Версия от 17:48, 19 февраля 2024; EducationBot(обсуждение | вклад)(Новая страница: «{{Английская Википедия/Панель перехода}} {{Short description|Emissions, impacts and responses of Liberia related to climate change}} '''Climate change in Liberia''' causes many problems as Liberia is particularly vulnerable to climate change. Like many other countries in Africa, Liberia both faces existing Environmental issues in Liberia|environmental issues...»)
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60% of the population of Liberia lives along the coast.[2]Sea level rise is expected to put pressure on a number of populations, including communities in slums such as the West Point Slum,[2] and incur losses of US$250 million.[2]
Water resources
High evaporation, changes in seasonal rainfall patterns, and runoff increases are expected to lead to decreased water and worse water quality.[2] Additionally, by the 2020s the Mount Coffee Hydropower Project is expected to have challenges with maintaining water supply.[2] Moreover, sea level rise is expected to cause increase salinization in important coastal communities.[2]
Impacts on people
Economic impacts
61% of the GDP and 75% of employment is in the agriculture sector.[4] Climate change is expected to exacerbate extreme weather and decrease crop yields, resulting in food insecurity.[4]
Mitigation and adaptation
Policies and legislation
The Liberian Environmental Protection Agency launched a national response plan in 2018.[5]
International cooperation
Liberia was one of the first recipients of the Green Climate Fund,[2] and received significant funding in 2014 from Norway in order to address forestry practices, fossil fuel subsidies, and renewable energy in the country.[6]