Английская Википедия:1941–1942 Massachusetts legislature

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:Infobox legislative term The 152nd Massachusetts General Court, consisting of the Massachusetts Senate and the Massachusetts House of Representatives, met in 1941 and 1942.[1]


portrait name [1] date of birth [2] district [2]
Файл:1935 Frank Babcock Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank David Babcock August 16, 1877 4th Essex
Файл:1918 Arthur Blanchard Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Arthur Franklin Blanchard January 27, 1883
Файл:1945 Richard Bowers senator Massachusetts.jpg
Richard S. Bowers June 18, 1900
Файл:1941 David Brackman Massachusetts state senator.png
David M. Brackman
Файл:1941 P Eugene Casey Massachusetts state senator.png
Patrick Eugene Casey September 24, 1886
Файл:1949 Louis Connors Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Louis Benedict Connors
Файл:1945 Arthur Coolidge senator Massachusetts.jpg
Arthur W. Coolidge October 13, 1881
Файл:Laurence Curtis.jpg
Laurence Curtis September 3, 1893
Chester A. Dolan Jr. September 20, 1907
Файл:1943 Joseph F Francis Massachusetts state senator.png
Joseph F. Francis July 2, 1893
Файл:1935 Eugene Giroux Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Eugene H. Giroux January 20, 1903
Файл:1935 Angier Goodwin senator Massachusetts.png
Angier Goodwin January 30, 1881
Файл:1935 William Grant Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Patrick Grant November 5, 1904
Файл:1935 James Gunn Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James A. Gunn June 7, 1883
Файл:1945 Cornelius Haley senator Massachusetts.jpg
Cornelius F. Haley July 15, 1875
Файл:1945 Joseph Harrington Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph B. Harrington
Файл:1935 Charles Hogan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles V. Hogan April 12, 1897
Файл:1935 Arthur Hollis senator Massachusetts.png
Arthur W. Hollis April 29, 1877
Файл:1935 Newland Holmes senator Massachusetts.png
Newland H. Holmes August 30, 1891
Файл:1943 Jarvis Hunt senator Massachusetts.png
Jarvis Hunt (politician) March 28, 1904
Файл:1923 Thomas Johnston Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas H. Johnston March 5, 1872
Файл:1941 George Krapf Massachusetts state senator.png
George W. Krapf
Файл:Thomas J. Lane (Massachusetts Congressman).jpg
Thomas J. Lane July 6, 1898
Файл:1945 Robert Lee senator Massachusetts.jpg
Robert L. Lee
Файл:1953 Harold Lundgren senator Massachusetts.jpg
Harold R. Lundgren May 22, 1894
Файл:1935 Donald MacDonald Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Donald Alexander MacDonald February 21, 1893
Файл:1935 John Mackay senator Massachusetts.png
John D. Mackay April 7, 1872
Файл:1935 Charles Miles senator Massachusetts.png
Charles Gardner Miles December 2, 1879
Файл:1945 Joseph Montminy senator Massachusetts.jpg
Joseph F. Montminy
Файл:1945 Joseph Leo Murphy senator Massachusetts.jpg
Joseph L. Murphy January 25, 1907
Файл:Donald W. Nicholson (Massachusetts Congressman).jpg
Donald W. Nicholson August 11, 1888
Файл:1945 William Nolen senator Massachusetts.jpg
William E. Nolen
Файл:1935 Charles Olson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles William Olson August 24, 1889
Файл:1929 Tycho Petersen Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Tycho Mouritz Petersen August 29, 1892
Файл:1945 Harris Sawyer Richardson senator Massachusetts.jpg
Harris S. Richardson January 10, 1887
Файл:1935 Mason Sears Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Mason Sears December 29, 1899
Файл:1945 George Stanton senator Massachusetts.jpg
George W. Stanton
Файл:1945 Charles F Jeff Sullivan senator Massachusetts.jpg
Charles F. Sullivan October 10, 1904
Файл:1945 Leo J Sullivan senator Massachusetts.jpg
Leo J. Sullivan December 8, 1905
Файл:1941 Bernard Sullivan Massachusetts state senator.png
Bernard Lucian Sullivan


portrait name [1] date of birth [2] district [2]
Файл:1935 William Akeroyd Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William A. Akeroyd October 24, 1883 3rd Berkshire
Файл:1939 Theodore Andrews Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Theodore Andrews August 23, 1893
Файл:1945 Charles Artesani Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles J. Artesani
Файл:1943 William Askin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William F. Askin May 6, 1896
Файл:Samuel Greenleaf Atkinson Massachusetts House of Representatives1947.png
Samuel Greenleaf Atkinson
Файл:1935 Josiah Babcock Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Josiah Babcock Jr. May 21, 1880
Файл:1939 Robert Backus Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert S. Backus
Файл:1941 Walter Baker Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Walter Granville Baker
Файл:1935 William Baldwin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William A. Baldwin January 18, 1874
Файл:1941 Henry Barbadoro Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Henry D. Barbadoro
Файл:1935 Philip Barnet Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Philip Barnet December 2, 1892
Файл:1945 George Barrus Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George L. Barrus December 15, 1880
Файл:1939 Thomas Barry Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas A. Barry May 12, 1895
Файл:1945 Michael Batal Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael J. Batal September 8, 1898
Файл:1935 Walter Baylies Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Walter Ray Baylies April 28, 1902
Файл:1935 Albert Bergeron Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Albert Bergeron June 28, 1877
Файл:1935 Alfred Bessette Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Alfred M. Bessette March 25, 1876
Файл:1935 Rodolphe Bessette Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Rodolphe G. Bessette September 14, 1911
Файл:1945 Albert Bigelow Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Albert F. Bigelow October 4, 1880
Файл:1935 Fred Blake Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Fred Arthur Blake January 13, 1895
Файл:1945 Stanley Borsa Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Stanley John Borsa
Файл:1939 Daniel Bresnahan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Daniel Joseph Bresnahan September 30, 1888
Файл:1939 J Kenney Brooks Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
J. Kenney Brooks
Файл:1945 Russell Brown Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Russell P. Brown August 24, 1891
Файл:1945 Clarence Brown Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Clarence B. Brown December 22, 1877
Файл:1945 Frank Brown Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank Eben Brown January 14, 1890
Файл:1935 William Brown Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Albert Brown February 5, 1888
Файл:1945 Archie Bruce Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Archie Edward Bruce August 20, 1883
Файл:1935 Arthur Burgess Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Arthur I. Burgess October 13, 1894
Файл:1945 Harland Burke Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harland Burke April 22, 1888
Файл:1941 Everett Callahan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Everett E. Callahan
Файл:1941 George James Callahan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George James Callahan
Файл:1945 Colin Cameron Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Colin James Cameron August 24, 1879
Файл:1943 Charles J Campbell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles J. Campbell September 28, 1877
Файл:1945 Robert Campbell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert Patterson Campbell December 20, 1887
Файл:1945 Edmund Capodilupo Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edmund Euplio Capodilupo July 7, 1913
Файл:1945 Enrico Cappucci Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Enrico Cappucci 1910
Файл:1939 Fred Carpenter Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Fred Carpenter
Файл:1945 John Carroll Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Henry Carroll
Файл:1939 John Cawley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John M. Cawley
Файл:1945 Perlie Chase Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Perlie Dyar Chase July 31, 1905
Файл:1935 Ralph Clampit Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Ralph Vester Clampit March 28, 1896
William G. Clark Jr. May 6, 1912
Файл:1935 Frank Clarkson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank Clarkson June 21, 1877
Файл:1935 Andrew Coakley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Andrew J. Coakley November 6, 1906
Файл:1941 Clarence Colby Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Clarence C. Colby
Файл:1945 J Everett Collins Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
J. Everett Collins April 27, 1894
Файл:1945 Michael Conway Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael John Conway
Файл:1941 Milton Cook Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Milton Cook
Файл:1935 Charles Cooke Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles H. Cooke May 13, 1878
Файл:1945 George Cousens Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Chauncey Cousens September 20, 1905
Файл:1939 Thomas Coyne Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas F. Coyne
Файл:1945 Earl Crockett Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Earl Gustavus Crockett March 23, 1894
Файл:1935 Nelson Crosby Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Nelson B. Crosby June 20, 1871
Файл:1939 Jeremiah Crowley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Jeremiah Dickson Crowley May 16, 1911
Файл:1945 Walter Cuffe Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Walter A. Cuffe January 29, 1898
Файл:1945 Clifford Rudolph Cusson senator Massachusetts.jpg
Clifford Rudolph Cusson January 6, 1895
Файл:1945 Leslie Bradley Cutler Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Leslie Bradley Cutler March 24, 1890
Файл:1939 Lawrence Harvard Davis Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Lawrence Harvard Davis
Файл:1923 Hiram Nichols Dearborn Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Hiram Nichols Dearborn December 21, 1867
Файл:1943 John Joseph Deedy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Joseph Deedy September 22, 1914
Файл:1939 Roger Dennett Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Roger Dennett September 14, 1895
Файл:1945 Cornelius Desmond Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Cornelius Desmond October 4, 1893
Файл:1945 Vincent Dignam Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Vincent B. Dignam February 22, 1896
Файл:1935 Fred Dole Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Fred Belding Dole January 23, 1895
Файл:1953 Edmond Donlan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edmond J. Donlan December 19, 1899
Файл:1939 Susan Bradley Donovan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Susan Bradley Donovan October 2, 1895
Файл:1935 Joseph Dooley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph William Dooley October 25, 1904
Файл:1935 Joseph Downey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph H. Downey December 6, 1890
Файл:1929 Anthony Doyle Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Anthony R. Doyle August 8, 1895
Файл:1945 Charles Driscoll Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles D. Driscoll June 18, 1888
Файл:1953 Henry Duggan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Henry M. Duggan October 5, 1896
Файл:1939 Edwin Eldredge Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edwin F. Eldredge
Файл:1945 Charles Endicott Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Kingsbury Endicott October 4, 1892
Файл:1935 Sven Erickson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Sven August Erickson December 9, 1875
Файл:1941 Catherine Falvey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Catherine Falvey November 6, 1910
Файл:1935 John Falvey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John J. Falvey February 22, 1904
Файл:1945 John Fausey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John R. Fausey March 19, 1870
Файл:1979 Michael Paul Feeney Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael Paul Feeney March 26, 1907
Файл:1945 Charles Ferguson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles E. Ferguson January 30, 1894
Файл:1941 Richard Fish Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Richard H. Fish
Файл:1945 Peter Fitzgerald Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Peter F. Fitzgerald February 16, 1889
Файл:1945 John Flaherty Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Edward Flaherty December 31, 1910
Файл:1939 William Daniel Fleming Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Daniel Fleming April 14, 1907
Файл:1939 Keith Fletcher Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Keith Falconer Fletcher September 24, 1900
Файл:1945 John Foster Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John F. Foster
Файл:1939 Paul Foster Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Paul W. Foster
Файл:1939 Douglass Francis Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Douglass Brooks Francis
Файл:1953 Stephen French Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Stephen L. French March 9, 1892
Файл:1939 Richard Furbush Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Richard I. Furbush January 4, 1904
Файл:1943 Dana Gallup Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Dana Taylor Gallup April 14, 1885
Файл:1941 Allan Gifford Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Allan E. Gifford
Файл:1939 William Gilman Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William R. Gilman
Файл:1941 Theodore A Glynn Jr Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Theodore A. Glynn Jr.
Файл:1935 Hollis Gott Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Hollis M. Gott May 25, 1885
Файл:1945 Thomas Gray Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas T. Gray July 22, 1892
Файл:1943 Edward Childs Hall Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward Childs Hall May 12, 1870
Файл:1935 Joseph Harnisch Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph J. Harnisch December 28, 1883
Файл:1939 Lawrence Haworth Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Lawrence Alanson Haworth May 23, 1871
Файл:1935 Charles Hedges Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles W. Hedges March 27, 1901
Файл:Christian Archibald Herter (politician).jpg
Christian Herter March 28, 1895
Файл:1939 Theodore Hollis Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Theodore P. Hollis
Файл:1945 Charles Holman Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles F. Holman June 21, 1892
Файл:1945 J Philip Howard Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
J. Philip Howard February 16, 1907
Файл:1935 Fred Hutchinson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Fred A. Hutchinson April 5, 1881
Файл:1943 William McEwen Hyde Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William McEwen Hyde January 27, 1910
Файл:1935 Charles Innes Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles John Innes June 1, 1901
Файл:1945 Harvey Iris Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harvey Iris
Файл:1935 Adolph Johnson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Adolph Johnson July 20, 1885
Файл:1945 Ernest Johnson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Ernest A. Johnson March 13, 1897
Файл:1935 William Jones Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William A. Jones March 27, 1885
Файл:1939 Peter Jordan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Peter John Jordan July 23, 1910
Файл:1939 Harry Kalus Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harry Kalus
Файл:1945 Charles Kaplan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Kaplan September 26, 1895
Файл:1935 Charles Kelley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles A. Kelley March 24, 1862
Файл:1929 Francis Joseph Kelley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Francis Joseph Kelley March 21, 1890
Файл:1945 Richard Kelly Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Richard A. Kelly August 7, 1905
Файл:1935 John Kimball Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John V. Kimball July 17, 1875
Файл:1939 Rudolph King Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Rudolph King November 2, 1887
Файл:1941 Michael Kinsella Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael Leo Kinsella
Файл:1935 John Knowles Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Quincy Knowles May 21, 1895
Файл:1941 Myron Lane Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Myron N. Lane
Файл:1945 George Lanigan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Thomas Lanigan January 4, 1909
Файл:1939 Laurence Law Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Laurence W. Law
Файл:1939 Walter Lawrence Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Walter E. Lawrence December 8, 1905
Файл:1939 Ralph Lerche Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Ralph Lerche August 19, 1899
Файл:1945 Louis Lobel Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Louis Lobel August 10, 1911
Файл:1935 Terrance Lomax Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Terrance Joseph Lomax Jr. August 29, 1907
Файл:1935 William Lunney Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Christopher Lunney December 24, 1910
Файл:1939 Joseph Luz Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph Francis Luz
Файл:1935 Arthur Mahan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Arthur Ulton Mahan June 18, 1900
Файл:1939 Ralph Mahar Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Ralph Collins Mahar January 4, 1912
Файл:1949 Vincent Ambrose Mannering Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Vincent Ambrose Mannering July 11, 1912
Файл:1935 John Manning Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Francis Manning January 4, 1906
Файл:1943 Joseph Margolis Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph Margolis September 28, 1908
Файл:1935 Philip Markley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Philip M. Markley March 28, 1897
Файл:1939 James McAndrews Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James P. McAndrews
Файл:1939 Charles McCaffrey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Joseph McCaffrey January 16, 1898
Файл:1945 Edward McCarthy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward A. McCarthy
Файл:1945 Paul McCarthy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Paul Andrew McCarthy December 23, 1902
Файл:1943 Paul McCarty Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Paul J. McCarty July 22, 1906
Файл:1939 Thomas McCready Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Francis McCready
Файл:1945 James McDevitt Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James Patrick McDevitt
Файл:1945 Patrick McDonough Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Patrick J. McDonough April 29, 1911
Файл:1935 Lawrence McHugh Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Lawrence P. McHugh
Файл:1943 Harold McIntosh Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harold B. L. McIntosh November 19, 1907
Файл:1945 Philip McMorrow Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Philip McMorrow
Файл:1935 Joseph Milano Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph A. Milano April 8, 1883
Файл:1945 Charles Miller Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Miller January 12, 1908
Файл:1953 Arthur William Milne Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Arthur William Milne March 28, 1908
Файл:1941 George H Mitchell Jr Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George H. Mitchell Jr.
Файл:1939 Walter Moran Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Walter James Moran December 22, 1903
Файл:1945 Lester Morley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Lester Bertram Morley April 19, 1903
Файл:1941 Newell Howes Morton Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Newell Howes Morton
Файл:1939 Eric Nelson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Eric A. Nelson July 6, 1899
Файл:1939 Michael Neville Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael J. Neville October 19, 1899
Файл:1941 Vernon Newman Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Vernon C. Newman
Файл:1941 Edwin Harvey Nichols Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edwin Harvey Nichols
Файл:1939 Leo Nourse Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Leo F. Nourse
Файл:1941 Francis William Nyhan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Francis William Nyhan
Файл:1941 Daniel L ODonnell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Daniel L. O'Donnell
Файл:Tip O'Neill 1978 (retouched).jpg
Tip O'Neill December 9, 1912
Файл:1945 George OShea Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Joseph O'Shea November 16, 1899
Файл:1945 John Padden Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Thomas Padden May 6, 1903
Файл:1939 Raymond Palmer Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Raymond P. Palmer December 27, 1895
Файл:1939 George Parker Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Alanson Parker
Файл:1941 Haven Parker Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Haven Parker
Файл:1945 Clark Partridge Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Clark Brownson Partridge August 26, 1878
Файл:1943 Loomis Patrick Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Loomis Patrick May 4, 1907
Файл:1939 Royal Patriquin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Royal Bartlett Patriquin January 7, 1895
Файл:1939 James Peckham Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James Austin Peckham
Файл:1939 Harold Pedler Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harold Squire Pedler
Файл:1945 Oscar Perkins Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Oscar Houston Perkins January 3, 1879
Файл:1945 Herman Peterson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Herman Peter Peterson November 21, 1890
Файл:1918 Frederick Pierce Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frederick Everett Pierce May 5, 1862
Файл:1943 Sam Pillsbury Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Sam G. Pillsbury March 7, 1873
Файл:1945 George Porter Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George William Porter November 6, 1885
Файл:1945 Harvey Pothier Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harvey Armand Pothier September 6, 1901
Файл:1939 John Powers Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John E. Powers November 10, 1910
Файл:1939 John Pratt Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John D. Pratt
Файл:1939 Benjamin Priest Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Benjamin B. Priest
Файл:1935 William Ramsdell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Eben Ramsdell May 4, 1895
Файл:1943 Cornelius Edward Reddy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Cornelius Edward Reddy May 27, 1910
Файл:1939 William Reed Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William G. Reed
Файл:1941 James Robbins Reynolds Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James Robbins Reynolds
Файл:1953 Hibbard Richter Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Hibbard Richter April 12, 1899
Файл:1923 Joseph Roach Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph N. Roach March 22, 1883
Файл:1939 Charles Roberts Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Holmes Roberts Jr.
Файл:1939 William Rowan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William H. J. Rowan June 21, 1879
Файл:1935 Albert Rubin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Albert Rubin January 15, 1872
Файл:1945 Gerald Scally Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Gerald F. Scally July 17, 1905
Файл:Raymond Schlapp Massachusetts House of Representatives1947.png
Raymond William Schlapp
Файл:1935 William Sessions Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William J. Sessions December 18, 1859
Файл:1945 Charles Shepard Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles E. Shepard September 21, 1901
Файл:1945 Carl Sheridan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Carl A. Sheridan March 24, 1908
Файл:1945 Robert Sisson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert T. Sisson February 21, 1881
Файл:1945 Michael Skerry Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael F. Skerry January 3, 1909
Файл:1945 Charles Skladzien Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles J. Skladzien
Файл:1939 H Edward Snow Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
H. Edward Snow April 25, 1914
Файл:1935 J Francis Southgate Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
J. Francis Southgate May 4, 1883
Файл:1945 Margaret Spear Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Margaret Spear August 10, 1882
Файл:1945 Edward Staves Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward William Staves May 9, 1887
Файл:1939 Avery Steele Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Avery W. Steele August 1, 1907
Файл:1945 George Stetson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Ward Stetson May 31, 1902
Файл:1943 Everett Stone Massachusetts state senator.png
Everett W. Stone
Файл:1945 Daniel Sullivan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Daniel Francis Sullivan February 15, 1904
Файл:1945 Jeremiah Sullivan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Jeremiah Joseph Sullivan March 9, 1905
Файл:1941 John Anthony Sullivan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Anthony Sullivan February 13, 1906
Файл:1939 John Timothy Sullivan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Timothy Sullivan March 27, 1906
Файл:Patrick Gilbert Sullivan Massachusetts House of Representatives1947.png
Patrick Gilbert Sullivan November 18, 1904
Файл:1945 Eugene Sweeney Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Eugene Joseph Sweeney May 11, 1886
Файл:1945 Joseph Sweeney Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph James Sweeney January 5, 1893
Файл:1953 Joseph A Sylvia Jr Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph A. Sylvia Jr. September 16, 1903
Файл:1941 William Otis Taft Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Otis Taft
Файл:1935 Edmond Talbot Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edmond Talbot Jr. June 1, 1898
Файл:1945 Robert Taylor Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert Leroy Taylor November 22, 1907
Файл:1945 Clarence Telford Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Clarence F. Telford
Файл:1945 Nathaniel Tilden Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Nathaniel Tilden November 3, 1903
Файл:1935 James Tobin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James Francis Tobin May 8, 1903
Файл:1941 Robert Stephen Tobin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert Stephen Tobin
Файл:1939 John Troy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John E. Troy Jr.
Файл:1941 Howard True Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Howard H. True
Файл:1939 Cornelius Twomey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Cornelius Joseph Twomey
Файл:1935 John Valentine Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John H. Valentine July 21, 1896
Файл:1939 James Vallely Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James L. Vallely
Файл:1945 John Vaughan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John W. Vaughan March 20, 1878
Файл:1945 James Violette Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James T. Violette
Файл:1945 George Walsh Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Thomas Walsh February 20, 1904
Файл:1935 Ira Ward Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Ira C. Ward March 7, 1862
Файл:1951 Richard James White Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Richard James White Jr. April 14, 1890
Файл:1945 William White Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Emmet White June 1, 1900
Файл:1939 Otis Whitney Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Otis M. Whitney March 25, 1909
Файл:1939 Joseph Whiton Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph L. Whiton
Sumner G. Whittier July 4, 1911
Файл:1945 Frederick Willis Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frederick Willis (American politician) May 18, 1904
Файл:1945 Henry Winslow Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Henry D. Winslow September 24, 1910
Файл:1945 Stanislaus Wondolowski Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Stanislaus George Wondolowski August 20, 1909
Файл:1945 Arthur Young Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Arthur Eaton Young
Файл:1945 Arthur Youngman Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Arthur Lincoln Youngman

See also



External links

Шаблон:MA General Courts Шаблон:MassGenCourtDistricts Шаблон:Massachusetts government