Английская Википедия:Borate chloride

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Версия от 23:12, 10 февраля 2024; EducationBot (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «{{Английская Википедия/Панель перехода}} The '''borate chlorides''' are chemical compounds that contain both borate ions and chloride ions. They are mixed anion compounds. Many of them are minerals. Those minerals that crystallise with water (hydrates) may be found in evaporite deposits formed when mineral water has dried out. ==List== {| class="wikitable" ! !Chemical formula !Molar mass (g/mol) !Cr...»)
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The borate chlorides are chemical compounds that contain both borate ions and chloride ions. They are mixed anion compounds. Many of them are minerals. Those minerals that crystallise with water (hydrates) may be found in evaporite deposits formed when mineral water has dried out.


Chemical formula Molar mass (g/mol) Crystal system Space group Unit cell (Å) Volume3) Density (g/cm3) Comment References
Teepleite Шаблон:Chem2 tetragonal P4/nmm a = 7.25, c = 4.84 254.4 2.076 Colourless, white or light beige crystals, with a vitreous, greasy, or dull lustre.

Uniaxial (-) nω = 1.519 nε = 1.503

Max birefringence δ = 0.016

Boracite Шаблон:Chem2 orthorhombic Pca21 a = 8.577, b = 8.553, c = 12.09 Z=4 992.5 2.95 Green, dark green (ferroan), blue, colourless, grey or white crystals with an adamantine, vitreous lustre if transparent.

Biaxial (+) nα = 1.658 - 1.662 nβ = 1.662 - 1.667 nγ = 1.668 - 1.673 2V 82°

Max birefringence δ = 0.010 - 0.011

Karlite Шаблон:Chem2 orthorhombic a = 17.92, b = 17.6, c = 3.1 978 2.80 White to light green crystals with a silky lustre.

Biaxial (-) nα = 1.589 nβ = 1.632 nγ = 1.634

2V 24°

Max birefringence δ = 0.045

Shabynite Шаблон:Chem2 monoclinic 2.32 Colourless or white crystals with a silky lustre.

Biaxial (-) nα = 1.543 nβ = 1.571 nγ = 1.577

2V 49°

Max birefringence δ = 0.034

Satimolite Шаблон:Chem2 trigonal RШаблон:Overbarm a = 15.1431, c = 14.456 Z=3 2.1 White to colorless crystals with a vitreous or dull lustre.

Biaxial (-) nα = 1.535 nβ = 1.552 nγ = 1.553 2V 26°

Max birefringence δ = 0.018

Kalborsite Шаблон:Chem2 Tetragonal a = 9.85, c = 13.06 1,267 2.5 Colorless with a slight rose-brownish tint crystals with a vitreous or pearly lustre.

Uniaxial (+) nω = 1.525 nε = 1.525 ? Max birefringence δ = 0.000

Hilgardite Шаблон:Chem2 triclinic P1 a=6.463 b=6.564 c=6.302 α = 61°38', β = 118°46', γ = 105°47' Z=1 205.8 2.67 to 2.71 Colorless, light pink crystals with a vitreous lustre. [8]
Solongoite Шаблон:Chem2 monoclinic a = 7.93, b = 7.26, c = 12.54 β = 94° 720 2.514 Colourless crystals with a vitreous lustre.

Biaxial (+) nα = 1.510 nβ = 1.510 nγ = 1.545

Max birefringence δ = 0.035

Ekaterinite Шаблон:Chem2 hexagonal a = 11.86, c = 23.88 2,909 2.440 White or white with slight rose tint crystals with a pearly lustre.

Uniaxial (-) nω = 1.577 nε = 1.574 Max birefringence δ = 0.003

Chelkarite Шаблон:Chem2 or near Cl:OH = 3:1 orthorhombic a = 13.69, b = 20.84, c = 8.26 2,357 2.21 Colorless crystals.

Biaxial (+) nα = 1.520 nγ = 1.558 Max birefringence δ = 0.038

Sakhaite Шаблон:Chem2 isometric Fd3_m a = 14.685 Z=4 3166.8 2.78 - 2.83 Colourless, gray to grayish white crystals with a greasy lustre. [12]
Hydrochlorborite Шаблон:Chem2 monoclinic a = 22.78, b = 8.74, c = 17.06 β = 96.7° 3373 1.83 - 1.85 Colorless crystals with a vitreous, dull lustre.

Biaxial (+) nα = 1.499 nβ = 1.502 nγ = 1.521 2V 45°

Max birefringence δ = 0.022

Heidornite Шаблон:Chem2 monoclinic C2/c a = 10.19, b = 7.76, c = 18.81

β = 93.33° Z=4

1,485 2.753 Colorless crystals with a vitreous lustre.

Biaxial (+) nα = 1.579 nβ = 1.588 nγ = 1.604 2V 63° to 77°

Max birefringence δ = 0.025

Volkovskite Шаблон:Chem2 triclinic P1 a = 6.57, b = 23.92, c = 6.52

α = 90.58°, β = 119.1°, γ = 95.56°

889.2 2.27 Colourless or pink; varying from pale to deep orange crystals with a vitreous lustre.

Biaxial (+) nα = 1.523 - 1.539 nβ = 1.539 - 1.540 nγ = 1.596 - 1.605 2V 14.6°

Max birefringence δ = 0.073

Kurgantaite Шаблон:Chem2 triclinic P1 a = 6.5732, b = 6.4445, c = 6.3693, α = 60.995°, β = 61.257°, γ = 77.191° Z=1 2.99 Colourless to white crystals with a vitreous lustre. [16]
Chambersite Шаблон:Chem2 orthorhombic Pca21 a = 8.68, b = 8.68, c = 12.26 Z=4 924 3.49 Colorless to deep purple crystals with a vitreous lustre.

Biaxial (+) nα = 1.732 nβ = 1.737 nγ = 1.744

2V 83°

Max birefringence δ = 0.012

Ericaite Шаблон:Chem2 orthorhombic a = 8.58, b = 8.65, c = 12.17 903 3.17 - 3.27 Red, green, purple, brown or black crystals.

Biaxial (-) nα = 1.731 nβ = 1.755 nγ = 1.755 Max birefringence δ = 0.024

Congolite Шаблон:Chem2 trigonal R3c a = 8.62, c = 21.05 1355 3.58 Pale red or pink crystals.

Uniaxial (-) nω = 1.755 nε = 1.731

Max birefringence δ = 0.024

Trembathite Шаблон:Chem2 trigonal a = 8.57, c = 20.99 1335 2.84 - 3.34 Colourless to pale blue transparent crystals with a vitreous lustre.

Uniaxial (-) nω = 1.684 nε = 1.668

Max birefringence δ = 0.016

Bandylite Шаблон:Chem2 tetragonal P4/nmm a = 6.19 Å, c = 5.61 Z=2 214.9 2.81 Deep blue crystals with greenish portions; cendre blue to Italian blue, becoming greener with atacamite inclusions, with a vitreous or pearly lustre.

Uniaxial (-) nω = 1.691 - 1.692 nε = 1.640 - 1.641

Max birefringence δ = 0.051

Шаблон:Chem2 350.75 Otrhorhombic Pca21 a=17.229 b=9.3827 c=6.6452 Z=4 1074.25 2.169 birefringence 0.094 at 1064 nm [23]
Na4[B6O9(OH)3](H2O)Cl Otrhorhombic Pca21 a=15.4867 b=8.6867 c=8.8551 Z=2 1191.3 2.260 SHG 0.4 × KDP [24]
Шаблон:Chem2Шаблон:Cln 392.05 orthorhombic Pca21 a=8.5319 b=8.5282 c=12.0730 Z=4 878.45 2.964 NLO [25]
Шаблон:Chem2 orthorhombic Pbcn a =19.1905 b=10.3893 c=8.5164 UV cutoff 280 nm; birefringence 0.125 at 546 nm [26]
Шаблон:Chem2 1201.90 monoclinic P21/n a=8.229 b=12.259 c=19.080 β=90.20 Z=4 1924.7 4.418 colourless [27]
Шаблон:Chem2 tetragonal P42nm a = 12.048, c = 6.817 NLO [28]
Шаблон:Chem2 1192.62 tetragonal P42nm a=12.1033 c=6.8329 Z=2 1001.0 3.957 SHG 1.5xKDP [29]
Rb4Ba2.5B20O34Cl 1481.10 triclinic PШаблон:Overbar a=6.756 b=11.086 c=11.288 α=99.07° β=90.60° γ=100.38° Z=1 820.6 2.9965 colourless [30]
Шаблон:Chem2 triclinic [31]
Cs2La2B10O17Cl4 1065.54 monoclinic Cm a=8.6904 b=20.92 c=6.4231 β =104.003 Z=2 1126.15 3.142 SHG 2.1xKDP [32]
Шаблон:Chem2 triclinic PШаблон:Overbar a = 4.2174; b = 6.5763; c = 8.1221 α = 82, 152; β = 89, 206; γ = 72.048°; Z = 2 [31]
Шаблон:Chem2 hexagonal P63/m a = 9.2008, c = 5.8079; Z = 2 [31]
Шаблон:Chem2 triclinic [31]
Шаблон:Chem2 [33]
Шаблон:Chem2 [33]
Шаблон:Chem2 [33]
Шаблон:Chem2 1566 triclinic PШаблон:Overbar_ a=8.001 b=8.054 c=13.116 α=89.52 β=89.66 γ=69.942 793.9 6.551 colourless [27]
Шаблон:Chem2 [34]
Шаблон:Chem2 [34]
Шаблон:Chem2 [34]
Шаблон:Chem2 [34]



Шаблон:Borates Шаблон:Chlorides