Английская Википедия:2003 Swiss federal election

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:Infobox legislative electionШаблон:Politics of Switzerland

Federal elections were held in Switzerland on 19 October 2003.[1] Although in Switzerland's political system, in which all four major parties form a coalition, it is very difficult to achieve a change of government, this election produced an upset with the strong showing of the right-wing, anti-European Union and anti-immigration Swiss People's Party. The left-wing parties, the Social Democrats and the Greens, also improved their positions. The losers were the parties of the centre and centre-right, the Christian Democratic People's Party and the Free Democratic Party.

In the aftermath of the elections Ruth Metzler-Arnold, one of the two Christian Democrats in the Federal Council was replaced by Christoph Blocher, the most influential politician in the Swiss People's Party.

Electoral system

Switzerland has a bicameral legislature, the Federal Assembly (Assemblée Fédérale / Bundesversammlung / Asamblea Federale / Assemblea Federala).

  • The National Council (Conseil National / Nationalrat / Consiglio Nazionale / Cussegl Naziunal) has 200 members, elected for four-year terms by proportional representation in multi-member constituencies corresponding to the 26 Swiss cantons and half-cantons.
  • The Council of States (Conseil des Etats / Ständerat / Consiglio degli Stati / Cussegl dals Stadis) has 46 members elected for four-year terms from multi-member and single-member constituencies.

These elections were to the National Council and for most of the members of the Council of States.

All parties in Switzerland have different names in French, German and Italian, and conduct separate campaigns in the different language areas.


National Council

Шаблон:Election results

By constituency

Constituency Seats Electorate Turnout Party Votes Seats
Aargau 15 363,920 153,832 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 778,770 6
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 474,727 3
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 348,639 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 342,629 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 133,202 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 116,864 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss Democrats 32,175 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Freedom Party 5,070 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss Nationalist Party 2,867 0
Appenzell Ausserrhoden 1 36,047 17,789 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 7,161 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 6,680 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 3,468 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Others 131 0
Appenzell Innerrhoden 1 10,228 3,595 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 2,310 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 725 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Others 300 0
Basel-Landschaft 7 179,186 79,248 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 144,624 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 134,620 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 108,566 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 68,652 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 54,769 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss Democrats 14,707 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 14,554 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Non-Partisan 4Wb 4,332 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Freedom Party 1,107 0
Basel-Stadt 5 116,361 57,735 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 115,492 3
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 52,574 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 27,975 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Liberal Party 23,873 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 18,612 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 16,122 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Strong Alternative Basel 9,893 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 8,080 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | People's Action 4,425 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss Democrats 3,122 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Federal Democratic Union 2,086 0
Bern 26 685,159 288,679 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 2,180,961 8
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 2,058,317 8
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 1,089,897 4
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 683,025 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 379,099 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Federal Democratic Union 301,886 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss Democrats 196,458 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 172,639 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Romand List 143,558 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Freedom Party 77,436 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Independent Health Party 64,081 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Action Jörg Stettler 16,254 0
Fribourg 7 164,210 74,547 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 128,063 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 108,437 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 107,958 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 64,369 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Social Party 52,766 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 20,305 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free List - Solidarity 11,158 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Federal Democratic Union 3,625 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 3,614 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Independent Movement 2,644 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Direct Access 1,694 0
Geneva 11 219,984 101,081 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 268,703 3
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 198,586 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Liberal Party 182,517 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 128,317 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 121,762 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 79,030 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Solidarity 58,903 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Party of Labour 29,195 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Union of Swiss Patriots 10,735 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | The Communists 7,506 0
Glarus 1 24,934 6,304 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 3,811 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 701 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 334 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Others 831 0
Grisons 5 129,782 50,766 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 81,012 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 59,624 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 56,295 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 37,849 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Federal Democratic Union 4,484 0
Jura 2 48,356 22,552 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 17,517 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 15,186 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 7,243 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 3,675 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Federal Democratic Union 787 0
Lucerne 10 237,537 120,970 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 345,791 3
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 280,566 3
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 271,153 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 130,694 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 115,076 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | CHance21 18,352 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 9,505 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss Democrats 4,137 0
Neuchâtel 5 105,235 59,925 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 74,551 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 57,279 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 37,800 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Liberal Party 36,808 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 35,247 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Party of Labour 7,655 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Solidarity 5,630 0
Nidwalden 1 28,266 11,136 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 7,888 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss Democrats 912 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Others 111 0
Obwalden 1 22,900 10,471 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 6,402 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 3,238 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Others 2 0
Schaffhausen 2 48,022 30,349 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 23,054 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 16,923 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 16,565 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 1,540 0
Schwyz 4 89,902 43,338 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 72,419 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 38,894 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 29,134 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 25,471 0
Solothurn 7 166,052 78,689 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 136,667 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 129,086 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 120,967 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 113,193 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 32,283 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 6,445 0
St. Gallen 12 291,445 124,786 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 486,421 4
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 326,104 3
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 270,353 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 215,599 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 103,868 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 22,118 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Federal Democratic Union 16,457 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss Democrats 11,165 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Catholic People's Party 6,129 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Animal Welfare is Human Protection 6,054 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Brave and Innovative, One for All 4,957 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | The East Swiss Party 1,405 0
Ticino 8 198,992 96,760 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 218,619 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 189,427 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 180,320 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Ticino League 58,428 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 55,652 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 21,765 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Risorgimento ticinese 9,552 0
Thurgau 6 146,431 62,771 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 151,591 3
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 60,764 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 52,080 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 43,909 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 29,282 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss Democrats 10,879 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 10,020 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Federal Democratic Union 7,145 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Catholic People's Party 2,557 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Freedom Party 1,147 1
Uri 1 25,513 11,323 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 3,964 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 3,384 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 3,312 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Others 160 0
Vaud 18 373,917 172,119 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 604,820 4
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 567,015 4
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 515,592 4
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 315,430 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Liberal Party 308,437 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Party of Labour 187,388 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 128,878 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Solidarity 73,483 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Federal Democratic Union 49,225 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 18,365 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss Democrats 9,675 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Future + Security 7,268 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | The Right to Know 6,843 0
Valais 7 190,121 101,344 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 259,846 3
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 128,428 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 114,910 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 89,834 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Social Party 62,382 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 17,443 0
Zug 3 67,318 35,418 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 28,715 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 23,730 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 23,178 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Alternative Kanton Zug 14,095 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 13,929 0
Zürich 34 810,622 365,859 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 4,103,136 12
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 3,153,112 10
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 1,995,988 5
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 1,040,672 3
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 667,236 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 504,952 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Alternative List 266,063 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Federal Democratic Union 253,322 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Forum 112,781 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss Democrats 106,877 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Hanf Ueli 23,731 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Youth in Parliament! 19,287 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Europe Party 12,184 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Freedom Party 11,364 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Humanist Party 9,730 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Die-Jugend.ch 4,206 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Danowski 3,631 0
Source: Bundesblatt, 18 November 2003

Council of the States

Шаблон:Election results

See also




External links

Шаблон:Swiss elections Шаблон:Portal bar

  1. Dieter Nohlen & Philip Stöver (2010) Elections in Europe: A data handbook, p1895 Шаблон:ISBN