Версия от 05:44, 16 марта 2024; EducationBot(обсуждение | вклад)(Новая страница: «{{Английская Википедия/Панель перехода}} {{Short description|Head of government presiding over the Berlin Senate in Germany}} {{Use dmy dates|date=August 2021}} {{Infobox official post | post = Governing Mayor | body = Berlin | native_name = {{native name|de|Regierender Bürgermeister von Berlin}} | insignia = Coat of arms of Berlin.svg | insigniasize = 75px | insigniacaption = Coat of arms of Berlin | insigniaalt = | fl...»)
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The Governing Mayor (Шаблон:Lang-de) of Berlin is the head of government, presiding over the Berlin Senate. As Berlin is an independent city as well as one of the constituent States of Germany (Шаблон:Lang), the office is the equivalent of the Ministers President of the other German states, except the states of Hamburg and Bremen, where the heads of government are called "First Mayor" and "President of the Senate and Mayor", respectively. The title Governing Mayor of Berlin is the equivalent of Lord Mayor in the meaning of an actual executive leader.
According to the Berlin Constitution, the Governing Mayor is member and head of the Berlin Senate. The ministers are called senators. The two deputies additionally hold the title of Mayor (Шаблон:Lang-de, historically: burgomaster). The title Mayor is also held by the heads of the twelve boroughs of Berlin, although they do not actually preside over self-governmental municipalities.
The Governing Mayor is elected by the city's state parliament, the Abgeordnetenhaus of Berlin (equivalent to the Шаблон:Lang of other federal states), which also controls their policy guidelines and is able to enforce resignation by a motion of no confidence. The Governing Mayor is entitled to appoint and release the senators of the government.
During the Allied occupation after World War II, the city assembly (Шаблон:Lang) elected the Social Democratic politician Ernst Reuter as Lord Mayor on 24 June 1947, who, however, did not obtain the affirmation by the Allied Kommandatura of Berlin[1] due to Soviet reservations. Following the Communist putsch in Berlin's city government in September 1948, a separate city parliament (still named Шаблон:Lang) was set up, however, de facto only competent for the western occupation sectors of what was to become West Berlin was elected on 5 December 1948, electing two days later a separate city government and Ernst Reuter Lord Mayor for West Berlin. The Soviet administration had officially deposed the previous elected government for all of Berlin with effect only in the eastern sector and had installed the SED Lord Mayor Friedrich Ebert, Jr. in East Berlin already on 30 November 1948.
West Berlin introduced its own constitution (Шаблон:Lang), accounting for the changed facts, with effect of 1 October 1950. This constitution provided for the renaming of the city parliament to "Шаблон:Lang", of the city government into "Senate of Berlin" and the head of government into "Governing Mayor of Berlin".[2] Following the new constitution representatives were elected on 3 December 1950 and the new parliament re-elected Ernst Reuter as head of city government on 18 January 1951, with Reuter then adopting the new title. From 1951 to 1990, during the Cold War, the Governing Mayor was the head of government in West Berlin with his seat at Rathaus Schöneberg, while East Berlin de jure remained under Soviet occupation and de facto became a part and capital of the East Germany — not recognized by the NATO members, but actually condoned by the 1971 Four Power Agreement on Berlin and the German Basic Treaty of 1972.
The government of West Berlin claimed to be the legitimate government for all of Berlin within the borders established by the 1920 Greater Berlin Act until the Peaceful Revolution of 1989. Even before German reunification on 3 October 1990, the West Berlin Governing Mayor and the East Berlin Шаблон:Lang held common cabinet meetings, until Berlin-wide elections took place on 2 December 1990.
↑The Allied control body for Berlin corresponding to the Allied Control Council for the rest of Germany.
↑Cf. articles 25 and 40 of Die Verfassung von Berlin (Constitution of Berlin [West]), Berlin (West): Landeszentrale für politische Bildungsarbeit Berlin, 1982, pp. 34 and 37.