Русская Википедия:Спунер, Лисандр
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Шаблон:ОднофамильцыШаблон:Персона Шаблон:Либертарианство Лисандр Спунер (Шаблон:Lang-en; 19 января 1808, Атол — 14 мая 1887, Бостон) – американский философ права, предприниматель и анархист.
Он был важным представителем американского индивидуалистического анархизма 19-го столетия и аболиционистского движения (движения против института рабства). Важнейшими работами считаются «The Unconstitutionality of Slavery» и «No Treason. The Constitution of No Authority». Его труды и идеи оказывают и сегодня большое влияние на современные анархо-капитализм и либертарианство.
- The Deist's Immortality, and An Essay On Man's Acountability For His Belief (1834) (рус. «Бессмертие деиста и Эссе об ответственности человека за его веру»)
- "To the Members of the Legislature of Massachusetts" (1835)
- The Deist's Reply to the Alleged Supernatural Evidences of Christianity (1836)
- Constitutional Law, Relative to Credit, Currency, and Banking (1843) (рус. «Конституционное право относительно кредита, валюты и банковского дела»)
- The Unconstitutionality of the Laws of Congress, Prohibiting Private Mails (1844) (рус. «Неконституционность законов Конгресса, запрещающих частную почту»)
- The Unconstitutionality of Slavery (1845, 1860)
- Poverty: Its Illegal Causes, and Legal Cure. Part I (1846)
- Who caused the Reduction of Postage? Ought He To Be Paid? (1850)
- Illegality of the Trial of John W. Webster (1850)
- A Defence for Fugitive Slaves, Against the Acts of Congress of February 12, 1793, & September 18, 1850 (1850)
- An Essay on the Trial by Jury (1852)
- The Law of Intellectual Property (1855)
- A Plan for The Abolition of Slavery (and) To The Non-Slaveholders of the South (1858)
- Address of the Free Constitutionalists to the People of the United States (1860)
- A New System of Paper Currency (1861)
- Our Mechanical Industry, As Affected By Our Present Currency System: An Argument for the Author's New System of Paper Currency (1862)
- Articles of Association of the Spooner Copyright Company for Massachusetts (1863)
- Letter To Charles Sumner (1864)
- Considerations for Bankers, and Holders of United States Bonds (1864)
- No Treason. No. I (1867)
- No Treason. No. II, The Constitution (1867)
- No Treason. No. VI, The Constitution of No Authority (1870)
- Vices Are Not Crimes: A vindication of Moral Liberty (1875)
- Our Financiers: Their Ignorance, Usurpations, and Frauds (1877)
- The Law of Prices: A Demonstration of The Necessity for an Indefinite Increase of Money (1877)
- Gold and Silver as Standards of Value: The Flagrant Cheat in Regard to Them (1878)
- Universal Wealth Shown to be Easily Attainable. Part First (1879)
- Revolution: The Only Remedy for the Oppresed Classes of Ireland, England, and Other Parts of the British Empire. No. 1 (1880)
- Natural Law; or The Science of Justice: A Treatise on Natural Law, Natural Justice, Natural Rights, Natural Liberty, and Natural Society; Showing That All Legislation Whatsoever Is An Absurdity, A Usurpation, and A Crime. Part First (1882)
- A Letter to Thomas F. Bayard: Challenging His Right - And that of All the Other So-Called Senators and Representative in Congress - To Exercise Any Legislative Power Whatever Over the People of the United States (1882)
- A Letter to Scientists and Inventors, on the Science of Justice, and Their Right of Perpetual Property in Their Disclosures and Inventions (1884)
- A Letter to Grover Cleveland, on His False Inaugural Addrewss, The Usurpations and Crimes of Lawmakers and Judges, and the Consequent Poverty, Ignorance, and Servitude of the People (1886)
- Casella's Spooner Page Шаблон:Недоступная ссылка
- Lysander Spooner: Libertarian Pietist (Introduction by Murray N. Rothbard)
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