Английская Википедия:H-object

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Версия от 00:49, 18 марта 2024; EducationBot (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «{{Английская Википедия/Панель перехода}} {{refimprove|date=February 2021}} In mathematics, specifically homotopical algebra, an H-object<ref name=":0">{{Cite journal|last=Quillen|first=Dan|date=|title=On the (co-) homology of commutative rings|url=https://www.ams.org/books/pspum/017/|journal=Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics|volume=1970|pages=65–87|via=}}</ref> is a Categorification|categorical generali...»)
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In mathematics, specifically homotopical algebra, an H-object[1] is a categorical generalization of an H-space, which can be defined in any category <math>\mathcal{C}</math> with a product <math>\times</math> and an initial object <math>*</math>. These are useful constructions because they help export some of the ideas from algebraic topology and homotopy theory into other domains, such as in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry.


In a category <math>\mathcal{C}</math> with a product <math>\times</math> and initial object <math>*</math>, an H-object is an object <math>X \in \text{Ob}(\mathcal{C})</math> together with an operation called multiplication together with a two sided identity. If we denote <math>u_X: X \to *</math>, the structure of an H-object implies there are maps


\varepsilon&: * \to X \\ \mu&: X\times X \to X


which have the commutation relations

<math>\mu(\varepsilon\circ u_X, id_X) = \mu(id_X,\varepsilon\circ u_X) = id_X</math>



All magmas with units are secretly H-objects in the category <math>\textbf{Set}</math>.


Another example of H-objects are H-spaces in the homotopy category of topological spaces <math>\text{Ho}(\textbf{Top})</math>.

H-objects in homotopical algebra

In homotopical algebra, one class of H-objects considered were by Quillen[1] while constructing André–Quillen cohomology for commutative rings. For this section, let all algebras be commutative, associative, and unital. If we let <math>A</math> be a commutative ring, and let <math>A\backslash R</math> be the undercategory of such algebras over <math>A</math> (meaning <math>A</math>-algebras), and set <math>(A\backslash R)/B</math> be the associatived overcategory of objects in <math>A\backslash R</math>, then an H-object in this category <math>(A\backslash R)/B</math> is an algebra of the form <math>B\oplus M</math> where <math>M</math> is a <math>B</math>-module. These algebras have the addition and multiplication operations


(b\oplus m)+(b'\oplus m') &= (b + b')\oplus (m+m') \\ (b\oplus m)\cdot(b'\oplus m') &= (bb')\oplus(bm' + b'm)


Note that the multiplication map given above gives the H-object structure <math>\mu</math>. Notice that in addition we have the other two structure maps given by


u_{B\oplus M }(b\oplus m) &= b\\ \varepsilon (b) &= b\oplus 0


giving the full H-object structure. Interestingly, these objects have the following property:

<math>\text{Hom}_{(A\backslash R)/B}(Y,B\oplus M) \cong \text{Der}_A(Y, M)</math>

giving an isomorphism between the <math>A</math>-derivations of <math>Y</math> to <math>M</math> and morphisms from <math>Y</math> to the H-object <math>B\oplus M</math>. In fact, this implies <math>B\oplus M</math> is an abelian group object in the category <math>(A\backslash R)/B</math> since it gives a contravariant functor with values in Abelian groups.

See also

