Английская Википедия:Henry St. John Cooper
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Charles Henry St. John Cooper (1869 – 1926) was a prolific English novelist of school and adventure fiction. He wrote thousands of stories for several Amalgamated Press papers, sometimes under the pen name Mabel St. John.[1] He is perhaps best known for creating, in 1908, the character Pollie Green, considered the "most popular, though not the first, in a series of irrepressible schoolgirl heroines".[2] According to his son, he also wrote many "authorless" Sexton Blake stories for the Union Jack.[3] His novel Sunny Ducrow was adapted into a 1926 film, Sunny Side Up.[4]
Actress Gladys Cooper was his half-sister,[1] and musician Henry Russell was his maternal grandfather.[5]
Novels as Mabel St. John
- Most Cruelly Wronged. London, Amalgamated Press, 1907.
- Only a Singing Girl. London, Amalgamated Press, 1907.
- Rival Beauties. London, Amalgamated Press, 1907.
- Under a Ban. London, Amalgamated Press, 1907.
- Her Father's Sin. London, Amalgamated Press, 1908.
- Polly Green: A School Story [and Coosha, at Cambridge, — Engaged, in Society, at Twenty-One]. London, Amalgamated Press, 6 vols., 1909-11.
- Romany Ruth: A Gipsy Love Story. London, Amalgamated Press, 1909.
- Just a Barmaid. London, Amalgamated Press, 1909.
- A Daughter Scorned. London, Amalgamated Press, 1911.
- Jane Emily. London, Amalgamated Press, 1911.
- The Twins of Twineham. London, Amalgamated Press, 1911.
- The Dear Old Home. London, Amalgamated Press, 1912.
- The Best Woman in the World. London, Fleetway House, 1913.
- Nell of the Camp; or, The Pride of the Prairie. London, Fleetway House, 1913.
- The Outcasts of Crowthorpe College. London, Fleetway House, 1913.
- The Schoolgirl Bride. London, Fleetway House, 1913.
- Faults on Both Sides. London, Fleetway House, 1914.
- Fine Feathers! or, The Wife Who Would Be Smart. London, Fleetway House, 1914.
- From Mill to Mansion. London, Fleetway House, 1914.
- Kiddy, The Coffee-Stall Girl. London, Fleetway House, 1914.
- Little Miss Millions. London, Fleetway House, 1914.
- Married to Her Master. London, Fleetway House, 1914.
- My Lancashire Queen. London, Fleetway House, 1914.
- Sally in Our Alley. London, Fleetway House, 1914.
- The Ticket-of-Leave Girl. London, Fleetway House, 1914.
- When a Girl's Pretty. London, Fleetway House, 1914.
- John Jordan, Slave-Driver. London, Fleetway House, 1915.
- Just Jane Ann. London, Fleetway House, 1915.
- The Lass That Loved a Sailor. London, Fleetway House, 1915.
- Maggie Darling. London, Fleetway House, 1915.
- My Girl, Regan. London, Fleetway House, 1915.
- The Post Office Girl. London, Fleetway House, 1915.
- Shielded from the World. London, Fleetway House, 1915.
- Too Wilful for Words! London, Fleetway House, 1915.
- The Worst Wife in the World. London, Fleetway House, 1915.
- Born in Prison: The Story of a Mill-Girl’s Sacrifice. London, Fleetway House, 1916.
- Cook at School. London, Fleetway House, 1916.
- How the Money Goes! London, Fleetway House, 1916.
- In Mother's Place. London, Fleetway House, 1916.
- The Mistress of the Fifth Standard. London, Fleetway House, 1916.
- The Soul of the Mill. London, Fleetway House, 1916.
- The Best Girls Are Here. London, Fleetway House, 1917.
- Daisy Earns Her Living. London, Fleetway House, 1917.
- Daisy Peach Abroad. London, Fleetway House, 1917.
- Liz o’ Loomland. London, Fleetway House, 1917.
- Married at School. London, Fleetway House, 1917.
- Our Nell. London, Fleetway House, 1917.
- The “Sixpenny Ha'penny” Duchess. London, Fleetway House, 1917.
- What a Woman Can Do! London, Fleetway House, 1917.
- The Autograph Huners. London, Fleetway House, 1918.
- Dolly Daydreams! London, Fleetway House, 1918.
- For Her Lover's Sake. London, Fleetway House, 1918.
- His Sealed Lips! or, The Tale He Would Not Tell?. London, Fleetway Hause, 1918.
- Little and Good. London, Fleetway House, 1918.
- Little Miss Innocence. London, Fleetway House, 1918.
- Millgirl and Dreamer. London, Fleetway House. 1918.
- Old Smith’s Nurse. London, Fleetway House, 1918.
- Pearl of the West. London, Fleetway House. 1918.
- Her Stolen Baby. London, Fleetway House, 1919.
- Apronstrings. London, Amalgamated Press, 1919.
- Ashamed of the Shop: or, Miss High-and-Mighty. London, Amalgamated Press, 1919.
- The Belle of the Works. London, Amalgamated Press, 1919.
- The Favourite Wins! or, The Bookmakers Bride. London, Amalgamated Press, 1919.
- Good Gracious, Marian! London, Amalgamated Press. 1919.
- The Little “Gutter Girl.” London, Amalgamated Press, 1919.
- Bests on the Stage. London, Amalgamated Press, 1920.
- The Wife Who Dragged Him Down!. London, Amalgamated Press, 1920.
- A Boxer’ Sweetheart. London, Amalgamated Press. 1920.
- The Wife Who Would Re “Master”. London, Amalgamated Press, 1920.
- The Cinderella Girl. London, Amalgamated Press, 1920.
- In the Shadows!. London, Amalgamated Press, 1920.
- Afary Ellen— Mill-Lass. London, Amalgamated Press, 1920.
- Mill-Lass o' Mine’. London, Amalgamated Press, 1920.
- Wedded But Not Wooed; or, Marry Me—Or Go to Prison!. London, Amalgamated Press, 1920.
- From Pillar to Past; or, No Home of Her Own. London, Amalgamated Press, 1921.
- Wife—or Housekeeper?. London, Amalgamated Press. 1921.
- A House, But Not a Home,. London, Amalgamated Press, 1921.
- The Husband, The Wife, and the Friend. London, Amalgamated Press, 1921.
- A Jealous Wife's Revenge!. London, Amalgamated Press. 1921.
- Just Jane Emily. London, Amalgamated Press, 1921.
- Little Miss Lancashire; or, Moll o' the Mill. London. Amalgamated Press, 1921.
- Lonely Little Lucy. London, Amalgamated Press, 1921.
- Mad for Dress!. London, Amalgamated Press, 1921.
- Sally All-Smiles. London, Amalgamated Press, 1921.
- The School Against Her!. London, Amalgamated Press. 1920.
- Scorned by “His” Mother''. London,, Amalgamated Press, 1921.
- Ann All-Alone: The Story of a Girl's Great Self-Sacrifice. London, Amalgamated Press, 1922.
- Wife or Maid? or, Scorned by Her Workmates. London, Amalgamated Press, 1922.
- The Brute!. London, Amalgamated Press, 1922.
- We Want Our Mummy!. London, Amalgamated Press, 1922.
- Gipsy Born!. London, Amalgamated Press, 1922.
- Tattling Tongues. London, Amalgamated Press. 1922.
- The Gipsy Schoolgirl. London, Amalgamated Press, 1922.
- Girl of the Prairie. London, Amaigamated Press, 1922.
- The Home Without a Father!. London, Amalgamated Press. 1922.
- Mather Knows Best! or, Uttered in Anger!. London, Amalgamated Press, 1922.
- Mr. Leslie’s School for Girls,. London, Amalgamated Press, 1922.
- Nobody's Girl. London, Amalgamated Press, 1922.
- Rich Girl— Charity Girl!. London, Amalgamated Press, 1922.
- Blood Money!. London, Amalgamated Press, 1923
- The Disappearance of Barbara. London. Amalgamated Press, 1923.
- Such a Fine Fellow! London, Amalgamated Press, 1923.
- The Gipsy Actress. London, Amalgamated Press, 1923.
- The Girl Who Married the Wrong Man!. London, Amalgamated Press, 1923.
- He Couldn’t Take Money! or, The “Old Fool” of the Family!. London, Amalgamated Press, 1923.
- His Wife—or His Mother? or, No Home of Her Own. London, Amalgamated Press, 1923.
- I'm Not a Common Girl! London, Amalgamated Press, 1923.
- Jenny Luck of Brendon’s Mills. London, Amalgamated Press, 1923.
- The New Girl at Bellforth. London, Amalgamated Press, 1923.
- The Second Husband. London, Amalgamated Press, 1923.
- Secrets of the Shop! London, Amalgamated Press, 1923.
- Too Old for Her Husband! London, Amalgamated Press, 1924.
- Bringing Up Becky! London, Amalgamated Press, 1924.
- She Was an Actress. London, Amalgamated Press, 1924.
- Go Borrowing—Go Sorrowing. London, Amalgamated Press, 1924.
- A Son to Be Proud Of! London, Amalgamated Press, 1924.
- He Married a Mill-Lass. London, Amalgamated Press, 1924.
- The Island Girl. London, Amalgamated Press, 1924.
- Married to His Wife’s Family. London, Amalgamated Press, 1924.
- She Wrecked Their Home! or, A Son’s a Son till He Takes Him a Wife. London, Amalgamated Press, 1924.
- Midsummer Madness! London, Amalgamated Press, 1924.
- The Mill-Girl’s Bargain! London, Amalgamated Press, 1924.
- My Man of the Mill! London, Amalgamated Press, 1924.
- Poisoned Lives! London, Amalgamated Press, 1924.
- The “Sports” of Lyndale. London, Amalgamated Press, 1925.
- As the World Judged. London, Amalgamated Press, 1925.
- When There’s Love at Home. London, Amalgamated Press, 1925.
- A Girl’s Good Name. London, Amalgamated Press, 1925.
- Where Is My Child To-night? London, Amalgamated Press, 1925.
- Just 'Liz-beth Ann. London, Amalgamated Press, 1925.
- Longing for Love. London, Amalgamated Press, 1925.
- Pride Parted Them! London, Amalgamated Press, 1925.
- Shamed by Her Husband! London, Amalgamated Press, 1925.
- She Posed as Their Friend! London, Amalgamated Press, 1925.
- She Shall Never Call You Mother! London, Amalgamated Press, 1925.
- And Still She Loved Him. London, Amalgamated Press, 1926.
- The Daughter He Didn't Want! London, Amalgamated Press, 1926.
- Some Mother’s Child! London, Amalgamated Press, 1926.
- It Is My Duty! London, Amalgamated Press, 1926.
- The Life He Led Her! London, Amalgamated Press, 1926.
- Love Needs Telling. London, Amalgamated Press, 1926.
- Maggie of Marley’s Mill. London, Amalgamated Press, 1926.
- The Man Who Married Again. London, Amalgamated Press, 1926.
- Rivals at School— Rivals Through Life! London, Amalgamated Press, 1926.
- She Sold Her Child! London, Amalgamated Press, 1927.
- He'll Never Marry You! London, Amalgamated Press, 1927.
- Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbour—. London, Amalgamated Press, 1927.
- Lizbeth Rose. London, Amalgamated Press, 1927.
- Tied to Her Apron Strings! London, Amalgamated Press, 1927.
- The Long, Long Wooing. London, Amalgamated Press, 1927.
- Loved for Her Money. London, Amalgamated Press, 1927.
- The New Girl. London, Amalgamated Press, 1927.
- She'll Never Marry My Son! London, Amalgamated Press, 1927.
- Some Mother’s Son! London, Amalgamated Press, 1928.
- A Beggar at Her Husband’s Door! London, Amalgamated Press, 1928.
- Utterly Alone! London, Amalgamated Press, 1928.
- His Wife or His Work? London, Amalgamated Press, 1928.
- His Wife's Secret! London, Amalgamated Press, 1928.
- Nobody Wants You! London, Amalgamated Press, 1928.
- He Shall Not Marry a Mill-Lass! London, Amalgamated Press, 1929.
- The Husband She Wanted. London, Amalgamated Press, 1930.
- Jess o’ Jordan’s. London, Amalgamated Press, 1930.
- Wedded— But Alone! London, Amalgamated Press, 1930.
- Another Girl Won Him. London, Amalgamated Press, 1935.
Novels as Henry St. John Cooper
- The Master of the Mill. London, Amalgamated Press, 1910.
- A Shop-Girl’s Revenge. London, Fleetway House, 1914.
- The Cotton King. London, Fleetway House, 1915.
- The Lass He Left Behind Him! London, Fleetway House, 1915.
- The Black Sheep; or, Who Is My Brother? London, Fleetway House, 1916.
- Ready— Aye Ready! A Story of the Bull-Dogs of the Ocean. London, Fleetway House, 1916.
- The Man with the Money. London, Fleetway House, 1917.
- Hero or Scamp? London, Fleetway House, 1918.
- Miss Bolo; or, A Spy in the Home. London, Fleetway House, 1918.
- The Man of Her Dreams. London, Amalgamated Press, 1919.
- The Mill Queen. London, Fleetway House, 1919.
- Sunny Ducrow. London, Sampson Low, 1919.
- There’s Just One Girl. London, Amalgamated Press, 1919.
- Vagabond Jess. London, Amalgamated Press, 1919.
- “Wild-Fire” Nan. London, Amalgamated Press, 1919.
- Fair and False; or, A Whited Sepulchre. London, Amalgamated Press, 1920.
- Her Mother-in-Law. London, Amalgamated Press, 1920.
- James Bevanwood, Baronet. London, Sampson Low, 1920.
- Just a Cottage Maid. London, Amalgamated Press, 1920.
- A Lodger in His Own Home. London, Amalgamated Press. 1920.
- Married to a Miser. London, Amalgamated Press, 1920.
- Men Were Deceivers Ever. London, Amalgamated Press, 1920.
- Mountain Lovers. London, Amalgamated Press, 1920.
- Two Menanda Maid. London, Amalgamated Press, 1920.
- Elizabeth in Dreamland. London, Amalgamated Press, 1921.
- The Garden of Memories. London, Sampson Low, 1921.
- The Island of Eve. London, Amalgamated Press, 1921.
- Love’s Waif. London, Amalgamated Press, 1921.
- Mabel St. John’s Schooldays. London, Amalgamated Press, 1921.
- Madge o’ the Mill. London, Amalgamated Press, 1921.
- Prison-Stained! London, Amalgamated Press, 1921.
- We're Not Wanted Now! London, Amalgamated Press, 1921.
- Carniss and Company. London, Sampson Low, 1922.
- Above Her Station. London, Amalgamated Press, 1922.
- A Daughter of the Loom; or, Go and Marry Your Mill-Girl! London, Amalgamated Press, 1922.
- Fairweather Friends! or, Fleeced by His Family! London, Amalgamated Press, 1922.
- The Imaginary Marriage. London, Sampson Low, 1922.
- Poverty’s Daughter. London, Amalgamated Press, 1922.
- A Snake in the Grass. London, Amalgamated Press, 1922.
- The Vagabond’s Daughter. London, Amalgamated Press, 1922.
- Could She Forgive? London, Amalgamated Press, 1923.
- Gipsy Love. London, Amalgamated Press, 1923.
- The “Head” of the Family; or, Despised by Them All! London, Amalgamated Press, 1923.
- Hidden Hearts. London, Amalgamated Press, 1923.
- Kidnapped. London, Amalgamated Press, 1923.
- Mary Faithful. London, Amalgamated Press, 1923.
- Son o’ Mine! London, Amalgamated Press, 1923.
- Too Common for Him! London, Amalgamated Press, 1923.
- Two's Company...; or, Young Folks Are Best Alone. London, Amalgamated Press, 1923.
- Yield Not to Temptation! London, Amalgamated Press, 1923.
- The Broken Barrier. London, Amalgamated Press, 1924.
- His Wife from the Kitchen! London, Amalgamated Press, 1924.
- Just Plain Jim! or, One of the Rank and File. London, Amalgamated Press, 1924.
- A Lover in Rags. London, Amalgamated Press, 1924.
- Redway Street. London, Amalgamated Press, 1924.
- The Unwanted Heiress. London, Amalgamated Press, 1924.
- The Fortunes of Sally Luck. London, Sampson Low, 1925.
- Lose Money—Lose Friends! London, Amalgamated Press, 1925.
- Nan of No Man's Land. London, Amalgamated Press, 1925.
- The Cottar'’s Daughter. London, Amalgamated Press, 1926.
- The Gallant Lover: A Queen Anne Story. London, Sampson Low, 1926.
- The Golconda Necklace. London, Sampson Low, 1926.
- Whoso Diggeth a Pit—. London, Amalgamated Press, 1926.
- The Woman Who Parted Them! London, Amalgamated Press, 1926.
- The Amazing Tramp. London, Amalgamated Press, 1927.
- Morning Glory. London, Sampson Low, 1927.
- Golden Bait. London, Sampson Low, 1928.
- The Red Veil. London, Sampson Low, 1928.
- As Fate Decrees. London, Sampson Low, 1929.
- Compromise. London, Sampson Low, 1929.
- Retribution. London, Sampson Low, 1930.
- The Millionaire Tramp. London, Sampson Low, 1930.
- When a Man Loves. London, Sampson Low, 1931.
- The Forbidden Road. London, Sampson Low, 1931.
- Love That Divided. London, Sampson Low, 1932.
- The Splendid Love. London, Sampson Low, 1932.
- When Love Compels. London, Sampson Low, 1933.
- Dangerous Paths. London, Sampson Low, 1933.
- As a Woman Wills. London, Sampson Low, 1934.
- The Hush Marriage. London, Sampson Low, 1934.
- Toils of Silence. London, Sampson Low, 1935.
- A Woman’s Way. London, Sampson Low, 1935.
- At Grips with Fate. London, Sampson Low, 1936.
- The Call of Love. London, Sampson Low, 1936.
Other publications
- Bull- Dogs and Bull- Dog Breeding. London, Jarrolds, 1905.
- Bulldogs and Bulldog Men. London, Jarrolds, 1908.
- Bulldogs and All about Them. London, Jarrolds, 1914.
External links
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