Английская Википедия:Emirate of Banu Talis

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Шаблон:Multiple issues Banu Talis, an Arab dynasty from Banu Abd al-Dar bin Qusayy, from the Arab tribe of Quraysh, appeared in Libya in the year 1228 AD and made the city of “Bani Walid” as their capital.[1]

Шаблон:Infobox country


The dynasty was founded by the scholar Sheikh Ahmed bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Abdullah bin Al-Rashid bin Talis Al-Abdari Al-Qayrawani,[2][3] who was born in the Tunisian city of Mahdia and then moved to Kairouan,[2] where he received his education. It was also said that he was Andalusian by African birth and grew up in Tunisia.

Stories differed about the reason for this "Ibn Tlis" exodus to Tripoli, as some sources claim that he took refuge there on the run after a dispute that occurred between him and some scholars of Kairouan who conspired with the Sultan against him. He and those with him fled across the sea to Tripoli.[4][5]

While other sources claim that he was assigned the emirate of the country by the Hafsid Sultan of Kairouan, and perhaps this is the most likely opinion.

In any case, Sheikh "Ibn Talis" arrived in Wadi Bani Walid in the year 1228 AD, and the residents of the region gathered around him (perhaps due to his noble Qurashi lineage) from the Berber tribes of Hawara and the Arab tribes of Bani Hilal, especially the Ithbaj and Zagha, and he became a major force in the country.

He then made several reforms in the region, dug more than 300[5] or 360[4] wells, and built several palaces.[4][5] The most famous of which was "Ibn Tlis Palace", which he used as the seat of his rule.

He also built several zawiyas,[5] and the emirate flourished during his reign. Trade, agriculture, and pottery making spread, and prominent scholars appeared, whose fame spread throughout North Africa and Sub-Saharan Sudan, such as Sheikh "Abdul Salam al-Fitouri",[3] known as "Abdul Salam al-Asmar", to whom students come from all over Libya, Tunisia, Mali (Timbuktu), Chad, and others.

The influence of the emirate extended during their reign from the borders of Cyrenaica in the east to Tajoura region in the west, and from the sea in the north to mainland Fezzan in the south, but its power was concentrated on or near the coast in the cities of: Bani Walid, Sirte, Tarhuna, Misrata, Zliten and Masalata. And the Mujahid Sheikh “Abdul Wahid Al-Doukali”, who was a student of the scholar "Ibn Tlis" himself, and Sheikh "Karim Al-Din Al-Barmouni" and many others. Sheikh Ibn Tellis died at the age of 53 and was buried in his hometown of Kairouan.


The emirate suffered from foreign invasion more than once, the first of which was the Spanish invasion in 1510 AD,[3][6] which targeted the city of Masalata, the cultural capital of the emirate, and the Banu Tellis were able to repel this occupation under the leadership of Sheikh "Abdul Wahid Al-Doukali."

Then there was the Ottoman Turkish invasion during the reign of the last prince, "Ali II", who resisted them for 26 years before they invaded in 1603 AD with an army of 10,000 fighters supported by some local tribes. As for the emirate's headquarters in Qasr Bin Talis, it was destroyed, the city was completely burned, and most of the members of the ruling family were killed,[6] and after that an unknowen sheikhdom ruled.[3]

Those who remained alive fled to the southwest of the city of Tripoli and became part of a tribal alliance there known as "Burshfana", in which they are numbered to this day and are known as the "Awlad Tallis" tribe.

Cultural effect

The Emirate of Ben Talis is considered one of the important periods in the modern history of Libya, as it formed many of the cultural features and popular folklore prevailing in the country. However, the Turks' destruction of Ben Talis Palace and burning of most of the documents in it buried several facts about the emirate and became difficult for historical researchers to access. To abstract historical information and purify it from myths, especially with regards to the lineage of the dynasty and how its rule ended.

List of rulers

Sheikh Ahmed succeeded in ruling the emirate by 5 rulers who succeeded him are:[7]

1- Ahmed bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Abdullah bin Al-Rashid bin Talis Al-Abdari Al-Qayrawani

2- Ali bin Ahmed bin Talis Al-Abdari Al-Qurashi.

3- Hamouda bin Ali bin Talis Al-Abdari Al-Qurashi

4- Diab bin Hamouda bin Talis Al-Abdari Al-Qurashi

5- Ghalib bin Diab bin Talis Al-Abdari Al-Qurashi

6- Ali II bin Ghalib bin Talis Al-Abdari Al-Qurashi

