds
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Madrid 1992
Joshua Powell Hofer
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games, Madrid 1992
Violet Pozieres Holland
For service to women and to the aged
Alwyn Edward Holmes
For service to community health particularly through the Hunter Valley Cancer Appeal
Lorraine Holmes
For service to the visual arts in the Illawarra Region
Catherine Lucette Huggett
For service to sport as a gold medalist at the Paralympic Games, Barcelona 1992
Christine Ann Humphries
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games, Madrid 1992
Alderman Alan Aizley Hyam
For service to local government and to the community
Alick Jackomos
For service to the Aboriginal Advancement League (VIC) and to researching and recording Aboriginal family genealogies
Katherine Anne Mackay Jacobs
For service to the Australian Red Cross Society
Lembit (Jess) Jarver
For service to athletics as a coach, administrator, commentator and writer
Melville Cora Jeisman
For service to nursing
William Cyril Jewell
For service to the Mount Royal Hospital
Graham Douglas Johnson
For service to the community and to youth
George Eric Johnson
For service to tennis administration
Brother Michael Johnson
For service to education
The Reverend Bernard George Judd, Шаблон:Post-nominals
For service to the community, particularly through the Council of Churches, NSW
Sofija Kanas
For service to multicultural organisations and to women's health issues
Annette Priscilla Kelly
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games, Madrid 1992
Bettina Faye Kenna
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games, Madrid 1992
John Kennedy
For service to the community
Margaret Lorraine Kenny
For service to the Mercy Hospital for Women, East Melbourne Auxiliary
Gwenda Emily Kitto
For service to the Girl Guides Association of South Australia
Kenneth Keese Lambert
For service to the taxi industry
Jeannie Irene Lane
For service to the United Hospital Auxiliaries, Coledale Branch
Malva Langford
For service to veterans particularly through the Australian Army Medical Women's Service Association
Ruth Margaret Lee
For service to the community and to the Freedom From Hunger Campaign
Marianne Lewinsky
For service to the aged
Wilfred Felix Lewton
For service to amateur angling as an administrator
John Lindsay
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games, Barcelona 1992
Peter Edward Liu
For service to the Chinese community and to business and commerce
David Thomas Lowe
For service to disadvantaged youth through Drug Arm, Toowoomba and to music education
Dorham Mann
For service to the winemaking industry
Kenneth Marland
For service to the community and to youth
Donald Lawrence Mathieson
For service to Australian Rules football
Jack Roy Matthews
For service to the community and to local government
Don Barry Matts
For service to speleology and to the Cave Rescue Group of the Volunteer Rescue Association NSW
Ernst Henry Matuschka
For service to the community and to veterans
Mandy Nicole Maywood
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games, Barcelona 1992
Wallace Robert Armour McAlpine
For service to the community, particularly through the Uniting Church and to Rotary
Philip James McCallum
For service to the community
Brian James McGuire
For service to primary school sports administration and to the community
Amy Ann Merle McKay
For service to the community and to disadvantaged children
John Joseph McLaughlin
For service to sport and to the community
Brian Frederick McNicholl
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games, Barcelona 1992
Harry James McPhee
For service to the community as custodian of the Norman Lindsay Gallery and Museum
Isabella Nance McPherson
For service to the Essendon and District Memorial Hospital Auxiliary and to the community
Reverend Francis Augustine Mecham
For service to the community and to religion
Charles Victor Miller
For service to veterans and to the aged
Bruce Colin Milne
For service to farming and land care management
Michael John Milton
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games, Albertville 1992
Dorothy Loring Mitchell
For service to people with disabilities through the Art Society for the Handicapped
Harry Frank Moore
For service to the community
Maurice Edwin Morgan
For service to people with disabilities
Freda Mott, Шаблон:Post-nominals
For service to the United Hospital Auxiliaries, Armidale branch
Raymond William Motteram
For service to the Field and Game Federation of Australia
Zena Joy Mulhall
For service to veterans, particularly through the Atherton Returned and Services League Auxiliary
Djon Scott Mundine
For service to the promotion and development of Aboriginal arts, crafts and culture
Klavdia Nikolaevna Mutsenko-Yakounin
For service to the Russian community
Maxwell Edwin Nancarrow
For service to community health as national president of the Australian Cardiacs Association
Rodney Francis Nugent
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games, Barcelona, 1992
Harry Wilfred Nunn
For public service as an archivist and for service to archival profession and to record management
Patrick Edward Paul O'Brien
For service to athletics
Audrey Brenda O'Byrne
For service to the aged
Kevin Francis O'Neill
For service to local government and to the community
Terence Joseph O'Shane
For service to Aboriginal people, particularly in the areas of equity, social justice and land rights
Margaret Oats
For service to the disadvantaged in the community, particularly as foundation chairperson, Share Care, Collingwood
Marjory Agnes Oddie
For service to local government
Shirley Iles Orpin
For service to scouting
Dr Raymond Charles Owen
For service to dentistry
Mary Pandilo
For service to the Aboriginal community
Zelda Cecille Pearlman
For service to the Jewish community
Alice Maud Penman
For service to veterans, particularly through the Returned and Services League NSW and to the Friends of the Northcott Neurological Centre
Lance Joseph Pereira
For service to the blind and visually impaired, particularly those suffering from retinitis pigmentosa
Warren George Perkins
For service to the community, particularly through the Cape Hawke Community Hospital Association
Martin George Henry Pitt
For service to industrial relations, particularly through the Electrical Trades Union
Colin Francis Platt
For service to scouting
James Matthew Price, Шаблон:Post-nominals
For service to local government and to primary industry
James Sydney Bryant (Rex) Prior
For service to the community
Marguerite Barbara Pritchard
For service to the Girl Guides Association
Alison Clare Quinn
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games, Barcelona 1992
Dr Noel McHugh Ramsey
For service to family medicine
John Alexander Rawes
For service to St John Ambulance SA and to accountancy
John William Rawlinson
For service to the building industry, particularly as a quantity surveyor
Stanley James Lawler Ray
For service to Australian Rules football
Maurice Thomas Reddan
For service to rowing
Dr Charles Rowland Bromley Richards, Шаблон:Post-nominals
For service to sports medicine and to The Sun-Herald City to Surf Fun Run
Claude Gordon George Robertson
For service to local government and to motorcycling
Alan Charles Robertson
For service to local government and to engineering
D'arcy Daniel Robinson
For service to veterans and to the aged
Don Grant Rodgers
For services to surf-lifesaving
William John Ronald
For service to the Australian Fencing Federation
John James Frederick Roper
For service to traditional church bellringing, particularly through St Paul's Cathedral, Melbourne
Murdoch John Ross
For service to local government and to the community
Domenica Maria Immacolata Rossi
For service to women and to the Italian community, particularly through the Reservoir Italian Women's Group
Phillip Rothman, Шаблон:Post-nominals
For service to swimming, particularly through the Learn to Swim Campaign NSW
Carl Middleton Routley
For service to veterans, particularly through the Rats of Tobruk Association
Evangelene Salakas
For service to charitable organisations
Alix Louise Sauvage
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games, Barcelona 1992
Geoff Shaw
For service to Aboriginal people through the NT Town Camps Movement and as general manager of the Tangentyere Council
Margaret (Peggy) Shearing
For service to swimming
Kennerly Collingwood Sheel
For service to tennis as an administrator
Russell Luke Short
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games, Barcelona 1992
Sister Heather Jane (Jenny) Short
For service to nursing, particularly through the Orthopaedic Training Laboratory, St George Hospital
Pastor Jean Gardeniar Sizer
For service to the Uniting Church and to the community
Patricia May Smeeton, Шаблон:Post-nominals
For service to the community and to the Anglican Mothers Union (Perth)
Reverend Edward James Smith
For service to people with disabilities, particularly through the Crossroads Christian Fellowship
Norman Clarence Smith
For service to veterans, particularly through the Returned and Services League NSW
Russell Hugh Smith
For service to the performing arts as a singer and teacher of opera
Donna Maree Smith
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games, Barcelona 1992
Sister Edith Olive Smith
For service to people with disabilities and to nursing, particularly through the Crossroads Christian Fellowship and the Blue Nursing Service
Jessie Agnes Spark
For service to nursing and to the community, particularly through the Geelong Hospice Care Association
Sol Spitalnic
For service to amateur boxing as a administrator
Kenneth Henry Springbett
For service to Meals on Wheels
Winifred Rose (Dot) Springbett
For service to Meals on Wheels
Leonard John Stevens
For service to the community
Harold Maitland Stevens
For service to athletics
Professor Daniel Desmond Stewart
For service to education
Anthony Frank Stokes
For service to veterans
Phillip Wall Thompson
For service to the Georges River National Park Trust
Darren Brian Thrupp
For service to sport as a gold medalist at the Paralympic Games, Barcelona 1992
Henryk Tomaszewski
For service to the Polish community
Alice May Toogood
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games, Madrid 1992
Norma Muriel Topp
For service to the community, particularly as national director of Tall Fashion Promotions of Australia
Nancy Tranby
For service to the community, particularly through St John Ambulance, Australia
Mannix Philip Tulley
For service to the community, particularly through the Bayswater Elderly Citizens Help Organisation
Eileen Margaret Turner
For service to the Tasmanian Pensioners Union, Hobart and Glenorchy branches
Kevin Douglas Umback
For service to local history, particularly the restoration and maintenance of Bega Valley cemeteries
Katherine Patricia Ursich
For service to the community
Ronald Trevor Vayro
For service to the development of the sport of blind cricket for visually impaired players
Peter William Waldron
For service to farming and land care management
Joseph William Walker
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games, Madrid 1992
Richard Barry Walley
For service to the performing arts and to the promotion of the culture of the South Western Aboriginals, the Nyoongahs
Bruce Wallrodt
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games, Barcelona 1992
Graham Anthony Walsh
For service to the community
Gordon Warby
For service to people with intellectual disabilities, particularly through the Maitland Branch of the Challenge Foundation
Nola Margaret Warby
For service to people with intellectual disabilities, particularly through the Maitland Branch of the Challenge Foundation
Lilian Gladys Waugh
For service to netball
Gwennyth Imrie Webb
For service to the arts as director of the Sale Regional Art Gallery
Arthur James Webster
For service to primary industry
Raymond Wallace Whiteside
For service to the community, particularly as chairman of the Geelong and District Water Board
Margaret Jule Wilkie
For service to the community
Dr Sara Williams
For service to medicine, particularly in the field of child psychiatry
Jodi Glenda Willis
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games, Barcelona 1992
John Willis
For service to aviation
Lancelot Ghwelf Clarence Woodhouse
For service to the community, particularly through the Shepparton International Village
Sandra Yaxley
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games, Barcelona 1992
Reverend Nicholas Zervas
For service to the Greek community