This requires that the electron occupy an s-orbital. The interaction is described with the parameter A, which takes the units megahertz. The magnitude of A is given by this relationships
where A is the energy of the interaction, μn is the nuclear magnetic moment, μe is the electron magnetic dipole moment, Ψ(0) is the value of the electron wavefunction at the nucleus, and <math display="inline"> \left\langle \cdots \right\rangle </math> denotes the quantum mechanical spin coupling.[1]
It has been pointed out that it is an ill-defined problem because the standard formulation assumes that the nucleus has a magnetic dipolar moment, which is not always the case.[2]
Файл:J-coupling Fermi contact mechanism.svgSimplified view of the Fermi contact interaction in the terms of nuclear (green arrow) and electron spins (blue arrow). 1: in H2, 1H spin polarizes electron spin antiparallel. This in turn polarizes the other electron of the σ-bond antiparallel as demanded by Pauli's exclusion principle. Electron polarizes the other 1H. 1H nuclei are antiparallel and 1JHH has a positive value.[3]2: 1H nuclei are parallel. This form is unstable (has higher energy E) than the form 1.[4]3: vicinal 1H J-coupling via 12C or 13C nuclei. Same as before, but electron spins on p-orbitals are parallel due to Hund's 1. rule. 1H nuclei are antiparallel and 3JHH has a positive value.[3]
Файл:NMRMeCp2Ni.png1H NMR spectrum of 1,1'-dimethylnickelocene, illustrating the dramatic chemical shifts observed in some paramagnetic compounds. The sharp signals near 0 ppm are from solvent.[5]
Roughly, the magnitude of A indicates the extent to which the unpaired spin resides on the nucleus. Thus, knowledge of the A values allows one to map the singly occupied molecular orbital.[6]
The interaction was first derived by Enrico Fermi in 1930.[7] A classical derivation of this term is contained in "Classical Electrodynamics" by J. D. Jackson.[8] In short, the classical energy may be written in terms of the energy of one magnetic dipole moment in the magnetic field B(r) of another dipole. This field acquires a simple expression when the distance r between the two dipoles goes to zero, since