Английская Википедия:2022 Serbian general election

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:EngvarB Шаблон:Use dmy dates Шаблон:Good article Шаблон:Infobox electionШаблон:2022 Serbian general election series

General elections were held in Serbia on 3 April 2022 to elect both the president of Serbia and members of the National Assembly. Initially, parliamentary elections were scheduled to be held in 2024; however, in October 2020 president Aleksandar Vučić said that snap parliamentary elections would be held in or before April 2022. In addition to the general elections, local elections were held simultaneously in 12 municipalities and 2 cities, including Belgrade, the capital of Serbia.

The Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) came to power after the 2012 election when it formed a coalition government with the Socialist Party of Serbia. SNS won a supermajority of seats following the 2020 parliamentary election, which was boycotted by the major opposition Alliance for Serbia coalition that claimed that the election would not be free and fair. Vučić, who was elected president in 2017, faced protests during his first term, most notably during 2018–2020 and in July 2020. The government also oversaw the inter-party dialogues regarding electoral conditions which took place in 2021, while the agreement regarding the conditions between the government and opposition parties was reached in October 2021. Over the course of 2021 and early 2022, environmental protests were also held, reaching a climax in November and December 2021. A constitutional referendum, held in January 2022, was approved by 60 percent of the voters, although the turnout was 30 percent.

The campaign period was met with polarisation. Some organisations noted that the ruling party dominated the media, although news channels organised debates and political programme presentations during this period. Candidates concentrated on issues such as fighting against corruption, emphasising the rule of law, as well as issues regarding the economy, environment, and infrastructure. The Republic Electoral Commission confirmed that 19 parliamentary lists and eight presidential candidates registered to participate in the general elections.

Vučić won 60 percent of the votes in the first round of the presidential election, while Zdravko Ponoš, the candidate of the United for the Victory of Serbia coalition, placed second. The coalition around SNS lost its majority in the National Assembly, although 12 ballot lists crossed the threshold and entered the National Assembly. Multiple non-governmental organisations noted the occurrence of election irregularities during the election day. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe monitoring mission evaluated that fundamental freedoms were largely respected and that voters were presented with diverse political options, but a number of shortcomings resulted in an uneven playing field, favouring the incumbents. Ana Brnabić, who has been the prime minister since 2017, and her cabinet were inaugurated in October 2022. Шаблон:TOC limit


Шаблон:See also A populist coalition led by the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and supported by the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), came to power after the 2012 parliamentary election.[1] Aleksandar Vučić, who was appointed as deputy prime minister in 2012, was elected prime minister after the 2014 election, and finally elected as president in 2017, winning 55% of the popular vote.[2] Since he came to power, observers have assessed that Serbia has suffered from democratic backsliding into authoritarianism, followed by a decline in media freedom and civil liberties.[3][4] Mass protests began after his election in 2017 due to the alleged dominant control of Serbia's media by Vučić.[5][6] Subsequently, he appointed Ana Brnabić as the new head of government,[7] who initially served as an independent but later joined SNS in 2019.[8]

The assassination of opposition politician Oliver Ivanović and an assault on another opposition politician Borko Stefanović triggered the start in late November 2018 of long-lasting anti-government protests,[9][10][11][12] which ended in March 2020 due to the proclamation of COVID-19 lockdowns.[13] These protests helped to strengthen the unity of opposition forces, of which the Alliance for Serbia (SzS) was the biggest and most prominent,[14][15] while demonstrators demanded the resignation of Vučić and other senior officials.[16][17] Parallel to this, Vučić launched the "Future of Serbia" rallies in 2019.[18] Journalist Slobodan Georgiev noted that the rallies effectively silenced the protests.[19] SzS declared that they would boycott the 2020 parliamentary election, citing that the conditions were not free and fair.[20][21]

The SNS-led ballot list, named "For Our Children", won a supermajority of votes and seats in the June 2020 parliamentary election,[22] while the government was formed in late October 2020.[23] Following the election, Vučić stated that snap parliamentary elections would be held in or before April 2022.[24] Shortly after the election ended, protests erupted in Belgrade.[25] These anti-government protests were marked with police brutality and violence orchestrated by the government,[26][27][28] while the protesters were divided between taking peaceful and violent approaches.[25][29][30] The protests lasted until early August 2020, while some sporadic protests continued to be organised until late 2020.[31][32] SzS was challenged with inter-coalition conflicts that remained active until its dissolution in August 2020.[33] The United Opposition of Serbia (UOPS) was formed as a direct successor to the SzS shortly after.[33] The coalition was also faced with inter-coalition conflicts, and due to their ideological differences, the coalition ended up being dissolved between December 2020 and January 2021.[33][34][35] It was split into two blocs, which were headed by the Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) and People's Party (Narodna).[36][37]

Inter-party dialogues on electoral conditions

The dialogues between opposition and government parties to improve election conditions began on 28 April 2021.[38][39] Opposition parties that had negative opinions regarding the European Union decided to not participate in talks with delegators from the European Parliament.[40][41] Parties that declined to take part in talks with delegators from the European Parliament were a part of work board dialogues, which began on 18 May 2021.[42] The talks with delegators from the European Parliament began on 9 July 2021.[43]

Members of the European Parliament Tanja Fajon, Vladimír Bilčík and Knut Fleckenstein met with Vučić in Belgrade on 9 July 2021.[44] Soon after, the discussion began with Vladimir Orlić, Sandra Božić, and Marijan Rističević representing SNS.[45] After the meeting, delegators filed a proposal to improve electoral conditions.[46] The draft document was released to the parties on 1 September 2021.[47] SSP, Narodna, Movement for Reversal (PZP), Movement of Free Citizens (PSG), New Party (Nova), and the Together for Serbia (ZZS) opposition political parties criticised the draft document, while Vučić stated that "he isn't thrilled" with the document.[48][49][50] Vučić and Dačić met again with the delegators on 17 September;[51] Vučić and Đorđe Milićević, the head of the SPS parliamentary group, confirmed that they would accept the suggestions in the new draft document.[52][53] Opposition political parties rejected the draft and soon after abandoned the dialogues.[54][55] Dačić announced that the government accepted the suggestions of forming a media monitoring body and the change in the composition of the Republic Electoral Commission (RIK).[55] On 20 September 2021, Dačić stated that the inter-party dialogue with the participation of delegators from the European Parliament had ended.[56]

On 27 August 2021, Dačić announced that the electoral threshold would remain at 3%.[57] In early September 2021, political parties that took part in work board dialogues had received the draft document regarding the improvement of electoral conditions.[58] Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS), Dveri, and POKS gave mixed responses to the document.[59][60][61] The signatory meeting was initially supposed to be held on 11 September, although it was later delayed to late October.[62][63] Representatives of DSS, Dveri, POKS, Enough is Enough (DJB), Healthy Serbia (ZS), and Serbian Radical Party (SRS) took part in the signatory meeting which was held on 29 October 2021.[64] In the final document, it was agreed that the minimum number of collected signatories for minority ballot lists would be lowered from 10,000 to 5,000; more funding would be given to participants in elections; the obligation to post a financial guarantee for the participants would be abolished; the right of free use of all halls of local communities for pre-election activities for opposition parties would be given; electoral campaigns would be prohibited from ten days before the election date; fees would be increased for polling station staff; and the Regulatory Body of Electronic Media (REM) and Election Commission would receive composition changes.[65][66] SNS declined to organise parliamentary and presidential elections on different days and to change rules regarding the ballot representatives, although it had offered to not open any "roads and factories" a week before the election date.[58][67]

Constitutional referendum

Шаблон:Further Shortly after the 2020 parliamentary election, the government submitted a proposal to change the constitution to the National Assembly.[68] The National Assembly adopted the proposal in December 2020, while the document received further amendments up to June 2021.[69][70] For the proposed changes to be adopted, a referendum needed to take place;[71] it was initially announced that it would be held in fall of 2021, although the date was later settled for 16 January 2022.[72][73] In November 2021, changes to the law on referendum and people's initiative were adopted by the National Assembly;[74] the changes would abolish the 50% turnout that was needed for referendums to be considered valid.[75] Vučić signed the law on 25 November, although the law was also amended in December 2021.[76][77]

SNS and SPS voiced their support for the constitutional changes,[78][79] while the opposition were divided in opinion. A majority of opposition parties stated their opposition to the changes and called for citizens to vote against the proposed changes,[80][81][82] while SSP, Democratic Party (DS), and Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak (SDAS) called to boycott the referendum.[83][84] Nevertheless, analysts had concluded that the campaign would be restrained due to the April 2022 general election and that a possibility of abuse of the referendum would be possible.[85][86] In the end, a majority of voters voted in favour of changes, although the turnout was reported to be only 30%.[87][88] A majority of voters in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Niš voted against the proposed changes.[89][90][91] Irregularities were reported at voting stations, while some non-governmental organisations, such as the Centre for Research, Transparency, and Accountability (CRTA), and opposition parties, such as DJB, claimed voter fraud.[92][93]

Environmental protests

Demonstrators roadblocking on the Gazela Bridge, Belgrade on 11 December 2021
Protests in Belgrade on 11 December 2021

Шаблон:Further Rio Tinto, an Anglo-Australian mining corporation, had operated in Serbia since 2004 and it explored mines near the Jadar Valley.[94][95] The government of Serbia signed an agreement in 2017 to implement Project Jadar, which would give Rio Tinto permission to exploit the jadarite mineral.[94][96] Environmental protests in Serbia were held as early as in January 2021,[97] although the protests that began in September 2021 garnered national attention.[98] Environmental organisations and groups demanded the government to withdraw the referendum and expropriation laws, as well as to cancel Project Jadar.[99][100][101] The protests resumed in November 2021, and peaked in late November and early December 2021.[102][103] A series of roadblocks protests were held during that period and they ended up turning violent.[104][105] Following the protests in early December 2021, the government withdrew the expropriation law and abolished the spatial plan for Project Jadar.[106][107] Protests were organised up to 15 February 2022.[108][109] Protests in support were also organised internationally.[110] The government criticised the protests and its organisers.[111][112]

Electoral system

The president of Serbia is elected using the two-round system and has a term of five years, although it is limited to two terms in any order of service.[113][114] If no candidate receives a majority of the vote in the first round, a second is held.[114] An official candidate needs to collect 10,000 signatures, be at least 18 years old and possess Serbian citizenship. It is not necessary to have been born in Serbia.[115]

The 250 members of the National Assembly are elected by closed-list proportional representation from a single nationwide constituency. Seats are allocated using the d'Hondt method with an electoral threshold of 3% of all votes cast,[116] although the threshold is waived for ethnic minority parties.[115] Minority ballots need at least 5,000 signatories to qualify on the ballot while non-minority ballots need 10,000.[66] As of 2020, 40% of the candidates on the electoral lists must be female.[117]

On 15 February 2022, Dačić called local elections to be held, while Vučić then dissolved the National Assembly and called parliamentary elections to be held on 3 April 2022.[118][119] Presidential elections were called on 2 March.[120] The Serbian diaspora was able to vote in 34 countries, although, elections in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States were held on 2 April due to time zone differences.[121][122] Albin Kurti, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, stated that his government would try to find a solution for the elections with ambassadors of European Union, and he also expressed his support that Kosovar Serbs who possess Serbian citizenship should have the right to vote in the general election.[123][124] RIK had announced that Kosovar Serbs would have the right to vote in four municipalities in Serbia.[125]

Political parties

Шаблон:See also The table below lists political parties and coalitions elected in the National Assembly after the 2020 parliamentary election.[126]

Name Ideology Political position Leader 2020 result
Votes (%) Seats
style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| SNS–led coalition Populism Big tent Aleksandar Vučić 60.65% Шаблон:Composition bar
style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| SPSJSZSKP Populism Big tent Ivica Dačić 10.38% Шаблон:Composition bar
style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Serbian Patriotic Alliance National conservatism Right-wing Aleksandar Šapić 3.83% Шаблон:Composition bar
style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians Minority politics István Pásztor 2.23% Шаблон:Composition bar
style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| SPPDPM Muamer Zukorlić 1.04% Шаблон:Composition bar
style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Party for Democratic Action Shaip Kamberi 0.82% Шаблон:Composition bar
style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| SDA Sandžak Sulejman Ugljanin 0.77% Шаблон:Composition bar

Pre-election composition

A chart showing the composition of the National Assembly of Serbia before its dissolution on 15 February 2022
Party Seats
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color"| For Our Children 180
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color"| SPSZS 24
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color"| Party of United Pensioners of Serbia 9
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color"| Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians 9
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color"| United Serbia 8
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color"| Social Democratic Party of Serbia 8
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color"| PDDSDAS 6
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color"| SPPUSS 5
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color"| Independent 1
Source: National Assembly of Serbia[127]

Electoral lists

The following were the official electoral lists published by the Republic Electoral Commission (RIK).[128] Four additional electoral lists were rejected by RIK.[129][130]

Шаблон:SupNational minority list

Шаблон:No. Ballot name Ballot carrier Main ideology Political position Signatures Note
Шаблон:Center style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Шаблон:Ubl Шаблон:Nowrap Populism Big tent 57,007
Шаблон:Center style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Шаблон:Ubl Ivica Dačić Populism Big tent 22,714
Шаблон:Center style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Шаблон:Ubl Bálint Pásztor Minority politics Centre-right 8,743 Шаблон:Center
Шаблон:Center style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Шаблон:Ubl Vojislav Šešelj Ultranationalism Far-right 11,239
Шаблон:Center style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Шаблон:Ubl Marinika Tepić Anti-corruption Centre 13,007
Шаблон:Center style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Шаблон:Ubl Božidar Delić National conservatism Right-wing 11,222
Шаблон:Center style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Шаблон:Ubl Milica Đurđević Ultranationalism Far-right 10,968
Шаблон:Center style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Шаблон:Ubl Usame Zukorlić Minority politics 5,056 Шаблон:Center
Шаблон:Center style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Шаблон:Ubl Nebojša Zelenović Green politics Centre-left to
Шаблон:Center style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Шаблон:Ubl Saša Radulović Right-wing populism Right-wing to
Шаблон:Center style="background:Шаблон:Party color" | Шаблон:Ubl Miloš Parandilović Serbian nationalism Right-wing to
Шаблон:Center style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Шаблон:Ubl Tomislav Žigmanov Minority politics 5,237 Шаблон:Center
Шаблон:Center style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Шаблон:Ubl Enis Imamović Minority politics Right-wing ≈7,000 Шаблон:Center
Шаблон:Center style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Шаблон:Ubl Goran Radosavljević Social liberalism Centre to
Шаблон:Center style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Шаблон:Ubl Shqiprim Arifi Minority politics 5,176 Шаблон:Center
Шаблон:Center style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Шаблон:Ubl Shaip Kamberi Minority politics 5,804 Шаблон:Center
Шаблон:Center style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Шаблон:Ubl Ana Pejić Anti-baby trafficking 10,120
Шаблон:Center style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Шаблон:Ubl Saćip Saćipović Minority politics 5,024 Шаблон:Center
Шаблон:Center style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Шаблон:Ubl Dušan Marković Neo-fascism Far-right ≈5,100 Шаблон:Center

Presidential candidates

Declared candidates

The following were the official presidential candidates published by RIK.[131] Random draw was held on 18 March to determine the order of names on ballot papers.[132]

Шаблон:No. Candidate Affiliation Background Signatures
1 Файл:Miša Vacić.jpg Miša Vacić style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Serbian Right Leader of the Serbian Right (2018–present) 10,151[133][134]
2 Файл:Biljana Stojković.jpg Biljana Stojković style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| We MustШаблон:Efn Professor at the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade 10,585[135]
3 Файл:Бранка Стаменковић 2020.png Branka Stamenković style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Sovereignists Member of the National Assembly (2016–2020)
President of the Enough is Enough (2018–2019)
4 Файл:Zdravko Ponoš, kandidat za predsednika Srbije (cropped).jpg Zdravko Ponoš style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| United for the Victory of Serbia Vice President of the People's Party (2017–2021)
Chief of Cabinet of the President of the UN General Assembly (2012–2013)
Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs (2010–2012)
Chief of the General Staff of Serbian Armed Forces (2006–2008)
5 Файл:Milica Djurdjevic-mc.rs (cropped) (cropped).jpg Milica Đurđević
style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Serbian Party Oathkeepers President of the Serbian Party Oathkeepers 11,102[138][139]
6 Файл:Aleksandar Vučić 2019 (cropped).jpg Aleksandar Vučić style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Serbian Progressive PartyШаблон:Efn President of Serbia (2017–present)
Prime Minister of Serbia (2014–2017)
Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia (2012–2014)
7 Файл:Milos Jovanovic, Serbian politician (cropped).jpg Miloš Jovanović style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| NADA President of the Democratic Party of Serbia (2016–present)
Member of the National Assembly (2012–2013)
8 Файл:Boško Obradović 2021 (cropped).png Boško Obradović style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| DveriPOKS President of the Serbian Movement Dveri (2015–present)
Member of the National Assembly (2016–2020)

Withdrawn candidacies

The following people confirmed their candidacies, although they either failed to collect enough signatures.

Declined to be candidates

The following individuals were the subject of speculation about their possible candidacy but publicly denied interest in running. Шаблон:Div col

Шаблон:Div col end


Non-governmental organisations assessed that polarisation was present during the electoral campaign period.[176][177][178][179] The Bureau of Social Research (BIRODI) claimed that the pro-government media dominated during the period, while Transparency Serbia claimed that the ruling party had a significant domination in the media.[180][181] According to multiple researches that were conducted by BIRODI, the media became vehicles of propaganda.[182][183] CRTA stated that the electoral campaign period was allegedly in worse conditions than the one from the 2020 parliamentary election.[184] The pre-election delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) had stated that the atmosphere during the campaign remained calm and that all political contestants were able to campaign freely. It had also expressed concern over possible pressure on voters and fear of irregularities on election day.[185][186] The Temporary Supervisory Body, which is operated by REM, claimed that BIRODI and CRTA published claims which were not substantiated.[187][188]

To boost the electoral turnout, CRTA cooperated with the Nova S television channel by creating the Шаблон:Ill show.[189] The Radio Television of Serbia, among other news channels, organised debates and program presentations during the campaign.[190][191] Multiple non-governmental organisations also announced their participation in monitoring the elections, such as ENEMO, CRTA, CeSID, OSCE, and delegates from PACE.[192][193][194][195] Opposition parties also hired election controllers to lower the potential of electoral fraud; CRTA announced that it had hired 3,000 election observers for the election.[196][197][198] During the last campaign week, organisations noted the appearance of "phantom voters", signalling potential electoral fraud.[199][200][201] The election silence began on 1 April, and it lasted until the closure of polling stations on 3 April.[202] Transparency Serbia noted that the campaign period was the most expensive one since 2004.[203]

Participating parties and coalitions

Файл:Glasački listić za izbor narodnih poslanika Narodne skupštine 3. aprila 2022. godine.png
The parliamentary election ballot which contains all 19 ballot lists.

SNS and its coalition partners secured a supermajority in the parliament after the 2020 parliamentary election, with no official opposition represented in the parliament itself.[204] In early May 2021, Vučić sent a proposal to Aleksandar Šapić, the leader of the Serbian Patriotic Alliance (SPAS), about the merger of two parties.[205][206] Šapić announced his willingness to merge his party into SNS, and the merge occurred on 26 May.[207][208] He was subsequently promoted to vice-president of SNS,[209] while its MPs joined the SNS-led parliamentary group in early June.[210] SNS had also affirmed its position to continue their cooperation with SPS.[211] After a meeting in January 2022, it was announced to the public that they would participate with a joint presidential candidate while participating on separate ballot lists for the parliamentary election.[212] In February, Dačić was chosen as the SPS ballot representative,[213] while Vučić was chosen as SNS ballot representative.[214]

Parties that were a part of the UOPS coalition resumed their cooperation in mid-2021,[215][216] and in October 2021, SSP announced that it would be forming a joint opposition coalition.[217][218] Talks about the formation were held until 23 November,[219][220] after which it was announced to the public that SSP would lead the coalition alongside DS, Narodna, PSG, and other minor parties and movements.[221][222][223] Marinika Tepić was chosen as their parliamentary representative.[224] It was officially formalised in February 2022, under the name of United for the Victory of Serbia (UZPS).[225] Dveri, which was a part of the SzS coalition, declined to join their list,[226] and instead it formed the "Patriotic Bloc" with minor right-wing parties in December 2021.[227][228] DJB had also announced their participation in the election,[229] and in late November, they began cooperating with Healthy Serbia (ZS) and the anti-vax "I live for Serbia" movement to form a "Sovereignist Bloc".[230][231]

In June 2021, Nebojša Zelenović, the leader of ZZS formed a coalition named "Action" in which 28 minor environmentalist civic groups and political movements joined due to their support for the "Green Agreement for Serbia".[232][233] Activist Aleksandar Jovanović Ćuta announced in mid-November that the "Ecological Uprising" movement would participate in the elections,[234][235] and on 14 November, he signed an agreement with Zelenović to participate on a joint list.[236][237] The Do not let Belgrade drown (NDB) movement had also agreed to join their coalition, which was formalised in January 2022, under the name We Must.[238][239]

A right-wing coalition was supposed to be formed in which POKS, National Network (NM) led by Vladan Glišić, Serbian Party Oathkeepers (SSZ) and DSS would take part, although this idea was dismissed, and a coalition and party protocol were formed and signed shortly after.[240] In January 2021, DSS and POKS signed an agreement,[241] and in May, with 19 other movements and civic groups, they formed the National Democratic Alternative (NADA),[242] while far-right parties NM and SSZ signed a protocol between two parties in February 2021.[243] At the time of the general election, the POKS leadership remained disputed, although the faction around Žika Gojković legally claimed the leadership of the party.[244][245]

In May 2021, SDS signed a protocol with the centrist coalition "Toleration".[246] In November, it was announced that Democrats of Serbia, a splinter from DS which was formed in February 2021,[247] would merge into SDS; the merge was formalised in February 2022.[248][249] In late May, Nova formed a coalition with a minor movement led by Marko Bastać,[250] but the coalition was later dissolved in September.[251] Later during 2021, SDS formed a coalition with Nova and the Civic Democratic Forum (GDF).[252] Tadić presented his coalition in late February 2022, which included Nova and five minor movements.[253]


Party/coalition Original slogan English translation Refs
style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| DveriPOKS Srcem za Srbiju With a heart for Serbia [254]
style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Justice and Reconciliation Party Muftijin amanet Mufti's legacy [255]
style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| National Democratic Alternative Da živimo normalno To live normally [256]
style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak Sloboda–demokratija–autonomija Freedom–democracy–autonomy [257]
style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| SDSNova Boris Tadić – Ajmo ljudi Boris Tadić – Come on people [258]
style="background:Шаблон:Party color" | SNS coalition Zajedno možemo sve
Dela govore
Mir. Stabilnost. Vučić.
Jedina granica su naši snovi
Together We Can Do Everything
Achievements speak for themselves
Peace. Stability. Vučić.
The only limit is our dreams
style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Serbian Party Oathkeepers Svoji na svome On our own [261]
style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Serbian Radical Party Pod zastavom Srbije
Šešelj za premijera
Under the Flag of Serbia
Šešelj for Prime Minister
style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| SPS coalition Ivica Dačić – Premijer Srbije Ivica Dačić – Prime Minister of Serbia [263]
style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Sovereignists Srbija nije na prodaju
Branka Stamenković – Žena iz naroda, glas naroda
Serbia is not for sale
Branka Stamenković – A woman of the people, the voice of the people
style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| United for the Victory of Serbia Ujedinjeni za pobedu Srbije
Promena iz korena
Naš Ponoš – Predsednik
United for the Victory of Serbia
A change from the root
Our Ponoš – President
style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| We Must Moramo, zajedno i drugačije
Moramo, snagu ulice u institucije
Biljana Stojković – Moram, za zemlju, vazduh, vodu i slobodu
We must, together and differently
We must, power of street into institutions
Biljana Stojković – I must, for land, air, water and freedom


2022 Serbian general election debates
Date Time Organizers Шаблон:Small Шаблон:Colors Шаблон:Small Шаблон:Colors Шаблон:Small
style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| style="background:Шаблон:Party color"|
Шаблон:Nowrap 9:05 pm RTS P
Đorđe Dabić
Đorđe Milićević
Vladimir Gajić
Milica Đurđević
N N N N N [270]
14 Jan 6:20 pm Nova S N N N N N N P
Boško Obradović
Srđan Škoro
19 Jan 7:20 pm Kurir TV P
Goran Vesić
Boris Tadić
N N N N [272]
21 Jan 9:00 pm Insajder P
Vladimir Orlić
Đorđe Milićević
Miloš Jovanović
Konstantin Samofalov
N N N N [273]
Шаблон:Nowrap 9:00 pm Euronews N P
Ivica Dačić
Boris Tadić
N N N N [274]
1 Feb 9:00 pm RTS P
Đorđe Todorović
Nikola Nikodijević
Radomir Lazović
Radmila Vasić
N N N N N N [275]
8 Feb 9:05 pm RTS P
Vladimir Đukanović
Snežana Paunović
Dušan Proroković
Goran Bogdanović
N N N N [276]
18 Feb 5:05 pm RTS P
Đorđe Dabić
Snežana Paunović
Miloš Jovanović
Konstantin Samofalov
N N N N [277]
19 Feb 7:20 pm Kurir TV N N N N P
Miloš Jovanović
Boško Obradović
N N N N N N [278]
21 Feb 9:00 pm Euronews N N N P
Aleksandar Jovanović Ćuta
Milica Đurđević
N N N N N [279]
22 Feb 9:05 pm RTS P
Siniša Mali
Dušan Bajatović
Dušan Nikezić
Aleksandar Šešelj
N N N [280]
24 Feb 9:00 pm Insajder P
Đorđe Komlenski
Nebojša Novaković
Biljana Đorđević
Andrej Mitić
N N N N N N [281]
1 Mar 9:00 pm RTS P
Vladimir Đukanović
Snežana Paunović
Zoran Lutovac
Miloš Jovanović
Saša Radulović
Milica Đurđević
N N N N N [282]
2 Mar 8:15 pm Tanjug N P
Dušan Bajatović
Milica Đurđević
Srđan Škoro
2 Mar 9:00 pm RTV P
Vladimir Đukanović
Stefan Jovanović
Branislav Ristivojević
Elvira Kovács
N N [284]
3 Mar 9:00 pm Insajder P
Dragan Šormaz
Borko Stefanović
Nebojša Zelenović
Miloš Jovanović
N N N N N N N N [285]
4 Mar 10:00 pm Prva N N N N N N P
Boško Obradović
Boris Tadić
Srđan Škoro
8 Mar 12:30 pm RTS P
Vladimir Đukanović
Goran Radosavljević
N N N N [287]
8 Mar 9:05 pm RTS P
Darija Kisić Tepavčević
Slavica Đukić Dejanović
Biljana Đorđević
Jovana Stojković
Boško Obradović
Elvira Kovács
N N [288]
9 Mar 9:00 pm RTV P
Đorđe Todorović
Dijana Radović
Pavle Grbović
Milica Đurđević
N N N N N [289]
10 Mar 10:40 am RTS N N N P
Radomir Lazović
Vojin Biljić
N N N N N N N [290]
15 Mar 9:10 pm RTS P
Danica Grujičić
Vladimir Đukić
Dragana Rakić
Aris Movsesijan
Miljko Ristić
Edin Numanović
N [291]
17 Mar 9:00 pm Insajder N P
Branko Ružić
Goran Radojev
Đorđe Pavićević
N N N N N N N N N [292]
22 Mar 10:15 am RTS N P
Đorđe Milićević
Miloš Jovanović
N N N N N N N N [293]
22 Mar 9:00 pm RTS P
Vladimir Orlić
Dušan Bajatović
Miroslav Aleksić
Đorđe Miketić
Milan Stamatović
Boško Obradović
N N N N N N [294]
24 Mar 12:00 pm RTS N N N P
Biljana Đorđević
Vojin Biljić
N N N N N N N [295]
24 Mar 9:00 pm RTS P
Igor Simić
Veljko Odalović
Slaviša Ristić
Miloš Jovanović
Milica Đurđević
Aleksandar Šešelj
N N N [296]
24 Mar 9:00 pm Insajder N P
Đorđe Milićević
Željko Veselinović
Vladimir Simović
Goran Radosavljević
N N N N [297]
27 Mar 12:20 pm N1 N N P
Pavle Grbović
Radomir Lazović
N N N N N N N N N [298]
28 Mar 9:00 pm Euronews N N P
Miroslav Aleksić
Goran Radosavljević
N N N N [299]
29 Mar 11:00 am RTS N P
Snežana PaunovićШаблон:Efn
Pavle Grbović
N N N N N N N N N N [300]
29 Mar 9:00 pm Euronews N N N P
Biljana Đorđević
Miloš Parandilović
N N N N N N [301]
29 Mar 9:20 pm RTS P
Vladimir Orlić
Dušan Bajatović
Dragan Đilas
Saša Radulović
Boško Obradović
Boris Tadić
N N N N [302]
30 Mar 9:00 pm Euronews N P
Nikola Nikodijević
Predrag Marsenić
N N N N N N N N [303]
31 Mar 11:30 am RTS P
Vladimir Orlić
Boris Tadić
N N N N [304]
31 Mar 8:15 pm N1 N N P
Miroslav Aleksić
Biljana Đorđević
Predrag Marsenić
Hana Adrović
Miloš Parandilović
Goran Radosavljević
N N N N [305]
31 Mar 9:00 pm RTS P
Goran Vesić
Đorđe Milićević
Marinika Tepić
Nebojša Zelenović
Miloš Jovanović
Milica Đurđević
N N N N N [306]
31 Mar 10:15 pm N1 N N N P
Biljana Stojković
Miloš Jovanović
Boško Obradović
Milica Đurđević
N N N N N [307]


The campaign period began shortly after the dissolution of the National Assembly.[118] Parties that took part in the environmental protests stated their opposition to Rio Tinto during the electoral campaign, while some parties, such as SRS, stated its support.[308][309] Although according to CeSID, following the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February, environmental issues had almost disappeared from the public.[310] CeSID also stated that campaign issues were also concentrated on the fight against corruption and rule of law.[310] On the other hand, BIRODI has stated that issues around national interests, economy, and infrastructure were talked about the most.[183] The organisation also commented that issues regarding European Union integrations had received the smallest amount of coverage.[183]

Party campaigns

Serbian Progressive Party

SNS began campaigning shortly after the dissolution of the National Assembly on 15 February.[311] It managed to collect around 60,000 signatures that were later submitted to RIK on 16 February, and its ballot list was confirmed a day later.[312] Its first campaign rally was held in Merošina.[313][314] After its first rally, SNS continued its campaign in other regions of Serbia.[315][316] SNS announced Vučić as its presidential candidate on 6 March.[317][318] After the election, the Agency for Prevention of Corruption stated that Vučić had spent about €6 million.[319]

Socialist Party of Serbia

Dačić stated on 16 February that the party had collect more than 20,000 signatures for the parliamentary list.[320] Its list was confirmed by RIK a day later.[321] SPS has stated its support for Vučić as their joint presidential candidate.[322][323] During the campaign, Dačić stated its opposition to NATO and he expressed support for greater cooperation with China and Russia.[324][325] SPS had also described itself as a "patriotic party", and during a campaign rally Dačić stated that "SPS equals stability, continuity, and tradition".[326][327] Toma Fila, who was the ballot carrier for the Belgrade City Assembly election, stated his support for pensioners' interests.[328] The SPS-led coalition also received support from organisations such as Biogen, Environmental Movement of Beočin, and Democratic Union of Romas.[329][330][331] In the first two weeks of the electoral campaign, SPS received US$500,000 in donations for their campaign.[332]

Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians

The Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians (VMSZ/SVM) managed to collect around 9,000 signatures, while its ballot list was confirmed on 18 February.[333][334] Its ballot representative Bálint Pásztor stated that the position of national minorities should be at a higher level. He announced the alliance's support for Fidesz, the ruling party of Hungary.[335] Pásztor stated that his party was ready to cooperate with the government to finish multiple projects in Subotica.[336] VMSZ stated its support for Vučić for the presidential election.[337]

Serbian Radical Party

Over 11,000 signatures were collected by SRS, and their ballot list was confirmed on 18 February.[338] Šešelj was chosen as the ballot representative; he stated his support for Vučić regarding the presidential election.[339][340] During the campaign, Šešelj stated that the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republic should be recognised by Serbia.[341] The party also stated its opposition to military neutrality, and that instead stated Serbia should cooperate with Russia and BRICS countries.[342][343] It also stated that "anti-Serbian non-governmental organizations" should be banned from being financed.[344] SRS had also noted that state aid should be provided for domestic economy and agriculture, and that the excise tax on fuel for domestic farmers should be abolished.[345][346] It had also stated its support for the reform of the Labor Law and its commitment to expanding basic healthcare.[347][348]

United for the Victory of Serbia

The UZPS coalition submitted 13,000 signatures on 18 February and it nominated Zdravko Ponoš as its presidential candidate.[349][350] Its campaign began on 22 February, while its last campaign rally was held on 31 March.[351][352] UZPS campaigned on the formation of technocratic teams and an anti-corruption body, and it voiced support for lustration, transparency, and social justice.[353][354]

National Democratic Alternative

NADA submitted 12,000 signatures on 19 February and nominated Miloš Jovanović as its presidential candidate.[355][356] NADA campaigned against imposing sanctions on Russia.[357]

Serbian Party Oathkeepers

SSZ had their parliamentary list confirmed by RIK on 20 February, with Milica Đurđević Stamenkovski as its ballot representative.[358] SSZ also nominated Đurđević Stamenkovski as its presidential candidate in early February 2022, while RIK confirmed her candidacy on 8 March, shortly after the proclamation of the presidential electoral campaign.[359][360] Representatives of the party orchestrated a protest on 4 March following the ban of Russian government-owned RT channel in Europe.[361] Đurđević Stamenkovski had also stated that Serbia should establish closer ties with Russia.[362][363]

Justice and Reconciliation Party

Файл:Muftijin Amanet logo.svg
Logo of the Justice and Reconciliation Party's electoral campaign

The Justice and Reconciliation Party (SPP), led by Usame Zukorlić, submitted its ballot list on 19 February, while RIK confirmed the ballot a day later, with 5,056 valid signatures.[364] On 7 March, Zukorlić stated that he would expect the cooperation between SPP and SNS to continue after the election.[365] During the electoral campaign, the party expressed its support to have as many women as possible in management positions, as well as the affirmation of women's entrepreneurship.[366] The party had also stated its support for reconciliation, education reforms and anti-discrimination politics.[367][368][369] In late March, the party endorsed Vučić.[370]

We Must

The We Must coalition submitted its signatures on 21 February.[371] Its first campaign rally was held on 27 February, during which it announced Biljana Stojković as its presidential candidate.[372] During the campaign period, the We Must coalition received support from German The Left, Danish Red–Green Alliance, and Slovenian The Left.[373]


The Sovereignists coalition chose Saša Radulović as the ballot representative.[374] The coalition announced Branka Stamenković as its presidential candidate on 28 February.[375] One of the representatives of the coalition, Milan Stamatović, stated that "Serbia should not impose sanctions on Russia", while Radulović stated that "it is unfortunate that Serbia sided with NATO" during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.[376][377] During the campaign, Radulović stated the coalition's support for "souverainist policies" and its opposition to mandatory vaccination.[378][379] The Sovereignists stated their support for implementing blockchain technology and free textbooks for kindergartens and primary schools.[380][381] During an interview, Stamenković stated her support for the introduction of mandatory conscription into the army.[382]


Dveri announced its participation in the upcoming elections under the "Patriotic Bloc", which was formed in December 2021.[228] It opposed the legalisation of civil unions,[383] and the coalition has expressed their support towards monarchism, antiglobalism, and abolition of vaccine passports.[384] Its leader, Boško Obradović, was chosen as their presidential candidate in January 2022.[385] Obradović had also participated in talks regarding the formation of a united "Patriotic bloc" that would also include other right-leaning parties, although the talks had stalled shortly after.[386][387] Dveri leadership announced their support for a joint "patriotic ballot list" on 13 February.[388] Obradović announced on 16 February that Dveri reached an agreement with Gojković-led POKS faction to participate in a joint list.[389] Soon after, Slobodan Samardžić and Duško Kuzović left the coalition.[390][391] Obradović stated that his campaign would be mainly focused on the restoration of the monarchy.[392][393] The coalition had received support from pulmonologist Branimir Nestorović.[394]

Its parliamentary list was confirmed by RIK on 23 February.[395] During the campaign, Obradović stated that one of the coalition's priorities is to enforce economic patriotism and to raise conditions for villagers and farmers.[396][397] Miloš Parandilović, the ballot representative, said that the Dveri–POKS coalition is supportive of breaking up monopolies and to fight against crime and corruption.[398] It had also stated its opposition to NATO.[399]


The Vojvodinians coalition, which is led by the Democratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina (DSHV) and Together for Vojvodina, a political party with ties to the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina (LSV),[400] submitted its ballot on 1 March.[401] The ballot list was confirmed by RIK a day later.[400] LSV had also publicly stated its support for the coalition.[402]

The coalition had primarily campaigned on "bringing Vojvodina back to the National Assembly".[403][404] It had also stated its support for progressive policies and fiscal decentralisation,[404][405] and its opposition to "cutting Vojvodina's forests" and "dirty technologies".[406] Tomislav Žigmanov, the coalition representative, had also stated their support for Serbia to join the European Union and NATO.[407][408] The coalition began campaigning on 10 March, and during their first rally in Subotica, the coalition had also expressed their support towards multiculturalism.[409][410]


The coalition led by SDS and Nova ballot list was confirmed by RIK on 8 March.[411] SDS announced Dragoslav Šumarac as its presidential candidate on 12 March, although Šumarac withdrew his candidature a day later after not receiving support from his coalition partners.[412][413] During the campaign, the coalition stated its support for adopting a long-term strategy regarding agricultural development.[414] It had also expressed its support towards the accession of Serbia to the European Union, although it also stated its opposition to sanction Russia.[415]


A billboard featuring Miša Vacić
A billboard featuring Miša Vacić

The SDAS ballot list was confirmed on 2 March, with around 7,000 valid signatures.[416] Its first campaign rally was held in Novi Pazar on 9 March.[417] The civic group "Stolen Babies", which is led by Ana Pejić, stated their opposition to baby trafficking during an interview on 16 March.[418] Srđan Šajn, the leader of the Roma Party, stated his support for labour rights and his opposition to "unfair privatization".[419][420] Presidential candidate Miša Vacić expressed his support for introducing mandatory conscription and increasing the rights for war veterans in Serbia.[421][422] The Russian Minority Alliance, which was primarily led by the neo-fascist Leviathan Movement, was initially rejected by RIK, although after the case got overturned by the Constitutional Court, RIK confirmed their ballot.[423][424] CeSID claimed that the ballot list did not represent minority rights but far-right politics, while CRTA claimed that they had falsified the signatures.[423][425]

Opinion polls


Parliamentary election

Файл:Opinion polling for the 2022 Serbian parliamentary election.svg
Local regression chart of poll results from 21 June 2020 to 3 April 2022

Presidential election

Файл:Opinion polling for the 2022 Serbian presidential election.svg
Local regression chart of poll results from 10 December 2021 to 3 April 2022. This graph only includes candidates that took part in the 2022 presidential election.


Voting stations were opened from 07:00 (UTC+01:00) to 20:00, and there were 6,502,307 citizens in total that had the right to vote in the general elections.[426][427] According to preliminary results that were published by CRTA and Ipsos/CeSID, Vučić won in the first round of the presidential elections, although SNS also lost its majority status in the National Assembly according to the parliamentary election results.[428][429][430] In diaspora, Vučić won more votes than Ponoš.[431][432] SNS managed to strengthen its presence in suburban and rural areas, although it underperformed in major cities such as Belgrade, Novi Sad, Niš, and Valjevo.[433][434][435]

RIK announced that voting would be repeated at some stations where the results could not be determined, effectively postponing the announcement of final results.[436][437] Voting was repeated five times; on 16 and 28 April, on 27 May, and on 23 and 30 June.[438][439][440] The Albanian Coalition of Preševo Valley (KSLP) initially gained a seat following the 28 April repeat election, although following the repeat election on 27 May, it lost its seat to SPS; the coalition only needed 12 more votes to retain its seat in the National Assembly.[441] The Administrative Court rejected the results of repeated elections that were held on 27 May, and the fourth repeated election in Veliki Trnovac was set to be held on 23 June.[442][443] On the day of the election, the voting station in Veliki Trnovac did not open on time and members of the polling station committee did not agree on the division of roles. Additionally, a bomb threat was reported at the voting station, and because of it the election was postponed. RIK announced that the election would be repeated again on 30 June.[444][445][446] In the fifth repeat election, KSLP won enough votes to retain its only seat in the National Assembly.[447][448]

Many crowds formed in polling stations across Serbia, mostly due to the simultaneous holding of elections at several levels, which slowed down the process, but also because of increased voter turnout.[449] In the end, the turnout was reported to be at around 59%, making it the largest turnout since the 2008 elections.[450]


Шаблон:Election results


Шаблон:Election results


A protest in front of the building of RIK a day after the elections
A protest in front of the building of RIK a day after the elections

CeSID reported that electoral irregularities occurred in the early hours of the election.[451][452] Later that evening, CRTA stated that multiple Bulgarian trains occurred during the vote, and that some ballot stations in Belgrade declined to cooperate with electoral observers.[453][454] OSE, a non-governmental organisation, stated that irregularities took place in Novi Sad.[455] CRTA and political activists had also noted that the election day was marked by high tensions, verbal and in several places, such as Belgrade, physical violence.[456][457][458] Dveri and SSP also reported irregularities in Niš.[459][460] ENEMO had stated that intimidation and vote buying affected the results of the elections, and that the process of voter registration lacked transparency.[461] Former SNS MP Bratislav Jugović and the leader of PSG, Pavle Grbović, were physically attacked outside of voting stations.[462][463]

The PACE monitoring mission evaluated that the "fundamental freedoms were largely respected, and voters were presented diverse political options, but a number of shortcomings resulted in an uneven playing field, favouring the incumbents". PACE also noted that public sector employees were pressured to support the ruling party and that state resources were misused during the campaign period.[464] Kyriakos Hadjiyianni, the special coordinator and leader of the OSCE short-term observers, said that the campaign period was competitive though that the ruling party had undue advantage.[465]

Shortly after 23:00 (UTC+01:00), Vučić declared his victory.[466] He announced in a televised victory speech, that he secured roughly 60% of the popular vote, adding, "I am pleased that a huge number of people voted and showed the democratic nature of Serbian society".[467] After the proclamation of the preliminary results, Vučić was congratulated by Emmanuel Macron, Vladimir Putin, Miloš Zeman, Zoran Milanović, and others.[468][469] Milorad Dodik also congratulated him, after stating his support for him a few days prior to the election.[470][471] The Ecological Uprising and Assembly of Free Serbia, who were a part of the We Must coalition, organised a protest in front of the RIK building on 4 April.[472] After the election, Ponoš left Narodna.[473] Further disagreements between the coalition partners in the UZPS coalition broke out, with Vuk Jeremić and his Narodna opposing the meeting between Dragan Đilas and Vučić.[474] Tepić also accused Jeremić of populism.[475] This led to the dissolution of UZPS.[476] In June 2022, Ćuta, Stojković, and Zelenović held a founding assembly of their political party, which was named Together.[477][478]

Government formation

Шаблон:Main Vučić was sworn in again as president on 31 May; during his speech he had stated that the government would be formed by the end of July and that the government would potentially impose sanctions on Russia due to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.[479][480] SPS confirmed that it would want to extend its cooperation with SNS, while the Democratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina (DSHV) and Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians (VMSZ) also expressed their desire to join the government.[481][482][483] Vučić announced that consultations with all parliamentary lists would begin on 14 July.[484] The consultations lasted until 18 July.[485] The first constitutive session of the 2022–2026 convocation was held on 1 August.[486] Brnabić received the mandate to form a new government on 27 August.[487] The composition of her cabinet was presented on 23 October, while the cabinet was sworn in on 26 October.[488][489][490]

Notes and references





Шаблон:Serbian elections

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