Английская Википедия:Goran Trenchovski
Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:Infobox writer Goran Trenchovski (also spelled as Trenčovski; Горан Тренчовски, b. April 24, 1970 in Strumica) is a Macedonian-born director, writer, artistic leader, founder, lecturer, humanist. He is the current head of AsterFest, and lives in Great Britain.
Born on Good Friday. As a child he has published poems and has loved reading and collecting comic books. As a young adult he began making photographs.[1]
Trenchovski graduated from the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad with an emphasis in film and theatre directing, in the class of acclaimed prof. Boro Drašković. After decay of SFRJ he became the youngest director on the Balkans known for directing projects on a range of subjects. He directed numerous film and TV projects in different genres as well as stage performances with a number of plays by both classical and modern auteurs. Among the short film subjects he has directed Beggars and Placards, Krecho and Play and Save. His second TV fiction movie, Ghoul Quest acquaints the audience with the fate of an authentic assortment of heroes torn from Balkan iconography, picturesquely sculptured and psychologically represented with all their good and bad sides. He also directed middle-length film projects Slander, Under, and A Step Ahead of Time, series Chubbies, Candidates, Martin from the Stairs, Love and Betrayal, and documentaries I Believe in Macedonia (transferred onto 35mm) and The Spirit of my Father.[2] His multi-awarded cinematic feature film Golden Five is based on true story about unsolved murder of five students in 1951. This film is reviewed by British critics as "a profound and moving film"[3] and as "a mystery thriller of chilling proportions",[4] under "crafty direction encourages us to think".
He lived and researched for one year in Prague, Czech Republic and attended postgraduate studies at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University (Faculty of Philology) in Skopje where he has prepared the master thesis “Cinesthetic stories of Solev and Čingo (adapted into films by Rusomir Bogdanovski)” and completed doctoral studies in the field of literature and film. He defended the doctoral thesis “Intermedial verifications of the novels ‘The Red Horse’ by Tashko Georgievski and ‘The Gentle Barbarian’ by Bohumil Hrabal”.
He directed Sound Imagery, Slavic Orpheus, Infernal Machine, Libretto Wagner, Leonce and Lena, The Spirit of the Can, From the First Breath, Beggar's Opera and Endgame, as well as plays by Aeschylus, Witkacy, Dostoevsky, Ibsen, Andreyev, Havel, Beckett, Ionesco, Pinter, Albee, Adamov and Arrabal. He was engaged as chief of the department for directing in MTV in Skopje. He was a selector at the IX and X edition of the Festival of Chamber Theatre when he paid tribute to Risto Šiškov's film decalogue. He was professor in the University of Audiovisual Arts - European Film Academy, EFTA Skopje-Paris-Essen-Rotterdam. He also established short-lived Seraphin Tanz group and Academic Theatre Laboratory in the spirit of Artaud, Barba, Grotowski, Kantor and Brook investigations.
Trenchovski also has experience as a producer and publisher. He was editor-in-chief of the Trend magazine and editor of the Shine magazine. Since its inception in 2005, he is founder and artistic director at the International Film Festival AsterFest dedicated to auteur-directed short film subject. The festival has gained an international reputation, thanks to Trenchovski's networking as well as his involvement with the Tiberiopolian Film Alliance - Institute for shorts & docs and collaboration with Revolution Production. He has seven books related to the performing arts, cinema and autopoetics written in Macedonian, and a collection of writings in English. He is also editor of the anthology of dramaticules Carnival Sighs (1998), the monograph Steps on the Star Planks (1999), the special Beckett 100 (2006), the reader Director's Notes (2013) and translator of the Jiří Menzel's texts Faith and Doubt (2000). He has also directed radio dramas The Lie and The Executioners.
His directions are screened, staged and awarded on festivals in many European countries, as well as in UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Russia, India, Turkey.
He is a member of the European Film Academy and British Comparative Literature Association.
Participates at events, workshops, symposiums and conferences. Lectures on cinema, drama and intermediality.
He introduces and promotes his “Poetics of (De-)Thronization”.
Works (a choice)
Awards and recognitions (a choice)
- "Grand Prix: Golden plaque for best directing" - Republic Festival for Young Adults - Štip, 1988.
- "Vojdan Černodrinski Auteur's Award" - Macedonian Theatre Festival - Prilep, 1992.
- "Grand Prix: Best TV drama fiction film", Sarajevo Film Festival, 2000.
- "DetectiveFest: Law and society", Best production, best anti-hero role - Nomination for best film - Moscow, 2005.
- "Award for Artistic Stage Expression" - International festival of Antique Drama - Stobi, 2006.
- "Best Poetic Documentary" - EkoFilm, Festiwal Filmów Ekologicznych - Nowogard, 2006.
- "Sv. 15 Tiveriopolski sveštenomačenici", Award for Outstanding Achievement in Film and Theatre - Strumica, 2007.
- "Docs in Progress" Finalist, Best short documentary - Nomination - Washington, D.C., 2008.
- "Script Fest", Award for Outstanding Achievement in Film - Skopje, 2013.
- "Golden Griffon", Best Foreign Film - Love Film Festival - Perugia, 2017.
- "Best Film in South-East Europe", SEE à Paris, 2017.
- "Best Balkan Spirit", Balkan Film Food Festival - Pogradec, 2017.
- "Best Foreign Film", Jagran Film Festival - New Delhi / Mumbai, 2017.
- "Grand Prize Winner: Best Feature Film", New Jersey Film Festival - USA, 2017.
- "Best Foreign Language Feature Film", Cardiff International Film Festival - UK, 2018.
Bibliography (a choice)
- Peer-reviewed journal articles and invited book chapters
- Trenchovski, G. (2019) From short stories to film fiction (Od kratka proza do filmska fikcija). Akt, 66/XV, 47-50.
- Trenchovski, G. (2019) A contribution towards a theory of film adaptation: from story to film (Шаблон:Lang). Zenit, 2/II, 1 November, 127-131.
- Trenchovski, G., Trenchovska, S. (2019) 'The Big Python' as a metaphor for the thieving world (Шаблон:Lang) Trend magazin, online.
- Trenchovski, G. (2019) A contribution towards a theory of film adaptation: from story to film (Шаблон:Lang). Link, 2/II, 43-48.
- Trenchovski, G. (2018) The Dionysian in the 'Slavic Orpheus' play (Dioniziskoto vo dramata 'Slovenski Orfej'). Conference proceedings, FILKO, Third International Scientific Conference, 26-27 April 2018. (pp. 681-690). Štip, "Goce Delčev" University, online.
- Trenchovski, G. (2017) The knife, the strings and the guillotine: Büchner’s blades and toolkit (Шаблон:Lang). Sum - Miscellaneous, 80/XXV, 117-124.
- Trenchovski, G. (2014) On Mak in Macedonian: my strange encounters with Dušan Makavejev (Шаблон:Lang). Mediantrop, the first electronic magazine for the media and culture in the region: special - MAK, online.
- Trenchovski, G. (2011) Cinema as a 20th century phenomenon / The pillars of our contemporary narrative film directing / Short film in the beginning of cinema (Шаблон:Lang). In H. Petreski (Ed.), Makedonskata filmska kritika. (pp. 269-284). Skopje, MK: ESRA/Feniks.
- Trenchovski, G. (2011) The Land theatre & the black cube / Fugitive Bride / Actorionship (Шаблон:Lang). In H. Petreski (Ed.), Makedonskata teatarska kritika. (pp. 125-133). Skopje, MK: ESRA/Feniks.
- Trenchovski, G. (2011) Liberty or death (Sloboda ili smrt). Dnevne novine, 26 October, 21.
- Trenchovski, G. (2011) Love, modesty and true facts (Ljubov, skromnost i vistinski fakti). Premin, 121/122, July/August, 78-79.
- Trenchovski, G. (2006) A poetical view to the Turkish part of world (Шаблон:Lang). Kinopis, 33-34, 147-149.
- Trenchovski, G. (2006) To see the invisible (Шаблон:Lang). Akt, 15, 9 May, 51.
- Trenchovski, G. (2004) The pictorial world of the king's land beggar: Шаблон:Lang). In A. Gogov (Ed.), Gradovite vo Makedonija: Strumica. (pp. 10-11). Skopje, MK: Kontrapunkt.
- Trenchovski, G. (2003) Shoes (Čevli). Denes, 295, 23 October, 34-35.
- Trenchovski, G. (2001) Foreword (Predgovor). In T. Kuzmanov, Шаблон:Lang. (pp. 5-6). Strumica, MK: FCT "Risto Šiškov".
- Trenchovski, G. (1999) Waiting for the end of the century (Шаблон:Lang). Teatarski glasnik, 46, 26-27.
- Trenchovski, G. (1999) The Czech film magazines (Шаблон:Lang). Sum, 21, Spring, 131-133.
- Trenchovski, G. (1999) Leaving the ‘big guru‘ in modern theatre (Шаблон:Lang). Nova Makedonija, 18729, 26-27 June, 26.
- Trenchovski, G. (1993) Performance sequences / A journey on the post-modern event based on Aeschylus’s 'Eumenides' in the site called Ohrid Samuil's Fortress on August 16 in the 1995’s summer (Шаблон:Lang. In Ajshil, Orestija. (pp. 256-258). Skopje, MK: Metaforum.
- Trenchovski, G. (1993) An apocalyptic theatre (Apokaliptičen teatar). Trend, 1, 20 August, 39-40.
- Trenchovski, G. (1992) The Endgame aka the First Breath (Kraj igre ili prvi uzdah). To jest, 30, 21-22.
- Trenchovski, G. (1985) Strumica at night (Strumica noḱe). Mlad borec, 1492, 23 October, 8.
- Conference presentations
- Trenchovski, G. (2018) Director's statement for the 'Golden Five' feature film (Režiserska eksplikacija na dolgometražniot igran film 'Zlatna petorka'). Talk presented at the Narrative and Aesthetic Values of the 'Golden Five' film symposium, 10 March 2018, Hotel Gligorov, Strumica, MK.
- Trenchovski, G. (2017) Literature and film: Past and present. Talk presented at the Literature & Film master class, 3 June 2017, Inalco (L'Inalco est membre fondateur de l'Université Sorbonne Paris Cité), Paris, FR.
- Trenchovski, G. (2017) The Taško Georgievski i Bohumil Hrabal prose's opportunities to be adapted into drama medium: transmedial attributes, similarities and relations (Шаблон:Lang Taško Georgievski i Bohumil Hrabal: Шаблон:Lang). Talk presented at School of Doctoral Studies at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje annual conference, 9 May 2017, "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology, Skopje, MK.
- Trenchovski, G. (2014) Macedonian documentary context. Talk presented at the Shattered Mirror: The Problem of Identity in the Post-Yugoslav Documentary regional conference, 18 November 2014, Dom kulture "Studentski grad", Belgrade, RS.
- Trenchovski, G. (2014) The end of Samuel's kingdom in the 'Sunset Over the Lakeland' TV series (Krajot na Samoilovoto carstvo vo serijata 'Zalez nad ezerskata zemja'). Poster presented at the Samuel's State in the Historic, Military-Political, Spiritual and Cultural Tradition of Macedonia symposium, 26 October, Hotel Sirius, Strumica, MK.
- Trenchovski, G. (2012) Consciousness for the kinoteatar ascension of the Strumica people with the prefixes 1912/1918: in the Stojan Kovačev's researches (Svesta za kinoteatarskoto vozdignuvanje na strumičani so predznakot na 1912/1918: niz istražuvanjata na Stojan Kovačev). Poster presented at the Strumica and the Strumica Region during the Balkan Wars and the Bucharest Peace Treaty symposium, 27 October, Complex "Sveti 15", Strumica, MK.
- Trenchovski, G. (2010) The problems of the contemporary Macedonian TV film production. Talk presented at the Balkan TV Market Initiative round table, International TV Festival, 27 October 2010, Hotel Princess, Bar, ME.
- Trenchovski, G. (2010) Documentary storytelling in my movies. Talk presented at the Producing docs workshop, International Film Festival "AsterFest", 28 May 2010, NUCK "Anton Panov", Strumica, MK.
- Trenchovski, G. (2007) Macedonian documentary circle: A view into the Macedonian documentary film. Talk presented at the South-East Europe Documentary Network join project, GoEast – Filmfestival des mittel- und osteuropäischen Films, 1 April 2007, Festival Center Villa Clementine Wiesbaden, DE, online.
- Trenchovski, G. (2006) From Beckett to the Balkans. Talk presented at the 100 Years since Beckett's Birth public discussion, Festival of Chamber Theatre "Risto Šiškov", 9 September 2006, NUCK "Anton Panov", Strumica, MK.
- Trenchovski, G. (2005) The old stars on the new screen (Шаблон:Lang). Poster presented at the Old Stars of the New Screen symposium, International Film Festival AsterFest, 28 May, Local "Lovište", Strumica, MK.
- Trenchovski, G. (2001) The impressionable naturalness of the style: Risto Šiškov as an actor in the TV-medium (Шаблон:Lang). Poster presented at the Šiškov symposium, Festival of Chamber Theatre "Risto Šiškov", 9 September, NUCK "Anton Panov", Strumica, MK, online.
- Trenchovski, G. (2000) The role of the Macedonian migrant theatremakers in the turn of the twentieth century (Шаблон:Lang). Poster presented at the Шаблон:Lang symposium, MTF Vojdan Černodrinski, 6 June, Hotel Lipa, Prilep, MK.
- Trenchovski, G. (1999) Directing postmodern theatre: Macedonia (Makedonskata postmoderna režija). Poster presented at the Akterstvoto i režijata vo makedonskiot teatar symposium, MTF Vojdan Černodrinski, 4 June, Hotel Lipa, Prilep, MK.
- Stefanović, Zoran. "The noble efforts of Goran Trenchovski", a speech on the occasion of 20 years work anniversary of G. Trenchovski, Strumica, Macedonia 4. 12. 2011. (sr)
- Stefanović, Zoran. "The artist is a scholar of Metaphysical: Directing method of Goran Trenčovski as cognition of immense pressure", foreword for book Kino neimar by G. Trenchovski, 14. 1. 2012. Шаблон:In lang
- Nigrin, Al. "The Golden Five will be premiering in the USA at the Fall 2017 New Jersey Film Festival on Friday, September 22!", interview for magazine New Jersey Stage about American premiere of Golden Five by G. Trenchovski, 9. 19. 2017. Шаблон:In lang
- Murray, John. "The Golden Five: ‘Ideas that eat up our life and burn us to the flesh!’", review of the Golden Five by G. Trenchovski, 21. 2. 2020. Шаблон:In lang
- Trenchovska, Sofija (ed.). "Narrative and Aesthetic Values of the Golden Five Film: Papers from a Symposium" Шаблон:Webarchive, materials from the scientific symposium on the Golden Five by G. Trenchovski, 2018. (mk/en)
- Velev, Ilija. "Faces, memories", a speech on the film evening of G. Trenchovski, Akt, No. 58/XII, 29. 1. 2016, 26-27. (mk)
External links
- Шаблон:IMDb name
- "Living an Art od (De-)Thronization", official web-site of Goran Trenchovski Шаблон:In lang
- "Highlights of the Cardiff International Film Festival 2018", List of 2018 winners. Шаблон:In lang
- Trenchovski, Goran. "A View Of The Macedonian Documentary Film", Project Rastko – Macedonia, December 26, 2007. Also on SeeDox.org Шаблон:In lang
- Trenchovski, Goran. The "Play & Save" short, Revolution, 2012, on Cinesquare VoD platform. Шаблон:In lang
развернутьПартнерские ресурсы |
- ↑ Georgievski, Zvezdan. An interview with G. Trenchovski "Osvojuvači na duhovnite prostranstva", Utrinski vesnik, 23. August 2005.
- ↑ Unevska, Sunčica. A review of mid-length documentary "Duhot na tatko mi", Utrinski vesnik, 1. December 2010.
- ↑ A review of movie "Zlatna petorka", The 24th Raindance Film Festival: Catalogue, September 2016.
- ↑ A review of movie "Zlatna petorka", Cardiff Times: Monthly magazine, 6. October 2018.
- Английская Википедия
- 1970 births
- Living people
- People from Strumica
- Macedonian film directors
- Macedonian artists
- Macedonian writers
- British people of Macedonian descent
- British filmmakers
- British writers
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