name [2]
date of birth [3]
district [3]
Файл:1918 Henry Achin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Henry Achin Jr.
June 30, 1883
14th Middlesex
Файл:1929 Augustine Airola Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Augustine Airola
Файл:1935 William Akeroyd Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William A. Akeroyd
October 24, 1883
Файл:1935 George Ashe Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George T. Ashe
February 6, 1905
Файл:1935 John Aspell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Francis Aspell
July 8, 1906
Файл:1935 Frank Babcock Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank David Babcock
August 16, 1877
Файл:1935 Josiah Babcock Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Josiah Babcock Jr.
May 21, 1880
Файл:1935 Edward Bacigalupo Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward P. Bacigalupo
October 19, 1897
Файл:1935 William Baker Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Brooks Baker
January 10, 1879
Файл:1935 William Baldwin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William A. Baldwin
January 18, 1874
Файл:1935 Philip Barnet Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Philip Barnet
December 2, 1892
Файл:1935 Mary Livermore Barrows Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Mary Livermore Barrows[4]
June 30, 1877
Файл:1935 Thomas Barry Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Edmund Barry
May 14, 1899
Файл:1935 Stanley Bates Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Stanley Spilsted Bates
August 10, 1890
Файл:1935 Walter Baylies Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Walter Ray Baylies
April 28, 1902
Файл:1935 Malcolm Bell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Malcolm Lawrie Bell
November 30, 1890
Файл:1939 Albert Bergeron b1886 Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Albert Bergeron
June 23, 1886
Файл:1935 Alfred Bessette Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Alfred M. Bessette
March 25, 1876
Файл:1935 Rodolphe Bessette Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Rodolphe G. Bessette
September 14, 1911
Файл:1945 Albert Bigelow Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Albert F. Bigelow
October 4, 1880
Файл:1935 Leo Birmingham Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Leo Birmingham
April 14, 1893
Файл:1935 Fred Blake Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Fred Arthur Blake
January 13, 1895
Файл:Edward Boland (1983).jpg
Edward Boland
October 1, 1911
Файл:1935 Rufus Bond Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Rufus Hallowell Bond
December 24, 1896
Файл:1935 Albert Bourgeois Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Albert Lionel Bourgeois
June 7, 1899
Файл:1935 Philip Bowker Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Philip Griggs Bowker
April 17, 1899
Файл:1935 Albert Boyer Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Albert Ovila Boyer
May 27, 1908
Файл:1935 Edward Brady Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward T. Brady
October 23, 1908
Файл:1935 Fred Briggs Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Fred Emerson Briggs
March 14, 1875
Файл:1935 Emma E Brigham Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Emma E. Brigham
June 10, 1872
Файл:1935 Warren Brimblecom Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Warren Kingsbury Brimblecom
June 25, 1899
Файл:1935 William Brown Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Albert Brown
February 5, 1888
Файл:1935 Arthur Burgess Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Arthur I. Burgess
October 13, 1894
Файл:1935 Horace Cahill Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Horace T. Cahill
December 12, 1894
Файл:1935 Zacheus Cande Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Zacheus H. Cande
Файл:1935 Leo Carney Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Leo Edward Joseph Carney
November 16, 1899
Файл:1935 Michael Carroll Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael Joseph Carroll
June 21, 1891
Файл:1935 Bernard Casey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Bernard P. Casey
July 29, 1894
Файл:1935 Tony Centracchio Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Tony A. Centracchio
May 25, 1906
Файл:1935 Chester Chase Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Chester W. Chase
August 27, 1885
Файл:1935 Ralph Clampit Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Ralph Vester Clampit
March 28, 1896
Файл:1935 Frank Clarkson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank Clarkson
June 21, 1877
Файл:1935 Ignatius Cleary Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Ignatius B. Cleary
May 19, 1892
Файл:1935 Joseph Cleary Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph Francis Cleary
September 4, 1901
Файл:1935 Francis David Coady Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Francis David Coady
January 20, 1884
Файл:1935 Andrew Coakley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Andrew J. Coakley
November 6, 1906
Файл:1935 John Coddaire Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John W. Coddaire Jr.
Файл:1935 Edward Coffey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward A. Coffey
October 17, 1892
Файл:1935 Samuel Cohen Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Samuel H. Cohen
Файл:1935 John Comerford Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John T. Comerford
June 8, 1887
Файл:1935 Richard Comerford Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Richard Comerford
October 13, 1905
Файл:1935 Edward Connelly Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward J. Connelly
October 10, 1876
Файл:1935 Charles Cooke Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles H. Cooke
May 13, 1878
Файл:1935 Timothy Cooney Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Timothy Joseph Cooney
September 30, 1909
Файл:1935 Frank Coughlin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank Bernard Coughlin
January 11, 1891
Файл:1935 Francis Coyne Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Francis X. Coyne
March 15, 1892
Файл:1935 Nelson Crosby Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Nelson B. Crosby
June 20, 1871
Файл:1935 Ralph Currier Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Ralph Raymond Currier
October 28, 1892
Файл:Laurence Curtis.jpg
Laurence Curtis
September 3, 1893
Файл:1935 Ernest Dean Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Ernest J. Dean
April 5, 1883
Файл:1923 Hiram Nichols Dearborn Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Hiram Nichols Dearborn
December 21, 1867
Файл:1935 Thomas Delmore Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas A. Delmore
December 21, 1894
Файл:1935 George Demeter Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Demeter
March 13, 1896
Файл:1923 Burt Dewar Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Burt Dewar
December 29, 1884
Файл:1935 Thomas Dillon Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Patrick Dillon
February 19, 1901
Файл:1935 Fred Dole Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Fred Belding Dole
January 23, 1895
Файл:1935 John Donahue Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Joseph Donahue
March 14, 1906
Файл:1935 Martin Donahue Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Martin William Donahue
January 4, 1893
Файл:1935 James Donnelly Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James P. Donnelly
February 26, 1890
Файл:1935 Cornelius Donovan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Cornelius P. Donovan
March 15, 1895
Файл:1935 Joseph Dooley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph William Dooley
October 25, 1904
Файл:1935 Thomas Dorgan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Dorgan
August 15, 1892
Файл:1935 Joseph Downey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph H. Downey
December 6, 1890
Файл:1929 Anthony Doyle Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Anthony R. Doyle
August 8, 1895
Файл:1935 George Driscoll Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George F. Driscoll
Файл:1935 Clarence Durant Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Clarence N. Durant
May 15, 1884
Файл:1935 Sven Erickson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Sven August Erickson
December 9, 1875
Файл:1935 Henry Estabrook Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Henry A. Estabrook
April 22, 1850
Файл:1923 Gustave Everberg Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Gustave William Everberg
June 24, 1890
Файл:1935 John Falvey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John J. Falvey
February 22, 1904
Файл:1935 Bernard Finkelstein Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Bernard Finkelstein
July 4, 1887
Thomas A. Flaherty
December 21, 1898
Файл:1935 Thomas Flannery Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas J. Flannery
August 9, 1886
Файл:1935 Frank Floyd Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank L. Floyd
October 17, 1893
Файл:1935 John Foley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John J. Foley
January 25, 1888
Файл:1935 Katherine Alena Foley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Katherine A. Foley
May 10, 1889
Файл:1935 Owen Gallagher Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Owen Gallagher
November 12, 1884
Файл:1935 John Gilmartin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John J. Gilmartin
September 25, 1892
Файл:1935 Eugene Giroux Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Eugene H. Giroux
January 20, 1903
Файл:1935 John Gleason Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Leo Gleason
June 27, 1903
Файл:1935 Hollis Gott Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Hollis M. Gott
May 25, 1885
Файл:1935 William Grant Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Patrick Grant
November 5, 1904
Файл:1935 James Gunn Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James A. Gunn
June 7, 1883
Файл:1935 John Halliwell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Halliwell
February 21, 1864
Файл:1935 Ralph Hamilton Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Ralph N. Hamilton
November 16, 1898
Файл:1935 William Hannaford Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Arthur Hannaford
October 14, 1892
Файл:1935 Thomas Hannon Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas J. Hannon
December 9, 1900
Файл:1935 Joseph Harnisch Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph J. Harnisch
December 28, 1883
Файл:1935 George Hassett Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Paterson Hassett
May 25, 1888
Файл:1935 William Hastings Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Alexander Hastings
February 22, 1868
Файл:1935 James Hathaway Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James Dolan Hathaway
November 17, 1907
Файл:1935 Clayton Havey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Clayton Locke Havey
July 17, 1897
Файл:1918 Martin Hays Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Martin Hays
October 14, 1876
Файл:1923 Jeremiah Healey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Jeremiah Joseph Healy
July 2, 1872
Файл:1935 Charles Hedges Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles W. Hedges
March 27, 1901
Файл:1935 James Hennigan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James W. Hennigan Sr.
Файл:Christian Archibald Herter (politician).jpg
Christian Herter
March 28, 1895
Файл:1935 William Higgins Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Francis Higgins
June 16, 1899
Файл:1935 Charles Hogan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles V. Hogan
April 12, 1897
Файл:1935 Daniel Honan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Daniel J. Honan
January 19, 1884
Файл:1935 Frank Horton Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank Hathaway Horton
July 15, 1874
Файл:1935 Fred Hutchinson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Fred A. Hutchinson
April 5, 1881
Файл:1935 Charles Innes Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles John Innes
June 1, 1901
Файл:1935 Francis Irwin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Francis William Irwin
November 19, 1905
Файл:1935 Adolph Johnson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Adolph Johnson
July 20, 1885
Файл:1935 Archibald Jones Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Archibald L. Jones
June 26, 1900
Файл:1935 Gerald Jones Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Gerald Denison Jones
August 24, 1878
Файл:1935 William Jones Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William A. Jones
March 27, 1885
Файл:1935 Michael Jordan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael H. Jordan
February 7, 1863
Файл:1935 Patrick Kearns Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Patrick Joseph Kearns
September 8, 1912
Файл:1935 Charles Kelley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles A. Kelley
March 24, 1862
Файл:1923 Edward Kelley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward J. Kelley
December 25, 1897
Файл:1929 Francis Joseph Kelley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Francis Joseph Kelley
March 21, 1890
Файл:1935 James Kendall Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James Edward Kendall
September 4, 1870
Файл:1935 James Kiley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James J. Kiley
July 5, 1911
Файл:1935 George Killgoar Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George F. Killgoar
Файл:1935 John Kimball Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John V. Kimball
July 17, 1875
Файл:1910 Orvis Kinney Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Orvis F. Kinney
May 23, 1880
Файл:1935 William Kirkpatrick Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William E. Kirkpatrick
November 12, 1901
Файл:1935 John Knowles Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Quincy Knowles
May 21, 1895
Файл:1935 George Kurzon Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George M. Kurzon
Файл:1935 William Landergan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Landergan
August 28, 1899
Файл:1935 Leo Landry Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Leo P. Landry
July 10, 1897
Файл:Thomas J. Lane (Massachusetts Congressman).jpg
Thomas J. Lane
July 6, 1898
Файл:1935 John Lasell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Whitin Lasell
Файл:1935 Frank Leonardi Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank M. Leonardi
August 17, 1891
Файл:Henry Cabot Lodge II.jpg
Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.
July 5, 1902
Файл:1935 Terrance Lomax Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Terrance Joseph Lomax Jr.
August 29, 1907
Файл:1935 Clarence Luitwieler Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Clarence S. Luitwieler
Файл:1935 William Lunney Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Christopher Lunney
December 24, 1910
Файл:1935 John Lyons Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John P. Lyons
June 24, 1879
Файл:1935 Donald MacDonald Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Donald Alexander MacDonald
February 21, 1893
Файл:1935 Frank MacLean Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank E. MacLean
Файл:1935 Arthur Mahan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Arthur Ulton Mahan
June 18, 1900
Файл:1935 James Mahoney Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James Francis Mahoney
September 24, 1890
Файл:1935 John Manning Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Francis Manning
January 4, 1906
Файл:1935 Philip Markley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Philip M. Markley
March 28, 1897
Файл:1935 Joseph McCooey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph Patrick McCooey
Файл:1935 James McCracken Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James M. McCracken
July 30, 1877
Файл:1923 Elmer McCulloch Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Elmer L. McCulloch
Файл:1935 Frederick McDermott Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frederick T. McDermott
November 20, 1906
Файл:1935 Paul McDonald Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Paul John McDonald
Файл:1935 Timothy McDonough Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Timothy J. McDonough
Файл:1935 James McElroy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James Maxwell McElroy
Файл:1935 Lawrence McHugh Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Lawrence P. McHugh
Файл:1935 Henry McLaren Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Henry Parker McLaren
Файл:1935 Owen McLellan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Owen D. McLellan
Файл:1935 Roger McNamara Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Roger Alton McNamara
Файл:1935 Anthony McNulty Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Anthony A. McNulty
Файл:1935 William Melley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William H. Melley
May 18, 1903
Файл:1935 Joseph Milano Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph A. Milano
April 8, 1883
Файл:1918 Charles Morrill Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles H. Morrill
October 6, 1874
Файл:1935 Albert Morris Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Albert Edward Morris
April 4, 1903
Файл:1935 Frank Morrison Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank J. Morrison
September 2, 1902
Файл:1945 Joseph Leo Murphy senator Massachusetts.jpg
Joseph L. Murphy
January 25, 1907
Файл:1935 John E Murphy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John E. Murphy
February 13, 1900
Файл:1935 John Joseph Murphy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Joseph Murphy
August 28, 1892
Файл:1935 Timothy Murphy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Timothy Joseph Murphy
September 23, 1909
Файл:1935 John Murray Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John A. Murray
May 6, 1906
Файл:1935 David Nagle Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
David G. Nagle
October 22, 1901
Файл:1935 Elmer Nelson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Elmer C. Nelson
June 1, 1900
Файл:1935 Frank OBrien Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank Daniel O'Brien
April 25, 1905
Файл:1935 Michael OBrien Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael T. O'Brien
December 3, 1868
Файл:1935 Raymond OConnell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Raymond Francis O'Connell
August 11, 1901
Файл:1935 Joseph OKane Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph N. O'Kane
May 26, 1873
Файл:1935 Edwin Olander Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edwin Lawrence Olander
October 31, 1891
Файл:1935 Charles Olson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles William Olson
August 24, 1889
Файл:1935 Ralph Otis Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Ralph Emerson Otis
January 16, 1890
Файл:1935 Katherine Vose Parker Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Katherine Vose Parker
November 16, 1888
Файл:1935 Arthur Paul Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Arthur E. Paul
January 6, 1902
Файл:1935 Richard Paul Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Richard Farnsworth Paul
January 17, 1888
Файл:1929 Tycho Petersen Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Tycho Mouritz Petersen
August 29, 1892
Файл:1935 George Pettengill Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Wesley Pettengill
September 17, 1868
Файл:1918 Frederick Pierce Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frederick Everett Pierce
May 5, 1862
Файл:1935 George Pierce Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Francis Pierce
August 13, 1895
Файл:1935 William Ramsdell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Eben Ramsdell
May 4, 1895
Файл:1935 Frederick Reinstein Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frederick Henry Reinstein
April 14, 1899
Файл:1935 George Rice Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Edmund Rice
February 22, 1899
Файл:1923 Joseph Roach Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph N. Roach
March 22, 1883
Файл:1935 Victor Rolander Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Victor E. Rolander
March 8, 1871
Файл:1935 Joseph Rolfe Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph D. Rolfe
May 17, 1893
Файл:1935 David Rose Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
David A. Rose
Файл:1935 Albert Rubin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Albert Rubin
January 15, 1872
Файл:1935 Francis Ryan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Francis Edward Ryan
October 6, 1895
Leverett Saltonstall
September 1, 1892
Файл:1935 Frank Sargent Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank Joseph Sargent
March 11, 1900
Файл:1935 Charles Savage Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles H. Savage
January 7, 1893
Файл:1923 Roland Douglas Sawyer Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Roland D. Sawyer
January 8, 1874
Файл:1935 Louis Scanlon Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Louis James Scanlon
March 25, 1899
Файл:1935 Martin Schofield Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Martin Robert Schofield
September 28, 1906
Файл:1935 Mason Sears Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Mason Sears
December 29, 1899
Файл:1935 William Sessions Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William J. Sessions
December 18, 1859
Файл:1935 John Shaughnessy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Richard Shaughnessy
February 6, 1901
Файл:1935 Charles Shea Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles H. Shea
December 14, 1891
Файл:1935 Frank Sheridan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank Chester Sheridan
July 21, 1893
Файл:1935 Philip Sherman Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Philip Sherman
Файл:1935 Edward Sirois Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward Sirois
December 18, 1898
Файл:1935 Harry Sisson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harry D. Sisson
January 9, 1863
Файл:1935 E Hayes Small Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
E. Hayes Small
December 23, 1876
Файл:1935 Frank Smith Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank William Smith
January 26, 1895
Файл:1935 J Francis Southgate Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
J. Francis Southgate
May 4, 1883
Файл:1923 Ernest Sparrell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Ernest H. Sparrell
Файл:1935 Richard Stacy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Richard H. Stacy
August 18, 1864
Файл:1945 Edward Staves Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward William Staves
May 9, 1887
Файл:1935 George Stone Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Sawyer Stone
February 3, 1866
Файл:Patrick Gilbert Sullivan Massachusetts House of Representatives1947.png
Patrick Gilbert Sullivan
November 18, 1904
Файл:1935 William Swain Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William T. Swain
December 2, 1878
Файл:1935 Martin Swanson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Martin Swanson
July 20, 1872
Файл:1935 Mollie Ashby Sweetser Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Mollie Ashby Sweetser
April 17, 1882
Файл:1935 Edmond Talbot Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edmond Talbot Jr.
June 1, 1898
Файл:1935 George Tarbell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Grosvenor Tarbell
Файл:1935 Frederick Tarr Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frederick H. Tarr Jr.
March 25, 1903
Файл:1935 Joseph Theberge Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph E. Theberge
April 27, 1903
Файл:1935 James Tobin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James Francis Tobin
May 8, 1903
Файл:1935 Joseph Tuttle Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph Walton Tuttle Jr.
August 20, 1894
Файл:1935 Christopher Tyrrell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Christopher J. Tyrrell
June 21, 1895
Файл:1935 Herbert Urquhart Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Herbert W. Urquhart
October 19, 1883
Файл:1935 John Valentine Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John H. Valentine
July 21, 1896
Файл:1935 Magorisk Lawrence Walls Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Magorisk Lawrence Walls
August 5, 1898
Файл:1935 Ira Ward Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Ira C. Ward
March 7, 1862
Файл:1935 Michael Ward Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael James Ward
September 19, 1899
Файл:1935 Kendrick Washburn Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Kendrick Harlow Washburn
July 29, 1893
Файл:1935 Patrick Welsh Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Patrick J. Welsh
October 8, 1893
Файл:1935 John Wenzler Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John B. Wenzler
June 11, 1881
Файл:1935 John Whalen Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John J. Whalen
June 5, 1876
Файл:1935 John White Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Philip White
Файл:1935 John Wilson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Chester Wilson
August 14, 1889
Файл:1935 Carl Woekel Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Carl A. Woekel
Файл:1935 Martin Young Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Martin E. Young
January 5, 1896
Файл:1935 Abraham Zimon Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Abraham I. Zimon