Английская Википедия:1953–1954 Massachusetts legislature

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:Infobox legislative term Шаблон:Multiple image The 158th Massachusetts General Court, consisting of the Massachusetts Senate and the Massachusetts House of Representatives, met in 1953 and 1954 during the governorship of Christian Herter. Richard I. Furbush served as president of the Senate and Charles Gibbons served as speaker of the House.[1]


portrait name [2] date of birth [3] district [3]
Файл:1953 Paul Achin senator Massachusetts.jpg
Paul Achin 1st Middlesex
Файл:1955 John Adams Massachusetts state senator.png
John Adams May 30, 1915
Файл:1935 Philip Bowker Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Philip Griggs Bowker April 17, 1899
Файл:1945 Robert Campbell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert Patterson Campbell December 20, 1887
Файл:1953 Alfred Cenedella senator Massachusetts.jpg
Alfred B. Cenedella Jr.
Файл:1935 Ralph Clampit Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Ralph Vester Clampit March 28, 1896
Файл:Silvio O. Conte.jpg
Silvio O. Conte November 9, 1921
Файл:1953 James Corbett senator Massachusetts.jpg
James J. Corbett November 27, 1896
Файл:1953 Edmund Dinis senator Massachusetts.jpg
Edmund Dinis October 4, 1924
Файл:Maurice Donahue 1960s Massachsuetts 11191699173.png
Maurice A. Donahue September 12, 1918
Файл:1945 George Evans Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Jelly Evans February 4, 1909
Файл:1918 Michael Flanagan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael A. Flanagan February 21, 1890
Файл:1939 William Daniel Fleming Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Daniel Fleming April 14, 1907
Файл:1939 Richard Furbush Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Richard I. Furbush January 4, 1904
Файл:1953 Philip Graham senator Massachusetts.jpg
Philip A. Graham May 21, 1910
Файл:1935 Charles Hedges Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles W. Hedges March 27, 1901
Файл:1935 Newland Holmes senator Massachusetts.png
Newland H. Holmes August 30, 1891
Файл:1935 Charles Innes Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles John Innes June 1, 1901
Файл:1953 William Joseph Keenan senator Massachusetts.jpg
William Joseph Keenan
Файл:Hastings Keith.jpg
Hastings Keith November 22, 1915
Файл:1955 Richard Henry Lee Massachusetts state senator.png
Richard Henry Lee December 20, 1901
Файл:1939 Ralph Lerche Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Ralph Lerche August 19, 1899
Файл:1953 Harold Lundgren senator Massachusetts.jpg
Harold R. Lundgren May 22, 1894
Файл:1939 Ralph Mahar Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Ralph Collins Mahar January 4, 1912
Файл:1953 Daniel Francis OBrien senator Massachusetts.jpg
Daniel Francis O'Brien
Файл:1935 Charles Olson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles William Olson August 24, 1889
Файл:1953 Christopher Phillips senator Massachusetts.jpg
Christopher H. Phillips December 6, 1920
Файл:1939 John Powers Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John E. Powers November 10, 1910
Файл:1953 Andrew Patrick Quigley senator Massachusetts.jpg
Andrew P. Quigley January 13, 1926
Файл:1953 Daniel Rudsten senator Massachusetts.jpg
Daniel Rudsten
Файл:1953 Elizabeth Ann Stanton senator Massachusetts.jpg
Elizabeth Ann Stanton May 27, 1909
Файл:1961 Edward Stone Massachusetts state senator.png
Edward C. Stone June 29, 1878
Файл:1953 Richard Fowle Treadway senator Massachusetts.jpg
Richard Treadway June 5, 1913


portrait name [2] date of birth [3] district [3]
Файл:1955 Frank Haskell Allen Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank Haskell Allen October 12, 1877 7th Worcester
Файл:1953 Julius Ansel Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Julius Ansel April 27, 1908
Файл:1957 Charles Anthony Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles H. Anthony July 6, 1893
Файл:1953 Ernest April Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Ernest W. April January 15, 1915
Файл:1953 John Armstrong Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John A. Armstrong June 12, 1901
Файл:1945 Charles Artesani Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles J. Artesani
Файл:1945 John Asiaf Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John George Asiaf June 30, 1900
Файл:1953 John Robert Ayers Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Robert Ayers February 18, 1911
Файл:1935 Josiah Babcock Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Josiah Babcock Jr. May 21, 1880
Файл:1953 Clifton Baker Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Clifton H. Baker November 28, 1878
Файл:1953 Cyrus Barnes Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Cyrus Barnes August 23, 1889
Файл:1953 James Bayley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James C. Bayley October 28, 1908
Файл:1945 Raymond Beach Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Raymond H. Beach August 11, 1888
Файл:1953 John Joseph Beades Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Joseph Beades June 8, 1916
Файл:1953 Rene Bernardin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Rene R. Bernardin July 24, 1910
Файл:1953 Charles Bisbee Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles A. Bisbee Jr. June 8, 1918
Файл:1953 Carlton Bliss Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Carlton H. Bliss August 7, 1900
Файл:1979 Belden Bly Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Belden Bly September 29, 1914
Файл:1953 Frank Edwin Boot Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank Edwin Boot November 8, 1905
Файл:1953 Samuel Joseph Boudreau Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Samuel Joseph Boudreau
Файл:1945 Everett Bowker Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Everett Murray Bowker September 17, 1901
Файл:1953 Gordon Dickson Boynton Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Gordon Dickson Boynton August 9, 1901
Файл:1939 G Edward Bradley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
G. Edward Bradley October 21, 1906
Файл:1953 Manassah Bradley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Manassah E. Bradley September 15, 1900
Файл:1953 Rene Brassard Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Rene A. Brassard August 5, 1917
Файл:1953 Jeremiah Francis Brennan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Jeremiah Francis Brennan
Файл:1953 John Cornelius Bresnahan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Cornelius Bresnahan November 14, 1919
Файл:1953 William Joseph Brickley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Joseph Brickley Jr.
Файл:1945 Frank Brown Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank Eben Brown January 14, 1890
Файл:1945 John Brown Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John D. Brown January 30, 1900
Файл:1953 John Brox Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Brox November 16, 1910
James A. Burke March 30, 1910
Файл:1953 Pasquale Caggiano Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Pasquale Caggiano August 31, 1909
Файл:1953 Oscar Josiah Cahoon Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Oscar Josiah Cahoon April 29, 1912
Файл:1953 Gardner Campbell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Gardner E. Campbell November 22, 1886
Файл:1953 Harold Wilson Canavan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harold Wilson Canavan May 13, 1915
Файл:1953 Richard Caples Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Richard Caples December 23, 1921
Файл:1953 Charles Capraro Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles W. Capraro November 2, 1920
Файл:1935 Michael Carroll Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael Joseph Carroll June 21, 1891
Файл:1953 Francis Casey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Francis X. Casey
Файл:1953 Harrison Chadwick Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harrison Chadwick February 25, 1903
Файл:1953 Wendell Phillips Chamberlain Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Wendell Phillips Chamberlain October 28, 1911
Файл:1953 Philip Aloysius Chapman Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Philip Aloysius Chapman
Файл:1953 Amelio Della Chiesa Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Amelio Della Chiesa July 31, 1901
Файл:Stephen T Chmura.jpg
Stephen Thomas Chmura August 25, 1916
Файл:1953 Thomas Francis Coady Jr Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Francis Coady Jr. May 8, 1905
Файл:1945 J Everett Collins Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
J. Everett Collins April 27, 1894
Файл:1953 Harry Coltun Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harry Coltun
Файл:1953 George Raymand Como Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Raymand Como July 3, 1912
Файл:1953 James Francis Condon Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James Francis Condon February 4, 1899
Файл:1945 Joseph Conley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph T. Conley
Файл:1953 William Paul Constantino Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William P. Constantino August 19, 1911
Файл:1953 John Costello Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John W. Costello April 20, 1927
Файл:1953 Leo Joseph Cournoyer Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Leo Joseph Cournoyer December 11, 1905
Файл:1953 William Cowing Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William A. Cowing January 6, 1878
Файл:1953 John Francis Cremens Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Francis Cremens
Файл:1953 Gladys Gertrude Crockett Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Gladys Gertrude Crockett December 1, 1895
Файл:1953 Sidney Quinn Curtiss Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Sidney Curtiss September 4, 1917
Файл:1953 John Davis Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John A. Davis May 9, 1912
Файл:1953 Domenic Victor DePari Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Domenic Victor DePari October 27, 1910
Файл:1953 Edward Joseph DeSaulnier Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward DeSaulnier January 8, 1921
Файл:1945 Cornelius Desmond Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Cornelius Desmond October 4, 1893
Файл:1953 Theophile Jean Desroches Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Theophile Jean DesRoches June 27, 1902
Файл:1953 William Di Vitto Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William P. Di Vitto
Файл:1953 Thomas Doherty Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas J. Doherty August 25, 1919
Файл:1953 John Francis Dolan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John F. Dolan September 7, 1922
Файл:1953 James Doncaster Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James R. Doncaster January 28, 1919
Файл:1953 Edmond Donlan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edmond J. Donlan December 19, 1899
Файл:1953 Allison Rice Dorman Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Allison Rice Dorman December 1, 1879
Файл:1983 Charles Robert Doyle Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Robert Doyle September 24, 1925
Файл:1953 Charles Luke Driscoll Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles E. Luke Driscoll October 1, 1909
Файл:1953 Henry Duggan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Henry M. Duggan October 5, 1896
Файл:1953 Philip Durkin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Philip J. Durkin October 21, 1903
Файл:1953 John Joseph Dwyer Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Joseph Dwyer
Файл:1953 Arthur Dykeman Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Arthur H. Dykeman
Файл:1953 Thomas Edward Enright Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Edward Enright August 1, 1881
Файл:1953 Anthony Farin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Anthony J. Farin
Файл:1953 C Eugene Farnam Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
C. Eugene Farnam December 31, 1916
Файл:1953 Thomas Francis Farrell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas F. Farrell October 10, 1897
Файл:1979 Michael Paul Feeney Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael Paul Feeney March 26, 1907
Файл:1953 Lawrence Feloney Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Lawrence F. Feloney September 11, 1921
Файл:1945 Charles Ferguson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles E. Ferguson January 30, 1894
Файл:1953 Thomas Flaherty Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas M. Flaherty September 6, 1903
Файл:1945 Norman Folsom Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Norman Eugene Folsom December 23, 1903
Файл:1953 Stephen French Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Stephen L. French March 9, 1892
Файл:1945 John Gallant Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John L. Gallant
Файл:1953 Peter Gay Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Peter B. Gay July 13, 1915
Файл:1945 Charles Gibbons Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Gibbons July 21, 1901
Файл:1953 Frank Giles Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank S. Giles June 15, 1915
Файл:1953 Louis Harry Glaser Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Louis Harry Glaser June 15, 1910
Файл:1953 C Henry Glovsky Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
C. Henry Glovsky March 26, 1918
Файл:1953 William Glynn Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William A. Glynn
Файл:1953 Francis John Good Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Francis John Good
Файл:1953 Edwin Daniel Gorman Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edwin Daniel Gorman November 19, 1912
Файл:1935 Hollis Gott Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Hollis M. Gott May 25, 1885
Файл:1953 Joseph Patrick Graham Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph Patrick Graham August 22, 1902
Файл:1945 Thomas Gray Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas T. Gray July 22, 1892
Файл:1945 George Greene Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Greene March 7, 1897
Файл:1953 Francis Appleton Harding Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Francis Appleton Harding 1908
Файл:1945 Fred Harrington Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Fred C. Harrington April 21, 1902
Файл:1945 William Hays Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William E. Hays November 28, 1903
Файл:1953 James William Hennigan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James W. Hennigan Jr. March 27, 1927
Файл:1953 Christian Archibald Herter, Jr. Massachusetts House of Representatives (cropped).png
Christian A. Herter Jr. January 29, 1919
Файл:1953 Paul Hinckley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Paul L. Hinckley August 16, 1910
Файл:1953 James Alan Hodder Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James Alan Hodder
Файл:1953 Isaac Alexander Hodgen Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Isaac Alexander Hodgen March 28, 1907
Файл:1953 Olaf Hoff Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Olaf Hoff Jr. January 11, 1892
Файл:1953 Herbert Hollis Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Herbert B. Hollis September 10, 1899
Файл:1945 Charles Holman Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles F. Holman June 21, 1892
Файл:1945 J Philip Howard Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
J. Philip Howard February 16, 1907
Файл:1953 Richard Lester Hull Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Richard Lester Hull November 30, 1917
Файл:1953 Walter Forbes Hurlburt Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Walter Forbes Hurlburt February 18, 1917
Файл:1945 Nathaniel Hurwitz Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Nathaniel M. Hurwitz March 24, 1893
Файл:1935 Fred Hutchinson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Fred A. Hutchinson April 5, 1881
Файл:Councilor Brian McLaughlin, Christopher A. Iannella (9516904421).jpg
Christopher A. Iannella May 29, 1913
Файл:1953 Charles Iannello Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Iannello April 25, 1906
Файл:1953 John Peter Ivascyn Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Peter Ivascyn October 19, 1909
Файл:1953 Herbert Loring Jackson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Herbert L. Jackson
Файл:1953 William Whittem Jenness Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Whittem Jenness April 3, 1904
Файл:1935 Adolph Johnson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Adolph Johnson July 20, 1885
Файл:1945 Ernest Johnson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Ernest A. Johnson March 13, 1897
Файл:1953 Stanley Everett Johnson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Stanley Everett Johnson October 4, 1911
Файл:1953 Allan Francis Jones Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Allan Francis Jones June 29, 1921
Файл:1953 Abraham Herbert Kahalas Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Abraham Herbert Kahalas
Файл:1945 Charles Kaplan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Kaplan September 26, 1895
Файл:1953 Henry Keenan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Henry E. Keenan
Файл:1953 William Francis Keenan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Francis Keenan January 8, 1921
Файл:1953 Charles Kelleher Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles T. Kelleher July 26, 1912
Файл:1953 James Kelly Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James H. Kelly October 15, 1919
Файл:1953 Edward Kerr Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward L. Kerr March 6, 1909
Файл:1953 Thomas Key Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas E. Key
Файл:1953 Cornelius Kiernan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Cornelius F. Kiernan August 15, 1917
Файл:1953 Philip Kimball Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Philip Kimball June 6, 1918
Файл:1953 William James Kingston Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William James Kingston October 17, 1909
Файл:1953 William Walter Kirlin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Walter Kirlin May 13, 1897
Файл:1953 Thomas Edward Kitchen Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Edward Kitchen December 16, 1924
Файл:1953 Edmund Vincent Lane Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edmund Vincent Lane August 31, 1893
Файл:1953 James Lawton Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James R. Lawton October 20, 1925
Файл:1953 Carter Lee Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Carter Lee July 3, 1907
Файл:1945 Francis Lindstrom Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Francis W. Lindstrom December 18, 1898
Файл:1967 Gerald Lombard Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Gerald P. Lombard January 4, 1916
Файл:1953 William Longworth Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Longworth August 17, 1914
Файл:1953 Raymond Joseph Lord Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Raymond Joseph Lord
Файл:1935 Arthur Mahan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Arthur Ulton Mahan June 18, 1900
Файл:1953 Charles Sumner Marston Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Sumner Marston 3d June 16, 1921
Файл:1953 Michael McCarthy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael J. McCarthy (politician) October 23, 1890
Файл:1945 Paul McCarthy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Paul Andrew McCarthy December 23, 1902
Файл:1945 Joseph McEvoy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph F. McEvoy Jr. April 27, 1918
Файл:1953 John Philip McMorrow Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John P. McMorrow September 19, 1926
Файл:1953 Augustus Gardner Means Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Augustus Gardner Means June 8, 1925
Файл:1953 Arthur William Milne Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Arthur William Milne March 28, 1908
Joe Moakley April 27, 1927
Файл:1953 William Dix Morton Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Dix Morton Jr. November 5, 1904
Файл:1953 Charles Mullaly Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles A. Mullaly Jr. September 28, 1910
Файл:Robert F. Murphy Massachusetts (cropped).png
Robert F. Murphy (politician) January 24, 1899
Файл:1935 John E Murphy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John E. Murphy February 13, 1900
Файл:1945 Cornelius Murray Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Cornelius Joseph Murray August 19, 1890
Файл:1953 Harold Clinton Nagle Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harold Clinton Nagle July 27, 1917
Файл:1953 Chester Nelson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Chester W. Nelson
Файл:1953 Mary Newman Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Mary B. Newman February 15, 1909 2nd Middlesex
Файл:1953 Thomas Newth Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas M. Newth March 15, 1911
Файл:1953 Leo James Normandin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Leo James Normandin December 14, 1922
Файл:1953 William Nourse Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William F. Nourse September 12, 1922
Файл:1945 James OBrien Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James Anthony O'Brien October 27, 1886
Файл:1945 William OBrien Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Thomas O'Brien December 2, 1889
Файл:1953 David John OConnor Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
David J. O'Connor November 9, 1924
Файл:1953 Thomas OConnor Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas J. O'Connor July 27, 1925
Файл:1953 John Henry OConnor Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Henry O'Connor Jr. December 9, 1917
Файл:1953 James Lawrence ODea Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James O'Dea Jr. August 25, 1922
Файл:1953 Joseph Michael OLoughlin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph Michael O'Loughlin November 26, 1914
Файл:1953 John ORourke Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John J. O'Rourke June 26, 1916
Файл:1953 Daniel Matthew OSullivan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Daniel Matthew O'Sullivan August 17, 1921
Файл:1945 Frank Oliveira Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank B. Oliveira
Файл:1953 Anthony Parenzo Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Anthony Parenzo
Файл:1953 Charles Louis Patrone Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Louis Patrone March 17, 1914
Файл:1957 Charles Patterson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles W. Patterson January 30, 1917
Файл:1953 Patrick Francis Plunkett Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Patrick Francis Plunkett March 21, 1917
Файл:1953 Michael Porrazzo Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael A. Porrazzo June 2, 1913
Файл:1945 George Porter Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George William Porter November 6, 1885
Файл:1945 Harvey Pothier Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harvey Armand Pothier September 6, 1901
Файл:1953 Meyer Pressman Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Meyer Pressman February 11, 1907
Файл:1953 Harold Putnam Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harold Putnam February 15, 1916
Файл:1953 Philip Andrew Quinn Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Philip Andrew Quinn February 21, 1910
Файл:1953 William Randall Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William I. Randall September 13, 1915
Файл:1945 George Rawson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George E. Rawson December 6, 1886
Файл:1953 Hibbard Richter Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Hibbard Richter April 12, 1899
Файл:1939 William Rowan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William H. J. Rowan June 21, 1879
Файл:1953 Richard August Ruether Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Richard August Ruether August 28, 1896
Файл:1953 Howard Symmes Russell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Howard S. Russell July 28, 1887
Файл:1953 Roger Sala Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Roger A. Sala August 8, 1893
Файл:1953 Joseph Douglas Saulnier Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph Douglas Saulnier April 14, 1906
Файл:1983 Anthony Scibelli Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Anthony M. Scibelli October 16, 1911
Файл:1953 Edwin Andrews Seibel Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edwin Andrews Seibel
Файл:1953 John Shea Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John M. Shea December 8, 1902
Файл:1945 Arthur Sheehan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Arthur Joseph Sheehan March 16, 1897
Файл:1953 Joseph Silvano Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph Silvano March 1, 1909
Файл:1953 Michael John Simonelli Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael John Simonelli May 9, 1913
Файл:1953 J Roger Sisson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
J. Roger Sisson August 14, 1921
Файл:1945 Michael Skerry Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael F. Skerry January 3, 1909
Файл:1953 Fletcher Smith Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Fletcher Smith Jr. May 20, 1918
Файл:1961 George Smith Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George T. Smith March 18, 1888
Файл:1945 Roy Smith Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Roy C. Smith January 28, 1890
Файл:1939 H Edward Snow Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
H. Edward Snow April 25, 1914
Файл:1953 Leo Sontag Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Leo Sontag August 16, 1922
Файл:1953 Franklin Sturgis Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Franklin Sturgis Jr. October 18, 1883
Файл:1953 William Christopher Sullivan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Christopher Sullivan October 13, 1924
Файл:1953 Joseph A Sylvia Jr Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph A. Sylvia Jr. September 16, 1903
Файл:1953 Armand Tancrati Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Armand N. Tancrati May 3, 1914
Файл:1953 Frank Daniel Tanner Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank Daniel Tanner February 3, 1888
Файл:1945 Clarence Telford Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Clarence F. Telford
Файл:1953 John Forbes Thompson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John F. Thompson May 20, 1920
Файл:1953 Irene Thresher Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Irene Thresher July 6, 1900
Файл:1945 Nathaniel Tilden Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Nathaniel Tilden November 3, 1903
Файл:1953 Robert Xavier Tivnan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert Xavier Tivnan June 9, 1924
Файл:1953 Eino Oliver Toko Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Eino Oliver Toko
Файл:1975 John Toomey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Joseph Toomey March 25, 1909
Файл:1953 Philip Anthony Tracy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Philip Anthony Tracy
Файл:1945 Earle Tyler Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Earle Stanley Tyler December 18, 1896
Файл:1953 John Taylor Tynan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Taylor Tynan June 7, 1920
Файл:1953 Theodore Jack Vaitses Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Theodore Jack Vaitses May 8, 1901
Файл:1953 William Wall Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William X. Wall July 1, 1904
Файл:1953 Joseph Francis Walsh Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph Francis Walsh February 9, 1907
Файл:1953 Joseph Ward Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph D. Ward March 26, 1914
Файл:1953 Martha Ware Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Martha Ware October 6, 1917
Файл:1953 Chester Waterous Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Chester H. Waterous November 18, 1905
Файл:1967 Norman Weinberg Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Norman S. Weinberg 1919
Файл:1953 Howard Whitmore Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Howard J. Whitmore Jr. May 9, 1905
Файл:1953 Philip Whitmore Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Philip F. Whitmore September 10, 1892
Файл:1953 Charles Wilkinson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles E. Wilkinson December 26, 1883
David B. Williams January 7, 1919
Файл:1953 Joseph Wisniowski Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph Wisniowski March 1, 1918
Файл:1945 Stanislaus Wondolowski Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Stanislaus George Wondolowski August 20, 1909
Файл:1945 Albert Wood Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Albert E. Wood
Файл:1953 Alton Hamilton Worrall Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Alton Hamilton Worrall April 20, 1893
Файл:1953 Marcus Newell Wright Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Marcus Newell Wright
Файл:1953 John Eliot Yerxa Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Yerxa April 23, 1904
Файл:1945 Arthur Young Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Arthur Eaton Young
Файл:1953 John Zamparelli Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John F. Zamparelli December 13, 1922
Файл:1953 Paul Zollo Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Paul G. Zollo August 26, 1904

See also



Further reading

External links


Шаблон:MA General Courts Шаблон:MassGenCourtDistricts Шаблон:Massachusetts government