name [1]
date of birth [6]
district [6]
Файл:1967 Antone Aguiar Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Antone S. Aguiar Jr.
January 2, 1930
5th Bristol
Файл:1967 David Ahearn Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
David C. Ahearn
July 28, 1929
Файл:1983 Robert Ambler Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert B. Ambler [7]
Файл:1953 John Armstrong Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John A. Armstrong
June 12, 1901
Файл:1967 Peter Asiaf Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Peter George Asiaf
August 15, 1905
Файл:1967 Jack Backman Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Jack Backman[7]
April 26, 1922
Файл:1967 Wilfred Balthazar Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Wilfred E. Balthazar
July 17, 1914
Файл:1965 David L Barrett Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
David L. Barrett
February 4, 1920
Файл:1967 John Dowkontt Barrus senator Massachusetts.jpg
John Dowkontt Barrus
August 19, 1924
Файл:David M Bartley.jpg
David M. Bartley
February 9, 1935
Файл:1967 Robert Belmonte Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert A. Belmonte
July 2, 1930
Файл:1967 Roger Bernashe Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Roger L. Bernashe
September 9, 1927
Файл:1961 John Berry Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John T. Berry
November 20, 1924
Файл:1979 Francis Bevilacqua Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Francis Bevilacqua
August 12, 1923
Файл:1967 Donald Bliss Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Donald T. Bliss
Файл:1979 Belden Bly Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Belden Bly
September 29, 1914
Файл:1967 Stanley Bocko Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Stanley Joseph Bocko
August 26, 1920
Файл:1983 Robert Joseph Bohigian Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert Joseph Bohigian
July 24, 1922
Файл:Royal L. Bolling.jpg
Royal L. Bolling
June 19, 1920
Файл:1967 Joseph Bradley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph G. Bradley
June 14, 1930
Файл:1953 John Cornelius Bresnahan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Cornelius Bresnahan
November 14, 1919
Файл:1975 Joseph Brett Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph E. Brett
May 19, 1907
Файл:1967 John Buckley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John R. Buckley
Файл:1967 Charles Buffone Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles J. Buffone
Файл:William M. Bulger (cropped).jpg
William Bulger
February 2, 1934
Файл:1967 Anthony Burke Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Anthony Joseph Burke
July 17, 1931
Файл:1965 George Burke Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George G. Burke
August 3, 1932
Файл:1967 Walter Burke Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Walter T. Burke
August 5, 1911
Файл:1965 William Butters Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Francis Butters
Файл:1969 Louis Buttiglieri Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Louis Buttiglieri
May 18, 1916
Файл:1975 Fred Cain Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Fred F. Cain
November 5, 1909
Файл:1975 Eleanor Campobasso Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Eleanor Campobasso
August 10, 1923
Файл:1967 Raymond Carey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Raymond Edward Carey
January 6, 1899
Файл:1975 William Carey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William A. Carey
January 28, 1920
Файл:1967 Philip Carney Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Philip N. Carney
June 6, 1919
Файл:1967 Daniel Carney Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Daniel William Carney [7]
August 17, 1925
Файл:1961 Ralph Cartwright Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Ralph W. Cartwright Jr.
October 5, 1920
Файл:1965 Paul Cataldo Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Paul A. Cataldo
May 15, 1935
Файл:1967 Michael Catino Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael Catino
February 21, 1904
Файл:1967 Emmett Cauley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Emmett J. Cauley
February 28, 1903
Файл:1967 Paul Cavanaugh Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Paul J. Cavanaugh
February 22, 1936
Файл:1967 Robert Cawley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert L. Cawley
July 30, 1934
Файл:1953 Harrison Chadwick Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harrison Chadwick
February 25, 1903
Файл:1953 Amelio Della Chiesa Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Amelio Della Chiesa
July 31, 1901
Файл:Stephen T Chmura.jpg
Stephen Thomas Chmura
August 25, 1916
Файл:1967 John Clark Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John George Clark
February 26, 1902
Файл:1953 Thomas Francis Coady Jr Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Francis Coady Jr.
May 8, 1905
Abraham L. Cohn
May 24, 1898
Файл:1967 Lincoln Cole Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Lincoln P. Cole, Jr.
September 18, 1918
Файл:1967 Andrew Collaro Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Andrew Collaro
March 21, 1910
Файл:1967 H Thomas Colo Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
H. Thomas Colo
December 27, 1929
Файл:1953 James Francis Condon Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James Francis Condon
February 4, 1899
Файл:1967 Lloyd Conn Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Lloyd E. Conn
November 26, 1904
Файл:1967 William Connell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Augustine Connell, Jr
November 17, 1922
Файл:1967 George Contalonis Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Thomas Contalonis
Файл:1953 Leo Joseph Cournoyer Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Leo Joseph Cournoyer
December 11, 1905
Файл:1967 Edward Coury Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward P. Coury
October 19, 1927
Файл:1967 Russell Craig Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Russell H. Craig
February 4, 1924
Файл:1975 James Craven Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James J. Craven, Jr.
March 24, 1919
Файл:1961 John Cronin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John J. Cronin
August 1, 1910
Файл:1953 Sidney Quinn Curtiss Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Sidney Curtiss
September 4, 1917
Файл:1967 John Davoren Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Davoren
July 27, 1915
Файл:1967 John Desmond Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Joseph Desmond
July 1, 1930
Файл:1967 Arthur Desrocher Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Arthur Leo Desrocher
January 25, 1930
Файл:1953 Theophile Jean Desroches Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Theophile Jean DesRoches
June 27, 1902
Файл:1967 Edward Dever Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward J. Dever, Jr
June 21, 1936
Файл:1975 Joseph DiCarlo senator Massachusetts.jpg
Joseph DiCarlo
March 21, 1936
Файл:1967 Edward Dickson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward M. Dickson
March 12, 1912
Файл:1967 George DiLorenzo Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George DiLorenzo
March 24, 1919
Файл:1967 Thomas Doherty Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Henry Doherty Jr.
August 8, 1930
Файл:1953 John Francis Dolan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John F. Dolan
September 7, 1922
Файл:1967 John Donovan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John F. Donovan Jr.
August 21, 1931
Файл:1967 James Downey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James P. Downey
January 9, 1911
Файл:1953 Charles Luke Driscoll Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles E. Luke Driscoll
October 1, 1909
Файл:1967 Wilfred Driscoll Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Wilfred C. Driscoll
December 31, 1926
Файл:Governor Dukakis speaks at the 1976 Democratic National Convention (cropped).jpg
Michael Dukakis
November 3, 1933
Файл:1975 Richard Dwinell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Richard J. Dwinell
August 5, 1917
Joseph D. Early
January 31, 1933
Файл:1961 John Eaton Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Marshall Eaton Jr.
March 26, 1918
Файл:1967 Arnold Epstein Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Arnold Irving Epstein
April 5, 1920
Файл:1967 Thomas Fallon Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Francis Fallon
December 4, 1929
Файл:1961 Manuel Faria Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Manuel Faria
March 7, 1906
Файл:1969 Vernon Farnsworth Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Vernon R. Farnsworth, Jr
April 18, 1934
Файл:1953 Thomas Francis Farrell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas F. Farrell
October 10, 1897
Файл:1979 Michael Paul Feeney Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael Paul Feeney
March 26, 1907
Файл:1961 William Finnegan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William H. Finnegan
March 29, 1926
Файл:1967 Irving Fishman Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Irving Fishman
March 29, 1921
Файл:1961 John Fitzgerald Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Joseph Fitzgerald
February 28, 1918
Файл:1967 Edward Flanagan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward M. Flanagan
January 9, 1929
Файл:1967 Charles Flannery Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles L. Flannery
March 22, 1920
Файл:1967 David Flynn Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
David Lawrence Flynn
February 5, 1933
Файл:1961 Bernard Foley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Bernard J. Pat Foley
July 20, 1917
Файл:1961 Jeremiah Foley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Jeremiah J. Foley
October 28, 1915
Файл:1961 John Frenning Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Winslow Frenning
July 19, 1922
Файл:1967 Albert Gammal Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Albert A. Gammal Jr.
Файл:1965 Lester Gates Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Lester J. Gates
Файл:1967 T Harold Gayron Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
T. Harold Gayron
August 31, 1914
Файл:1967 Julie Gilligan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Julie Gilligan
August 5, 1911
Файл:1967 Joel Greenberg Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joel S. Greenberg
May 31, 1930
Файл:1967 James Grimaldi Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James L. Grimaldi
May 3, 1911
Файл:1967 Anthony Grosso Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Anthony P. Grosso
October 19, 1913
Файл:1967 Gerard Guilmette Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Gerard A. Guilmette
October 22, 1911
Файл:1967 Samuel Harmon senator Massachusetts.jpg
Samuel Harmon
April 29, 1911
Файл:Michael J. Harrington.jpg
Michael J. Harrington
September 2, 1936
Файл:1967 Edward Harrington Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward D. Harrington Jr.
August 11, 1921
Файл:1967 David Harrison Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
David E. Harrison
June 19, 1933
Файл:1967 Francis Hatch Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Francis W. Hatch Jr.
May 6, 1925
Файл:Michael E. Haynes.jpg
Michael E. Haynes[8]
May 9, 1927
Файл:1967 Winston Healy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Winston Healy
October 20, 1937
Файл:1967 Timothy Hickey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Timothy William Hickey
February 14, 1938
Файл:1975 William Hogan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Francis Hogan
June 6, 1925
Файл:1967 Franklin Holgate Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Franklin W. Holgate [8]
May 3, 1929
Файл:1953 Herbert Hollis Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Herbert B. Hollis
September 10, 1899
Файл:1967 Marie Elizabeth Howe Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Marie Elizabeth Howe
June 13, 1939
Файл:1953 Charles Iannello Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Iannello
April 25, 1906
Файл:1953 John Peter Ivascyn Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Peter Ivascyn
October 19, 1909
Файл:1967 John Janas Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Janas
September 4, 1910
Файл:1961 Carl Johnson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Carl R. Johnson Jr.
August 22, 1926
Файл:1967 Katherine Kane Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Katherine Kane
April 12, 1935
Файл:1967 Joseph Kearney Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph M. Kearney
February 23, 1927
Файл:1953 James Kelly Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James H. Kelly
October 15, 1919
Файл:1967 Gregory Khachadoorian Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Gregory Benjamin Khachadoorian
July 8, 1928
Файл:1953 Cornelius Kiernan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Cornelius F. Kiernan
August 15, 1917
Файл:1953 Philip Kimball Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Philip Kimball
June 6, 1918
Файл:1991 Edward Kirby senator Massachusetts.jpg
Edward P. Kirby
January 10, 1928
Файл:1967 William Kitterman Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William I. Kitterman
July 19, 1928
Файл:1967 Benjamin Klebanow Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Benjamin Klebanow
November 2, 1900
Файл:1967 Freyda Koplow Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Freyda Koplow
October 26, 1907
Файл:1961 Walter Kostanski Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Walter Kostanski
December 10, 1923
Файл:1967 Mitsie Kulig Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Mitsie T. Kulig
May 18, 1921
Файл:1967 Matthew Kuss Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Matthew J. Kuss
December 5, 1915
Файл:1975 Richard Landry Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Richard E. Landry
May 29, 1936
Файл:1967 J Louis Leblanc Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
J. Louis Leblanc
January 6, 1940
Файл:1967 Peter Levanti Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Peter John Levanti
March 19, 1903
Файл:1991 David Henry Locke senator Massachusetts.jpg
David H. Locke
August 4, 1927
Файл:1967 Alexander Lolas Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Alexander Lolas
July 9, 1932
Файл:1967 Gerald Lombard Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Gerald P. Lombard
January 4, 1916
Файл:1975 John Long Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John J. Long
December 10, 1927
Файл:1953 William Longworth Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Longworth
August 17, 1914
Файл:1967 Joseph Loughman Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph S. Loughman
January 11, 1928
Файл:1967 William MacLean Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William Q. MacLean Jr.
November 4, 1934
Файл:1967 J Robert Mahan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
J. Robert Mahan
December 14, 1903
Файл:Paul F Malloy.jpg
Paul F. Malloy
April 29, 1940
Файл:1967 Theodore Mann Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Theodore D. Mann
May 13, 1922
Файл:1975 Donald Manning Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Donald J. Manning
June 23, 1929
Файл:Thomas W. McGee.jpg
Thomas W. McGee
May 24, 1924
Файл:1961 Robert McGinn Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert J. McGinn
December 18, 1918
Файл:1967 John McGlynn Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John J. McGlynn
February 26, 1922
Файл:1967 Allan McGuane Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Allan McGuane
July 26, 1928
Файл:1983 Arthur James McKenna Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Arthur James McKenna
October 29, 1914
Файл:1965 James Robert McMahon Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James Robert McMahon Jr.
Файл:1967 John Melia Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John F. Melia
June 5, 1915
Файл:1967 Paul Menton Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Paul C. Menton
April 15, 1925
Файл:1967 William Moran Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William James Moran
June 24, 1921
Файл:1967 Hugh Morgan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Hugh J. Morgan Jr.
April 4, 1921
Файл:1967 Gerald Morrissey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Gerald J. Morrissey
May 20, 1927
Файл:1961 Edwin Morse Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edwin Herbert Morse
January 7, 1902
Файл:1953 Charles Mullaly Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles A. Mullaly Jr.
September 28, 1910
Файл:1961 James Mullen Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James Gerard Mullen
May 5, 1922
Файл:1967 Paul Murphy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Paul F. Murphy
October 14, 1932
Файл:1967 Paul Maurice Murphy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Paul Maurice Murphy
February 24, 1932
Файл:1967 Albert Nash Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Albert L. Nash
May 13, 1921
Файл:1967 John Navin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John J. Navin
September 9, 1915
Файл:1965 Patrick Nee Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Patrick William Nee
November 22, 1938
Файл:1953 Mary Newman Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Mary B. Newman
February 15, 1909
2nd Middlesex
Файл:1953 Thomas Newth Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas M. Newth
March 15, 1911
Файл:1975 James Nolen Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James R. Nolen
April 17, 1933
Файл:1967 Karl Nordin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Karl S. Nordin
September 10, 1906
Файл:1975 James OBrien Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James Anthony O'Brien, Jr
June 22, 1919
Файл:1967 John OBrien Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Paul O'Brien
June 10, 1937
Файл:1967 Walter OBrien Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Walter Wilson O'Brien
October 14, 1910
Файл:1953 David John OConnor Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
David J. O'Connor
November 9, 1924
Файл:1967 George OFarrell Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Henry O'Farrell
November 15, 1910
Файл:1967 Charles Ohanian Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Ohanian
September 2, 1936
Файл:1961 Domenick Pasciucco Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Domenick S. Pasciucco
August 1, 1921
Файл:1967 Raymond Peck Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Raymond S. Peck
December 10, 1922
Файл:Felix R. Perrault.jpg
Felix Perrault
October 27, 1915
Файл:1965 Albert Pettoruto Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Albert P. Pettoruto
September 29, 1915
Файл:1945 George Porter Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George William Porter
November 6, 1885
Файл:Rob Quinn (13560397264).jpg
Robert H. Quinn
January 30, 1928
Файл:1975 Manuel Raposa Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Manuel Raposa, Jr.
May 13, 1915
Файл:1965 Paul Reed Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Paul de Hoff Reed Jr.
Файл:1961 Leo Reynolds Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Leo Joseph Reynolds
February 29, 1920
Файл:1967 Frank Rico Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank G. Rico
June 2, 1912
Файл:1967 Daniel Rider Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Daniel H. Rider
July 15, 1912
Файл:1967 William Robinson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
William G. Robinson
March 10, 1926
Файл:1967 J Hilary Rockett Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
J. Hilary Rockett
January 16, 1935
Файл:1967 George Rogers Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Rogers (Massachusetts politician)
August 2, 1933
Файл:1967 Maurice Ronayne Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Maurice E. Ronayne, Jr
November 16, 1917
Файл:1967 Harold Rosen Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Harold Rosen (politician)
Файл:1967 Nathan Rosenfeld Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Nathan Rosenfeld
January 31, 1906
Файл:1967 Raymond Rourke Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Raymond F. Rourke
October 10, 1917
Файл:1967 George Sacco Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George Sacco
July 19, 1936
Файл:1953 Roger Sala Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Roger A. Sala
August 8, 1893
Файл:1967 Duane Sargisson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Duane Thomas Sargisson
Файл:1953 Joseph Douglas Saulnier Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph Douglas Saulnier
April 14, 1906
Файл:1967 Anthony Scalli Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Anthony James Scalli
November 11, 1914
Файл:1967 Frederic Schlosstein Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frederic W. Schlosstein, Jr
March 17, 1923
Файл:1983 Anthony Scibelli Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Anthony M. Scibelli
October 16, 1911
Файл:1967 John Sears Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John W. Sears
December 18, 1930
Файл:1967 Jerome Segal Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Jerome A. Segal
June 3, 1931
Файл:1967 George Shattuck Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George W. Shattuck
July 17, 1916
Файл:1961 Charles Shea Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Charles Louis Shea
June 28, 1927
Файл:1961 Thomas Sheehan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas A. Sheehan
March 21, 1933
Файл:1967 Paul Sheehy Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Paul J. Sheehy
November 1, 1934
Файл:1967 Aaron Shinberg Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Aaron M. I. Shinberg
Файл:1967 Alfred Shrigley Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Alfred R. Shrigley
June 6, 1914
Файл:1967 Andre Sigourney Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Andre Rives Sigourney
June 30, 1927
Файл:1953 Michael John Simonelli Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Michael John Simonelli
May 9, 1913
Файл:1967 Ralph Sirianni Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Ralph E. Sirianni Jr.
Файл:1967 Lawrence Smith Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Lawrence Philip Smith
December 4, 1919
Файл:1961 George Spartichino Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George William Spartichino
June 11, 1924
Файл:1967 George Spatcher Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George I. Spatcher
February 2, 1902
Файл:1967 Janet Kirkland Starr Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Janet Kirkland Starr
October 11, 1918
Файл:1967 Chandler Stevens Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Chandler Harrison Stevens
Файл:1939 Joseph Sylvia Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph A. Sylvia
August 19, 1892
Файл:1967 A Edward Talbot Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
A. Edward Talbot
January 24, 1915
Файл:1953 Frank Daniel Tanner Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Frank Daniel Tanner
February 3, 1888
Файл:1953 John Forbes Thompson Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John F. Thompson (politician)
May 20, 1920
Файл:1967 David Tobin Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
David Spence Tobin
March 16, 1939
Файл:1975 John Toomey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Joseph Toomey
March 25, 1909
Файл:1967 Joseph Travaline Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph Thomas Travaline
Файл:1961 Warren Turner Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Warren A. Turner
January 25, 1905
Файл:1967 Elbert Tuttle Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Elbert Tuttle
August 19, 1931
Файл:1967 George Twomey Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George E. Twomey
February 3, 1920
Файл:1953 John Taylor Tynan Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
John Taylor Tynan
June 7, 1920
Файл:1967 Dave Vigneault Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Dave Norman Vigneault
September 3, 1936
Файл:1967 George Walsh Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
George B. Walsh
March 21, 1907
Файл:1967 Joseph Walsh Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Joseph B. Walsh
November 15, 1923
Файл:1961 Martin Walsh Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Martin H. Walsh
July 31, 1916
Файл:1967 Stephen Weekes Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Stephen Weekes
February 1, 1925
Файл:1967 Norman Weinberg Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Norman S. Weinberg
Файл:1967 Robert Wetmore Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Robert D. Wetmore
July 24, 1930
Файл:1965 James Wheeler Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
James G. Wheeler
Файл:1967 Arthur Williams Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Arthur Williams
December 14, 1915
Файл:1961 Thomas Wojtkowski Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Thomas Casmere Wojtkowski
September 18, 1926
Файл:1967 Edward Zelazo Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Edward S. Zelazo
May 27, 1924
Файл:1967 Samuel Zoll Massachusetts House of Representatives.png
Samuel Zoll
June 20, 1934