Английская Википедия:Cook Islands Māori

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:About Шаблон:Infobox language

Cook Islands Māori is an Eastern Polynesian language that is the official language of the Cook Islands. Cook Islands Māori is closely related to New Zealand Māori, but is a distinct language in its own right. Cook Islands Māori is simply called Māori when there is no need to disambiguate it from New Zealand Māori, but it is also known as Māori Kūki Шаблон:OkinaĀirani (or Maori Kuki Airani) or, controversially,[1] Rarotongan. Many Cook Islanders also call it Te reo Ipukarea, literally "the language of the Ancestral Homeland".

Official status

Cook Islands Māori became an official language of the Cook Islands in 2003; from 1915 until then, English had been the only official language of the Cook Islands.

Te Reo Maori Act definition

The Te Reo Maori Act 2003 states that Māori:[2] Шаблон:Blockquote Pukapukan is considered by scholars and speakers alike to be a distinct language more closely related to Samoan and Tokelauan than Cook Islands Māori. It belongs to the Samoic subgroup of the Polynesian language family. The intention behind including Pukapukan in the definition of Te Reo Maori was to ensure its protection.

The dialects[3] of the East Polynesian varieties of the Cook Islands (collectively referred to as Cook Islands Māori) are:

Cook Islands Māori is closely related to Tahitian and New Zealand Māori, and there is a degree of mutual intelligibility with both of these languages.

The language is theoretically regulated by the Kōpapa reo māori board created in 2003, but this organisation is currently dormant.

Writing system and pronunciation

There is a debate about the standardisation of the writing system. Although the usage of the macron (־) te makarona and the glottal stop amata (Шаблон:Okina) (Шаблон:IPA) is recommended, most speakers do not use the two diacritics in everyday writing. The Cook Islands Māori Revised New Testament uses a standardised orthography (spelling system) that includes the diacritics when they are phonemic but not elsewhere.Шаблон:Citation needed


Labial Alveolar Velar Glottal
Nasal Шаблон:IPA link Шаблон:IPA link Шаблон:IPA link
Plosive Шаблон:IPA link Шаблон:IPA link Шаблон:IPA link Шаблон:IPA link
Tap Шаблон:IPA link
Fricative Шаблон:IPA link1 Шаблон:IPA link Шаблон:IPA link2 Шаблон:IPA link3
  1. Present only in Manihiki
  2. Present only in Penrhyn
  3. Present only in Manihiki and Penrhyn


Front Central Back
Close Шаблон:IPA link Шаблон:IPA link Шаблон:IPA link Шаблон:IPA link
Close-mid Шаблон:IPA link Шаблон:IPA link Шаблон:IPA link Шаблон:IPA link
Open Шаблон:IPA link Шаблон:IPA link


Cook Islands Māori is an isolating language with very little morphology. Case is marked by the particle that initiates a noun phrase, and like most East Polynesian languages, Cook Islands Māori has nominative-accusative case marking.

The unmarked constituent order is predicate initial: that is, verb initial in verbal sentences and nominal-predicate initial in non-verbal sentences.

Personal pronouns

Шаблон:See also

Person Singular Dual Plural
1st inclusive au tāua tātou1
1st exclusive māua mātou2
2nd koe kōrua kōtou
3rd aia rāua rātou
  1. you -2 or more- and I
  2. they and I

Tense-Aspect-Mood markers

Marker Aspect Examples
Шаблон:Lang present continuous

Шаблон:Lang : I am thinking of going back to the house
Шаблон:Lang : They are laughing
Шаблон:Lang : I'm not planting any arrowroot

Шаблон:Lang Mildly imperative or exhortatory, expressing a desire, a wish rather than a strong command.

Шаблон:Lang : be quick ! (don't be long!)
Шаблон:Lang : be quick (don't dawdle!)
Шаблон:Lang : good luck!
Шаблон:Lang  : would you do that job
Шаблон:Lang : come to work on Monday morning
Шаблон:Lang : Here's the breadfruit pudding, eat up

Шаблон:Lang Imperative, order

Шаблон:Lang : you get down
Шаблон:Lang : stand over there

Шаблон:Lang interdiction, don't

Шаблон:Lang : don't on any account touch this live wire, you'll get a shock

Шаблон:Lang indicate the negation, not, nothing, nowhere

Шаблон:Lang : It will not rain
Шаблон:Lang : Tī doesn't have anything to say

Шаблон:Lang habitual action or state

Шаблон:Lang : Do you go to the dance?
Шаблон:Lang : he used to live in Nikao at that time

Шаблон:Lang Refers prospectively to the commencement of an action or state. Often translatable as the English future tense or "going to" construction

Шаблон:Lang : Mary is going to sing later on tonight
Шаблон:Lang : I know (or knew) that Tere will (or would) be angry

Шаблон:Lang translatable as the English simple past or present tense (with adjectives)

Шаблон:Lang : You saw us
Шаблон:Lang ? : Are you better now?
Шаблон:Lang : the match is over now

Most of the preceding examples were taken from Cook Islands Maori Dictionary, by Jasper Buse with Raututi Taringa edited by Bruce Biggs and Rangi MoekaШаблон:Okinaa, Auckland, 1995.


Like most other Polynesian languages (Tahitian, New Zealand Māori, Hawaiian, Samoan, Tongan ...), Cook Islands Māori has two categories of possessives, "a" and "o".

Generally, the "a" category is used when the possessor has or had control over the initiation of the possessive relationship. Usually this means that the possessor is superior or dominant to what is owned, or that the possession is considered as alienable. The "o" category is used when the possessor has or had no control over the initiation of the relationship. This usually means that the possessor is subordinate or inferior to what is owned, or that the possession is considered to be inalienable.

The following list indicates the types of things in the different categories:

  • a is used in speaking of
    • Movable property, instruments,
    • Food and drink,
    • Husband, wife, children, grandchildren, girlfriend, boyfriend,
    • Animals and pets, (except for horses)
    • People in an inferior position
Te puaka a tērā vaШаблон:Okinaine : the pig belonging to that woman;
ā Tere tamariki : Tere's children;
Kāre ā Tupe mā ika inapō : Tupe and the rest didn't get any fish last night
Tāku ; TāШаблон:Okinaau ; Tāna ; Tā tāua ; Tā māua…. : my, mine ; your, yours ; his, her, hers, our ours…
Ko tāku vaШаблон:Okinaine tēia : This is my wife;
Ko tāna tāne tērā : That's her husband;
Tā kotou Шаблон:Okinaapinga : your possession(s);
Tā Tare Шаблон:Okinaapinga : Tērā possession(s);
  • o is used in speaking of
    • Parts of anything
    • Feelings
    • Buildings and transport (including horses)
    • Clothes
    • Parents or other relatives (not husband, wife, children…)
    • Superiors
Te Шаблон:Okinaare o Tere : The house belonging to Tere;
ō Tere pare : Tere's hat;
Kāre ō Tina noШаблон:Okinao anga e noШаблон:Okinao ei : Tina hasn't got anywhere to sit;
Tōku ; TōШаблон:Okinaou ; Tōna ; Tō tāua ; Tō māua…: my, mine  ; your, yours ; his, her, hers ; our, ours …
Ko tōku Шаблон:Okinaare tēia : This is my house;
I tōku manako, ka tika tāna : In my opinion, he'll be right;
Tēia tōku, tērā tōШаблон:Okinaou : This is mine here, that's yours over there



Although most words of the various dialects of Cook Islands Māori are identical, there are some differences:

Rarotonga Aitutaki Mangaia Ngāputoru Manihiki Tongareva English
Шаблон:Lang Шаблон:Lang Шаблон:Lang Шаблон:Lang Шаблон:Lang Шаблон:Lang speak, speech
Шаблон:Okinaānau Шаблон:Okinaānau Шаблон:Okinaānau fanau hanau family
kūmara Шаблон:Okinaara Шаблон:Okinaara kūmara kūmara kumala sweet potatoes
kāre Шаблон:Okinaore, Шаблон:OkinaāШаблон:Okinaore eШаблон:Okinai, Шаблон:Okinaāore Шаблон:Okinaāita, kāre kaua, kāre kore no, not
tātā kiriti tātā tātā tātā tata write
Шаблон:Okinaura koni Шаблон:Okinaura Шаблон:Okinaingo, oriori, Шаблон:Okinaura hupahupa kosaki dance
Шаблон:Okinaakaipoipo Шаблон:Okinaakaipoipo Шаблон:OkinaāШаблон:Okinaāipoipo Шаблон:Okinaakaipoipo fakaipoipo selenga wedding
Шаблон:Okinaīkoke koroio rakiki tūngāngā hikoke mokisi thin
Шаблон:Okinaare Шаблон:Okinaare Шаблон:Okinaare Шаблон:Okinaare fare hare house
maШаблон:Okinaata Шаблон:Okinaatupaka ngao nui, nunui, ranuinui kore reka polia big
matū, pete ngenengene pori poripori menemene suesue fat


Place Cook Islands Māori-speaking population
Cook Islands 13,620
New Zealand 7,725
New South Wales 1,612[5]
Queensland 1,609[6]
Victoria 1,468[7]
Western Australia 308[8]
South Australia 63[8]
Australian Capital Territory 28[9]
Northern Territory 21[10]
Tasmania 10[11]





  • Cook Islands Maori Database Project, An online project created to build a collection of Cook Islands Maori Words based on existing print dictionaries and other sources.
  • Cook Islands Maori Dictionary, by Jasper Buse with Raututi Taringa, edited by Bruce Biggs and Rangi MoekaШаблон:Okinaa, Auckland, 1995.
  • A dictionary of the Maori Language of Rarotonga, Manuscript by Stephen Savage, Suva : IPS, USP in association with the Ministry of Education of the Cook Islands, 1983.
  • Kai Korero : Cook Islands Maori Language Coursebook, Tai Carpentier and Clive Beaumont, Pasifika Press, 1995. (A useful learning Method with oral skills cassette)
  • Cook Islands Cook Book by Taiora Matenga-Smith. Published by the Institute of Pacific Studies.
  • Maori Lessons for the Cook Islands, by Taira Rere. Wellington, Islands Educational Division, Department of Education, 1960.
  • Conversational Maori, Rarotongan Language, by Taira Rere. Rarotonga, Government Printer. 1961.
  • Some Maori Lessons, by Taira Rere. Rarotonga. Curriculum Production Unit, Department of Education. 1976.
  • More Maori Lessons, by Taira Rere. Suva, University of the South Pacific.1976
  • Maori Spelling: Notes for Teachers, by Taira Rere. Rarotonga: Curriculum Production Unit, Education Department.1977.
  • Traditions and Some Words of the Language of Danger or Pukapuka Island. Journal of the Polynesian Society 13:173-176.1904.
  • Collection of Articles on Rarotonga Language, by Jasper Buse. London: University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies. 1963.
  • Manihikian Traditional Narratives: In English and Manihikian: Stories of the Cook Islands (Na fakahiti o Manihiki). Papatoetoe, New Zealand: Te Ropu Kahurangi.1988
  • Te korero o Aitutaki, na te Are Korero o Aitutaki, Ministry of Cultural Development, Rarotonga, Cook Islands. 1992
  • Atiu nui Maruarua : E au tua taШаблон:Okinaito, Vainerere Tangatapoto et al. University of South Pacific, Suva 1984. (in Maori and English)
  • Learning Rarotonga Maori, by MakiШаблон:Okinauti Tongia, Ministry of Cultural Development, Rarotonga 1999.
  • Te uri Reo Maori (translating in Maori), by MakiШаблон:Okinauti Tongia, Punanga o te reo. 1996.
  • Atiu, e enua e tona iti tangata, te au tata tuatua Ngatupuna Kautai...(et al.), Suva, University of the South Pacific.1993. (Maori translation of Atiu : an island Community)
  • A vocabulary of the Mangaian language by Christian, F. W. 1924. Bernice P. Bishop Bulletin 2. Honolulu, Bernice P. Bishop Museum.
  • E au tuatua taШаблон:Okinaito no Manihiki, Kauraka Kauraka, IPS, USP, Suva. 1987.


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