Английская Википедия:Forbes list of the World's Most Powerful People

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Файл:Forbes logo.svg
Logo of Forbes magazine
Файл:Владимир Путин (18-06-2023) (cropped).jpg
Vladimir Putin was ranked the most powerful person 4 times.

Between 2009 and 2018 (with absence in 2017) the business magazine Forbes had compiled an annual list of the world's most powerful people. The list had one slot for every 100 million people, meaning in 2009 there were 67 people on the list, and by 2018, there were 75. Slots were allocated based on the amount of human and financial resources that they had sway over, as well as their influence on world events.[1]

Gallery of top ten in rankings 2018

Historical top ten rankings

Note: No list was released for 2017.

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015[2] 2016[3] 2018[4]
1 Шаблон:Flagicon Barack Obama

President of the United States

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Hu Jintao

General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Barack Obama

President of the United States

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Vladimir Putin

President of Russia

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Xi Jinping

General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party

2 Шаблон:Flagicon Hu Jintao

General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Barack Obama

President of the United States

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Vladimir Putin

Prime Minister of Russia

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Angela Merkel

Chancellor of Germany

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Barack Obama

President of the United States

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Angela Merkel

Chancellor of Germany

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Donald Trump

President-elect of the United States

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Vladimir Putin

President of Russia

3 Шаблон:Flagicon Vladimir Putin

Prime Minister of Russia

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

King of Saudi Arabia

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Hu Jintao

General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Vladimir Putin

President of Russia

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Xi Jinping

General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Barack Obama

President of the United States

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Angela Merkel

Chancellor of Germany

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Donald Trump

President of the United States

4 Шаблон:Flagicon Ben Bernanke

U.S. Chair of the Federal Reserve

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Vladimir Putin

Prime Minister of Russia

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Angela Merkel

Chancellor of Germany

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Bill Gates

Co-Chair of the Gates Foundation
Founder of Microsoft

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Francis

Pope of the Holy See

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Xi Jinping

General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Angela Merkel

Chancellor of Germany

5 Шаблон:Flagicon Sergey Brin

Шаблон:Flagicon Larry Page
Co-Founders of Google

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Benedict XVI

Pope of the Holy See

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Bill Gates

Co-Chair of the Gates Foundation
Founder of Microsoft

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Benedict XVI

Pope of the Holy See

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Angela Merkel

Chancellor of Germany

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Xi Jinping

General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Francis

Pope of the Holy See

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Jeff Bezos

Chairman and CEO of Amazon

6 Шаблон:Flagicon Carlos Slim

Chief Executive of Telmex

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Angela Merkel

Chancellor of Germany

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

King of Saudi Arabia

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Ben Bernanke

U.S. Chair of the Federal Reserve

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Bill Gates

Co-Chair of the Gates Foundation
Founder of Microsoft

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Janet Yellen

U.S. Chair of the Federal Reserve

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Bill Gates

Co-Chair of the Gates Foundation
Founder of Microsoft

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Janet Yellen

U.S. Chair of the Federal Reserve

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Francis

Pope of the Holy See

7 Шаблон:Flagicon Rupert Murdoch

Chairman of News Corporation

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon David Cameron

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Benedict XVI

Pope of the Holy See

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

King of Saudi Arabia

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Ben Bernanke

U.S. Chair of the Federal Reserve

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Bill Gates

Co-Chair of the Gates Foundation
Founder of Microsoft

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Janet Yellen

U.S. Chair of the Federal Reserve

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Bill Gates

Co-Chair of the Gates Foundation
Founder of Microsoft

8 Шаблон:Flagicon Mike Duke

Chief Executive of Walmart

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Ben Bernanke

U.S. Chair of the Federal Reserve

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Mario Draghi

President of the European Central Bank

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

King of Saudi Arabia

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Mario Draghi

President of the European Central Bank

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon David Cameron

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Larry Page

Co-Founder of Google

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud

Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia

9 Шаблон:Flagicon Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

King of Saudi Arabia

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Sonia Gandhi

President of the Indian National Congress

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Mark Zuckerberg

Founder and CEO of Facebook

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Xi Jinping

General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Mario Draghi

President of the European Central Bank

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Sergey Brin

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Larry Page
Co-Founders of Google

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Narendra Modi

Prime Minister of India

10 Шаблон:Flagicon Bill Gates

Co-Chair of the Gates Foundation
Founder of Microsoft

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon David Cameron

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Mike Duke

Chief Executive of Walmart

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon David Cameron

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Larry Page

Co-Founder of Google

Шаблон:Increase Шаблон:Flagicon Mark Zuckerberg

Co-Founder of Facebook

Шаблон:Decrease Шаблон:Flagicon Larry Page

Co-Founder of Google

Listed seven or more times

Listed every time

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Listed eight times

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Listed seven times

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See also



External links

Шаблон:Forbes Magazine Lists