name [1]
date of birth [2]
district [2]
Файл:1983 Frances Alexander Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frances Alexander (politician)
June 16, 1919
6th Essex
Файл:1983 Lawrence Alexander Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Lawrence R. Alexander
8th Essex
Файл:1983 Robert Ambler Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert B. Ambler
4th Norfolk
Файл:1995 Steven Angelo Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Steven Angelo
June 8, 1952
9th Essex
Файл:1993 Robert Antonioni Massachusetts Senate.png
Robert A. Antonioni
July 15, 1958
4th Worcester
Файл:1987 John Bartley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John C. Bartley
March 25, 1956
32nd Middlesex
Файл:1987 Geoffrey Beckwith Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Geoffrey C. Beckwith
21st Middlesex
Файл:1997 John Binienda.png
John Binienda
June 22, 1947
17th Worcester
Файл:1983 Kevin Blanchette Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Kevin Blanchette
16th Essex
Файл:Peter Blute B000576.jpg
Peter I. Blute
January 28, 1956
11th Worcester
Файл:1983 Robert Joseph Bohigian Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert Joseph Bohigian
July 24, 1922
14th Worcester
Файл:1995 Daniel Bosley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Daniel E. Bosley
December 9, 1953
1st Berkshire
Файл:1983 George Bourque Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Bourque
3rd Worcester
Файл:1987 John C Bradford Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John C. Bradford
February 16, 1940
10th Bristol
Файл:1983 James Brett Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James T. Brett
December 22, 1949
14th Suffolk
Файл:Stephen Brewer 2010.jpg
Stephen Brewer
February 10, 1948
5th Worcester
Файл:1995 Carmen Buell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Carmen Buell
February 3, 1945
2nd Franklin
Файл:Suzanne M. Bump Updated Photo.jpg
Suzanne M. Bump
February 18, 1956
5th Norfolk
Файл:1989 Edward Burgess Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward S. Burgess, Jr.
10th Plymouth
Файл:1995 John Businger Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Businger
February 5, 1945
15th Norfolk
Файл:1995 Thomas Cahir Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Cahir
September 19, 1952
3rd Barnstable
Файл:1975 Howard Cahoon Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Howard C. Cahoon, Jr
December 31, 1944
4th Barnstable
Файл:1983 Paul Caron Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Paul Caron
November 15, 1955
11th Hampden
Файл:1995 Paul Casey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Paul Casey
February 26, 1961
34th Middlesex
Файл:1987 Athan Catjakis Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Athan Catjakis
9th Hampden
Файл:1975 Robert Cerasoli Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert A. Cerasoli
July 12, 1947
3rd Norfolk
Файл:1995 Vincent Ciampa Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Vincent P. Ciampa
April 15, 1945
37th Middlesex
Файл:1987 Marjorie Clapprood Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Marjorie Clapprood
September 24, 1949
8th Norfolk
Файл:1983 Forrester Clark Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Forrester Clark
November 30, 1934
4th Essex
Файл:1995 Carol Cleven Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Carol Cleven
November 2, 1928
16th Middlesex
Файл:1983 David Cohen Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
David B. Cohen (mayor)
September 2, 1947
11th Middlesex
Файл:1967 Andrew Collaro Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Andrew Collaro
March 21, 1910
15th Worcester
Файл:1983 Joseph Connolly Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph M. Connolly
January 5, 1924
5th Middlesex
Файл:1983 William Constantino Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Constantino Jr.
May 27, 1944
12th Worcester
Robert Correia
January 3, 1939
7th Bristol
Файл:1983 John Cox Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John F. Cox
July 27, 1955
17th Middlesex
Файл:1983 Charles Decas Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Decas
October 5, 1937
2nd Plymouth
Файл:1983 Walter DeFilippi Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Walter DeFilippi
October 3, 1926
6th Hampden
Файл:Salvatore F. DiMasi.jpg
Salvatore DiMasi
August 11, 1945
3rd Suffolk
Файл:1983 Stephen Doran Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Stephen W. Doran
March 26, 1956
15th Middlesex
Файл:1975 John Driscoll Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John R. Driscoll
May 9, 1924
9th Worcester
Файл:1991 Robert Durand senator Massachusetts.jpg
Robert Durand
February 28, 1953
4th Middlesex
Файл:1983 Frank Emilio Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank Emilio (politician)
August 31, 1935
3rd Essex
Файл:1987 Patricia Fiero Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Patricia Fiero
June 12, 1941
5th Essex
Файл:1995 Thomas Finneran Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Finneran
January 2, 1950
13th Suffolk
Файл:1975 Kevin Fitzgerald Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Kevin W. Fitzgerald
16th Suffolk
Файл:1983 Charles Flaherty Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Flaherty (politician)
October 13, 1938
27th Middlesex
Файл:Michael F. Flaherty Sr. (9617959036).jpg
Michael F. Flaherty Sr.
September 6, 1936
4th Suffolk
Файл:1983 John Flood Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John H. Flood
June 24, 1939
6th Norfolk
Файл:1983 William Flynn Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William J. Flynn, Jr.
5th Plymouth
Файл:1983 Peter Forman Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Peter Forman
April 28, 1958
1st Plymouth
Файл:1995 Gloria Fox Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Gloria Fox
March 18, 1942
7th Suffolk
Файл:WFGalvin Official Portrait.png
William F. Galvin
September 17, 1950
19th Suffolk
Файл:1995 Barbara Gardner Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Barbara Gardner
January 19, 1941
8th Middlesex
Файл:1983 Mary Jane Gibson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Mary Jane Gibson
February 7, 1933
26th Middlesex
Файл:1995 Anthony Giglio Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Anthony Giglio
January 28, 1941
38th Middlesex
Файл:1987 Larry Giordano Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Larry F. Giordano
15th Essex
Файл:1995 William Glodis Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Glodis
April 6, 1934
16th Worcester
Файл:Augusto Grace (1989).png
Augusto Grace
April 9, 1954
23rd Middlesex
Файл:1983 Barbara Gray Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Barbara Gray
October 11, 1926
6th Middlesex
Файл:1987 Sherwood Guernsey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Sherwood Guernsey
2nd Berkshire
Файл:1995 Geoffrey Hall Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Geoff Hall (politician)
October 10, 1948
2nd Middlesex
Файл:1995 Lida Eisenstadt Harkins Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Lida E. Harkins
January 24, 1944
13th Norfolk
Файл:1991 Robert Havern senator Massachusetts.jpg
Robert Havern III
July 17, 1949
25th Middlesex
Файл:1983 Robert Emmet Hayes Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert Emmet Hayes
7th Plymouth
Файл:1975 Jonathan Healy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Jonathan Healy
October 10, 1945
1st Franklin
Файл:1983 Joseph Hermann Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph N. Hermann
June 8, 1924
14th Essex
Файл:1995 Albert Herren Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Albert Herren
June 8, 1952
6th Bristol
Файл:1983 Lucile Hicks Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Lucile Hicks
May 11, 1938
13th Middlesex
Файл:2005 Shirley Owens Hicks Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Shirley Owens Hicks
April 22, 1942
6th Suffolk
Файл:1987 Barbara Hildt Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Barbara Hildt
April 13, 1946
1st Essex
Файл:1983 Christopher Hodgkins Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Christopher Hodgkins
August 24, 1957
4th Berkshire
Файл:1975 Iris Holland Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Iris Holland
September 30, 1920
2nd Hampden
Файл:1995 Kevin Honan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Kevin Honan
June 5, 1958
18th Suffolk
Файл:1987 Augusta Hornblower Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Augusta Hornblower
June 6, 1948
1st Middlesex
Файл:1983 Robert Howarth Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert L. Howarth
13th Hampden
Файл:1995 Frank Hynes Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank Hynes
December 23, 1940
4th Plymouth
Файл:1983 Robert Jakubowicz Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert F. Jakubowicz
3rd Berkshire
Файл:1983 Raymond Jordan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Raymond A. Jordan Jr.
May 5, 1943
12th Hampden
Файл:1983 Stephen Karol Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Stephen Karol
2nd Bristol
Marie-Louise Kehoe
December 12, 1928
11th Norfolk
Файл:2005 Thomas P Kennedy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas P. Kennedy
August 15, 1951
9th Plymouth
Файл:George Keverian 1980s Massachusetts USA 9519694698.png
George Keverian
June 3, 1931
31st Middlesex
Файл:1995 Robert Koczera Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert Koczera
November 25, 1953
11th Bristol
Файл:1995 Paul Kollios Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Paul Kollios
February 24, 1936
7th Worcester
Файл:1993 Robert Kraus Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert Kraus
March 20, 1957
12th Plymouth
Файл:1993 Edward Lambert Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward M. Lambert Jr.
March 8, 1958
8th Bristol
Файл:1995 Patrick Landers Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Patrick Landers
September 20, 1959
1st Hampden
Файл:1983 Denis Lawrence Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Denis Lawrence
13th Bristol
Файл:1983 Edward LeLacheur Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward LeLacheur
June 1, 1925
18th Middlesex
Файл:1983 Kenneth Lemanski Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Kenneth M. Lemanski
January 27, 1954
8th Hampden
Файл:1995 Jacqueline Lewis Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Jacqueline Lewis
May 3, 1945
8th Plymouth
Файл:1983 John Loring Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Loring
14th Middlesex
Файл:1987 Vincent Lozzi Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Vincent Lozzi
January 28, 1932
10th Essex
Файл:1987 Joseph Mackey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph Mackey
30th Middlesex
Файл:1987 David Magnani Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
David P. Magnani
May 24, 1944
7th Middlesex
Файл:1995 Anthony Mandile Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Anthony Mandile
August 14, 1946
10th Middlesex
Файл:1967 Charles Mann Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Mann
April 27, 1935
6th Plymouth
Файл:1983 M Joseph Manning Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
M. Joseph Manning
September 23, 1924
7th Norfolk
Файл:1983 Francis Mara Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Francis Mara
11th Plymouth
Файл:1987 Robert H Marsh Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert H. Marsh
August 15, 1959
14th Norfolk
Файл:1995 John McDonough Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John E. McDonough
May 21, 1953
12th Suffolk
Файл:Thomas W. McGee.jpg
Thomas W. McGee
May 24, 1924
11th Essex
Файл:1995 Joseph McIntyre Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph B. McIntyre
April 11, 1957
12th Bristol
Файл:1983 Mary Jane McKenna Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Mary Jane McKenna
October 23, 1939
1st Worcester
Файл:1983 John McNeil Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John C. McNeil
June 8, 1945
36th Middlesex
Файл:1983 Joan Menard Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joan Menard
September 6, 1935
5th Bristol
Файл:1989 Nelson Merced Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Nelson Merced
August 17, 1947
5th Suffolk
Файл:1995 James Miceli Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Jim Miceli
March 25, 1935
20th Middlesex
Файл:Massachusetts State Senator Richard Moore.jpg
Richard T. Moore
August 7, 1943
8th Worcester
Файл:1987 Peter Morin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Peter B. Morin
April 2, 1955
2nd Barnstable
Michael W. Morrissey
August 2, 1954
1st Norfolk
Файл:1983 Mary Jeanette Murray Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Mary Jeanette Murray
December 24, 1924
3rd Plymouth
Файл:1983 Eleanor Myerson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Eleanor Myerson
May 9, 1922
11th Suffolk
Файл:1975 William Nagle Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William P. Nagle Jr.
June 10, 1951
1st Hampshire
Файл:Shannon O'Brien.jpg
Shannon O'Brien
April 30, 1959
2nd Hampshire
Файл:1987 Timothy F OLeary Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Timothy F. O'Leary
35th Middlesex
Файл:1987 Kevin OSullivan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Kevin O'Sullivan (politician)
September 30, 1953
13th Worcester
Файл:Marc Pacheco 2008.jpg
Marc Pacheco
October 29, 1952
3rd Bristol
Файл:1983 Nicholas Paleologos Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Nicholas Paleologos
March 9, 1953
33rd Middlesex
Файл:1987 Thomas Palumbo Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Palumbo
June 9, 1950
2nd Essex
Файл:1983 Marie Parente Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Marie Parente
May 22, 1928
10th Worcester
Файл:1995 Thomas Petrolati Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Petrolati
March 16, 1957
7th Hampden
Файл:1983 Steven Pierce Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Steven Pierce
October 10, 1949
4th Hampden
Файл:1995 Kevin Poirier Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Kevin Poirier
July 7, 1940
14th Bristol
Файл:1987 Daniel Ranieri Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Daniel Ranieri
10th Norfolk
Файл:1983 Michael Rea Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael J. Rea, Jr
July 23, 1940
24th Middlesex
Файл:1995 William Reinstein Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Reinstein
March 26, 1929
17th Suffolk
Файл:1983 Robert Rohan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert J. Rohan
August 15, 1921
5th Hampden
Файл:Mark Roosevelt.jpg
Mark Roosevelt
December 10, 1955
8th Suffolk
Файл:Senator Stan Rosenberg.JPG
Stan Rosenberg
October 12, 1949
3rd Hampshire
Файл:1983 Susan Rourke Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Susan Rourke
March 7, 1954
19th Middlesex
Файл:1975 J Michael Ruane Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
J. Michael Ruane
December 10, 1927
7th Essex
Файл:1980s Byron Rushing of Boston USA 9504750450.jpg
Byron Rushing
July 29, 1942
9th Suffolk
Файл:1983 Alfred Saggese Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Alfred E. Saggese Jr.
November 21, 1946
20th Suffolk
Файл:1983 Angelo Scaccia Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Angelo Scaccia
September 29, 1942
15th Suffolk
Файл:1983 Susan Schur Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Susan Schur
February 27, 1940
12th Middlesex
Файл:1983 Anthony Scibelli Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Anthony M. Scibelli
October 16, 1911
10th Hampden
Файл:1995 Emanuel Serra Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Emanuel Serra
June 12, 1945
1st Suffolk
Файл:1983 Chester Suhoski Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Chester Suhoski
March 26, 1941
2nd Worcester
Файл:1983 Gregory Sullivan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Gregory W. Sullivan
January 29, 1952
12th Norfolk
Файл:1995 Edward Teague Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward B. Teague III
November 25, 1949
1st Barnstable
Файл:1995 Alvin Thompson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Alvin Thompson
May 15, 1939
28th Middlesex
Richard Tisei
August 13, 1962
22nd Middlesex
Файл:1995 A Stephen Tobin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
A. Stephen Tobin
July 3, 1956
2nd Norfolk
Peter G. Torkildsen
January 28, 1958
13th Essex
Файл:1983 Roger Tougas Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Roger Tougas
January 9, 1927
9th Bristol
Файл:1983 Marilyn Travinski Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Marilyn Travinski
June 1, 1947
6th Worcester
Файл:1995 Philip Travis Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Philip Travis
July 2, 1940
4th Bristol
Файл:1983 Peter Trombley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Peter Trombley
September 16, 1948
9th Middlesex
Файл:1983 Susan Tucker Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Susan Tucker (politician)
November 7, 1944
17th Essex
Файл:2005 Eric Turkington Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Eric Turkington
August 12, 1947
Barnstable, Dukes & Nantucket
Файл:1983 Peter Vellucci Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Peter A. Vellucci
29th Middlesex
Файл:1983 William Vernon Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William B. Vernon
April 17, 1951
1st Bristol
Файл:1995 Richard Voke Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Richard Voke
December 2, 1947
2nd Suffolk
Файл:1995 Patricia Walrath Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Patricia Walrath
August 11, 1941
3rd Middlesex
Файл:Marian Walsh Image.png
Marian Walsh
10th Suffolk
Файл:1983 Michael Walsh Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael P. Walsh
3rd Hampden
Файл:1987 Thomas P Walsh Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Walsh (Massachusetts politician)
July 15, 1960
12th Essex
Файл:1983 Francis Woodward Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Francis H. Woodward
March 17, 1939
9th Norfolk