Шаблон:Short description
Шаблон:Other uses
Шаблон:More citations needed
Файл:KamAZ-53213 Kranaufbau.jpg Lifting hook on a crane truck with a standard round hook and a gated opening
Файл:Door hook.jpg A cabin hook used as a latch for a wooden gate
Файл:FishHooks.JPG Fish hooks are pointed and often barbed to help catch and tether a fish's mouth
Файл:Imperial Japanese Navy Battleship Hiei main anchor at JMSDF Kanoya Naval Air Base Museum April 29, 2017 02.jpg The main anchor of IJN battleship Hiei with the classic double-hook design
Файл:HK Sheung Wan 衣架 Clothes hangers by plastic in red June-2012.JPG Clothes hangers with a top hook to hang onto a crossbar or a clothesline
Файл:Kaginawa.JPG A grappling hook with multiple hooks to increase the chances of catching and anchoring onto a surface or an object
Файл:Grøn struk (8875448182).jpg A crochet hook with a deep hooking groove near the tip, used to pull yarns during embroidery
Файл:Hook and eye clasp.JPG A hook-and-eye clasp is composed of two pieces that are sewn to clothing , one of which serves as a hook while the other as a staple
A hook is a tool consisting of a length of material, typically metal , that contains a portion that is curved/bent back or has a deeply grooved indentation, which serves to grab, latch or in any way attach itself onto another object. The hook's design allows traction forces to be relayed through the curved/indented portion to and from the proximal end of the hook, which is either a straight shaft (known as the hook's shank ) or a ring (sometimes called the hook's "eye ") for attachment to a thread , rope or chain , providing a reversible attachment between two objects.
In many cases, the distal end of the hook is sharply pointed to enable penetration into the target material, providing a firmer anchorage. Some hooks, particularly fish hooks , also have a barb , a backwards-pointed projection near the pointed end that functions as a secondary "mini-hook" to catch and trap surrounding material, ensuring that the hook point cannot be easily pulled back out once embedded in the target.
Файл:Jäppilä.vaakuna.svg Golden pothook pictured in the coat of arms of Jäppilä
Bagging hook , a large sickle or reaping hook used for harvesting grain[1] [2]
Bondage hook , used in sexual bondage play
Cabin hook , a hooked bar that engages into an eye screw, used on doors[3] [4]
Cap hook , hat ornament of the 15th and 16th centuries
Cargo hook , different types of hook systems for helicopters
Crochet hook , used for crocheting thread or yarn
Drapery hook , for hanging drapery
Dress hook , fashion accessory
Ear hook , to attach earrings
Fish hook , used to catch fish
Flesh-hook , used in cooking meat
Grappling hook , a hook attached to a rope, designed to be thrown and snagged on a target
Hook and chain coupler , mechanical part for the coupling for railway vehicles
Hook (hand tool) , also known as longshoreman's hook and bale hook, a tool used for securing and moving loads
Hook-and-eye closure , a clothing fastener
Hook-and-loop fastener , a type of textile fastener
Hook hand, also called prosthesis , an artificial hand replacement made from a hook
Lifting hook , for grabbing and lifting loads
Mail hook , for grabbing mail bags without stopping a train
Meat hook , for hanging up meat or carcasses of animals in butcheries and meat industry
Prosthetic hook or transradial prosthesis, part of a prosthetic arm for amputees
Purse hook , used to keep a woman's purse from touching the floor
Shepherd's hook , a staff used in herding sheep or other animals
Siege hook , an Ancient Roman weapon used to pull stones from a wall during a siege
Tailhook , used by aircraft to snag cables in order to slow down more quickly
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