name [4]
date of birth [5]
district [5]
Файл:1961 Harry Albro Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harry Benjamin Albro
January 21, 1887
2nd Barnstable
Файл:1961 George Allen Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George L. Allen
Файл:1961 Walter Anderson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Walter T. Anderson
January 6, 1891
Файл:1953 Julius Ansel Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Julius Ansel
April 27, 1908
Файл:1953 John Armstrong Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John A. Armstrong
June 12, 1901
Файл:1967 Peter Asiaf Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Peter George Asiaf
August 15, 1905
Файл:1961 Fred Baumeister Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Fred A. Baumeister
September 24, 1892
Файл:1945 Raymond Beach Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Raymond H. Beach
August 11, 1888
Файл:1967 Roger Bernashe Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Roger L. Bernashe
September 9, 1927
Файл:1961 John Berry Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John T. Berry
November 20, 1924
Файл:1979 Francis Bevilacqua Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Francis Bevilacqua
August 12, 1923
Файл:1953 Charles Bisbee Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles A. Bisbee Jr.
June 8, 1918
Файл:1961 Vinson Blanchard Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Vinson Blanchard
August 1, 1916
Файл:1953 Carlton Bliss Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Carlton H. Bliss
August 7, 1900
Файл:1979 Belden Bly Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Belden Bly
September 29, 1914
Файл:1967 Stanley Bocko Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Stanley Joseph Bocko
August 26, 1920
Файл:1983 Robert Joseph Bohigian Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert Joseph Bohigian
July 24, 1922
Файл:Royal L. Bolling.jpg
Royal L. Bolling Sr.[6]
June 19, 1920
Файл:1953 Gordon Dickson Boynton Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Gordon Dickson Boynton
August 9, 1901
Файл:1939 G Edward Bradley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
G. Edward Bradley
October 21, 1906
Файл:1953 John Cornelius Bresnahan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Cornelius Bresnahan
November 14, 1919
Файл:1975 Joseph Brett Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph E. Brett
May 19, 1907
Файл:1961 Lawrence Bretta Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Lawrence F. Bretta
January 12, 1928
Файл:1961 Alfred Sylvester Brothers Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Alfred Sylvester Brothers[6]
November 4, 1919
Файл:1945 John Brown Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John D. Brown
January 30, 1900
Файл:1953 John Brox Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Brox
November 16, 1910
Файл:1961 John Buckley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Patrick Buckley
Файл:Thaddeus Buczko (48265067096).jpg
Thaddeus M. Buczko
February 23, 1926
Файл:William M. Bulger (cropped).jpg
William Bulger
February 2, 1934
Файл:1961 George Burgeson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George H. Burgeson
December 25, 1907
Файл:1967 Anthony Burke Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Anthony Joseph Burke
July 17, 1931
Файл:1967 Walter Burke Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Walter T. Burke
August 5, 1911
Файл:1961 Patrick Callaghan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Patrick Edmund Callaghan
August 13, 1895
Файл:1953 Gardner Campbell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Gardner E. Campbell
November 22, 1886
Файл:1961 John Campbell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John J. Campbell
August 26, 1922
Файл:1961 Michael Cantwell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael Herbert Cantwell
May 2, 1905
Файл:1967 Raymond Carey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Raymond Edward Carey
January 6, 1899
Файл:1975 William Carey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William A. Carey
January 28, 1920
Файл:1961 Ralph Cartwright Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Ralph W. Cartwright Jr.
October 5, 1920
Файл:1945 William Casey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William J. Casey (Massachusetts politician)
June 27, 1905
Файл:1967 Michael Catino Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael Catino
February 21, 1904
Файл:1961 John Cavanaugh Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Joseph Cavanaugh
December 16, 1921
Файл:1953 Harrison Chadwick Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harrison Chadwick
February 25, 1903
Файл:1953 Amelio Della Chiesa Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Amelio Della Chiesa
July 31, 1901
Файл:Stephen T Chmura.jpg
Stephen Thomas Chmura
August 25, 1916
Файл:1967 John Clark Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John George Clark
February 26, 1902
Файл:1961 Peter Cloherty Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Peter Joseph Cloherty
February 19, 1923
Файл:1953 Thomas Francis Coady Jr Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Francis Coady Jr.
May 8, 1905
Файл:1961 Beryl Cohen Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Beryl Cohen
September 18, 1934
Файл:1961 Anthony Colonna Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Anthony M. Colonna
May 2, 1916
Файл:1953 James Francis Condon Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James Francis Condon
February 4, 1899
Файл:1967 Lloyd Conn Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Lloyd E. Conn
November 26, 1904
Файл:1967 William Connell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Augustine Connell, Jr
November 17, 1922
Файл:1961 James Corcoran Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James C. Corcoran Jr.
September 22, 1926
Файл:1961 Beatrice Keene Corliss Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Beatrice Corliss
October 21, 1910
Файл:1961 Gilbert Coroa Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Gilbert M. Coroa
January 13, 1925
Файл:1953 Leo Joseph Cournoyer Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Leo Joseph Cournoyer
December 11, 1905
Файл:1967 Russell Craig Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Russell H. Craig
February 4, 1924
Файл:Robert Q. Crane (9504749002).jpg
Robert Q. Crane
March 21, 1926
Файл:1975 James Craven Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James J. Craven, Jr.
March 24, 1919
Файл:1961 Wallace Crawford Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Wallace Boyd Crawford
November 19, 1908
Файл:1961 John Cronin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John J. Cronin
August 1, 1910
Файл:1945 Walter Cuffe Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Walter A. Cuffe
January 29, 1898
Файл:1953 Sidney Quinn Curtiss Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Sidney Curtiss
September 4, 1917
Файл:1967 Michael DAvolio Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael A. D'Avolio
Файл:Stephen Davenport (11191821703).jpg
Stephen Davenport
June 27, 1924
Файл:1967 John Davoren Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Davoren
July 27, 1915
Файл:1967 James DeNormandie senator Massachusetts.jpg
James DeNormandie
November 10, 1907
Файл:1945 Cornelius Desmond Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Cornelius Desmond
October 4, 1893
Файл:1953 Theophile Jean Desroches Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Theophile Jean DesRoches
June 27, 1902
Файл:1961 Gerard Doherty Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Gerard F. Doherty
April 6, 1928
Файл:1953 John Francis Dolan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John F. Dolan
September 7, 1922
Файл:1953 Edmond Donlan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edmond J. Donlan
December 19, 1899
Файл:1961 Henry Donnelly Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Henry C. Donnelly
April 13, 1922
Файл:1961 Thomas Donohue Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Francis Donohue
December 6, 1902
Файл:1961 Harold Dower Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harold Lawrence Dower
September 16, 1908
Файл:1983 Charles Robert Doyle Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Robert Doyle
September 24, 1925
Файл:1953 Charles Luke Driscoll Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles E. Luke Driscoll
October 1, 1909
Файл:1961 James Duffy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James V. Duffy
March 14, 1920
Файл:1961 John Eaton Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Marshall Eaton Jr.
March 26, 1918
Файл:1967 Thomas Fallon Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Francis Fallon
December 4, 1929
Файл:1961 Manuel Faria Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Manuel Faria
March 7, 1906
Файл:1953 Thomas Francis Farrell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas F. Farrell
October 10, 1897
Файл:1979 Michael Paul Feeney Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael Paul Feeney
March 26, 1907
Файл:1953 Lawrence Feloney Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Lawrence F. Feloney
September 11, 1921
Файл:1961 A Richard Ferullo Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
A. Richard Ferullo
December 29, 1929
Файл:1961 Cornelius Finnegan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Cornelius T. Finnegan Jr.
December 13, 1918
Файл:1961 William Finnegan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William H. Finnegan
March 29, 1926
Файл:1961 John Fitzgerald Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Joseph Fitzgerald
February 28, 1918
Файл:1953 Thomas Flaherty Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas M. Flaherty
September 6, 1903
Файл:1961 Vernon Fletcher Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Vernon R. Fletcher
February 8, 1924
Файл:1961 Maurice Flynn Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Maurice Richard Flynn Jr.
December 20, 1917
Файл:1961 Bernard Foley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Bernard J. Pat Foley
July 20, 1917
Файл:1961 Jeremiah Foley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Jeremiah J. Foley
October 28, 1915
Файл:1961 John Frenning Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Winslow Frenning
July 19, 1922
Файл:1961 Joseph Garczynski Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph Garczynski, Jr
February 14, 1927
Файл:1953 Frank Giles Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank S. Giles
June 15, 1915
Файл:1967 Julie Gilligan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Julie Gilligan
August 5, 1911
Файл:1953 Edwin Daniel Gorman Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edwin Daniel Gorman
November 19, 1912
Файл:1961 Robert Hahn Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert C. Hahn
March 25, 1921
Файл:1961 David Hamilton Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
David Boyce Hamilton
December 4, 1890
Файл:1967 Samuel Harmon senator Massachusetts.jpg
Samuel Harmon
April 29, 1911
Файл:1967 Edward Harrington Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward D. Harrington Jr.
August 11, 1921
Файл:1961 Arthur Heaney Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Arthur Graham Heaney
July 7, 1908
Файл:1953 Herbert Hollis Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Herbert B. Hollis
September 10, 1899
Файл:1945 J Philip Howard Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
J. Philip Howard
February 16, 1907
Файл:1953 Richard Lester Hull Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Richard Lester Hull
November 30, 1917
Файл:1953 Charles Iannello Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Iannello
April 25, 1906
Файл:1953 John Peter Ivascyn Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Peter Ivascyn
October 19, 1909
Файл:1961 Carl Johnson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Carl R. Johnson Jr.
August 22, 1926
Файл:1953 Allan Francis Jones Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Allan Francis Jones
June 29, 1921
Файл:1961 William Joyce Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William F. Joyce
July 26, 1909
Файл:1961 Sumner Kaplan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Sumner Z. Kaplan
February 3, 1920
Файл:1953 William Francis Keenan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Francis Keenan
January 8, 1921
Файл:1961 James A Kelly Jr Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James A. Kelly Jr.
May 11, 1926
Файл:1953 James Kelly Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James H. Kelly
October 15, 1919
Файл:1961 Archibald Kenefick Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Archibald E. Kenefick
November 4, 1896
Файл:1961 George Kenneally Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George V. Kenneally Jr.
December 29, 1929
Файл:1961 John P Kennedy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John P. Kennedy
February 24, 1918
Файл:1953 Edward Kerr Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward L. Kerr
March 6, 1909
Файл:1967 Gregory Khachadoorian Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Gregory Benjamin Khachadoorian
July 8, 1928
Файл:1953 Cornelius Kiernan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Cornelius F. Kiernan
August 15, 1917
Файл:1953 Philip Kimball Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Philip Kimball
June 6, 1918
Файл:1953 William James Kingston Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William James Kingston
October 17, 1909
Файл:1991 Edward Kirby senator Massachusetts.jpg
Edward P. Kirby
January 10, 1928
Файл:1967 Freyda Koplow Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Freyda Koplow
October 26, 1907
Файл:1961 Walter Kostanski Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Walter Kostanski
December 10, 1923
Файл:1961 Albert Kramer Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Albert Kramer
July 4, 1933
Файл:1967 Matthew Kuss Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Matthew J. Kuss
December 5, 1915
Файл:1961 Joseph Langone Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph A. Langone, III
January 25, 1917
Файл:1961 John Lawless Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Joseph Lawless
July 15, 1912
Файл:1953 James Lawton Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James R. Lawton
October 20, 1925
Файл:1961 Frank Lemos Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank F. Lemos
January 6, 1901
Файл:1967 Peter Levanti Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Peter John Levanti
March 19, 1903
Файл:1991 David Henry Locke senator Massachusetts.jpg
David H. Locke
August 4, 1927
Файл:1967 Gerald Lombard Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Gerald P. Lombard
January 4, 1916
Файл:1975 John Long Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John J. Long
December 10, 1927
Файл:1953 William Longworth Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Longworth
August 17, 1914
Файл:1967 William MacLean Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Q. MacLean Jr.
November 4, 1934
Файл:1967 J Robert Mahan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
J. Robert Mahan
December 14, 1903
Файл:1975 Donald Manning Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Donald J. Manning
June 23, 1929
Файл:1961 Francis Marr Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Francis Joseph Marr
October 10, 1927
Файл:1961 Rico Matera Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Rico Matera
June 21, 1917
Файл:1961 George McDermott Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George C. McDermott
Файл:1945 Joseph McEvoy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph F. McEvoy Jr.
April 27, 1918
Файл:1961 Robert McGinn Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert J. McGinn
December 18, 1918
Файл:1967 John McGlynn Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John J. McGlynn
February 26, 1922
Файл:1967 Allan McGuane Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Allan McGuane
July 26, 1928
Файл:1961 James McIntyre Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James McIntyre (politician)
May 25, 1930
Файл:1961 George Mendonca Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George G. Mendonca
March 26, 1924
Файл:1967 Paul Menton Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Paul C. Menton
April 15, 1925
Файл:1961 Robert Mooney Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert Francis Mooney
February 16, 1931
Файл:1967 William Moran Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William James Moran
June 24, 1921
Файл:1961 Edward Morrow Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward S. Morrow
March 20, 1921
Файл:1961 Edwin Morse Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edwin Herbert Morse
January 7, 1902
Файл:1953 William Dix Morton Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Dix Morton Jr.
November 5, 1904
Файл:1953 Charles Mullaly Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles A. Mullaly Jr.
September 28, 1910
Файл:1961 James Mullen Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James Gerard Mullen
May 5, 1922
Файл:1967 Paul Maurice Murphy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Paul Maurice Murphy
February 24, 1932
Файл:1945 Cornelius Murray Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Cornelius Joseph Murray
August 19, 1890
Файл:1961 Lorenz Muther Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Lorenz Francis Muther Jr.
September 26, 1908
Файл:1967 John Navin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John J. Navin
September 9, 1915
Файл:1961 Michael Nazzaro Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael Anthony Nazzaro Jr.
June 2, 1925
Файл:1953 Mary Newman Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Mary B. Newman
February 15, 1909
2nd Middlesex
Файл:1953 Thomas Newth Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas M. Newth
March 15, 1911
Файл:1975 James Nolen Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James R. Nolen
April 17, 1933
Файл:1953 Leo James Normandin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Leo James Normandin
December 14, 1922
Файл:1975 James OBrien Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James Anthony O'Brien, Jr
June 22, 1919
Файл:1967 John OBrien Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Paul O'Brien
June 10, 1937
Файл:1967 Walter OBrien Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Walter Wilson O'Brien
October 14, 1910
Файл:1953 David John OConnor Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
David J. O'Connor
November 9, 1924
Файл:1967 George OFarrell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Henry O'Farrell
November 15, 1910
Файл:1953 Joseph Michael OLoughlin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph Michael O'Loughlin
November 26, 1914
Файл:1961 George OShea Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George J. O'Shea Jr.
January 5, 1929
Файл:1961 William Otis Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William F. Otis
October 12, 1903
Файл:1961 Domenick Pasciucco Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Domenick S. Pasciucco
August 1, 1921
Файл:1953 Charles Louis Patrone Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Louis Patrone
March 17, 1914
Файл:1961 Francis Perry Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Francis Whitney Perry
April 21, 1913
Файл:1967 Vite Pigaga senator Massachusetts.jpg
Vite Pigaga
Файл:1961 Lincoln Pope Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Lincoln Pope Jr.
May 29, 1916
Файл:1945 George Porter Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George William Porter
November 6, 1885
Файл:1961 Auville Putnam Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Auville Wright Putnam
Файл:Rob Quinn (13560397264).jpg
Robert H. Quinn
January 30, 1928
Файл:1953 Philip Andrew Quinn Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Philip Andrew Quinn
February 21, 1910
Файл:1953 William Randall Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William I. Randall
September 13, 1915
Файл:1945 George Rawson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George E. Rawson
December 6, 1886
Файл:1961 Leo Reynolds Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Leo Joseph Reynolds
February 29, 1920
Файл:1967 Frank Rico Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank G. Rico
June 2, 1912
Файл:1967 Daniel Rider Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Daniel H. Rider
July 15, 1912
Файл:1967 Harold Rosen Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harold Rosen (politician)
Файл:1967 Nathan Rosenfeld Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Nathan Rosenfeld
January 31, 1906
Файл:1967 Raymond Rourke Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Raymond F. Rourke
October 10, 1917
Файл:1967 Harry Della Russo senator Massachusetts.jpg
Harry Della Russo
May 26, 1907
Файл:1953 Roger Sala Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Roger A. Sala
August 8, 1893
Файл:1953 Joseph Douglas Saulnier Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph Douglas Saulnier
April 14, 1906
Файл:1983 Anthony Scibelli Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Anthony M. Scibelli
October 16, 1911
Файл:1961 John Sennott Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Ralph Sennott Jr.
April 22, 1910
Файл:1961 Vincent Shanley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Vincent Joseph Shanley
January 27, 1916
Файл:1961 Charles Shea Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Louis Shea
June 28, 1927
Файл:1961 Thomas Sheehan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas A. Sheehan
March 21, 1933
Файл:1967 Alfred Shrigley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Alfred R. Shrigley
June 6, 1914
Файл:1953 Michael John Simonelli Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael John Simonelli
May 9, 1913
Файл:1961 George Smith Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George T. Smith
March 18, 1888
Файл:1967 Lawrence Smith Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Lawrence Philip Smith
December 4, 1919
Файл:1961 George Spartichino Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George William Spartichino
June 11, 1924
Файл:1967 George Spatcher Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George I. Spatcher
February 2, 1902
Файл:1961 Garrett Spillane Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Garrett Henry Spillane Jr.
Файл:1961 Edmund St John Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edmund R. St. John Jr.
April 28, 1920
Файл:1961 C Clifford Stone Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
C. Clifford Stone
August 20, 1897
Файл:1939 Joseph Sylvia Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph A. Sylvia
August 19, 1892
Файл:1961 Alvin Tamkin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Alvin C. Tamkin
June 19, 1924
Файл:1953 Armand Tancrati Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Armand N. Tancrati
May 3, 1914
Файл:1953 Frank Daniel Tanner Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank Daniel Tanner
February 3, 1888
Файл:1953 John Forbes Thompson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John F. Thompson (politician)
May 20, 1920
Файл:1961 George Thomson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Breed Thomson
January 10, 1921
Файл:1961 J Robert Tickle Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
J. Robert Tickle
February 27, 1918
Файл:1975 John Toomey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Joseph Toomey
March 25, 1909
Файл:1961 Henry Turner Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Henry Andrews Turner
March 22, 1887
Файл:1961 Warren Turner Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Warren A. Turner
January 25, 1905
Файл:1961 Leo Turo Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Leo J. Turo
December 11, 1923
Файл:1953 John Taylor Tynan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Taylor Tynan
June 7, 1920
Файл:1953 Theodore Jack Vaitses Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Theodore Jack Vaitses
May 8, 1901
Файл:1967 Dave Vigneault Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Dave Norman Vigneault
September 3, 1936
Файл:1961 Alfred Voke Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Alfred R. Voke
February 12, 1919
Файл:1967 George Walsh Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George B. Walsh
March 21, 1907
Файл:1967 Joseph Walsh Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph B. Walsh
November 15, 1923
Файл:1961 Martin Walsh Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Martin H. Walsh
July 31, 1916
Файл:1953 Chester Waterous Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Chester H. Waterous
November 18, 1905
Файл:1967 Norman Weinberg Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Norman S. Weinberg
Файл:1961 Benjamin White Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Benjamin Horace White
April 11, 1902
Файл:1961 Thomas White Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas M. White
Файл:1953 Philip Whitmore Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Philip F. Whitmore
September 10, 1892
Файл:1961 John Whittemore Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John W. Whittemore
January 30, 1906
Файл:1967 Arthur Williams Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Arthur Williams
December 14, 1915
Файл:1961 Thomas Wojtkowski Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Casmere Wojtkowski
September 18, 1926
Файл:1961 Albert Zabriskie Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Albert H. Zabriskie
December 7, 1917
Файл:1953 Paul Zollo Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Paul G. Zollo
August 26, 1904