Английская Википедия:Frobenius characteristic map

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Версия от 09:28, 10 марта 2024; EducationBot (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «{{Английская Википедия/Панель перехода}} In mathematics, especially representation theory and combinatorics, a '''Frobenius characteristic map''' is an isometric isomorphism between the ring of characters of symmetric groups and the ring of symmetric functions. It builds a bridge between Representation theory of the symmetric group|represent...»)
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In mathematics, especially representation theory and combinatorics, a Frobenius characteristic map is an isometric isomorphism between the ring of characters of symmetric groups and the ring of symmetric functions. It builds a bridge between representation theory of the symmetric groups and algebraic combinatorics. This map makes it possible to study representation problems with help of symmetric functions and vice versa. This map is named after German mathematician Ferdinand Georg Frobenius.


The ring of characters


Let <math>R^n</math> be the <math>\mathbb{Z}</math>-module generated by all irreducible characters of <math>S_n</math> over <math>\mathbb{C}</math>. In particular <math>S_0=\{1\}</math> and therefore <math>R^0=\mathbb{Z}</math>. The ring of characters is defined to be the direct sum<math display="block">R=\bigoplus_{n=0}^{\infty}R^n</math>with the following multiplication to make <math>R</math> a graded commutative ring. Given <math>f \in R^n</math> and <math>g \in R^m</math>, the product is defined to be<math display="block">f \cdot g = \operatorname{ind}_{S_m \times S_n}^{S_{m+n}}(f \times g)</math>with the understanding that <math>S_m \times S_n</math> is embedded into <math>S_{m+n}</math> and <math> \operatorname{ind}</math> denotes the induced character.

Frobenius characteristic map

For <math>f \in R^n</math>, the value of the Frobenius characteristic map <math>\operatorname{ch}</math> at <math>f</math>, which is also called the Frobenius image of <math>f</math>, is defined to be the polynomial

<math display="block">\operatorname{ch}(f)=\frac{1}{n!}\sum_{w \in S_n}f(w)p_{\rho(w)}=\sum_{\mu \vdash n}z_\mu^{-1}f(\mu)p_\mu.</math>


Here, <math>\rho(w)</math> is the integer partition determined by <math>w</math>. For example, when <math>n=3</math> and <math>w=(12)(3)</math>, <math>\rho(w)=(2,1)</math> corresponds to the partition <math>3=2+1</math>. Conversely, a partition <math>\mu</math> of <math>n</math> (written as <math>\mu \vdash n</math>) determines a conjugacy class <math>K_\mu</math> in <math>S_n</math>. For example, given <math>\mu=(2,1)\vdash 3</math>, <math>K_\mu=\{(12)(3),(13)(2),(23)(1)\}</math> is a conjugacy class. Hence by abuse of notation <math>f(\mu)</math> can be used to denote the value of <math>f</math> on the conjugacy class determined by <math>\mu</math>. Note this always makes sense because <math>f</math> is a class function.

Let <math>\mu</math> be a partition of <math>n</math>, then <math>p_\mu</math> is the product of power sum symmetric polynomials determined by <math>\mu</math> of <math>n</math> variables. For example, given <math>\mu=(3,2)</math>, a partition of <math>5</math>,

<math>\begin{aligned} p_\mu(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4,x_5)&=p_3(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4,x_5)p_2(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4,x_5) \\



Finally, <math>z_\lambda</math> is defined to be <math>\frac{n!}{k_\lambda}</math>, where <math>k_\lambda</math> is the cardinality of the conjugacy class <math>K_\lambda</math>. For example, when <math>\lambda = (2,1)\vdash 3</math>, <math>z_\lambda = \frac{3!}{3}=2</math>. The second definition of <math>\operatorname{ch}(f)</math> can therefore be justified directly:<math display="block">\frac{1}{n!}\sum_{w \in S_n}f(w)p_{\rho(w)} = \sum_{\mu \vdash n}\frac{k_\mu}{n!}f(\mu)p_\mu

                                                = \sum_{\mu \vdash n}z_\mu^{-1}f(\mu)p_\mu



Inner product and isometry

Hall inner product


The inner product on the ring of symmetric functions is the Hall inner product. It is required that <math display="inline">\langle h_\mu,m_\lambda \rangle = \delta_{\mu\lambda}</math> . Here, <math>m_\lambda</math> is a monomial symmetric function and <math>h_\mu</math> is a product of completely homogeneous symmetric functions. To be precise, let <math>\mu=(\mu_1,\mu_2,\cdots)</math> be a partition of integer, then<math display="block">h_\mu=h_{\mu_1}h_{\mu_2}\cdots.</math>In particular, with respect to this inner product, <math>\{p_\lambda\}</math> form a orthogonal basis: <math display="inline">\langle p_\lambda,p_\mu \rangle = \delta_{\lambda\mu}z_\lambda</math>, and the Schur polynomials <math>\{s_\lambda\}</math> form a orthonormal basis: <math display="inline">\langle s_\lambda,s_\mu \rangle = \delta_{\lambda\mu}</math>, where <math>\delta_{\lambda\mu}</math> is the Kronecker delta.

Inner product of characters

Let <math>f,g \in R^n</math>, their inner product is defined to be[3]

<math display="block">\langle f, g \rangle_n = \frac{1}{n!}\sum_{w \in S_n}f(w)g(w) = \sum_{\mu \vdash n}z_\mu^{-1}f(\mu)g(\mu)</math>If <math>f = \sum_{n}f_n,g = \sum_{n}g_n</math>, then

<math display="block">\langle f,g \rangle = \sum_n \langle f_n, g_n \rangle_n</math>

Frobenius characteristic map as an isometry

One can prove that the Frobenius characteristic map is an isometry by explicit computation. To show this, it suffices to assume that <math>f,g \in R^n</math>:<math display="block">\begin{aligned} \langle \operatorname{ch}(f),\operatorname{ch}(g) \rangle &=

                   \left\langle \sum_{\mu\vdash n}z_\mu^{-1}f(\mu)p_\mu,
                       \sum_{\lambda\vdash n}z_\lambda^{-1}g(\lambda)p_\lambda\right\rangle \\
                   &= \sum_{\mu,\lambda\vdash n}z_\mu^{-1}z_\lambda^{-1}
                       f(\mu)g(\mu)\langle p_\mu,p_\lambda \rangle \\
                   &= \sum_{\mu,\lambda\vdash n}z_\mu^{-1}z_\lambda^{-1}
                       f(\mu)g(\mu)z_\mu\delta_{\mu\lambda} \\
                   &= \sum_{\mu\vdash n}z_{\mu}^{-1}f(\mu)g(\mu) \\
                   &= \langle f,g \rangle


Ring isomorphism

The map <math>\operatorname{ch}</math> is an isomorphism between <math>R</math> and the <math>\mathbb{Z}</math>-ring <math>\Lambda</math>. The fact that this map is a ring homomorphism can be shown by Frobenius reciprocity.[4] For <math>f \in R^n</math> and <math>g \in R^m</math>,<math display="block">\begin{aligned} \operatorname{ch}(f \cdot g) &= \langle \operatorname{ind}_{S_n \times S_m}^{S_{m+n}}(f \times g),\psi \rangle_{m+n} \\

                            &= \langle f \times g, \operatorname{res}_{S_n \times S_m}^{S_{m+n}}\psi \rangle \\
                            &= \frac{1}{n!m!}\sum_{\pi\sigma \in S_n \times S_m}(f \times g)(\pi\sigma)p_{\rho(\pi\sigma)} \\
                            &= \frac{1}{n!m!}\sum_{\pi \in S_n , \sigma \in S_m} f(\pi)g(\sigma)p_{\rho(\pi)} p_{\rho(\sigma)} \\
                            &= \left[\frac{1}{n!}\sum_{\pi \in S_n}f(\pi)p_{\rho(\pi)} \right]\left[\frac{1}{m!}\sum_{\sigma \in S_m}g(\sigma)p_{\rho(\sigma)} \right] \\
                            &= \operatorname{ch}(f)\operatorname{ch}(g)


Defining <math>\psi:S_n \to \Lambda^n</math> by <math>\psi(w) = p_{\rho(w)}</math>, the Frobenius characteristic map can be written in a shorter form:

<math display="block">\operatorname{ch}(f)=\langle f, \psi \rangle_n, \quad f \in R^n.</math>

In particular, if <math>f</math> is an irreducible representation, then <math>\operatorname{ch}(f)</math> is a Schur polynomial of <math>n</math> variables. It follows that <math>\operatorname{ch}</math> maps an orthonormal basis of <math>R</math> to an orthonormal basis of <math>\Lambda</math>. Therefore it is an isomorphism.


Computing the Frobenius image

Let <math>f</math> be the alternating representation of <math>S_3</math>, which is defined by <math>f(\sigma)v=\sgn(\sigma)v</math>, where <math>\sgn(\sigma)</math> is the sign of the permutation <math>\sigma</math>. There are three conjugacy classes of <math>S_3</math>, which can be represented by <math>e</math> (identity or the product of three 1-cycles), <math>(12)</math>(transpositions or the products of one 2-cycle and one 1-cycle) and <math>(123)</math> (3-cycles). These three conjugacy classes therefore correspond to three partitions of <math>3</math> given by <math>(1,1,1)</math>, <math>(2,1)</math>, <math>(3)</math>. The values of <math>f</math> on these three classes are <math>1,-1,1</math> respectively. Therefore:<math display="block">\begin{aligned} \operatorname{ch}(f) &= z_{(1,1,1)}^{-1}f((1,1,1))p_{(1,1,1)}+z_{(2,1)}f((2,1))p_{(2,1)}+z_{(3)}^{-1}f((3))p_{(3)} \\

                    &= \frac{1}{6}(x_1+x_2+x_3)^3 - \frac{1}{2}(x_1^2+x_2^2+x_3^2)(x_1+x_2+x_3)+\frac{1}{3}(x_1^3+x_2^3+x_3^3 ) \\
                    &= x_1x_2x_3

\end{aligned}</math>Since <math>f</math> is an irreducible representation (which can be shown by computing its characters), the computation above gives the Schur polynomial of three variables corresponding to the partition <math>3=1+1+1</math>.

