Английская Википедия:Comparison of alphabetic country codes

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:Use dmy dates This is a comparison of the IOC, FIFA, and ISO 3166-1 three-letter codes, combined into one table for easy reference. Highlighted rows indicate those entries in which the three-letter codes differ from column to column. The last column indicates the number of codes present followed by letters to indicate which codes are present (O for Olympic, F for FIFA, and I for ISO) and dashes when a code is absent; capital letters indicate codes which match; lower case letters indicate codes which differ.[1]


Currently, the only ambiguous trigraph between IOC, FIFA and ISO codes is:

Historically, ambiguous trigraphs include:

In the following cases, a code for a historical country or territory matches a modern code of the country it merged into:

  • VNM - historical IOC and ISO code for South Vietnam, became the ISO code for unified Vietnam
  • YEM - historical ISO code for the North Yemen, became the generally accepted code for unified Yemen

Including other lists of country three-letter-codes increases the number of ambiguities. For example:


This list only includes nations or territories that have been assigned at least one of these three types of country codes. For a more complete list of countries, see list of countries.

Flag Country IOC FIFA ISO *
Шаблон:Flagicon Afghanistan AFG AFG AFG 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Åland ALA 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Albania ALB ALB ALB 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Algeria ALG ALG DZA 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon American Samoa[2] ASA ASA ASM 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Andorra AND AND AND 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Angola ANG ANG AGO 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Anguilla AIA AIA 2-FI
Шаблон:Flagicon Antarctica ATA 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Antigua and Barbuda ANT ATG ATG 3öFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Argentina ARG ARG ARG 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Armenia ARM ARM ARM 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Aruba ARU ARU ABW 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Australia AUS AUS AUS 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Austria AUT AUT AUT 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Azerbaijan AZE AZE AZE 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon The Bahamas BAH BAH BHS 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Bahrain BRN BHR BHR 3öFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Bangladesh BAN BAN BGD 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Barbados BAR BRB BRB 3öFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Belarus BLR BLR BLR 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Belgium BEL BEL BEL 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Belize BIZ BLZ BLZ 3öFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Benin BEN BEN BEN 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Bermuda BER BER BMU 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Bhutan BHU BHU BTN 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Bolivia BOL BOL BOL 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Caribbean Netherlands: Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba BES 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH BIH BIH 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Botswana BOT BOT BWA 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Bouvet Island BVT 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Brazil BRA BRA BRA 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon British Indian Ocean Territory IOT 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon British Virgin Islands[3] IVB VGB VGB 3öFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Brunei BRU BRU BRN 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Bulgaria BUL BUL BGR 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Burkina Faso BUR BFA BFA 3öFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Burundi BDI BDI BDI 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Cambodia CAM CAM KHM 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Cameroon CMR CMR CMR 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Canada CAN CAN CAN 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Cape Verde CPV CPV CPV 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Cayman Islands CAY CAY CYM 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Central African Republic CAF CTA CAF 3OƒI
Шаблон:Flagicon Chad CHA CHA TCD 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Chile CHI CHI CHL 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon China, People's Republic of[4] CHN CHN CHN 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Christmas Island CXR 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Cocos (Keeling) Islands CCK 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Colombia COL COL COL 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Comoros COM COM COM 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Congo, Democratic Republic of the[5] COD COD COD 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Congo, Republic of the[6] CGO CGO COG 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Cook Islands COK COK COK 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Costa Rica CRC CRC CRI 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Côte d'Ivoire CIV CIV CIV 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Croatia CRO CRO HRV 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Cuba CUB CUB CUB 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Curaçao CUW CUW 2-FI
Шаблон:Flagicon Cyprus CYP CYP CYP 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Czech Republic CZE CZE CZE 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Denmark DEN DEN DNK 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Djibouti DJI DJI DJI 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Dominica DMA DMA DMA 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Dominican Republic DOM DOM DOM 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Ecuador ECU ECU ECU 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Egypt EGY EGY EGY 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon El Salvador ESA SLV SLV 3öFI
Шаблон:Flagicon England ENG [7] 1-ƒ-
Шаблон:Flagicon Equatorial Guinea GEQ EQG GNQ 3öƒï
Шаблон:Flagicon Eritrea ERI ERI ERI 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Estonia EST EST EST 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Eswatini SWZ SWZ SWZ 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Ethiopia ETH ETH ETH 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Falkland Islands FLK 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Faroe Islands [8] FRO FRO 2-FI
Шаблон:Flagicon Fiji FIJ FIJ FJI 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Finland FIN FIN FIN 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon France FRA FRA FRA 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon French Guiana GUF 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon French Polynesia[9] TAH PYF 2-ƒï
Шаблон:Flagicon French Southern and Antarctic Lands ATF 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Gabon GAB GAB GAB 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon The Gambia GAM GAM GMB 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Georgia GEO GEO GEO 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Germany GER GER DEU 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Ghana GHA GHA GHA 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Gibraltar GIB GIB 2-FI
Шаблон:Flagicon Greece GRE GRE GRC 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Greenland GRL 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Grenada GRN GRN GRD 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Guadeloupe GLP 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Guam GUM GUM GUM 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Guatemala GUA GUA GTM 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Guernsey GGY 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Guinea GUI GUI GIN 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Guinea-Bissau GBS GNB GNB 3öFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Guyana GUY GUY GUY 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Haiti HAI HAI HTI 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Heard Island and McDonald Islands HMD 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Honduras HON HON HND 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Hong Kong[10] HKG HKG HKG 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Hungary HUN HUN HUN 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Iceland ISL ISL ISL 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon India IND IND IND 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Indonesia INA IDN IDN 3öFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Iran IRI IRN IRN 3öFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Iraq IRQ IRQ IRQ 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Ireland[11] IRL IRL IRL 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Isle of Man IMN 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Israel ISR ISR ISR 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Italy ITA ITA ITA 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Jamaica JAM JAM JAM 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Japan JPN JPN JPN 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Jersey JEY 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Jordan JOR JOR JOR 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Kazakhstan KAZ KAZ KAZ 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Kenya KEN KEN KEN 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Kiribati KIR KIR 2O-I
Шаблон:Flagicon Korea, Democratic People's Rep. (North)[12] PRK PRK PRK 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Korea, Republic of (South)[13] KOR KOR KOR 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Kosovo KOS KOS [14] 2OF-
Шаблон:Flagicon Kuwait KUW KUW KWT 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Kyrgyzstan KGZ KGZ KGZ 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Laos LAO LAO LAO 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Latvia LAT LVA LVA 3öFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Lebanon LBN LBN LBN 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Lesotho LES LES LSO 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Liberia LBR LBR LBR 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Libya LBA LBY LBY 3öFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Liechtenstein LIE LIE LIE 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Lithuania LTU LTU LTU 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Luxembourg LUX LUX LUX 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Macau MAC MAC 2-FI
Шаблон:Flagicon Madagascar MAD MAD MDG 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Malawi MAW MWI MWI 3öFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Malaysia MAS MAS MYS 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Maldives MDV MDV MDV 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Mali MLI MLI MLI 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Malta MLT MLT MLT 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Marshall Islands MHL MHL 2O-I
Шаблон:Flagicon Martinique MTQ 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Mauritania MTN MTN MRT 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Mauritius MRI MRI MUS 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Mayotte MYT 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Mexico MEX MEX MEX 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Micronesia, Federated States of FSM FSM 2O-I
Шаблон:Flagicon Moldova MDA MDA MDA 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Monaco MON MCO 2ö-ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Mongolia MGL MNG MNG 3öFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Montenegro MNE MNE MNE 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Montserrat MSR MSR 2-FI
Шаблон:Flagicon Morocco MAR MAR MAR 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Mozambique MOZ MOZ MOZ 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Myanmar MYA MYA MMR 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Namibia NAM NAM NAM 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Nauru NRU NRU 2O-I
Шаблон:Flagicon Nepal NEP NEP NPL 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Netherlands NED NED NLD 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon New Caledonia NCL NCL 2-FI
Шаблон:Flagicon New Zealand NZL NZL NZL 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Nicaragua NCA NCA NIC 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Niger NIG NIG NER 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Nigeria NGR NGA NGA 3öFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Niue NIU 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Norfolk Island NFK 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon[15] Northern Ireland NIR [7] 1-ƒ-
Шаблон:Flagicon Northern Mariana Islands MNP 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon North Macedonia[16] MKD MKD MKD 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Norway NOR NOR NOR 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Oman OMA OMA OMN 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Pakistan PAK PAK PAK 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Palau PLW PLW 2O-I
Шаблон:Flagicon State of Palestine PLE PLE PSE 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Panama PAN PAN PAN 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Papua New Guinea PNG PNG PNG 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Paraguay PAR PAR PRY 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Peru PER PER PER 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Philippines PHI PHI PHL 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Pitcairn Islands PCN 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Poland POL POL POL 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Portugal POR POR PRT 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Puerto Rico PUR PUR PRI 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Qatar QAT QAT QAT 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Réunion REU 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Romania ROU ROU ROU 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Russian Federation RUS RUS RUS 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Rwanda RWA RWA RWA 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Saint Barthélemy BLM 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha SHN 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Saint Kitts and Nevis SKN SKN KNA 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Saint Lucia LCA LCA LCA 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Saint Martin (French part) MAF 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Saint Pierre and Miquelon SPM 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VIN VIN VCT 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Samoa[2] SAM SAM WSM 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon San Marino SMR SMR SMR 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon São Tomé and Príncipe STP STP STP 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Saudi Arabia KSA KSA SAU 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Scotland SCO [7] 1-ƒ-
Шаблон:Flagicon Senegal SEN SEN SEN 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Serbia SRB SRB SRB 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Seychelles SEY SEY SYC 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Sierra Leone SLE SLE SLE 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Singapore SGP SGP SGP 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Sint Maarten (Dutch part) SXM 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Slovakia SVK SVK SVK 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Slovenia SLO SVN SVN 3öFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Solomon Islands SOL SOL SLB 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Somalia SOM SOM SOM 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon South Africa RSA RSA ZAF 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands SGS 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon South Sudan SSD SSD SSD 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Spain ESP ESP ESP 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Sri Lanka SRI SRI LKA 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Sudan SUD SDN SDN 3öFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Suriname SUR SUR SUR 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Svalbard and Jan Mayen SJM 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Sweden SWE SWE SWE 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Switzerland SUI SUI CHE 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Syria SYR SYR SYR 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Taiwan[17] TPE TPE TWN 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Tajikistan TJK TJK TJK 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Tanzania TAN TAN TZA 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Thailand THA THA THA 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Timor-Leste[18] TLS TLS TLS 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Togo TOG TOG TGO 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Tokelau TKL 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Tonga TGA TGA TON 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Trinidad and Tobago TTO TRI TTO 3OƒI
Шаблон:Flagicon Tunisia TUN TUN TUN 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Turkey TUR TUR TUR 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Turkmenistan TKM TKM TKM 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Turks and Caicos Islands TCA TCA 2-FI
Шаблон:Flagicon Tuvalu TUV TUV 2O-I
Шаблон:Flagicon Uganda UGA UGA UGA 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Ukraine UKR UKR UKR 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon United Arab Emirates UAE UAE ARE 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon United Kingdom[19] GBR GBR 2O-I
Шаблон:Flagicon United States USA USA USA 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon United States Minor Outlying Islands UMI 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon United States Virgin Islands[20] ISV VIR VIR 3öFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Uruguay URU URU URY 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Uzbekistan UZB UZB UZB 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Vanuatu VAN VAN VUT 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Vatican City State VAT 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Venezuela VEN VEN VEN 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Vietnam VIE VIE VNM 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Wales WAL [7] 1-ƒ-
Шаблон:Flagicon Wallis and Futuna WLF 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Western Sahara ESH 1--ï
Шаблон:Flagicon Yemen YEM YEM YEM 3OFI
Шаблон:Flagicon Zambia ZAM ZAM ZMB 3OFï
Шаблон:Flagicon Zimbabwe ZIM ZIM ZWE 3OFï
3OFI IOC, FIFA and ISO codes exist and are identical
3OFï IOC, FIFA and ISO codes exist, but only IOC and FIFA codes are identical
3OƒI IOC, FIFA and ISO codes exist, but only IOC and ISO codes are identical
3öFI IOC, FIFA and ISO codes exist, but only FIFA and ISO codes are identical
3öƒï IOC, FIFA and ISO codes exist and are different
2OF- Only IOC and FIFA codes exist and are identical
2O-I Only IOC and ISO codes exist and are identical
2ö-ï Only IOC and ISO codes exist and are different
2-FI Only FIFA and ISO codes exist and are identical
2-ĕ Only FIFA and ISO codes exist and are different
1-ƒ- Only FIFA codes exist
1--ï Only ISO codes exist

Former countries and former country names

Codes are shown with their last year of use.

Flag Country IOC FIFA ISO
Шаблон:Flagicon British Honduras HBR
Шаблон:Flagicon Burma BIR
Шаблон:Flagicon Ceylon CEY
Шаблон:Flagicon Dahomey DAH
Шаблон:Flagicon Czechoslovakia TCH
Шаблон:Flagicon East Germany GDR
Шаблон:Flagicon Khmer Republic KHM
Шаблон:Flagicon Malaya MAL
Шаблон:Flagicon Netherlands Antilles AHO
Шаблон:Flagicon North Borneo NBO
Шаблон:Flagicon North Yemen YAR
Шаблон:Flagicon Northern Rhodesia NRH
Шаблон:Flagicon Rhodesia RHO
Шаблон:Flagicon Serbia and Montenegro SCG
Шаблон:Flagicon South Yemen YMD
Шаблон:Flagicon Soviet Union URS
Шаблон:Flagicon Upper Volta VOL
Шаблон:Flagicon Viet Nam, Democratic Republic of n.a. VNO
Шаблон:Flagicon Viet Nam, Republic of VNM
Шаблон:Flagicon West Germany FRG
Шаблон:Flagicon Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of YUG
Шаблон:Flagicon Yugoslavia, Socialist Federal Republic of YUG
Шаблон:Flagicon Zaire ZAI

See also



  1. Шаблон:Cite web
  2. Перейти обратно: 2,0 2,1 The name "Samoa" in a political sense contains only the Independent State of Samoa and excludes American Samoa.
  3. In Olympic Games, Virgin Islands means the United States Virgin Islands, not British Virgin Islands.
  4. Mainland China (People's Republic of China except Hong Kong and Macau) is designated as the "People's Republic of China", ("China" for short) in Olympic Games, and as "China PR", ("China" for short) in football matches.
  5. The Democratic Republic of the Congo is abbreviated as "DR Congo" in Olympic Games, and as "Congo DR" in football matches.
  6. The Republic of the Congo is abbreviated as "Congo" in Olympic Games and football matches.
  7. Перейти обратно: 7,0 7,1 7,2 7,3 England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales are given the ISO 3166-2 codes Шаблон:Mono, Шаблон:Mono, Шаблон:Mono and Шаблон:Mono, respectively, under the entry for the United Kingdom.
  8. IOC considers Faroe Islands as a part of Denmark. However, Faroe Islands Paralympic Committee is a member of International Paralympic Committee, encoded as FRO.
  9. Competes as "Tahiti" in international football
  10. Hong Kong is designated as "Hong Kong, China" by the IOC, and "Hong Kong" in football matches.
  11. It covers only the Republic of Ireland in the Olympic Games and football matches. In FIFA, the name "Republic of Ireland" is used in order to distinguish from Ireland as a former home nation of the United Kingdom.
  12. North Korea is designated as "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", abbreviated to "DPRK", in Olympic Games, and as the "Korea DPR" in football matches.
  13. South Korea is designated as "Republic of Korea" in Olympic Games, and as the "Korea Republic" in football matches.
  14. With mixed International recognition of Kosovo, for ISO purposes, Kosovo is an 'autonomous province' of Serbia with ISO 3166-2 code Шаблон:Mono, under the entry for Serbia. A temporary placeholder code Шаблон:Mono is used by several organisations for the country.
  15. Northern Ireland has no official flag. The Ulster Banner is used by FIFA to represent Northern Ireland.
  16. North Macedonia was previously designated as the "former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" in Olympic Games, football matches and most international organisations until the resolution of the Macedonia naming dispute with the implementation of the Prespa agreement in February 2019.
  17. TW and TWN is defined as "Taiwan, Province of China" in the ISO 3166 codes list. The Republic of China is designated as "Шаблон:TPE" in Olympic Games and football matches. See also Chinese Taipei and the Political status of Taiwan.
  18. Timor-Leste is generally known in English as "East Timor". West Timor is a part of Indonesia.
  19. The United Kingdom's short names generally used in the Olympic Games are "Great Britain and Northern Ireland" or just "Great Britain", not the "United Kingdom".Шаблон:Citation needed In FIFA, its four constituent countries have separate codes.
  20. The United States Virgin Islands is designated as just Virgin Islands in Olympic Games.