name [1]
date of birth [3]
district [3]
Файл:1955 Frank Haskell Allen Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank Haskell Allen
October 12, 1877
7th Worcester
Файл:1957 Leonard Amoroso Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Leonard H. Amoroso
February 14, 1897
Файл:1957 Charles Anthony Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles H. Anthony
July 6, 1893
Файл:1953 Ernest April Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Ernest W. April
January 15, 1915
Файл:1953 John Armstrong Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John A. Armstrong
June 12, 1901
Файл:1945 Charles Artesani Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles J. Artesani
Файл:1945 John Asiaf Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John George Asiaf
June 30, 1900
Файл:1953 John Robert Ayers Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Robert Ayers
February 18, 1911
Файл:1953 Clifton Baker Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Clifton H. Baker
November 28, 1878
Файл:1953 Cyrus Barnes Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Cyrus Barnes
August 23, 1889
Файл:1961 Fred Baumeister Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Fred A. Baumeister
September 24, 1892
Файл:1953 James Bayley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James C. Bayley
October 28, 1908
Файл:1945 Raymond Beach Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Raymond H. Beach
August 11, 1888
Файл:1953 Rene Bernardin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Rene R. Bernardin
July 24, 1910
Файл:1953 Charles Bisbee Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles A. Bisbee Jr.
June 8, 1918
Файл:1935 Fred Blake Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Fred Arthur Blake
January 13, 1895
Файл:1953 Carlton Bliss Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Carlton H. Bliss
August 7, 1900
Файл:1979 Belden Bly Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Belden Bly
September 29, 1914
Файл:1953 Frank Edwin Boot Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank Edwin Boot
November 8, 1905
Файл:1953 Samuel Joseph Boudreau Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Samuel Joseph Boudreau
Файл:1953 Gordon Dickson Boynton Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Gordon Dickson Boynton
August 9, 1901
Файл:1959 Malcolm Boynton Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Malcolm Blanchard Boynton
November 13, 1894
Файл:1939 G Edward Bradley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
G. Edward Bradley
October 21, 1906
Файл:1953 Rene Brassard Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Rene A. Brassard
August 5, 1917
Файл:1953 John Cornelius Bresnahan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Cornelius Bresnahan
November 14, 1919
Файл:1945 Frank Brown Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank Eben Brown
January 14, 1890
Файл:1945 John Brown Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John D. Brown
January 30, 1900
Файл:1953 John Brox Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Brox
November 16, 1910
Файл:1961 John Buckley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Patrick Buckley
Файл:1955 William Francis Burke Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Francis Burke
February 12, 1925
Файл:1953 Pasquale Caggiano Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Pasquale Caggiano
August 31, 1909
Файл:1953 Oscar Josiah Cahoon Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Oscar Josiah Cahoon
April 29, 1912
Файл:1953 Gardner Campbell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Gardner E. Campbell
November 22, 1886
Файл:1961 John Campbell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John J. Campbell
August 26, 1922
Файл:1953 Harold Wilson Canavan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harold Wilson Canavan
May 13, 1915
Файл:1961 Michael Cantwell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael Herbert Cantwell
May 2, 1905
Файл:1953 Richard Caples Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Richard Caples
December 23, 1921
Файл:1953 Charles Capraro Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles W. Capraro
November 2, 1920
Файл:1935 Michael Carroll Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael Joseph Carroll
June 21, 1891
Файл:1961 Ralph Cartwright Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Ralph W. Cartwright Jr.
October 5, 1920
Файл:1961 John Cavanaugh Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Joseph Cavanaugh
December 16, 1921
Файл:1953 Harrison Chadwick Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harrison Chadwick
February 25, 1903
Файл:1953 Wendell Phillips Chamberlain Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Wendell Phillips Chamberlain
October 28, 1911
Файл:1953 Amelio Della Chiesa Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Amelio Della Chiesa
July 31, 1901
Файл:Stephen T Chmura.jpg
Stephen Thomas Chmura
August 25, 1916
Файл:1953 Thomas Francis Coady Jr Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Francis Coady Jr.
May 8, 1905
Файл:1961 Anthony Colonna Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Anthony M. Colonna
May 2, 1916
Файл:1953 Harry Coltun Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harry Coltun
Файл:1953 George Raymand Como Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Raymand Como
July 3, 1912
Файл:1953 James Francis Condon Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James Francis Condon
February 4, 1899
Файл:1945 Joseph Conley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph T. Conley
Файл:1967 William Connell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Augustine Connell, Jr
November 17, 1922
Файл:1953 John Costello Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John W. Costello
April 20, 1927
Файл:1953 Leo Joseph Cournoyer Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Leo Joseph Cournoyer
December 11, 1905
Файл:1953 William Cowing Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William A. Cowing
January 6, 1878
Файл:1961 Wallace Crawford Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Wallace Boyd Crawford
November 19, 1908
Файл:1953 John Francis Cremens Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Francis Cremens
Файл:1953 Sidney Quinn Curtiss Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Sidney Curtiss
September 4, 1917
Файл:1953 John Davis Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John A. Davis
May 9, 1912
Файл:1967 John Davoren Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Davoren
July 27, 1915
Файл:1967 James DeNormandie senator Massachusetts.jpg
James DeNormandie
November 10, 1907
Файл:1953 Domenic Victor DePari Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Domenic Victor DePari
October 27, 1910
Файл:1959 Wilfred Derosier Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Wilfred Adolphus Derosier
March 2, 1908
Файл:1953 Edward Joseph DeSaulnier Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward DeSaulnier
January 8, 1921
Файл:1945 Cornelius Desmond Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Cornelius Desmond
October 4, 1893
Файл:1953 Theophile Jean Desroches Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Theophile Jean DesRoches
June 27, 1902
Файл:1953 William Di Vitto Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William P. Di Vitto
Файл:1953 Thomas Doherty Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas J. Doherty
August 25, 1919
Файл:1953 John Francis Dolan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John F. Dolan
September 7, 1922
Файл:1953 James Doncaster Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James R. Doncaster
January 28, 1919
Файл:1953 Edmond Donlan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edmond J. Donlan
December 19, 1899
Файл:1953 Allison Rice Dorman Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Allison Rice Dorman
December 1, 1879
Файл:1983 Charles Robert Doyle Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Robert Doyle
September 24, 1925
John T. Driscoll
October 26, 1925
Файл:1953 Charles Luke Driscoll Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles E. Luke Driscoll
October 1, 1909
Файл:1953 Philip Durkin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Philip J. Durkin
October 21, 1903
Файл:1961 John Eaton Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Marshall Eaton Jr.
March 26, 1918
Файл:1953 Thomas Edward Enright Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Edward Enright
August 1, 1881
Файл:1961 Manuel Faria Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Manuel Faria
March 7, 1906
Файл:1953 C Eugene Farnam Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
C. Eugene Farnam
December 31, 1916
Файл:1953 Thomas Francis Farrell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas F. Farrell
October 10, 1897
Файл:1979 Michael Paul Feeney Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael Paul Feeney
March 26, 1907
Файл:1953 Lawrence Feloney Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Lawrence F. Feloney
September 11, 1921
Файл:1945 Charles Ferguson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles E. Ferguson
January 30, 1894
Файл:1961 William Finnegan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William H. Finnegan
March 29, 1926
Файл:1953 Thomas Flaherty Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas M. Flaherty
September 6, 1903
Файл:1953 Stephen French Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Stephen L. French
March 9, 1892
Файл:1953 Peter Gay Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Peter B. Gay
July 13, 1915
Файл:1945 Charles Gibbons Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Gibbons
July 21, 1901
Файл:1959 Donald Gibbs Massachusetts state senator.png
Donald Linwood Gibbs
August 7, 1904
Файл:1953 Frank Giles Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank S. Giles
June 15, 1915
Файл:1953 Louis Harry Glaser Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Louis Harry Glaser
June 15, 1910
Файл:1953 Edwin Daniel Gorman Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edwin Daniel Gorman
November 19, 1912
Файл:1935 Hollis Gott Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Hollis M. Gott
May 25, 1885
Файл:1953 Joseph Patrick Graham Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph Patrick Graham
August 22, 1902
Файл:1945 Thomas Gray Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas T. Gray
July 22, 1892
Файл:1945 George Greene Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Greene
March 7, 1897
Файл:1935 Thomas Hannon Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas J. Hannon
December 9, 1900
Файл:1953 Francis Appleton Harding Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Francis Appleton Harding
Файл:1945 Fred Harrington Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Fred C. Harrington
April 21, 1902
Файл:1945 William Hays Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William E. Hays
November 28, 1903
Файл:1961 Arthur Heaney Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Arthur Graham Heaney
July 7, 1908
Файл:1957 Francis Hickey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Francis J. Hickey, Jr.
March 7, 1928
Файл:1957 George Hill Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George W. Hill
September 15, 1888
Файл:1953 Paul Hinckley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Paul L. Hinckley
August 16, 1910
Файл:1953 Isaac Alexander Hodgen Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Isaac Alexander Hodgen
March 28, 1907
Файл:1953 Olaf Hoff Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Olaf Hoff Jr.
January 11, 1892
Файл:1953 Herbert Hollis Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Herbert B. Hollis
September 10, 1899
Файл:1945 Charles Holman Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles F. Holman
June 21, 1892
Файл:1945 J Philip Howard Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
J. Philip Howard
February 16, 1907
Файл:1953 Richard Lester Hull Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Richard Lester Hull
November 30, 1917
Файл:1953 Walter Forbes Hurlburt Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Walter Forbes Hurlburt
February 18, 1917
Файл:1945 Nathaniel Hurwitz Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Nathaniel M. Hurwitz
March 24, 1893
Файл:1935 Fred Hutchinson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Fred A. Hutchinson
April 5, 1881
Файл:Councilor Brian McLaughlin, Christopher A. Iannella (9516904421).jpg
Christopher A. Iannella
May 29, 1913
Файл:1953 Charles Iannello Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Iannello
April 25, 1906
Файл:1953 John Peter Ivascyn Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Peter Ivascyn
October 19, 1909
Файл:1953 William Whittem Jenness Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Whittem Jenness
April 3, 1904
Файл:1935 Adolph Johnson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Adolph Johnson
July 20, 1885
Файл:1945 Ernest Johnson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Ernest A. Johnson
March 13, 1897
Файл:1953 Stanley Everett Johnson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Stanley Everett Johnson
October 4, 1911
Файл:1953 Allan Francis Jones Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Allan Francis Jones
June 29, 1921
Файл:1953 Abraham Herbert Kahalas Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Abraham Herbert Kahalas
Файл:1961 Sumner Kaplan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Sumner Z. Kaplan
February 3, 1920
Файл:1953 William Francis Keenan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Francis Keenan
January 8, 1921
Файл:1953 Charles Kelleher Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles T. Kelleher
July 26, 1912
Файл:1953 James Kelly Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James H. Kelly
October 15, 1919
Файл:1961 Archibald Kenefick Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Archibald E. Kenefick
November 4, 1896
Файл:1953 Edward Kerr Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward L. Kerr
March 6, 1909
Файл:1953 Cornelius Kiernan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Cornelius F. Kiernan
August 15, 1917
Файл:1953 Philip Kimball Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Philip Kimball
June 6, 1918
Файл:1953 William James Kingston Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William James Kingston
October 17, 1909
Файл:1953 William Walter Kirlin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Walter Kirlin
May 13, 1897
Файл:1953 Thomas Edward Kitchen Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Edward Kitchen
December 16, 1924
Файл:1967 Freyda Koplow Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Freyda Koplow
October 26, 1907
Файл:1953 Edmund Vincent Lane Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edmund Vincent Lane
August 31, 1893
Файл:1961 John Lawless Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Joseph Lawless
July 15, 1912
Файл:1953 James Lawton Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James R. Lawton
October 20, 1925
Файл:1953 Carter Lee Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Carter Lee
July 3, 1907
Файл:1945 Francis Lindstrom Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Francis W. Lindstrom
December 18, 1898
Файл:1955 Thomas Francis Linehan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Francis Linehan
November 23, 1905
Файл:1967 Gerald Lombard Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Gerald P. Lombard
January 4, 1916
Файл:1953 William Longworth Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Longworth
August 17, 1914
Файл:1935 Arthur Mahan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Arthur Ulton Mahan
June 18, 1900
Файл:1961 Francis Marr Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Francis Joseph Marr
October 10, 1927
Файл:1953 Charles Sumner Marston Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Sumner Marston 3d
June 16, 1921
Файл:1961 Rico Matera Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Rico Matera
June 21, 1917
Файл:1945 Joseph McEvoy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph F. McEvoy Jr.
April 27, 1918
Файл:1955 Hugh McLaughlin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Hugh J. McLaughlin
September 27, 1915
Файл:1953 John Philip McMorrow Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John P. McMorrow
September 19, 1926
Файл:1957 Wilfred Mirsky Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Wilfred S. Mirsky
September 14, 1906
Joe Moakley
April 27, 1927
Файл:1953 William Dix Morton Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Dix Morton Jr.
November 5, 1904
Файл:1953 Charles Mullaly Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles A. Mullaly Jr.
September 28, 1910
Файл:1935 John E Murphy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John E. Murphy
February 13, 1900
Файл:1945 Cornelius Murray Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Cornelius Joseph Murray
August 19, 1890
Файл:1953 Harold Clinton Nagle Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harold Clinton Nagle
July 27, 1917
Файл:1953 Thomas Newth Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas M. Newth
March 15, 1911
Файл:1953 Leo James Normandin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Leo James Normandin
December 14, 1922
Файл:1953 William Nourse Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William F. Nourse
September 12, 1922
Файл:1945 James OBrien Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James Anthony O'Brien
October 27, 1886
Файл:1967 Walter OBrien Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Walter Wilson O'Brien
October 14, 1910
Файл:1953 David John OConnor Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
David J. O'Connor
November 9, 1924
Файл:1953 Thomas OConnor Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas J. O'Connor
July 27, 1925
Файл:1953 John Henry OConnor Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Henry O'Connor Jr.
December 9, 1917
Файл:1953 James Lawrence ODea Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James O'Dea Jr.
August 25, 1922
Файл:1967 George OFarrell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Henry O'Farrell
November 15, 1910
Файл:1953 Joseph Michael OLoughlin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph Michael O'Loughlin
November 26, 1914
Файл:1953 John ORourke Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John J. O'Rourke
June 26, 1916
Файл:1953 Daniel Matthew OSullivan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Daniel Matthew O'Sullivan
August 17, 1921
Файл:1945 Frank Oliveira Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank B. Oliveira
Файл:1957 Harold Palmer Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harold A. Palmer
October 15, 1906
Файл:1953 Charles Louis Patrone Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Louis Patrone
March 17, 1914
Файл:1957 Charles Patterson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles W. Patterson
January 30, 1917
Файл:1953 Patrick Francis Plunkett Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Patrick Francis Plunkett
March 21, 1917
Файл:1953 Michael Porrazzo Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael A. Porrazzo
June 2, 1913
Файл:1945 George Porter Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George William Porter
November 6, 1885
Файл:1945 Harvey Pothier Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harvey Armand Pothier
September 6, 1901
Файл:1953 Harold Putnam Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harold Putnam (Massachusetts politician)
February 15, 1916
Файл:1953 Philip Andrew Quinn Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Philip Andrew Quinn
February 21, 1910
Файл:1953 William Randall Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William I. Randall
September 13, 1915
Файл:1945 George Rawson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George E. Rawson
December 6, 1886
Файл:1967 Frank Rico Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank G. Rico
June 2, 1912
Файл:1939 William Rowan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William H. J. Rowan
June 21, 1879
Файл:1953 Richard August Ruether Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Richard August Ruether
August 28, 1896
Файл:1953 Roger Sala Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Roger A. Sala
August 8, 1893
Файл:1953 Joseph Douglas Saulnier Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph Douglas Saulnier
April 14, 1906
Файл:1967 Anthony Scalli Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Anthony James Scalli
November 11, 1914
Файл:1983 Anthony Scibelli Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Anthony M. Scibelli
October 16, 1911
Файл:1961 John Sennott Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Ralph Sennott Jr.
April 22, 1910
Файл:1957 John Ellsworth Sheldon Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Ellsworth Sheldon
August 17, 1909
Файл:1953 Joseph Silvano Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph Silvano
March 1, 1909
Файл:1953 Michael John Simonelli Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael John Simonelli
May 9, 1913
Файл:1953 J Roger Sisson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
J. Roger Sisson
August 14, 1921
Файл:1945 Michael Skerry Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael F. Skerry
January 3, 1909
Файл:1955 Thomas Slack Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas J. Slack
February 10, 1914
Файл:1953 Fletcher Smith Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Fletcher Smith Jr.
May 20, 1918
Файл:1961 George Smith Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George T. Smith
March 18, 1888
Файл:1953 Leo Sontag Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Leo Sontag
August 16, 1922
Файл:1957 Anthony William Spadafora Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Anthony William Spadafora
October 20, 1924
Файл:1967 George Spatcher Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George I. Spatcher
February 2, 1902
Файл:1961 C Clifford Stone Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
C. Clifford Stone
August 20, 1897
Файл:1953 Franklin Sturgis Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Franklin Sturgis Jr.
October 18, 1883
Файл:1953 William Christopher Sullivan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Christopher Sullivan
October 13, 1924
Файл:1939 Joseph Sylvia Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph A. Sylvia
August 19, 1892
Файл:1953 Joseph A Sylvia Jr Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph A. Sylvia Jr.
September 16, 1903
Файл:1961 Alvin Tamkin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Alvin C. Tamkin
June 19, 1924
Файл:1953 Armand Tancrati Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Armand N. Tancrati
May 3, 1914
Файл:1953 Frank Daniel Tanner Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank Daniel Tanner
February 3, 1888
Файл:1955 Duncan Forbes Thayer Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Duncan Forbes Thayer
February 14, 1900
Файл:1953 John Forbes Thompson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John F. Thompson (politician)
May 20, 1920
Файл:1959 George Hawley Thompson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Hawley Thompson
June 8, 1917
Файл:1953 Irene Thresher Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Irene Thresher
July 6, 1900
Файл:1945 Nathaniel Tilden Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Nathaniel Tilden
November 3, 1903
Файл:1953 Robert Xavier Tivnan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert Xavier Tivnan
June 9, 1924
Файл:1975 John Toomey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Joseph Toomey
March 25, 1909
Herbert Tuckerman
May 2, 1921
Файл:1945 Earle Tyler Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Earle Stanley Tyler
December 18, 1896
Файл:1953 John Taylor Tynan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Taylor Tynan
June 7, 1920
Файл:1953 Theodore Jack Vaitses Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Theodore Jack Vaitses
May 8, 1901
Файл:1953 William Wall Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William X. Wall
July 1, 1904
Файл:1953 Joseph Francis Walsh Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph Francis Walsh
February 9, 1907
Barclay H. Warburton III
February 5, 1922
Файл:1953 Joseph Ward Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph D. Ward
March 26, 1914
Файл:1953 Martha Ware Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Martha Ware
October 6, 1917
Файл:1953 Chester Waterous Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Chester H. Waterous
November 18, 1905
Файл:1967 Norman Weinberg Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Norman S. Weinberg
Файл:1953 Philip Whitmore Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Philip F. Whitmore
September 10, 1892
Файл:1953 Charles Wilkinson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles E. Wilkinson
December 26, 1883
Файл:1953 Joseph Wisniowski Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph Wisniowski
March 1, 1918
Файл:1961 Thomas Wojtkowski Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Casmere Wojtkowski
September 18, 1926
Файл:1945 Stanislaus Wondolowski Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Stanislaus George Wondolowski
August 20, 1909
Файл:1953 Alton Hamilton Worrall Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Alton Hamilton Worrall
April 20, 1893
Файл:1953 John Eliot Yerxa Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Yerxa
April 23, 1904
Файл:1961 Albert Zabriskie Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Albert H. Zabriskie
December 7, 1917
Файл:1953 John Zamparelli Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John F. Zamparelli
December 13, 1922
Файл:1953 Paul Zollo Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Paul G. Zollo
August 26, 1904