Английская Википедия:County flowers of the United Kingdom

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Версия от 01:40, 22 февраля 2024; EducationBot (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «{{Английская Википедия/Панель перехода}} In 2002 Plantlife ran a "'''County Flowers'''" campaign to assign flowers to each of the counties of the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man. The results of this campaign designated a single plant species to a "county or metropolitan area" in the UK and Isle of Man.<ref>{{cite web |url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/gardening/3305361/Country-notebook-vote-for-the-poppy.html |wo...»)
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In 2002 Plantlife ran a "County Flowers" campaign to assign flowers to each of the counties of the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man. The results of this campaign designated a single plant species to a "county or metropolitan area" in the UK and Isle of Man.[1] Some English counties already had flowers traditionally associated with them before 2002, and which were different from those assigned to them by Plantlife, including the white rose for Yorkshire (assigned the harebell), the poppy for Norfolk (assigned the Alexanders), and the cowslip for Essex (assigned the poppy). Some flowers were assigned to multiple counties.


County Image Common name Scientific name County status Shared
Bedfordshire Bee orchid bee orchid[2] Ophrys apifera native
Berkshire Summer snowflake summer snowflake[3] Leucojum aestivum native
Bristol Maltese-cross Maltese-cross[4] Silene chalcedonica casual
Buckinghamshire Chiltern gentian Chiltern gentian[5] Gentianella germanica native
Cambridgeshire Pasqueflower pasqueflower[6][7] Pulsatilla vulgaris native Hertfordshire
Cheshire Cuckooflower cuckooflower[8] Cardamine pratensis native Brecknockshire
Cornwall Cornish heath Cornish heath[9] Erica vagans native
County Durham Spring gentian spring gentian[10] Gentiana verna native
Cumbria Grass-of-Parnassus grass-of-Parnassus[11] Parnassia palustris native Sutherland
Derbyshire Файл:Jacob's Ladder or Greek valerian (Polemonium caeruleum).jpg Jacob's-ladder[12] Polemonium caeruleum native
Devon Primrose primrose[13] Primula vulgaris native
Dorset Dorset heath Dorset heath[14] Erica ciliaris native
Essex Common poppy common poppy[15] Papaver rhoeas native Norfolk
Gloucestershire Wild daffodil wild daffodil[16] Narcissus pseudonarcissus native
Greater Manchester Common cotton-grass common cotton-grass[17] Eriophorum angustifolium native
Hampshire Dog-rose dog-rose[18] Rosa canina native
Herefordshire Mistletoe mistletoe[19] Viscum album native
Hertfordshire Pasqueflower pasqueflower[6][7] Pulsatilla vulgaris native Cambridgeshire
Huntingdonshire Water-violet water-violet[20] Hottonia palustris native
Isle of Wight Pyramidal orchid pyramidal orchid[21] Anacamptis pyramidalis native
Isles of Scilly Thrift thrift[22] Armeria maritima native Bute & Pembrokeshire
Kent Hop hop[23] Humulus lupulus native
Lancashire Red rose red rose[24] Rosa gallica officinalis absent
Leeds Bilberry bilberry[25] Vaccinium myrtillus native
Leicestershire Foxglove foxglove[26] Digitalis purpurea native Argyll, Monmouthshire & West Midlands
Lincolnshire Viola riviniana common dog-violet[27] Viola riviniana native
London Rosebay willowherb rosebay willowherb[28] Epilobium angustifolium native
Merseyside Sea-holly sea-holly[29] Eryngium maritimum native
Middlesex Wood anemone wood anemone[30] Anemone nemorosa native
Norfolk Common poppy common poppy[15]Шаблон:Efn Papaver rhoeas native Essex
Northamptonshire Cowslip cowslip[31] Primula veris native Surrey & Worcestershire
Northumberland Bloody crane's-bill bloody crane's-bill[32] Geranium sanguineum native
Nottingham Nottingham catchfly Nottingham catchfly[33] Silene nutans native
Nottinghamshire Autumn crocus autumn crocus[34] Crocus nudiflorus archaeophyte
Oxfordshire Snake's-head fritillary snake's-head fritillary[35] Fritillaria meleagris native
Rutland Clustered bellflower clustered bellflower[36] Campanula glomerata native
Sheffield Wood crane's-bill wood crane's-bill[37] Geranium sylvaticum native
Shropshire Round-leaved sundew round-leaved sundew[38] Drosera rotundifolia native
Somerset Cheddar pink Cheddar pink[39] Dianthus gratianopolitanus native
Staffordshire Heather heather[40] Calluna vulgaris native
Suffolk Oxlip oxlip[41] Primula elatior native
Surrey Cowslip cowslip[31] Primula veris native Northamptonshire & Worcestershire
Sussex Round-headed rampion round-headed rampion[42] Phyteuma orbiculare native
Tyne and Wear Monkeyflower monkeyflower[43] Mimulus guttatus neophyte
Warwickshire Honeysuckle honeysuckle[44] Lonicera periclymenum native
West Midlands Foxglove foxglove[26] Digitalis purpurea native Argyll, Leicestershire & Monmouthshire
Wiltshire Burnt-tip orchid burnt-tip orchid[45] Neotinea ustulata native
Worcestershire Cowslip cowslip[31] Primula veris native Northamptonshire & Surrey
Yorkshire Harebell harebell[46] Campanula rotundifolia native Antrim & Dumfriesshire

Isle of Man

County Image Common name Scientific name County status Shared
Isle of ManШаблон:Efn Fuchsia magellanica fuchsia[47] Fuchsia magellanica neophyte

Northern Ireland

County Image Common name Scientific name County status Shared
Antrim Harebell harebell[46] Campanula rotundifolia native Dumfriesshire & Yorkshire
Armagh Cowbane cowbane[48] Cicuta virosa native
Belfast Gorse gorse[49] Ulex europaeus native
Londonderry Purple saxifrage purple saxifrage[50] Saxifraga oppositifolia native
Down Spring squill spring squill[51] Scilla verna native
Fermanagh Globeflower globeflower[52] Trollius europaeus native
Tyrone Bog-rosemary bog-rosemary[53] Andromeda polifolia native Ceredigion & Kirkcudbright


County Image Common name Scientific name County status Shared
Aberdeenshire Bearberry bearberry[54] Arctostaphylos uva-ursi native
Angus Alpine catchfly Alpine catchfly[55] Silene suecica native
Argyll Foxglove foxglove[26] Digitalis purpurea native Leicestershire, Monmouthshire & West Midlands
Ayrshire Green-winged orchid green-winged orchid[56] Anacamptis morio native
Banffshire Dark red helleborine dark-red helleborine[57] Epipactis atrorubens native
Berwickshire Common Rock-rose rock-rose[58] Helianthemum nummularium native
Bute Thrift thrift[22] Armeria maritima native Isles of Scilly & Pembrokeshire
Caithness Scottish primrose Scottish primrose[59] Primula scotica native
Clackmannanshire Opposite-leaved golden-saxifrage opposite-leaved golden-saxifrage[60] Chrysosplenium oppositifolium native
Cromarty Spring cinquefoil spring cinquefoil[61] Potentilla neumanniana native
Dumfriesshire Harebell harebell[46] Campanula rotundifolia native Antrim & Yorkshire
Dunbartonshire Lesser water-plantain lesser water-plantain[62] Baldellia ranunculoides native
East Lothian Viper's-bugloss viper's-bugloss[63] Echium vulgare native
Fife Coralroot orchid coralroot orchid[64] Corallorrhiza trifida native
Glasgow Broom broom[65] Cytisus scoparius native
Inverness-shire Twinflower twinflower[66] Linnaea borealis native
Kinross Holy-grass holy-grass[67] Hierochloe odorata native
Kirkcudbright Bog-rosemary bog-rosemary[53] Andromeda polifolia native Ceredigion & Tyrone
Lanarkshire Dune helleborine dune helleborine[68] Epipactis leptochila native
Midlothian Sticky catchfly sticky catchfly[69] Silene viscaria native
Moray One-flowered wintergreen one-flowered wintergreen[70] Moneses uniflora native
Nairn Chickweed wintergreen chickweed wintergreen[71] Trientalis europaea native
Orkney Alpine bearberry Alpine bearberry[72] Arctostaphylos alpina native
Peeblesshire Cloudberry cloudberry[73] Rubus chamaemorus native
Perthshire Alpine gentian Alpine gentian[74] Gentiana nivalis native
Renfrewshire Bogbean bogbean[75] Menyanthes trifoliata native
Ross Bog asphodel bog asphodel[76] Narthecium ossifragum native
Roxburghshire Maiden pink maiden pink[77] Dianthus deltoides native
Selkirkshire Mountain pansy mountain pansy[78] Viola lutea native
Shetland Shetland mouse-ear Shetland mouse-ear[79] Cerastium nigrescens native
Stirlingshire Scottish dock Scottish dock[80] Rumex aquaticus native
Sutherland Grass-of-Parnassus grass-of-Parnassus[11] Parnassia palustris native Cumbria
West Lothian Common spotted-orchid common spotted-orchid[81] Dactylorhiza fuchsii native
Western Isles Hebridean spotted-orchid Hebridean spotted-orchid[82] Dactylorhiza fuchsii subsp. hebridensis native
Wigtownshire Yellow iris yellow iris[83] Iris pseudacorus native


County Image Common name Scientific name County status Shared
Anglesey Spotted rock-rose spotted rock-rose[84] Tuberaria guttata native
Brecknockshire Cuckooflower cuckooflower[8] Cardamine pratensis native Cheshire
Caernarfonshire Snowdon lily Snowdon lily[85] Gagea serotina, syn. Lloydia serotina native
Cardiff Wild leek wild leek[86] Allium ampeloprasum native
Carmarthenshire Whorled caraway whorled caraway[87] Carum verticillatum native
Ceredigion Bog-rosemary bog-rosemary[53] Andromeda polifolia native Kirkcudbright & Tyrone
Denbighshire Limestone woundwort limestone woundwort[88] Stachys alpina native
Flintshire Bell heather bell heather[89] Erica cinerea native
Glamorgan Draba aizoides yellow whitlow-grass[90] Draba aizoides native
Merioneth Welsh poppy Welsh poppy[91] Papaver cambricum native
Monmouthshire Foxglove foxglove[26] Digitalis purpurea native Argyll, Leicestershire & West Midlands
Montgomeryshire Spiked speedwell spiked speedwell[92] Veronica spicata native
Pembrokeshire Thrift thrift[22] Armeria maritima native Bute & Isles of Scilly
Radnorshire Radnor lily Radnor lily[93] Gagea bohemica native






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