Английская Википедия:17β-Aminoestrogen

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Шаблон:Short description

Prolame, a 17β-aminoestrogen.

17β-Aminoestrogens are a group of synthetic, steroidal estrogens derived from estradiol which have an amine substitution in place of the hydroxyl group at the C17β position.[1][2] They are estrogenic similarly,[1] but, unlike estradiol, show sustained anticoagulant activity that appears to be mediated by non-genomic mechanisms.[2] As such, it is thought that they may have a reduced risk of venous thromboembolism.[2] The 17β-aminoestrogens include the base or parent estrogen aminoestradiol (AE2)[3] and the extended-chain derivatives butolame, hexolame, pentolame, prodiame, and prolame.[1][2] They are a homologous series of steroids.[4]



Шаблон:Estrogen receptor modulators

Шаблон:Steroid-stub Шаблон:Genito-urinary-drug-stub