Английская Википедия:18th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:Infobox Central Committee outline The 18th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party was elected by the 18th National Congress on 15 November 2012, and sat in plenary sessions until the communing of the 19th National Congress in 2017. It was formally proceeded by the 17th Central Committee.

The committee is composed of full members and alternate members.[1] A member has voting rights, while an alternate does not.[1] If a full member is removed from the CC the vacancy is then filled by an alternate member at the next committee plenum — the alternate member who received the most confirmation votes in favour is highest on the order of precedence.[1] To be elected to the Central Committee, a candidate must be a party member for at least five years.[1]

The first plenary session in 2012 was responsible for electing the bodies in which the authority of the Central Committee was invested when it was not in session: the Politburo and the Politburo Standing Committee. It was also responsible for approving the members of the Secretariat, Central Commission of Discipline Inspection and its Standing Committee. The second plenary session in March 2013 was responsible for nominating candidates for state positions.

The remaining plenary sessions of the 18th Central Committee were known for announcing a wide range of reform programs on a scale unprecedented since the Deng era, including "comprehensively deepening reforms", "ruling the country according to law", and complete the construction of a "moderately prosperous society". The 18th CC also saw the highest number of members expelled from the body due to corruption in the party's history.

The 18th CC was elected using the method "more candidates than seats".Шаблон:SfnШаблон:Efn At the 18th National Congress, delegates could vote for 224 possible candidates for 205 seats for full membership, and 190 candidates for the 171 alternate members.Шаблон:Sfn 8.5 percent of the member candidates and 10 percent of the alternate candidates failed to be elected.Шаблон:Sfn Of the 373 full and alternate members, 184 of them (i.e., 48.9 percent) were elected to the Central Committee for the first time.[2] Five of the nine members born in the 1960s were associated with the Communist Youth League (designated as Tuanpai by foreign commentators).Шаблон:Sfn

Few offspring of previously high-standing officials (known as "princelings") managed to obtain full membership on the 18th CC, though a few were named alternate members.Шаблон:EfnШаблон:Sfn The number of members who worked in central-controlled state-owned enterprises increased from one in the 17th CC to six, while Zhang Ruimin (head of Haier) was re-elected.Шаблон:Sfn The number of members from the military remained constant from the previous committee at around 20 percent, continuing a longstanding tradition.Шаблон:Sfn


IDUCC Institutions Directly Under the Central Committee
K Keys
CIM Central institution membership, which in this instance means membership in the PSC, PB, ST and CMC
PSC Standing Committee of the Political Bureau
PB Political Bureau
ST Secretariat
CMC Central Military Commission
SC–CCDI Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
CCDI Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
CPPCC Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
NL National Leader
DNL Deputy National Leader
PM Provincial-Ministerial
SPM Sub-provincial (vice-ministerial)
DE Department-prefecture level
Adm. Admiral
V-Adm. Vice-Admiral
Gen. General
Lt. Gen. Lieutenant General
Maj. Gen. Major General
Indicates that the individual is female.
Indicates that the individual was elevated from alternate to member
Indicates that the individual was expelled from the Communist Party after CCDI investigation.
Indicates that the individual was placed under investigation by the CCDI and disciplined,
but the results have not been publicly announced, or that they have been demoted but not expelled from the party
Indicates that the individual is retired from active political positionsШаблон:Efn
§ Indicates that the individual is military personnel.
Indicates that the individual is military personnel and has retired from active military service.
Note If two keys are used in the same column it indicates that the individual is both of something. For instance,
"♀§" indicates that the individual is female (♀) and military personnel (§).


Plenum Start–end Length Summary
1st Plenary Session 15 November 2012 1 day Xi Jinping was elected General Secretary and CMC Chairman. A 25-member Politburo, 7-member Politburo Standing Committee and seven member Secretariat with Liu Yunshan as first-ranking secretary were elected. The plenum approved the composition SC–CCDI elected by the CCDI 1st Plenary Session, and the election of Wang Qishan as CCDI Secretary, CCDI Secretary-General and several CCDI deputy secretaries.
2nd Plenary Session 26–28 February 2013 3 days The meeting approved lists of nominees for leading posts within the 12th National People's Congress and the 12th CPPCC National Committee, as well as a State Council restructuring plan aimed at a "simpler and decentralized administration".Шаблон:Citation needed
3rd Plenary Session 9–12 November 2013 4 days Xi Jinping made a report on behalf of the Politburo titled '"The Decision on Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reforms".[3] Market allocation of resources was given, in official speech, a "decisive role".[4] Procedures were taken to liberalize the banking system, with the goal of achieving significant results by 2020.[4] The National Security Commission and the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms were established, and both are led by Xi.[4] The meeting anticipated the abolition of re-education through labour and an easing to the one-child policy.[4]
4th Plenary Session 20–23 October 2014 4 days It passed a comprehensive package of legal reforms.[5] The decision upheld the supremacy of Communist Party rule and emphasized the importance of the Constitution.[5] It resolved to establish circuit tribunals (Шаблон:Lang) and cross-jurisdictional circuit courts and prosecution agencies.Шаблон:Sfn The decision also said that management of court resources of in municipal and lower level courts would be managed directly by the provincial level.Шаблон:Sfn The Central Committee passed resolution to expel Yang Jinshan, Jiang Jiemin, and Li Dongsheng, officials who have been dismissed during the anti-corruption campaign launched after the 1st Plenary Session.[5]
5th Plenary Session 26–29 October 2015[6] 4 days The session passed a draft of the 13th five-year plan, with provisions for combating poverty. Secondary education for children of less well-off families will gradually be made free, including any school fees; the document also called for a "comprehensively well-off society" by 2020 and a total elimination of "poverty counties" (pinkunxian), and a universal relaxation of the one-child policy: any married couples could now have two children. The Central Committee passed a resolution confirming the expulsion of CC members Ling Jihua, Zhou Benshun, Yang Dongliang, and CC alternate members Zhu Mingguo, Wang Min, Chen Chuanping, Qiu He, Yang Weize, Pan Yiyang, and Yu Yuanhui from the party; at the time, this was the largest ever number of CC members expelled during any CC plenum due to corruption; the record was broken two years later at the 7th plenum.[7]
6th Plenary Session 24–27 October 2016 4 days The 6th plenum's main focus was on "strict discipline and supervision of the Communist Party." Xi Jinping strove for greater transparency in the decision-making process in local governance, which also represents his effort to establish a positive image of China's Communist Party overseas. This is in addition to his actively promoted anti-corruption campaign within China's political system. Xi was declared the "leadership core" of the party. The Central Committee passed a resolution confirming the expulsion of CC member Wang Min, and CC alternate members Lü Xiwen, Fan Changmi, and Niu Zhizhong.[8]
7th Plenary Session 11–14 October 2017 4 days The 7th plenum was the final plenary session of the 18th Central Committee, convened to affirm achievements of the past five years and laying the groundwork for the 19th Party Congress. The plenum confirmed the expulsion of Sun Zhengcai, Wu Aiying,Шаблон:Efn Su Shulin, Wang Sanyun, Xiang Junbo, Wang Jianping, Tian Xiusi, Li Yunfeng, Yang Chongyong, and Mo Jiancheng from the Communist Party; confirmed the two-year party probation issued to Li Liguo and Yang Huanning; confirmed the removal of Zhang Xiwu from all party positions. The plenum saw the greatest number of expulsions at a single plenum post-Cultural Revolution party history.[9]

Working Organs

Heads of department-level institutions

Institution Name
Hanzi Took office Left office Tenure
Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Organs Wang Qishan
(born 1948)
王岐山 15 November 2012 25 October 2017 Шаблон:Ayd
Central International Liaison Department Wang Jiarui
(born 1949)
王家瑞 15 November 2012 16 November 2015 Шаблон:Ayd
Song Tao
(born 1955)
宋涛 16 November 2015 23 October 2017 Шаблон:Ayd
Central Organization Department Zhao Leji
(born 1957)
赵乐际 15 November 2012 25 October 2017 Шаблон:Ayd
Central Policy Research Office Wang Huning
(born 1955)
王沪宁 15 November 2012 23 October 2017 Шаблон:Ayd
Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission Meng Jianzhu
(born 1947)
孟建柱 15 November 2012 25 October 2017 Шаблон:Ayd
Central Publicity Department Liu Qibao
(born 1953)
刘奇葆 21 November 2012 25 October 2017 Шаблон:Ayd
Central Taiwan Task Office Wang Yi
(born 1953)
王毅 15 November 2012 17 March 2013 Шаблон:Ayd
Zhang Zhijun
(born 1953)
张志军 17 March 2013 23 October 2017 Шаблон:Ayd
Central United Front Work Department Ling Jihua
(born 1956)
令计划 15 November 2012 31 December 2013 Шаблон:Ayd
Sun Chunlan
(born 1950)
孙春兰 31 December 2014 25 October 2017 Шаблон:Ayd
General Office Li Zhanshu
(born 1950)
栗战书 15 November 2012 25 October 2017 Шаблон:Ayd
General Office of the Central Institutional Organization Commission Wang Yongqing
(born 1959)
汪永清 15 November 2012 April 2013 Шаблон:Ayd
Zhang Jinan
(born 1957)
张纪南 April 2013 23 October 2017 Шаблон:Ayd
General Office of the Central Leading Group for Financial and Economic Affairs Zhu Zhixin
(born 1949)
朱之鑫 15 November 2012 March 2013 Шаблон:Ayd
Liu He
(born 1952)
刘鹤 March 2013 23 October 2017 Шаблон:Ayd
General Office of the Foreign Affairs Leading Group Dai Bingguo
(born 1941)
戴秉国 15 November 2012 14 March 2013 Шаблон:Ayd
Yang Jiechi
(born 1950)
杨洁篪 14 March 2013 23 October 2017 Шаблон:Ayd
International Communications Office Wang Chen
(born 1950)
王晨 15 November 2012 14 March 2013 Шаблон:Ayd
Cai Mingzhao
(born 1955)
蔡名照 14 March 2013 December 2014 Шаблон:Ayd
Jiang Jianguo
(born 1956)
蒋建国 January 2015 23 October 2017 Шаблон:Ayd
Working Committee of Organs Directly Under the Central Committee Li Zhanshu
(born 1950)
栗战书 15 November 2012 25 October 2017 Шаблон:Ayd

Heads of IDUCC institutions

Institution Name
Hanzi Took office Left office Tenure
Central Compilation and Translation Bureau Yi Junqing
(born 1958)
衣俊卿 15 November 2012 15 January 2013 Шаблон:Ayd
Jia Gaojian
(born 1959)
贾高建 15 January 2013 23 October 2017 Шаблон:Ayd
Central Literature Research Office Leng Rong
(born 1953)
冷溶 15 November 2012 23 October 2017 Шаблон:Ayd
Central Party History Research Centre Ouyang Song
(born 1948)
欧阳淞 15 November 2012 December 2013 Шаблон:Ayd
Qu Qingshan
(born 1957)
曲青山 December 2013 23 October 2017 Шаблон:Ayd
Central Party School Liu Yunshan
(born 1947)
刘云山 15 January 2013 25 October 2017 Шаблон:Ayd
China Executive Leadership Academy, Jinggangshan Zhao Leji
(born 1957)
赵乐际 15 November 2012 25 October 2017 Шаблон:Ayd
China Executive Leadership Academy, Pudong
China Executive Leadership Academy, Yan'an
Guangming Daily He Dongping
(born 1955)
何东平 15 November 2012 23 October 2017 Шаблон:Ayd
People's Daily Zhang Yannong
(born 1948)
张研农 15 November 2012 30 April 2014 Шаблон:Ayd
Yang Zhenwu
(born 1955)
杨振武 30 April 2014 23 October 2017 Шаблон:Ayd
Qiushi Li Baoshan
(born 1955)
李宝善 15 November 2012 30 April 2014 Шаблон:Ayd
Li Jie
(born 1955)
李捷 1 May 2014 23 October 2017 Шаблон:Ayd



  • Name, Ethnicity, Office, Rank and institutional membership are listed in accordance with the Hanzi column, but can be sorted alphabetical by pressing the button next to the column titles.
  • The Hanzi column is listed according to the number of strokes in their surnames, which is the official ordering method.
  • Ranks listed are the highest rank each individual held during their term; if they were promoted from sub-provincial level to provincial-ministerial level during their term on the Central Committee, they would be listed under a provincial-ministerial level rank; military ranks are listed separately from civilian ranks, with the exception of military officials who hold positions on civilian bodies, in which case both military and civilian ranks are listed
  • The Office column lists offices that the individual held during their term on the Central Committee (i.e. between 2012 and 2017) and is not intended to be an exhaustive list of offices they held over the course of their career; if the individual was transferred between different offices, dates are included to indicate the time period they held each office. Generally, offices held between the conclusion of the 18th Party Congress and the National People's Congress in March 2013 are excluded. Dates reflect the term of office only within the duration of the CC session; therefore someone whose term in parentheses indicates 2012–2015, for example, does not necessarily imply that they held the office beginning in 2012; similarly, those whose term ends in 2017 does not necessarily indicate that they relinquished that office in 2017.
  • Only substantive offices are listed; for example it is customary that an individual will hold office both as provincial party secretary and chair of the provincial People's Congress. In this table, the latter title is not listed.
Hanzi K Ethnicity Office Rank Portrait CIM & CCDI
Yu Guangzhou
(born 1953)
于广洲 Шаблон:Center Han Director, General Administration of Customs Шаблон:Center Файл:Yu Guangzhou.jpg Шаблон:Center
Xi Jinping
(born 1953)
习近平 Шаблон:Center Han General Secretary, Central Committee
Chairman, Central Military Commission
President of the People's Republic of China
Chairman, National Security Commission
Шаблон:Center a smiling man, wearing a suit and a checked tie while looking straight into the camera PSC, PB, CMC
Ma Kai
(born 1946)
马凯 Шаблон:Center Han Vice Premier, State Council Шаблон:Center a man looking leftwards (away from the camera), wearing a suit and a red tie PB
Ma Biao
(born 1954)
马飚 Шаблон:Center Zhuang Vice Chairman, National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Ma Xingrui
(born 1959)
马兴瑞 Шаблон:Center Han Deputy Secretary, Guangdong Provincial Committee (2013–2015)
Secretary, Shenzhen Municipal Committee (2015–2017)
Governor of Guangdong (2017)
Шаблон:Center a serious looking man, wearing suit and a blue tie Шаблон:Center
Ma Xiaotian
(born 1949)
马晓天 § Han Commander-in-chief, People's Liberation Army Air Force Шаблон:Center a man with a short haircut, wearing a military uniform CMC
Wang Jun
(born 1952)
王君 Han Secretary, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regional Committee (2012–2016) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Wang Xia
(born 1954)
王侠 Han Secretary, Central Committee of the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperation Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Wang Min
(born 1950)
王珉 ♮∞ Han Secretary, Liaoning Provincial Committee (2012–2015) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Wang Yong
(born 1955)
王勇 Шаблон:Center Han State Councillor Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Wang Chen
(born 1950)
王晨 Шаблон:Center Han Vice Chairman, Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
Secretary-General, Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Wang Yi
(born 1953)
王毅 Шаблон:Center Han Minister of Foreign Affairs Шаблон:Center a man, wearing a suit and a black-greenish tie with a People's Republic of China badge on the right side of his suit Шаблон:Center
Wang Sanyun
(born 1952)
王三运 ♮∞ Han Secretary, Gansu Provincial Committee (2012–2017) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Wang Wanbin
(born 1949)
王万宾 Шаблон:Center Han Executive Deputy Secretary-General, Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Wang Yupu
(born 1956)
王玉普 Шаблон:Center Han Vice President, Chinese Academy of Engineering (2013–2015)
Chairman, Sinopec (2015–2017)
Director, State Administration of Work Safety (2017)
Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Wang Zhengwei
(born 1957)
王正伟 Шаблон:Center Hui Vice-chairman, Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
Chairman, State Ethnic Affairs Commission (2012–2016)
Шаблон:Center a man with a choppy haircut, wearing a suit and a tie while holding looking rightwards (away from the camera) Шаблон:Center
Wang Dongming
(born 1956)
王东明 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Sichuan Provincial Committee Шаблон:Center Файл:Wang Dongming.jpg Шаблон:Center
Wang Guangya
(born 1950)
王光亚 Han Director, Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office (2012–2017) Шаблон:Center a nearly bald man, wearing glasses, a suit and a purple tie Шаблон:Center
Wang Weiguang
(born 1950)
王伟光 Шаблон:Center Han President, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Wang Anshun
(born 1957)
王安顺 Шаблон:Center Han Mayor of Beijing (2012–2016)
Party Secretary, Development Research Center of the State Council (2016–2017)
Шаблон:Center Файл:Wang Anshun.jpg Шаблон:Center
Wang ZhigangШаблон:Efn
(born 1958)
王志刚 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Party Branch of the Ministry of Science and Technology Шаблон:Center Файл:Wang Zhigang.png Шаблон:Center
Wang Qishan
(born 1948)
王岐山 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Шаблон:Center a smiling nearly bald man, wearing a suit and a blue tie PSC, PB,
Wang Huning
(born 1955)
王沪宁 Шаблон:Center Han Director, Policy Research Office Шаблон:Center Файл:Wang Huning 2013.jpg PB
Wang Guosheng
(born 1956)
王国生 Шаблон:Center Han Governor of Hubei (2012–2016)
Secretary, Qinghai Provincial Committee (2016–2017)
Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Wang Xuejun
(born 1952)
王学军 Han Governor of Anhui (2013–2015)
Secretary, Anhui Provincial Committee (2015–2016)
Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Wang Jianping
(born 1953)
王建平 ♮§ Han Commander, People's Armed Police (2012–2014)
Deputy Chief of Staff, People's Liberation Army (2014–2016)
Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Wang Shengjun
(born 1946)
王胜俊 Шаблон:Center Han Vice Chairman, Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Шаблон:Center Файл:Voa chinese Wang Shengjun President of China Supreme Court delievers work report 11mar10 300.jpg Шаблон:Center
Wang Hongyao
(born 1951)
王洪尧 § Han Political Commissar, People's Liberation Army General Armaments Department Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Wang Xiankui
(born 1952)
王宪魁 Han Secretary, Heilongjiang Provincial Committee (2013–2017) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Wang Guanzhong
(born 1953)
王冠中 § Han Deputy Chief of Staff, People's Liberation Army Шаблон:Center Wang Guanzhong Шаблон:Center
Wang Jiarui
(born 1949)
王家瑞 Шаблон:Center Han Head, International Liaison Department (2012–2015)
Vice Chairman, Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
Шаблон:Center a serious looking nearly bald man, wearing a suit and a dark coloured tie while holding a piece of paper Шаблон:Center
Wang Jiaocheng
(born 1952)
王教成 § Han Commander, Shenyang Military Region Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Wang Xinxian
(born 1954)
王新宪 Шаблон:Center Han Chairman, Executive Board of the China Disabled Persons' Federation Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Wang Rulin
(born 1953)
王儒林 Han Secretary, Jilin Provincial Committee (2012–2014)
Secretary, Shanxi Provincial Committee (2014–2016)
Шаблон:Center Файл:Wang Rulin.png Шаблон:Center
Zhi Shuping
(born 1953)
支树平 Шаблон:Center Han Director, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine Шаблон:Center Файл:Zhi Shuping.jpg Шаблон:Center
You Quan
(born 1954)
尤权 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Fujian Provincial Committee Шаблон:Center Файл:You Quan in 2014.jpg Шаблон:Center
Che Jun
(born 1955)
车俊 Шаблон:Center Han Governor of Zhejiang (2016–2017)
Political Commissar, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (2012–2015)
Deputy Secretary, Xinjiang Autonomous Regional Committee (2012–2016)
Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Yin Weimin
(born 1953)
尹蔚民 Шаблон:Center Han Minister of Human Resources and Social Security Шаблон:Center Файл:Yin Weimin.jpg Шаблон:Center
(born 1955)
巴音朝鲁 Шаблон:Center Mongol Governor of Jilin (2012–2014)
Secretary, Jilin Provincial Committee (2014–2017)
Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
(born 1955)
巴特尔 Шаблон:Center Mongol Chairman, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (2012–2016)
Chairman, State Ethnic Affairs Commission (2016–2017)
Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Lu Zhangong
(born 1952)
卢展工 Шаблон:Center Han Vice Chairman, National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Ye Xiaowen
(born 1950)
叶小文 Han Branch Secretary, Central Institute of Socialism (2012–2016) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Tian Zhong
(born 1956)
田中 § Han Commander, North Sea Fleet (2012–2014)
Deputy Commander, People's Liberation Army Navy (2014–2017)
Шаблон:Center a man with a cropped haircut, wearing a white military uniform while looking leftwards (away from the camera) Шаблон:Center
Tian Xiusi
(born 1950)
田修思 ♮§ Han Political Commissar, People's Liberation Army Air Force (2012–2015) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Padma Choling
(born 1952)
白玛赤林 Шаблон:Center Tibetan Chairman, People's Congress of Tibet Шаблон:Center a serious-looking man, wearing glasses, a suit and a blue tie while looking rightwards (away from the camera) Шаблон:Center
Bai Chunli
(born 1953)
白春礼 Шаблон:Center Han President, Chinese Academy of Sciences Шаблон:Center a smiling, aged man, wearing glasses, a suit and a blue tie while looking straight into the camera Шаблон:Center
Ling Jihua
(born 1956)
令计划 Han Vice Chairman, National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (2013–2015)
Head, United Front Work Department (2012–2014)
Шаблон:Center Файл:Ling Jihua.jpg Шаблон:Center
Ji Bingxuan
(born 1951)
吉炳轩 Шаблон:Center Han Vice Chairman, Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Zhu Xiaodan
(born 1953)
朱小丹 Han Governor of Guangdong (2012–2017) Шаблон:Center a smiling with wavy hair, wearing glasses, a suit and a blue tie while looking straight at the camera Шаблон:Center
Zhu Fuxi
(born 1955)
朱福熙 § Han Political Commissar, Chengdu Military Region Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Quan ZhezhuШаблон:Efn
(born 1952)
全哲洙 Шаблон:Center Korean Executive Vice Chairman, Central Committee of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Liu Peng
(born 1951)
刘鹏 Han Secretary, State General Administration of Sports (2012–2016) Шаблон:Center Файл:The Minister, General Administration of Sports of China (GAS) and the President, Chinese Olympic Committee, Mr. Liu Peng and the Minister of State (Prime Minister's Office).jpg Шаблон:Center
Liu Yuan
(born 1951)
刘源 § Han Political Commissar, General Logistics Department of the People's Liberation Army Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Liu He
(born 1952)
刘鹤 Шаблон:Center Han Director, General Office of the Leading Group for Financial and Economic Affairs Шаблон:Center Файл:Liu He, May 16, 2018.jpg Шаблон:Center
Liu Yunshan
(born 1947)
刘云山 Шаблон:Center Han President, Central Party School
Chairman, Central Guidance Commission on Building Spiritual Civilization
Шаблон:Center a smiling, aged man with wavy hair, wearing a suit and a coloured tie PSC, PB, ST
Liu Yazhou
(born 1952)
刘亚洲 § Han Political Commissar, PLA National Defence University Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Liu Chengjun
(born 1949)
刘成军 Han President, PLA Academy of Military Science (2012–2015) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Liu Weiping
(born 1953)
刘伟平 Шаблон:Center Han Governor of Gansu Шаблон:Center Файл:Liu Weiping.jpg Шаблон:Center
Liu Yandong
(born 1945)
刘延东 Han Vice Premier, State Council Шаблон:Center a smiling, aged woman, wearing a blue dress (and a black shirt under it), white necklace and standing in front of the American and Chinese national flags PB
Liu Qibao
(born 1953)
刘奇葆 Шаблон:Center Han Head, Publicity Department Шаблон:Center Файл:Liu Qibao in 2016.jpg PB, ST
Liu Xiaojiang
(born 1949)
刘晓江 Han Political Commissar, People's Liberation Army Navy (2012–2015) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Liu Jiayi
(born 1955)
刘家义 Шаблон:Center Han Auditor General of the National Audit Office Шаблон:Center Файл:Liu Jiayi 2019.png Шаблон:Center
Liu Yuejun
(born 1954)
刘粤军 § Han Commander, Lanzhou Military Region Шаблон:Center Файл:Liu Yuejun.jpg Шаблон:Center
Liu Fulian
(born 1953)
刘福连 § Han Political Commissar, Beijing Military Region Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Xu Dazhe
(born 1956)
许达哲 Шаблон:Center Han Director, China National Space Administration (2013–2016)
Governor of Hunan (2016–2017)
Шаблон:Center Файл:Reunião com o Ministro da Ciência e Tecnologia e Indústria de Defesa da China, Xu Dazhe. (17647090989) (cropped).jpg Шаблон:Center
Xu Qiliang
(born 1950)
许其亮 § Han Vice Chairman, Central Military Commission Шаблон:Center Файл:Xu Qiliang.jpg PB, CMC
Xu Yaoyuan
(born 1952)
许耀元 § Han Political Commissar, PLA Academy of Military Science Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Sun Huaishan
(born 1957)
孙怀山 Han Secretary, Party Branch of Organizations Reporting to the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Sun Jianguo
(born 1952)
孙建国 § Han Deputy Chief of General Staff, People's Liberation Army Шаблон:Center Файл:Sun Jianguo.jpg Шаблон:Center
Sun Chunlan
(born 1950)
孙春兰 Han Secretary, Tianjin Municipal Committee (2012–2014)
Head, United Front Work Department (2014–2017)
Шаблон:Center Файл:Sun Chunlan (22551034609) (cropped).jpg PB
Sun Zhengcai
(born 1963)
孙政才 Han Secretary, Chongqing Municipal Committee (2012–2017) Шаблон:Center Файл:Sun Zhengcai(cropped).jpg PB
Sun Sijing
(born 1951)
孙思敬 § Han Political Commissar, People's Armed Police Force Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Su Shulin
(born 1962)
苏树林 Han Governor of Fujian (2012–2015) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Du Qinglin
(born 1946)
杜青林 Шаблон:Center Han Vice Chairman, National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Шаблон:Center Файл:Du Qinglin (cropped).jpg ST
Du Jincai
(born 1952)
杜金才 § Han Deputy Secretary, Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
Secretary, Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Military Commission
Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center SC–CCDI, CCDI
Du Hengyan
(born 1951)
杜恒岩 § Han Political Commissar, Jinan Military Region Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Li Wei
(born 1953)
李伟 Шаблон:Center Han Director, Development Research Center of the State Council Шаблон:Center Файл:Minister Li Wei, President, The Development Research Center of the State Council, People's Republic of China (14605134712).jpg Шаблон:Center
Li Bin
(born 1954)
李斌 Han Chairwoman, National Health and Family Planning Commission Шаблон:Center Файл:Minister Li Bin.jpg Шаблон:Center
Li Congjun
(born 1949)
李从军 Han President of the Xinhua News Agency (2012–2015) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Li Dongsheng
(born 1955)
李东生 Han Vice Minister of Public Security (2012–2013)
Director of the 6-10 Office (2012–2013)
Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Li LiguoШаблон:Efn
(born 1953)
李立国 Han Minister of Civil Affairs (2012–2016) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Li Jiheng
(born 1957)
李纪恒 Шаблон:Center Han Governor of Yunnan (2012–2014)
Secretary, Yunnan Provincial Committee (2014–2016)
Secretary, Inner Mongolia Regional Committee (2016–2017)
Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Li Keqiang
(born 1955)
李克强 Шаблон:Center Han Premier, State Council
Chairman, State Commission for Public Sector Reform
Chairman, National Defense Mobilization Commission
Chairman, National Energy Commission
Chairman, Central Institutional Organization Commission
Шаблон:Center a smiling man with a short haircut, wearing glasses, a white shirt, a suit and a red tie PSC, PB
Li Xueyong
(born 1950)
李学勇 Han Governor of Jiangsu (2012–2015) Шаблон:Center a man with a wavy haircut, wearing glasses, a white shirt, a suit and a black tie with white dots Шаблон:Center
Li Jianhua
(born 1954)
李建华 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Regional Committee (2012–2017) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Li Jianguo
(born 1946)
李建国 Шаблон:Center Han Vice Chairman, Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center PB
Li Hongzhong
(born 1956)
李鸿忠 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Hubei Provincial Committee (2012–2016)
Secretary, Tianjin Municipal Committee (2016–2017)
Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Li Yuanchao
(born 1950)
李源潮 Шаблон:Center Han Vice President of the People's Republic of China Шаблон:Center a smiling man with a long haircut, wearing a white shirt, a suit and a red tie PB
Yang Jing
(born 1953)
杨晶 Шаблон:Center Mongol Secretary-General, State Council Шаблон:Center a serious looking man with a long haircut, wearing a white shirt, a suit and a blue tie with white stripes ST
Yang Chuantang
(born 1954)
杨传堂 Шаблон:Center Han Minister of Transport Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Yang Jinshan
(born 1954)
杨金山 ♮§ Han Deputy Commander of the Chengdu Military Region (2012–2013) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Yang Dongliang
(born 1954)
杨栋梁 Han Director, State Administration of Work Safety (2012–2015) Шаблон:Center Файл:Yang Dongliang.jpg Шаблон:Center
Yang Jiechi
(born 1950)
杨洁篪 Шаблон:Center Han State Councillor Шаблон:Center a smiling man with a cropped haircut, wearing glasses and a blue shirt Шаблон:Center
Yang HuanningШаблон:Efn
(born 1957)
杨焕宁 Han Executive Deputy Minister of Public Security (2012–2015)
Director, State Administration of Work Safety (2015–2017)
Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Xiao Gang
(born 1958)
肖钢 Шаблон:Center Han Chairman, China Securities Regulatory Commission Шаблон:Center a man seated, with a wavy haircut, wearing a blue shirt, a suit and a blue tie Шаблон:Center
Xiao Jie
(born 1957)
肖捷 Шаблон:Center Han Deputy Secretary-General, State Council Шаблон:Center Файл:Xiao Jie (cropped).jpg Шаблон:Center
Wu Changde
(born 1952)
吴昌德 § Han Deputy Director, People's Liberation Army General Political Department Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Wu Shengli
(born 1945)
吴胜利 § Han Commander, People's Liberation Army Navy Шаблон:Center a man rendering honours (showcased by his left arm), wearing a dark military uniform CMC
Wu Aiying
(born 1951)
吴爱英 ♮♀ Han Minister of Justice (2012–2017) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Wu XinxiongШаблон:Efn
(born 1949)
吴新雄 Han Director, National Energy Administration (2012–2015) Шаблон:Center Файл:Wu Xinxiong.jpg Шаблон:Center
He Yiting
(born 1952)
何毅亭 Шаблон:Center Han Executive Vice President, Central Party School Шаблон:Center Файл:The Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh meeting the Executive Vice President of Central Party School, Mr. He Yiting, in Beijing, China on October 24, 2013.jpg Шаблон:Center
Leng Rong
(born 1953)
冷溶 Шаблон:Center Han Chairman, Central Literature Research Office Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Wang Yang
(born 1955)
汪洋 Шаблон:Center Han Vice Premier, State Council Шаблон:Center a man with a wavy haircut, wearing a white shirt, a suit and a blue tie PB
Wang Yongqing
(born 1959)
汪永清 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary-General, Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission
Deputy Secretary-General, State Council
Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Shen Yueyue
(born 1957)
沈跃跃 Han Vice Chair, Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
Chair, Central Committee of the All-China Women's Federation
Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Shen Deyong
(born 1954)
沈德咏 Шаблон:Center Han Executive Vice President, Supreme People's Court Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Song Dahan
(born 1952)
宋大涵 Шаблон:Center Han Director, Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Song Xiuyan
(born 1955)
宋秀岩 Han Secretary, Party Branch of the All-China Women's Federation
First Secretary, Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation
Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Zhang Yang
张阳 § Han Deputy Director, People's Liberation Army General Political Department Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center CMC
Zhang Mao
(born 1954)
张茅 Шаблон:Center Han Director, State Administration for Industry and Commerce Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Zhang Yi
(born 1950)
张毅 Han Director, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (2012–2017) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Zhang Youxia
(born 1950)
张又侠 § Han Director, People's Liberation Army General Armaments Department Шаблон:Center Файл:Zhang Youxia (2017-12-07) 3.jpg CMC
Zhang Shibo
(born 1952)
张仕波 § Han President, PLA National Defence University (2014–)
Commander, Beijing Military Region (2012–2014)
Шаблон:Center Файл:Lt. Gen. Zhang Shibo 2012.jpg Шаблон:Center
Zhang Qingwei
(born 1961)
张庆伟 Шаблон:Center Han Governor of Hebei Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Zhang Qingli
(born 1951)
张庆黎 Шаблон:Center Han Vice Chairman, National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
Secretary-General, National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Zhang Zhijun
(born 1953)
张志军 Шаблон:Center Han Director, Taiwan Affairs Office Шаблон:Center Файл:Msc 2006-Sunday, 11.00 - 13.00-Zhang.jpg Шаблон:Center
Zhang Guoqing
(born 1964)
张国清 Шаблон:Center Han Deputy Secretary, Chongqing Municipal Committee (2013–2016)
Mayor of Chongqing (2016–)
Шаблон:Center Файл:Zhang Guoqing.jpg Шаблон:Center
Zhang Baoshun
(born 1950)
张宝顺 Han Secretary, Anhui Provincial Committee (2012–2015) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Zhang Chunxian
(born 1953)
张春贤 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Xinjiang Autonomous Regional Committee Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center PB
Zhang Gaoli
(born 1946)
张高丽 Шаблон:Center Han Vice Premier, State Council Шаблон:Center a seated man with a short haircut, wearing glasses, a white shirt, a suit and a red tie with white dots PSC, PB
Zhang Haiyang
(born 1949)
张海阳 Han Political Commissar, Second Artillery Corps (2012–2015) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Zhang Yijiong
(born 1955)
张裔炯 Шаблон:Center Han Executive Deputy Head, United Front Work Department Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Zhang Dejiang
(born 1946)
张德江 Шаблон:Center Han Chairman, Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Шаблон:Center a serious looking man with a wavy haircut, wearing glasses, a white shirt, a suit and a red tie with white stripes and looking leftwards (away from the camera) PSC, PB
Lu Hao
(born 1967)
陆昊 Шаблон:Center Han Governor of Heilongjiang Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Chen Xi
(born 1953)
陈希 Шаблон:Center Han Executive Deputy Head, Organization Department Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Chen Lei
(born 1954)
陈雷 Шаблон:Center Han Minister of Water Resources Шаблон:Center Файл:Chen Lei Minister of Water Resources of PRC.jpg Шаблон:Center
Chen Quanguo
(born 1955)
陈全国 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Xinjiang Regional Committee (2016–)
Secretary, Tibet Regional Committee (2011–2016)
Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Chen Qiufa
(born 1954)
陈求发 Шаблон:Center Miao Chairman of the Hunan People's Political Consultative Conference (2013–2015)
Governor of Liaoning (2015–2017)
Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Chen Baosheng
(born 1956)
陈宝生 Шаблон:Center Han Vice President, China National School of Administration
Party Secretary, China National School of Administration
Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Chen Zhenggao
(born 1952)
陈政高 Шаблон:Center Han Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Chen Min'er
(born 1960)
陈敏尔 Шаблон:Center Han Governor of Guizhou (2012–2015)
Secretary, Guizhou Provincial Committee (2015–2017)
Secretary, Chongqing Municipal Committee (2017)
Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
(born 1961)
努尔·白克力 Шаблон:Center Uyghur Chairman of Xinjiang (2012–2014)
Director, National Energy Administration (2015–2017)
Шаблон:Center Файл:Voa chinese Xinjiang Governor Nur Bekri 7mar10.jpg Шаблон:Center
Miao Wei
(born 1955)
苗圩 Шаблон:Center Han Minister of Industry and Information Technology Шаблон:Center Файл:Miao Wei.jpg Шаблон:Center
Fan Changlong
(born 1947)
范长龙 § Han Vice Chairman, Central Military Commission Шаблон:Center Файл:FanChanglong.jpg PB, CMC
Lin Jun
(born 1949)
林军 Шаблон:Center Han President, Central Committee of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Lin Zuoming
(born 1957)
林左鸣 Шаблон:Center Han Chairman, Board of the Aviation Industry Corporation of China Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Shang Fulin
(born 1951)
尚福林 Han President, China Banking Regulatory Commission Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Luo Zhijun
(born 1951)
罗志军 Han Secretary, Jiangsu Provincial Committee (2012–2016) Шаблон:Center Файл:Luo Zhijun (cropped).jpg Шаблон:Center
Luo Baoming
(born 1952)
罗保铭 Han Secretary, Hainan Provincial Committee (2012–2017) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Zhou Ji
(born 1946)
周济 Шаблон:Center Han President, Chinese Academy of Engineering Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Zhou Qiang
(born 1960)
周强 Шаблон:Center Han President, Supreme Court Шаблон:Center Файл:ZhouQiang.jpg Шаблон:Center
Zhou Benshun
(born 1953)
周本顺 Han Secretary, Hebei Provincial Committee (2013–2015) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Zhou Shengxian
(born 1949)
周生贤 Han Minister of Environmental Protection (2012–2015) Шаблон:Center a man with a wavy haircut, wearing white shirt, a grey suit and a blue tie Шаблон:Center
Zheng Weiping
(born 1955)
郑卫平 § Han Political Commissar, Nanjing Military Region Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Fang Fenghui
(born 1951)
房峰辉 § Han Director, People's Liberation Army General Staff Department Шаблон:Center a man standing at attention, wearing a green military uniform, a light green shirt, a dark green tie and a military cap CMC
Meng Xuenong
(born 1949)
孟学农 Шаблон:Center Han Chairman, Legal Affairs Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Meng Jianzhu
(born 1947)
孟建柱 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission Шаблон:Center a man with a wavy haircut, wearing glasses, a white shirt, a suit and a blue tie PB
Xiang Junbo
(born 1957)
项俊波 Han Chairman, China Insurance Regulatory Commission Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Zhao Shi
(born 1953)
赵实 Han Secretary, Party Branch of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Zhao Zhengyong
(born 1951)
赵正永 Han Secretary, Shaanxi Provincial Committee (2012–2016) Шаблон:Center Файл:Zhao Zhengyong.jpg Шаблон:Center
Zhao Leji
(born 1957)
赵乐际 Шаблон:Center Han Head, Organization Department Шаблон:Center PB, ST
Zhao Keshi
(born 1947)
赵克石 § Han Director, General Logistics Department of the People's Liberation Army Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center CMC
Zhao Kezhi
(born 1953)
赵克志 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Guizhou Provincial Committee (2012–2015)
Secretary, Hebei Provincial Committee (2015–2017)
Шаблон:Center a man wearing glasses and a white shirt Шаблон:Center
Zhao Zongqi
(born 1955)
赵宗岐 § Han Commander, Jinan Military Region Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Zhao Hongzhu
(born 1947)
赵洪祝 Шаблон:Center Han Deputy Secretary, Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center ST, SC–CCDI,
Hu Zejun
(born 1955)
胡泽君 Han Executive Deputy Procurator-General, Supreme People's Procuratorate (2012–2017)
Auditor General (2017)
Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Hu Chunhua
(born 1963)
胡春华 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Guangdong Provincial Committee Шаблон:Center Файл:Hu Chunhua.jpg PB
Yu Zhengsheng
(born 1945)
俞正声 Шаблон:Center Han Chairman, National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Шаблон:Center a nearly bald man wearing glasses, a white shirt, a suit and a blue tie PSC, PB
Jiang Daming
(born 1953)
姜大明 Шаблон:Center Han Minister of Land and Resources Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Jiang Yikang
(born 1953)
姜异康 Han Secretary, Shandong Provincial Committee (2012–2017) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Luo Huining
(born 1954)
骆惠宁 Шаблон:Center Han Governor of Qinghai (2012–2016)
Secretary, Shanxi Provincial Committee (2016–2017)
Шаблон:Center Файл:Luo Huining.jpg Шаблон:Center
Qin Guangrong
(born 1954)
秦光荣 Han Secretary, Yunnan Provincial Committee (2012–2014) Шаблон:Center Файл:Qin Guangrong.jpg Шаблон:Center
Yuan Chunqing
(born 1952)
袁纯清 Шаблон:Center Han Party Secretary of Shanxi (2012–2014) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Yuan Guiren
(born 1950)
袁贵仁 Шаблон:Center Han Minister of Education (2012–2016) Шаблон:Center Файл:Yuan Guiren.jpg Шаблон:Center
Geng Huichang
(born 1951)
耿惠昌 Han Minister of State Security (2012–2017) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Nie Weiguo
(born 1952)
聂卫国 Шаблон:Center Han Director, Engineering Oversight Office of the Three Gorges Dam Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Li Zhanshu
(born 1950)
栗战书 Шаблон:Center Han Director, General Office of the Central Committee Шаблон:Center a grumpy looking man looking downwards, wearing white shirt, a suit and a blue tie PB, ST
Jia Ting'an
(born 1952)
贾廷安 § Han Deputy Director, People's Liberation Army General Political Department Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Xia Baolong
(born 1952)
夏宝龙 Han Secretary, Zhejiang Provincial Committee (2012–2017) Шаблон:Center Файл:Xia Baolong.jpg Шаблон:Center
Tie Ning
(born 1957)
铁凝 Han President, China Writers Association Шаблон:Center Файл:00 Tie Ning 20171111 120324 (cropped).jpg Шаблон:Center
Xu Shousheng
(born 1953)
徐守盛 Han Secretary, Hunan Provincial Committee (2013–2016) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Xu Shaoshi
(born 1951)
徐绍史 Han Chairman, National Development and Reform Commission (2012–2017) Шаблон:Center Файл:Xu Shaoshi.jpg Шаблон:Center
Xu Fenlin
(born 1953)
徐粉林 § Han Commander, Guangzhou Military Region Шаблон:Center Файл:Xu Fenlin with Gen. Brooks.jpg Шаблон:Center
Gao Hucheng
(born 1951)
高虎城 Han Minister of Commerce (2013–2017) Шаблон:Center Файл:Gao Hucheng 2015.jpg Шаблон:Center
Guo Shengkun
(born 1954)
郭声琨 Шаблон:Center Han State Councillor
Minister of Public Security
Шаблон:Center a smiling, clearly aged man with wavy haircut, wearing glasses, a white shirt, a suit and a light red tie Шаблон:Center
Guo Jinlong
(born 1947)
郭金龙 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Beijing Municipal Committee (2012–2017) Шаблон:Center Файл:Guo Jinlong.jpg PB
Guo Gengmao
(born 1950)
郭庚茂 Han Secretary, Henan Provincial Committee (2013–2016) Шаблон:Center Файл:Guo Gengmao.jpg Шаблон:Center
Guo Shuqing
(born 1956)
郭树清 Шаблон:Center Han Governor of Shandong (2013–2017)
Chairman, China Banking Regulatory Commission (2017)
Шаблон:Center a serious looking man bending forwards while seated, wearing glasses, a white shirt, a suit and a purple tie with white dots Шаблон:Center
Huang Xingguo
(born 1954)
黄兴国 Han Mayor of Tianjin (2012–2016) Шаблон:Center a man with a wavy haircut, wearing glasses, a white shirt, a suit and a blue tie Шаблон:Center
Huang Qifan
(born 1952)
黄奇帆 Han Mayor of Chongqing (2012–2017) Шаблон:Center a visibly aged man bending rightwards, wearing glasses, a white shirt, a suit, a dark blue tie and a communist party membership card Шаблон:Center
Huang Shuxian
(born 1954)
黄树贤 Шаблон:Center Han Deputy Secretary, Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
Minister of Supervision
Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center SC–CCDI, CCDI
Cao Jianming
(born 1955)
曹建明 Шаблон:Center Han Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Qi Jianguo
(born 1952)
戚建国 § Han Deputy Chief of General Staff, People's Liberation Army Шаблон:Center Файл:General Qi Jianguo.jpg Шаблон:Center
Chang Wanquan
(born 1949)
常万全 § Han State Councilor
Minister of National Defense
Шаблон:Center a man with a wavy haircut, wearing glasses and a green military uniform with military insignia and badges CMC
Lu Xinshe
(born 1956)
鹿心社 Шаблон:Center Han Governor of Jiangxi (2012–2016)
Secretary, Jiangxi Provincial Committee (2016–2017)
Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Peng Yong
(born 1954)
彭勇 § Han Commander, Xinjiang Military District Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Peng Qinghua
(born 1957)
彭清华 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Regional Committee Шаблон:Center Файл:Peng Qinghua.png Шаблон:Center
Jiang Dingzhi
(born 1954)
蒋定之 Шаблон:Center Han Governor of Hainan (2012–2015)
Vice Chairman, Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress (2015–2017)
Шаблон:Center Файл:IMG 5358 - Copy (13992620731).jpg Шаблон:Center
Jiang Jianguo
(born 1956)
蒋建国 Шаблон:Center Han Director of the State Council Information Office
Deputy Director, Publicity Department
Шаблон:Center Файл:Jiang Jianguo.jpg Шаблон:Center
Jiang Jiemin
(born 1954)
蒋洁敏 Han Director, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (2013) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Han Zheng
(born 1954)
韩正 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Shanghai Municipal Committee Шаблон:Center a smiling man with a short haircut, wearing glasses, a white shirt, a suit and a white tie with blue stripes PB
Han Changfu
(born 1954)
韩长赋 Шаблон:Center Han Minister of Agriculture Шаблон:Center a smiling man with a wavy haircut looking leftwards, wearing glasses, a white shirt, a suit and a blue tie with black dots Шаблон:Center
Jiao Huancheng
(born 1949)
焦焕成 Han Deputy Secretary-General, State Council (2012–2015) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Xie Fuzhan
(born 1954)
谢伏瞻 Шаблон:Center Han Governor of Henan (2013–2016)
Secretary, Henan Provincial Committee (2016–2017)
Шаблон:Center Файл:Xie Fuzhan portrait, March 2019.jpg Шаблон:Center
Qiang Wei
(born 1953)
强卫 Han Secretary, Jiangxi Provincial Committee (2013–2016) Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Lou Jiwei
(born 1950)
楼继伟 Han Minister of Finance (2012–2016) Шаблон:Center Файл:Lou Jiwei.jpg Шаблон:Center
Xie Zhenhua
(born 1949)
解振华 Han Deputy Director, National Development and Reform Commission (2012–2015) Шаблон:Center a smiling man who is bald, wearing glasses, a white shirt, a suit and a black tie with blue stripes Шаблон:Center
Chu Yimin
(born 1953)
褚益民 § Han Political Commissar, Shenyang Military Region Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Cai Wu
(born 1949)
蔡武 Han Minister of Culture (2012–2014) Шаблон:Center a serious looking man with a wavy haircut, wearing glasses, a white shirt, a suit and a red tie with white stripes Шаблон:Center
Cai Mingzhao
(born 1955)
蔡名照 Шаблон:Center Han President, Xinhua News Agency Шаблон:Center Файл:Cai Mingzhao - 2016 (cropped).jpg Шаблон:Center
Cai Yingting
(born 1954)
蔡英挺 § Han Commander, Nanjing Military Region Шаблон:Center Файл:Herbert J. Carlisle greeting Cai Yingting.JPG Шаблон:Center
Cai Fuchao
(born 1951)
蔡赴朝 Han Chairman, State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television (2012–2016)
Deputy Director, Publicity Department
Шаблон:Center Файл:Cai Fuchao.jpg Шаблон:Center
Luo Shugang
(born 1955)
雒树刚 Шаблон:Center Han Executive Deputy Head, Propaganda Department (2012–2014)
Minister of Culture (2014–2017)
Шаблон:Center Файл:Luo Shugang (cropped).jpg Шаблон:Center
Wei Liang
(born 1953)
魏亮 § Han Political Commissar, Guangzhou Military Region Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Wei Fenghe
(born 1953)
魏凤和 § Han Commander, Second Artillery Corps Шаблон:Center a smiling man with his mouth open and looking rightwards, wearing a light green military uniform with insignia and badges CMC


  • The individuals below are listed according to the number of votes in favour received at the Party Congress that elected the committee; if the number of votes in favour they received were the same, they are ordered by the number of strokes in their surnames.
  • Name (birth–death), Ethnicity, Office, and Rank can be sorted alphabetical by pressing the button next to the column titles.
Replacement of expelled CC full members
  • At each plenum, previously expelled full members of the Central Committee are replaced by alternate members. Alternate members are promoted to full members based on their rank sequence, determined by the number of votes they received at the previous party congress. In October 2017, at the 7th plenum, 11 such replacements were made. However, in a seeming departure from protocol, Liu Xuepu, Zhu Yanfeng, Zheng Qunliang, and Zhao Jin were skipped over from consideration – a possible indication that they had themselves ran afoul of party regulations prior to the plenum.
Hanzi K Ethnicity Office Rank
Ma Jiantang
(born 1958)
马建堂 Han Director, National Bureau of Statistics Шаблон:Center
Wang Zuo'an
(born 1958)
王作安 Han Director, State Administration for Religious Affairs Шаблон:Center
Mao Wanchun
(born 1961)
毛万春 Han Head, Shaanxi Provincial Organization Department (2013–2016)
Deputy Secretary, Shaanxi Provincial Committee (2016–)
Liu Xiaokai
(born 1962)
刘晓凯 Miao Head, Guizhou United Front Work Department Шаблон:Center
Chen Zhirong
陈志荣 Li Vice Governor of Hainan Шаблон:Center
Jin Zhenji
(born 1959)
金振吉 Korean Vice Governor of Jilin Шаблон:Center
Zhao Xiangeng
(born 1953)
赵宪庚 Han Vice President, Chinese Academy of Engineering Шаблон:Center
Xian Hui
(born 1958)
咸辉 ↑♀ Hui Vice Governor of Gansu (2012–2016)
Chairman of Ningxia (2016–)
Mo Jiancheng
(born 1956)
莫建成 Han Deputy Secretary, Jiangxi Provincial Committee
Vice Governor of Jiangxi
Cui Bo
(born 1957)
崔波 Han Deputy Secretary, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Regional Committee Шаблон:Center
Shu Xiaoqin
(born 1956)
舒晓琴 ↑♀ Han Director, State Bureau for Letters and Calls
Deputy Secretary-General, State Council
Ma Shunqing
(born 1963)
马顺清 Hui Chairman, Qinghai Federation of Trade Unions (2015–)
Vice Governor of Qinghai (2012–2015)
Wang Jianjun
(born 1958)
王建军 Han Deputy Secretary, Qinghai Provincial Committee Шаблон:Center
Zhu Mingguo
(born 1957)
朱明国 Li Chairman, Guangdong People's Political Consultative Conference (2013–2014)
Deputy Secretary, Guangdong Provincial Committee (2012–2013)
Liu Xuepu
(born 1957)
刘学普 Шаблон:Center Tujia Secretary, Chongqing Municipal Political and Legal Affairs Commission Шаблон:Center
Li Qiang
(born 1959)
李强 Han Governor of Zhejiang (2012–2016)
Secretary, Jiangsu Provincial Committee (2016–2017)
Yang Chongyong
(born 1955)
杨崇勇 Manchu Executive Vice Governor of Hebei Шаблон:Center
Yu Yuanhui
(born 1964)
余远辉 Yao Secretary, Nanning Municipal Committee (2013–2015) Шаблон:Center
Chen Wu
(born 1954)
陈武 Zhuang Chairman, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Шаблон:Center
Chen Mingming
(born 1957)
陈鸣明 Bouyei Vice Governor of Guizhou
Secretary, Qianxinan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture Committee
Zhu Yanfeng
(born 1961)
竺延风 Шаблон:Center Han Chairman, Dongfeng Motor
Party Secretary, Dongfeng Motor
Zheng Qunliang
(born 1954)
郑群良 § Han Deputy Commander, PLA Air Force Шаблон:Center
Zhao Jin
(born 1962)
赵金 Шаблон:Center Yi Head, Yunnan Provincial Propaganda Department Шаблон:Center
Zhao Lixiong
(born 1956)
赵立雄 Bai Chairman, Yunnan Ethnic Affairs and Religion Commission (2012–2016)
Vice Chairman, Yunnan People's Congress (2016–)
Zhao Shucong
(born 1955)
赵树丛 Han Director, State Forestry Administration of the People's Republic of China Шаблон:Center
Duan Chunhua
(born 1959)
段春华 Han Secretary-General, Tianjin Municipal Committee Шаблон:Center
Losang Gyaltsen
(born 1957)
洛桑江村 Tibetan Chairman, Tibet Autonomous Region Шаблон:Center
Qian Zhimin
(born 1960)
钱智民 Шаблон:Center Han Chief executive, China National Nuclear Corporation Шаблон:Center
Gao Jin
(born 1959)
高津 § Han President, PLA Academy of Military Science Шаблон:Center
Gao Guangbin
(born 1963)
高广滨 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Changchun Municipal Committee (2012–2015)
Executive Vice Governor of Jilin (2015–)
Liang Guoyang
(born 1951)
梁国扬 Шаблон:Center Han Шаблон:Center Шаблон:Center
Shen Yiqin
(born 1959)
谌贻琴 Bai Executive Vice Governor of Guizhou (2012–2015)
Deputy Secretary, Guizhou Provincial Committee (2015–2017)
Governor of Guizhou (2017–)
Han Yong
(born 1956)
韩勇 Шаблон:Center Han Political Commissar, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (2015–)
Deputy Secretary, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Regional Committee
Lan Tianli
(born 1962)
蓝天立 Шаблон:Center Zhuang Vice Chairman, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Шаблон:Center
Zhan Wenlong
(born 1955)
詹文龙 Шаблон:Center Han President, Institute of High Energy Physics Шаблон:Center
Pan Liangshi
(born 1956)
潘良时 § Han Commander, Beijing Garrison Шаблон:Center
Ai Husheng
(born 1951)
艾虎生 Han Deputy Commander, Chengdu Military Region (2012–2014) Шаблон:Center
(born 1962)
旦科 Шаблон:Center Tibetan Head, Qinghai Provincial United Front Department Шаблон:Center
Ren Xuefeng
(born 1965)
任学锋 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Guangzhou Municipal Committee Шаблон:Center
Liu Sheng
(born 1956)
刘胜 § Han Deputy Director, People's Liberation Army General Armaments Department Шаблон:Center
Liu Hui
(born 1959)
刘慧 Hui Deputy Secretary, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Regional Committee
Chairman, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region
Li Shixiang
(born 1958)
李士祥 Шаблон:Center Han Executive Vice Mayor of Beijing Шаблон:Center
Li Baoshan
(born 1955)
李宝善 Шаблон:Center Han Editor-in-chief, People's Daily (2014–)
Editor-in-chief, Qiushi (2012–2014)
Li Jiayang
(born 1956)
李家洋 Шаблон:Center Han Deputy Minister of Agriculture
President, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Chairman, Genetics Society of China
Yang Yue
(born 1968)
杨岳 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Fuzhou Municipal Committee Шаблон:Center
Yang Xuejun
(born 1963)
杨学军 § Han President, National University of Defense Technology Шаблон:Center
Zhang Jie
(born 1958)
张杰 Шаблон:Center Han President, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Шаблон:Center
Zhang Daili
(born 1954)
张岱梨 Шаблон:Center Han President, Hubei Federation of Trade Unions (2015–)
Head, Hebei Provincial United Front Work Department (2012–2015)
Zhang Jianping
(born 1956)
张建平 § Han Deputy Commander, PLA Air Force Шаблон:Center
Chen Chuanping
(born 1962)
陈川平 Han Secretary, Taiyuan Municipal Committee (2012–2014) Шаблон:Center
Hao Peng
(born 1960)
郝鹏 Шаблон:Center Han Governor of Qinghai Шаблон:Center
Ke Zunping
(born 1956)
柯尊平 Шаблон:Center Han Chairman, Standing Committee of Sichuan People's Political Consultative Conference (2015–)
Deputy Secretary, Sichuan Provincial Committee (2013–2015)
Head, Sichuan Provincial Organization Department (2012–2013)
Lou Qinjian
(born 1956)
娄勤俭 Шаблон:Center Han Governor of Shaanxi
Deputy Secretary, Shaanxi Provincial Committee
Yao Yinliang
(born 1956)
姚引良 Шаблон:Center Han Vice Governor, Shaanxi
Secretary, Yan'an Municipal Committee (2012–2015)
Xia Jie
(born 1960)
夏杰 Hui Head, Henan Provincial Organization Department Шаблон:Center
Xu Songnan
(born 1956)
徐松南 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Chongqing Discipline Inspection Commission Шаблон:Center
Jiang Weilie
(born 1955)
蒋伟烈 § Han Deputy Commander, People's Liberation Army Navy Шаблон:Center
Wan Lijun
(born 1957)
万立骏 Шаблон:Center Han President, University of Science and Technology of China (2015–) Шаблон:Center
Wang Huizhong
(born 1956)
王辉忠 Шаблон:Center Han Deputy Secretary, Zhejiang Provincial Committee
Secretary, Zhejiang Political and Legal Affairs Commission
Niu Zhizhong
(born 1955)
牛志忠 ♮§ Han Chief of Staff, People's Armed Police Шаблон:Center
Deng Kai
(born 1959)
邓凯 Шаблон:Center Han Deputy Secretary, Henan Provincial Committee Шаблон:Center
Ye Hongzhuan
(born 1958)
叶红专 Шаблон:Center Tujia Secretary, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture Committee Шаблон:Center
(born 1964)
尔肯江·吐拉洪 Шаблон:Center Uyghur Chairman, Xinjiang Federation of Trade Unions Шаблон:Center
Liu Yuting
(born 1956)
刘玉亭 Шаблон:Center Han Deputy Director, State Administration for Industry and Commerce Шаблон:Center
Liu Shiquan
(born 1963)
刘石泉 Шаблон:Center Han Vice President, China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation Шаблон:Center
Li Kang
(born 1957)
李康 Zhuang Vice Chairman, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Шаблон:Center
Li Changping
(born 1961)
李昌平 Шаблон:Center Tibetan Chairman, Sichuan Rural Work Commission Шаблон:Center
Yang Weize
(born 1962)
杨卫泽 Han Secretary, Nanjing Municipal Committee (2012–2015) Шаблон:Center
Chen Zuoning
(born 1957)
陈左宁 Han Vice President, Chinese Academy of Engineering Шаблон:Center
(born 1962)
努尔兰·阿不都满金 Шаблон:Center Kazakh Chairman, Xinjiang People's Political Consultative Conference Шаблон:Center
Lin Duo
(born 1956)
林铎 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Liaoning Commission for Discipline Inspection (2014–)
Secretary, Harbin Municipal Committee (2012–2014)
Jin Zhuanglong
(born 1964)
金壮龙 Шаблон:Center Han General Manager, Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Шаблон:Center
Zhao Aiming
(born 1961)
赵爱明 Han Head, Jiangxi Provincial Organization Department Шаблон:Center
Qin Yizhi
(born 1965)
秦宜智 Шаблон:Center Han First Secretary, Communist Youth League Шаблон:Center
Qin Yinhe
(born 1951)
秦银河 § Han Deputy Director, General Logistics Department of the People's Liberation Army (2012–2014) Шаблон:Center
Gao Jianguo
(born 1954)
高建国 § Han Director, Shenyang Military Region Political Department Шаблон:Center
Guo Jianbo
(born 1960)
郭剑波 Шаблон:Center Han President, China Electric Power Research Institute Шаблон:Center
Huang Kunming
(born 1956)
黄坤明 Шаблон:Center Han Executive Deputy Head, Propaganda Department Шаблон:Center
Huang Xinchu
(born 1957)
黄新初 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Chengdu Municipal Committee Шаблон:Center
Cao Shumin
(born 1966)
曹淑敏 Han President, China Academy for Information and Communication Technology Шаблон:Center
Ge Huijun
(born 1963)
葛慧君 Han Head, Zhejiang Provincial Propaganda Department Шаблон:Center
Zeng Wei
(born 1956)
曾维 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Shenyang Municipal Committee Шаблон:Center
Yu Weiguo
(born 1955)
于伟国 Шаблон:Center Han Deputy Secretary, Fujian Provincial Committee (2013–2015)
Governor of Fujian (2015–)
Wang Ning
(born 1955)
王宁 § Han Deputy Chief of General Staff, People's Liberation Army (2013–2014)
Commander, People's Armed Police (2014–)
Wang Jun
(born 1958)
王军 Шаблон:Center Han Director, State Administration of Taxation Шаблон:Center
Wang Jian
(born 1954)
王健 § Han Deputy Political Commissar, Beijing Military Region Шаблон:Center
Lü Xiwen
(born 1955)
吕锡文 ♮♀ Han Deputy Secretary, Beijing Municipal Committee (2013–2015) Шаблон:Center
Ruan Chengfa
(born 1957)
阮成发 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Wuhan Municipal Committee Шаблон:Center
Li Xi
(born 1956)
李希 Шаблон:Center Han Head, Shanghai Organization Department (2012–2014)
Governor of Liaoning (2014–2015)
Secretary, Liaoning Provincial Committee (2015–)
Li Qun
(born 1962)
李群 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Qingdao Municipal Committee Шаблон:Center
Li Yunfeng
(born 1957)
李云峰 Han Executive Vice Governor of Jiangsu Шаблон:Center
Li Guoying
(born 1964)
李国英 Шаблон:Center Han Vice Minister of Water Resources (2012–2015)
Deputy Secretary, Anhui Provincial Committee (2015–2016)
Governor of Anhui (2016–)
Wu Manqing
(born 1965)
吴曼青 Шаблон:Center Han President, China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology Шаблон:Center
Shen Suli
(born 1958)
沈素琍 Han Head, Anhui United Front Department Шаблон:Center
Fan Changmi
(born 1955)
范长秘 ♮§ Han Director, Lanzhou Military Region Political Department (2012–2014) Шаблон:Center
Ouyang Jian
(born 1957)
欧阳坚 Шаблон:Center Bai Deputy Secretary, Gansu Provincial Committee Шаблон:Center
Zhao Yupei
(born 1954)
赵玉沛 Шаблон:Center Han President, Peking Union Medical College Hospital Шаблон:Center
Huang Lixin
(born 1962)
黄莉新 Han Secretary, Nanjing Municipal Committee (2015–) Шаблон:Center
Gong Ke
(born 1955)
龚克 Шаблон:Center Han President, Nankai University Шаблон:Center
Liang Liming
(born 1961)
梁黎明 Han Vice Governor of Zhejiang Шаблон:Center
Dao Linyin
(born 1959)
刀林荫 Dai Vice Chairman, Yunnan People's Congress Шаблон:Center
Ma Weiming
(born 1960)
马伟明 § Han Professor, PLA Navy Engineering University Шаблон:Center
Wang Min
(born 1956)
王敏 Han Secretary, Jinan Municipal Committee (2012–2014) Шаблон:Center
Wang Wentao
(born 1964)
王文涛 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Nanchang Municipal Committee (2012–2015)
Secretary, Jinan Municipal Committee (2015–)
Niu Hongguang
(born 1951)
牛红光 § Han Deputy Director, People's Liberation Army General Armaments Department Шаблон:Center
Mao Chaofeng
(born 1965)
毛超峰 Шаблон:Center Han Executive Vice Governor of Hainan (2015–)
Secretary, Hainan Political and Legal Affairs Commission (2013–2015)
Gongpo Tashi
(born 1962)
公保扎西 Шаблон:Center Tibetan Head, Tibet United Front Department Шаблон:Center
Zhu Shanlu
(born 1953)
朱善璐 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Peking University Шаблон:Center
Ren Hongbin
(born 1963)
任洪斌 Шаблон:Center Han Chairman, Sinomach Шаблон:Center
Tang Tao
(born 1962)
汤涛 Шаблон:Center Han Head, Shanxi Organization Department (2012–2015)
Vice Minister of Human Resources and Social Security
Li Jincheng
(born 1963)
李金城 Шаблон:Center Han Vice-president, China Railway Construction Corporation Limited Шаблон:Center
Li Xiansheng
(born 1954)
李宪生 Шаблон:Center Han Deputy Secretary, Hainan Provincial Committee (2012–2014) Шаблон:Center
Li Peilin
(born 1955)
李培林 Шаблон:Center Han Vice President, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Шаблон:Center
Wu Zhenglong
(born 1964)
吴政隆 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Taiyuan Municipal Committee (2014–) Шаблон:Center
Zhang Xiaoming
(born 1963)
张晓明 Шаблон:Center Han Director, Liaison Office of the Central Government in Hong Kong Шаблон:Center
Zhang Xiwu
(born 1958)
张喜武 Han Deputy Director, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission Шаблон:Center
Zhang Ruimin
(born 1949)
张瑞敏 Шаблон:Center Han Chief executive, Haier Шаблон:Center
Zhang Ruiqing
(born 1955)
张瑞清 § Han Deputy Political Commissar, People's Armed Police Шаблон:Center
Shang Yong
(born 1957)
尚勇 Шаблон:Center Han Executive Vice President, China Association for Science and Technology (2015–) Шаблон:Center
Hu Heping
(born 1962)
胡和平 Шаблон:Center Han Deputy Secretary, Shaanxi Provincial Committee Шаблон:Center
Ni Yuefeng
(born 1964)
倪岳峰 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Fujian Commission for Discipline Inspection Шаблон:Center
Yin Fanglong
(born 1953)
殷方龙 § Han Deputy Director, People's Liberation Army General Political Department Шаблон:Center
Cao Guangjing
(born 1964)
曹广晶 Шаблон:Center Han Vice Governor of Hubei Шаблон:Center
Lei Chunmei
(born 1959)
雷春美 She Head, Fujian United Front Department Шаблон:Center
Wang Yongchun
(born 1960)
王永春 Han Vice President, China National Petroleum Corporation (2012–2013) Шаблон:Center
Xu Linping
(born 1957)
许林平 § Han Deputy Commander, Nanjing Military Region Шаблон:Center
Sun Jinlong
(born 1962)
孙金龙 Шаблон:Center Han Deputy Secretary, Hunan Provincial Committee Шаблон:Center
Jin Donghan
(born 1961)
金东寒 Шаблон:Center Han Lead Engineer, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation Шаблон:Center
He Fuchu
(born 1962)
贺福初 § Han President, Military Medicine Academy Шаблон:Center
Xia Deren
(born 1955)
夏德仁 Шаблон:Center Han Chairman, Liaoning People's Political Consultative Conference Шаблон:Center
E Jingping
(born 1956)
鄂竟平 Шаблон:Center Han Director, Office of the South-North Water Transfer Project Шаблон:Center
Jiang Chaoliang
(born 1957)
蒋超良 Шаблон:Center Han Governor of Jilin (2015–)
Chairman, Agricultural Bank of China (2012–2014)
Ma Zhengqi
(born 1959)
马正其 Шаблон:Center Han Deputy Director, State Administration for Industry and Commerce Шаблон:Center
Shi Taifeng
(born 1956)
石泰峰 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Suzhou Municipal Committee (2012–2015)
Deputy Secretary, Jiangsu Provincial Committee (2012–2015)
Governor of Jiangsu (2015–2017)
Secretary, Ningxia Regional Committee (2017–)
Li Yumei
(born 1956)
李玉妹 Han Head, Guangdong Organization Department Шаблон:Center
Yang Hui
(born 1963)
杨晖 § Han Chief of Staff, Nanjing Military Region Шаблон:Center
Wu Changhai
(born 1954)
吴长海 § Han Deputy Political Commissar, Nanjing Military Region Шаблон:Center
Song Liping
(born 1962)
宋丽萍 Han President and CEO, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Шаблон:Center
Zhang Yesui
(born 1953)
张业遂 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Party Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
Chen Run'er
(born 1957)
陈润儿 Шаблон:Center Han Governor of Henan (2016–)
Deputy Secretary, Heilongjiang Provincial Committee (2014–2016)
Jiang Jianqing
(born 1953)
姜建清 Шаблон:Center Han Chairman, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Шаблон:Center
Mei Kebao
(born 1957)
梅克保 Шаблон:Center Han Deputy Director, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine Шаблон:Center
Pan Yiyang
(born 1961)
潘逸阳 Han Executive Vice Chairman, Inner Mongolia (2012–2014) Шаблон:Center
Ding Xuexiang
(born 1962)
丁薛祥 Шаблон:Center Han Deputy Director, General Office of the Communist Party
Chief of Staff to the General Secretary
(born 1962)
乌兰 Mongolian Deputy Secretary, Hunan Provincial Committee (2016–)
Head, Inner Mongolia Propaganda Department (2012–2016)
Sun Shougang
(born 1965)
孙守刚 Шаблон:Center Han Head, Shandong Propaganda Department Шаблон:Center
Li Jia
(born 1961)
李佳 Шаблон:Center Han Deputy Secretary, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regional Committee Шаблон:Center
Zhao Yong
(born 1963)
赵勇 Шаблон:Center Han Deputy Secretary, Hebei Provincial Committee Шаблон:Center
Xu Lejiang
(born 1959)
徐乐江 Шаблон:Center Han Chairman, Baosteel Group Шаблон:Center
Cao Qing
(born 1952)
曹清 § Han Deputy Commander, Beijing Military Region (2015–)
Director, Central Guard Bureau (2012–2015)
Cai Zhenhua
(born 1961)
蔡振华 Шаблон:Center Han Director, State General Administration of Sports
President, Chinese Football Association
Wan Qingliang
(born 1964)
万庆良 Han Secretary, Guangzhou Municipal Committee (2012–2014) Шаблон:Center
Yin Li
(born 1962)
尹力 Шаблон:Center Han Deputy Secretary, Sichuan Provincial Committee (2015–2016)
Governor of Sichuan (2016–)
Du Jiahao
(born 1955)
杜家毫 Шаблон:Center Han Governor of Hunan (2013-2016)
Secretary, Hunan Provincial Committee (2016-)
Li Chuncheng
(born 1956)
李春城 Han Deputy Secretary, Sichuan Provincial Committee (2012) Шаблон:Center
He Lifeng
(born 1955)
何立峰 Шаблон:Center Han Deputy Director, National Development and Reform Commission Шаблон:Center
Chen Gang
(born 1966)
陈刚 Шаблон:Center Han Vice Mayor of Beijing Шаблон:Center
Wang Rong
(born 1958)
王荣 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Shenzhen Municipal Committee (2012–2015)
Chairman, Guangdong People's Political Consultative Conference (2015–)
Ji Lin
(born 1962)
吉林 Шаблон:Center Han Chairman, Beijing People's Political Consultative Conference Шаблон:Center
Liu Jian
(born 1970)
刘剑 Шаблон:Center Han Secretary, Hami Prefecture Committee Шаблон:Center
Li Bing
(born 1949)
李冰 Шаблон:Center Han Vice President, China Writers Association Шаблон:Center
Zhang Xuan
(born 1958)
张轩 Han Chairman, Chongqing People's Congress Шаблон:Center
Hu Xiaolian
(born 1958)
胡晓炼 Han Deputy Governor, People's Bank of China Шаблон:Center
Guo Mingyi
(born 1958)
郭明义 Шаблон:Center Han Vice Chairman, All-China Federation of Trade Unions Шаблон:Center
Wang Xiaochu
(born 1958)
王晓初 Шаблон:Center Han Chairman, China Telecom Шаблон:Center
Jiang Xiaojuan
(born 1957)
江小涓 Han Deputy Secretary-General, State Council Шаблон:Center
Wang Hongzhang
(born 1954)
王洪章 Шаблон:Center Han Chairman, China Construction Bank Шаблон:Center
Hu Huaibang
(born 1955)
胡怀邦 Шаблон:Center Han Chairman, China Development Bank Шаблон:Center
Yi Xiaoguang
(born 1958)
乙晓光 § Han Deputy Chief of General Staff, People's Liberation Army Шаблон:Center
Qiu He
(born 1957)
仇和 Han Deputy Secretary, Yunnan Provincial Committee (2012–2015) Шаблон:Center
Li Xiaopeng
(born 1959)
李小鹏 Шаблон:Center Han Governor of Shanxi (2013–2016)
Minister of Transport (2016–)

See also









Plenary sessions, apparatus heads, ethnicity, the Central Committee member- and alternate membership, Politburo membership, Secretariat membership, Central Military Commission members, Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection membership, Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, offices an individual held, retirement, if the individual in question is military personnel, female, has been expelled, is currently under investigation or has retired:

Articles and journals


Шаблон:- Шаблон:Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Шаблон:18th Politburo of the Communist Party of China