Английская Википедия:Chialvo map

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Файл:Chaotic act variable.png
Activation variable as a function of time for the chaotic regime
Файл:Chaotic regime.png
Solution for the Chialvo map equations for the chaotic regime
Файл:Excitable act variable.png
Activation variable as a function of time for the excitable regime
Файл:Excitable regime.png
Solution for the Chialvo map equations for the excitable regime

The Chialvo map is a two-dimensional map proposed by Dante R. Chialvo in 1995[1] to describe the generic dynamics of excitable systems. The model is inspired by Kunihiko Kaneko's Coupled map lattice [2] (CML) numerical approach which considers time and space as discrete variables but state as a continuous one. Later on Rulkov popularized a similar approach.[3] By using only three parameters the model is able to efficiently mimic generic neuronal dynamics in computational simulations, as single elements or as parts of inter-connected networks.

The model

The model is an iterative map where at each time step, the behavior of one neuron is updated as the following equations:

<math display="block">\begin{align} x_{n+1} = & f(x_n,y_n) = x_n^2 \exp{(y_n-x_n)}+k \\ y_{n+1} =& g(x_n,y_n) = ay_n-bx_n+c \\ \end{align}</math>

in which, <math>x</math> is called activation or action potential variable, and <math>y</math> is the recovery variable. The model has four parameters, <math>k</math> is a time-dependent additive perturbation or a constant bias, <math>a</math> is the time constant of recovery <math>(a<1)</math>, <math>b</math> is the activation-dependence of the recovery process <math>(b<1)</math> and <math>c</math> is an offset constant. The model has a rich dynamics, presenting from oscillatory  to chaotic behavior,[4][5] as well as non trivial responses to small stochastic fluctuations.[6][7]


Bursting and chaos

The map is able to capture the aperiodic solutions and the bursting behavior which are remarkable in the context of neural systems. For example, for the values <math>a=0.89</math>, <math>c=0.28 </math> and <math>k=0.025</math> and changing b from <math>0.6</math> to <math>0.18</math> the system passes from oscillations to aperiodic bursting solutions.

Fixed points

Considering the case where <math>k=0</math> and <math>b<<a</math> the model mimics the lack of ‘voltage-dependence inactivation’ for real neurons and the evolution of the recovery variable is fixed at <math>y_{f0}</math>. Therefore, the dynamics of the activation variable is basically described by the iteration of the following equations

<math>\begin{align} x_{n+1} = & f(x_n,y_{f0}) = x^2_n exp (r - x_n)

\\ r = & y_{f0} = c/(1-a) \\ \end{align}</math>

in which <math>f(x_n,y_{f0})</math> as a function of <math>r</math> has a period-doubling bifurcation structure.


Example 1

A practical implementation is the combination of <math>N</math> neurons over a lattice, for that, it can be defined <math>0>d<1</math> as a coupling constant for combining the neurons. For neurons in a single row, we can define the evolution of action potential on time by the diffusion of the local temperature <math>x</math> in:

<math>x_{n+1}^i = (1-d)f(x_n^i) + (d/2)[f(x_n^{i+1}) + f(x_n^{i-1})]</math>

where <math>n</math> is the time step and <math>i</math> is the index of each neuron. For the values <math>a=0.89</math>, <math>b=0.6</math>, <math>c=0.28</math> and <math>k=0.02</math>, in absence of perturbations they are at the resting state. If we introduce a stimulus over cell 1, it induces two propagated waves circulating in opposite directions that eventually collapse and die in the middle of the ring.

Example 2

Analogous to the previous example, it's possible create a set of coupling neurons over a 2-D lattice, in this case the evolution of action potentials is given by:

<math>x_{n+1}^{i,j} = (1-d)f(x_n^{i,j}) + (d/4)[f(x_n^{i+1,j}) + f(x_n^{i-1,j})+f(x_n^{i,j+1}) + f(x_n^{i,j-1})]</math>

where <math>i</math>, <math>j</math>, represent the index of each neuron in a square lattice of size <math>I</math>, <math>J</math>. With this example spiral waves can be represented for specific values of parameters. In order to visualize the spirals, we set the initial condition in a specific configuration <math>x^{ij}=i*0.0033</math> and the recovery as <math>y^{ij}=y_f-(j * 0.0066)</math>.

Example of spiral waves for the Two-dimensional Chialvo map in 100 x 100 lattice and parameters a=0.89, b=0.6, c= 0.26, and k=0.02.

The map can also present chaotic dynamics for certain parameter values. In the following figure we show the chaotic behavior of the variable <math>x</math> on a square network of <math>500\times500</math> for the parameters <math>a=0.89</math>, <math>b=0.18</math>, <math>c=0.28</math> and <math>k=0.026</math>.

Файл:Evolution of Potential X as a function of time in a 500x500 lattice for a chaotic regime.gif
Evolution of Potential X as a function of time in a 500x500 lattice for a chaotic regime with parameters a=0.89, b=0.18, c= 0.28, and k=0.026.

The map can be used to simulated a nonquenched disordered lattice (as in Ref [8]), where each map connects with four nearest neighbors on a square lattice, and in addition each map has a probability <math>p</math> of connecting to another one randomly chosen, multiple coexisting circular excitation waves will emerge at the beginning of the simulation until spirals takes over.

Example of spiral waves for the Two-dimensional Chialvo map in an annealed random network starting from a 128 x 128 lattice with probability of rewiring <math>p=0.25</math> and parameters a=0.89, b=0.6, c= 0.26, and k=0.02.

Chaotic and periodic behavior for a neuron

For a neuron, in the limit of <math>b=0</math>, the map becomes 1D, since <math>y</math> converges to a constant. If the parameter <math>b</math> is scanned in a range, different orbits will be seen, some periodic, others chaotic, that appear between two fixed points, one at <math>x=1</math> ; <math>y=1</math> and the other close to the value of <math>k</math> (which would be the regime excitable).

Файл:Chialvo map for an Neuron.png
Evolution of <math>x</math> as a function of parameter <math>b</math> for a Chialvo map neuron. Parameters: <math>a=0.89</math>, <math>c=0.28</math>, <math>k=0.026</math>, and <math>b</math> from <math>0.16</math> to <math>0.4</math>.
Файл:Chialvomal aneuron.gif
GIF: Evolution of <math>x</math> as a function of parameter <math>b</math> for a Chialvo map neuron. Parameters: <math>a=0.89</math>, <math>c=0.28</math>, <math>k=0.026</math>, and <math>b</math> from <math>0.16</math> to <math>0.4</math>.
