Английская Википедия:1979 European Parliament election

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:EngvarB Шаблон:Use dmy dates Шаблон:Infobox election The 1979 European Parliament election was a series of parliamentary elections held across all 9 (at the time) European Community member states. They were the first European elections to be held, allowing citizens to elect 410 MEPs to the European Parliament, and also the first international election in history.

Seats in the Parliament had been allocated to the states according to population, and in some cases were divided into constituencies, but members sat according to political groups.


The Treaty of Rome which established the Communities specified that the European Parliament must be elected by universal suffrage using a common voting system. The Council of the European Union was responsible for setting up the elections but it had procrastinated. As a stop-gap measure, members were appointed to the Parliament by the member states from their own national parliaments, as they had done since the Common Assembly.[1] The Parliament was unhappy with this and threatened to take the Council to the European Court of Justice. The Council eventually agreed to elections and the first European Parliament elections were held in 1979 after proposals were put forward in the mid 1970s.[1][2] The issue of a common voting method was left undecided, and even to this day the voting methods vary from member state to member state, although all have used some form of proportional representation since 1999.


Файл:Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F056098-0019, Nürnberg, SPD Europa-Wahlkampf, Schmidt.jpg
Helmut Schmidt on the campaign trail in 1979

The campaigns varied. The former Social Democrat German Chancellor Willy Brandt took an international campaign to France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands to boost the Socialist group. On the other hand, the former Prime Minister of France Jacques Chirac used the election to gauge his popularity against the then-President of France Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, in anticipation of a presidential bid in 1981.[3]


Шаблон:Politics of the European Union mini In June, the 410 members were elected by universal suffrage. At the time there were no rules on the system of election to be used. The United Kingdom used a plurality voting system for multiple small constituencies in England, Wales and Scotland but the other member states used proportional representation for fewer larger constituencies (usually the member state itself as a single constituency), albeit with different methods of seat allocation.

The electorate took little interest[3] but average voter turnout was 63%. The lowest turn out was in the United Kingdom with 32.2%: all others were above 50% apart from Denmark. Aside from Belgium and Luxembourg, where voting is compulsory, the highest turnout was in Italy with 84.9%.[4]


Socialist parties working together under the Europe-wide Confederation of Socialist Parties won the most seats: the resultant Socialist group had 113 MEPs. Christian Democrat parties united within the pan-European European People's Party came second, with the resultant group having 107 MEPs. The largest third force was the Conservative European Democrats with 64, followed by Communists with 44. The Liberal Democrats had 40 seats, although their candidate was elected as President.

The groups formed were loose coalitions based on the groups founded in previous years, but they soon became the basis for modern European political parties.

National distribution of seats
State Seats State Seats
Шаблон:FRA 81 Шаблон:FRG 81
Шаблон:ITA 81 Шаблон:GBR 81
Шаблон:NED 25 Шаблон:BEL 24
Шаблон:DEN 16 Шаблон:IRL 15
Шаблон:LUX 6  
1979 European Parliament election – Final results at 17 July 1979
Group Description Chaired by MEPs
  SOC Social Democrats Ernest Glinne 113 Файл:European Parliament Composition 1979.svg
  EPP Christian Democrats Egon Klepsch 107
  ED Conservatives James Scott-Hopkins 64
  COM Communists and the Far Left Giorgio Amendola 44
  LD Liberals and Liberal Democrats Martin Bangemann 40
  EPD National Conservatives Christian de La Malène 22
  CDI Heterogeneous Marco Pannella
Neil Blaney
Jens-Peter Bonde
  NI Independents none 9 Total: 410 Sources: [1] [2] Шаблон:Webarchive[3][4] Шаблон:Webarchive

Шаблон:Bar box

Result by country

Belgium 4 PS
3 SP
1 VU 2 FDF 24
Denmark 3 A 1 D 2 C 1 SF 3 V 1 FP 4 N 16
France 22 PS+MRG 8 UDF 19 PCF 17 UDF 15 RPR 81
Ireland 4 LAB 4 FG 1 Ind. 5 FF 1 Ind. 15
Italy 9 PSI
29 DC
24 PCI 3 PLI
3 PR
1 PdUP
1 DP
4 MSI 81
Luxembourg 1 LSAP 3 CSV 2 DP 6
Netherlands 9 PvdA 10 CDA 4 VVD 2 D66 25
United Kingdom 17 LAB
60 CON
1 SNP 1 DUP 81
West Germany 35 SPD 34 CDU
4 FDP 81
Total 113 107 64 44 40 22 11 9 410

Post election

Файл:Simone Veil, gymnase Japy 2008 02 27 n5.jpg
Simone Veil, elected as the first female President

Louise Weiss, who was 86 at the time, was found to be Parliament's oldest member and hence presided over the chamber while the election of the President took place (July 1979). Before that could happen however, she immediately had to deal with Ian Paisley MEP who, in the first speech of the session, protested that the British flag outside the building was flying upside down.[5] She dealt with the interruption swiftly. The confrontation was seen as one of her finest hours and she later confided that, as a grandmother, she was used to dealing with "recalcitrant youngsters".[6]

There were five candidates for President of the European Parliament: Giorgio Amendola, Italian Communist; Emma Bonino, Italian Technical Independent; Christian de La Malène, French Progressive Democrat; Simone Veil, French Liberal, and Mario Zagari, Italian Socialist.[7]

In the first ballot, Veil secured 183 of the 380 votes cast – eight short of the absolute majority needed. The next closest contender was Zagari with 118 votes, then Amendola with 44, de la Malène with 26 and Bonino with 9. Bonino and de la Malène dropped out and Veil secured an absolute majority in the second ballot with 192 of the 377 votes cast (Zagari gained 128 and Amendola 47). Veil was elected as the first President of the elected Parliament, and first female President of the Parliament since it was founded in 1952.[7]

The following were elected as Vice-Presidents: Danielle De March, Basil de Ferranti, Bruno Friedrich, Guido Gonella, Gérard Jacquet, Hans Katzer, Poul Møller, Pierre Pflimlin, Bríd Rodgers, Marcel Albert Vandewiele, Anne Vondeling and Mario Zagari.[7]

Previously the Parliament was a weak consultative assembly, the members of which were part-time. With the elections the new body of MEPs were full-time, energetic and more diverse. As soon as the Parliament was established the "old guard" MEPs of the larger parties sought to raise the bar at which a European Parliament political group could be formed (the status gave financial support and representation in committees). This move was quickly blocked by smaller groups working together and filibustering the proposal. The ties formed at this time laid the foundations of the Rainbow group: an alliance of left-wing and green parties[1] which later became the European Greens–European Free Alliance group.


European Parliament election, 1979 – Electoral map at 17 July 1979
European Parliament election, 1979 - electoral map
European Parliament election, 1979 - electoral map
Key Group Description
  SOC Social Democrats
  EPP Christian Democrats
  ED Conservatives
  COM Communists and the Far Left
  LD Liberals and Liberal Democrats
  EPD National Conservatives
  CDI Heterogeneous
  NI Independents
European Parliament election, 1979 - Statistics
Area Dates Seats Electorate Turnout Previous Next Election methods Sources
European Community
7, 10 June
410 191,783,528 63% Inaugural 1981 All PR, except UK (not NI)
which used FPTP
[5] Шаблон:Webarchive[6] [7]
European Parliament election, 1979 - Timeline
Appointed Parliament 1979 Election Regrouping First Parliament
Groups Pre-elections
13 February 1978
Change Results
7 July
Change Results
17 July
First session
17 July
  SOC 63 +48 111 +2 113   SOC 113
  CD 52 +54 106 +1 107   EPP 107
  C 18 +45 63 +1 64   ED 64
  COM 17 +27 44 +0 44   COM 44
  LD 24 +17 41 -1 40   LD 40
  EPD 19 +2 21 +1 22   EPD 22
  NI 3 +21 24 +11 11   CDI 11
-15 9   NI 9
Total 196 +214 410 +0 410 Total 410
Sources: [8] Шаблон:Webarchive [9] [10] [11] [12] Шаблон:Webarchive
European Parliament election, 1979 - Delegation at 17 July 1979
Group Description Details % MEPs
  SOC Social Democrats West Germany 35, Belgium 7, Denmark 4, France 22, Ireland 4, Italy 13, Luxembourg 1, Netherlands 9, UK 18 28% 113
  EPP Christian Democrats West Germany 42, Belgium 10, France 8, Ireland 4, Italy 30, Luxembourg 3, Netherlands 10 26% 107
  ED Conservatives Denmark 3, UK 61 16% 64
  COM Communists and the Far Left Denmark 1, France 19, Italy 24 11% 44
  LD Liberals and Liberal Democrats West Germany 4, Belgium 4, Denmark 3, France 17, Ireland 1, Italy 5, Luxembourg 2, Netherlands 4 10% 40
  EPD National Conservatives Denmark 1, France 15, Ireland 5, UK 1 5% 22
  CDI Heterogeneous Belgium 1, Denmark 4, Ireland 1, Italy 5 3% 11
  NI Independents Belgium 2, Italy 4, Netherlands 2, UK 1 2% 9
Sources: [13] [14] Шаблон:Webarchive [15] [16] Шаблон:Webarchive 100% 410
European Parliament election, 1979 - Votes by national party at unknown 1979 date
Country Party Abbr. Group Votes % (nat.) Seats
Шаблон:Flagu Christian Democracy DC EPP 12,753,708 36.45 29
Шаблон:FRG Social Democratic Party of Germany SPD SOC 11,370,045 40.83 35
Шаблон:FRG Christian Democratic Union CDU EPP 10,883,085 39.08 34
Шаблон:Flagu Italian Communist Party PCI COM 10,345,284 29.57 24
Шаблон:Flagu Conservative Party CP ED 6,508,493 48.40 60
Шаблон:Flagu Union for French Democracy UDF LD 5,666,984 27.87 25
Шаблон:Flagu Socialist PartyMovement of Left Radicals PS-MRG SOC 4,763,026 23.43 22
Шаблон:Flagu Labour Party LP SOC 4,253,207 31.63 17
Шаблон:Flagu French Communist Party PCF COM 4,153,710 20.43 19
Шаблон:Flagu Italian Socialist Party PSI SOC 3,858,295 11.03 9
Шаблон:Flagu Rally for the Republic RPR EPD 3,301,980 16.24 15
Шаблон:FRG Christian Social Union of Bavaria CSU EPP 2,817,120 10.12 8
Шаблон:NED Christian Democratic Appeal CDA EPP 2,017,743 35.60 10
Шаблон:Flagu Italian Social Movement MSI NI 1,907,880 5.45 4
Шаблон:NED Labour Party PvdA SOC 1,722,240 30.39 9
Шаблон:Flagu Liberal Party L 1,691,531 12.58
Шаблон:FRG Free Democratic Party FDP LD 1,662,621 5.97 4
Шаблон:BEL Christian People's Party CVP EPP 1,607,941 29.54 7
Шаблон:Flagu Italian Democratic Socialist Party PSDI SOC 1,512,425 4.32 4
Шаблон:Flagu Radical Party PR CDI 1,283,512 3.67 3
Шаблон:Flagu Italian Liberal Party PLI LD 1,270,152 3.63 3
Шаблон:NED People's Party for Freedom and Democracy VVD LD 914,787 16.14 4
Шаблон:Flagu Italian Republican Party PRI LD 895,558 2.56 2
Шаблон:FRG The Greens GRÜNE 893,683 3.21
Шаблон:Flagu Ecological Europe VERTS 891,683 4.39
Шаблон:BEL Socialist Party SP SOC 698,889 12.84 3
Шаблон:Flagu Workers' StruggleRevolutionary Communist League LO-LCR 623,663 3.07
Шаблон:BEL Socialist Party PS SOC 575,824 10.58 4
Шаблон:BEL Party for Freedom and Progress PVV LD 512,363 9.41 2
Шаблон:NED Democracy 66 D66 NI 511,967 9.03 2
Шаблон:IRL Fianna Fáil FF EPD 464,451 34.68 5
Шаблон:BEL Christian Social Party PSC EPP 445,912 8.19 3
Шаблон:IRL Fine Gael FG EPP 443,652 33.13 4
Шаблон:BEL Democratic Front of Francophones FDF NI 414,603 7.62 2
Шаблон:Flagu Proletarian Unity Party PdUP CDI 406,007 1.16 1
Шаблон:DEN Social Democrats S SOC 382,487 21.80 3
Шаблон:Flagu 5th List: Employment. Equality. Europe 5-EEE 373,259 1.84
Шаблон:BEL Liberal Reformist Party PRL LD 372,904 6.85 2
Шаблон:DEN People's Movement against the EU FolkeB CDI 365,760 20.85 4
Шаблон:LUX Christian Social People's Party CSV EPP 352,296 36.12 3
Шаблон:BEL People's Union VU CDI 324,540 5.96 1
Шаблон:Flagu Inter-Professional Union for an
Independent France in a Solidary Europe
UDIP-FIDES 290,555 1.43
Шаблон:LUX Democratic Party DP LD 274,307 28.12 2
Шаблон:Flagu Party of New Forces PFN 265,911 1.31
Шаблон:DEN Venstre V LD 252,767 14.41 3
Шаблон:Flagu Proletarian Democracy DP CDI 251,927 0.72 1
Шаблон:Flagu Scottish National Party SNP EPD 247,836 1.84 1
Шаблон:DEN Conservative People's Party KF EPP 245,309 13.98 2
Шаблон:LUX Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party LSAP SOC 211,106 21.64 1
Шаблон:Flagu South Tyrolean People's Party SVP EPP 196,277 0.56 1
Шаблон:IRL Irish Labour Party ILP SOC 193,898 14.48 4
Шаблон:IRL Independents Ind. NI 189,499 14.15 2
Шаблон:Flagu Democratic Unionist Party DUP NI 170,688 1.27 1
Шаблон:Flagu Valdostan UnionSardinian Action Party UV-PSd'Az 166,194 0.47
Шаблон:BEL Communist Party of Belgium PCB-KPB 145,796 2.68
Шаблон:Flagu National Democracy DN 142,354 0.41
Шаблон:Flagu Social Democratic and Labour Party SDLP SOC 140,622 1.05 1
Шаблон:NED Reformed Political Party SGP 126,412 2.23
Шаблон:Flagu Ulster Unionist Party UUP ED 125,169 0.93 1
Шаблон:Flagu Independents Ind. 112,366 N/A
Шаблон:FRG German Communist Party DKP 112,055 0.40
Шаблон:BEL Confederated Ecologists ECOLO 107,833 1.98
Шаблон:DEN Centre Democrats CD ED 107,790 6.14 1
Шаблон:DEN Progressive Party FP EPD 100,702 5.74 1
Шаблон:NED Communist Party of the Netherlands CPN 97,343 1.72
Шаблон:NED Pacifist Socialist Party PSP 97,243 1.72
Шаблон:NED Political Party of Radicals PPR 92,055 1.62
Шаблон:Flagu Plaid Cymru PC 83,399 0.62
Шаблон:DEN Socialist People's Party SF COM 81,991 4.67 1
Шаблон:BEL Another way of Living AGALEV 77,986 1.43
Шаблон:LUX Social Democratic Party SDP 68,289 7.00
Шаблон:NED Reformed Political League GPV 62,610 1.10
Шаблон:DEN Justice League DR 60,954 3.47
Шаблон:DEN Left Socialists VS 59,379 3.38
Шаблон:DEN Radical Left RV 56,944 3.25
Шаблон:LUX Communist Party of Luxembourg KPL 48,813 5.00
Шаблон:BEL All Power to the Workers TPO-AMADA 45,423 0.83
Шаблон:FRG Christian Bavarian People's Party CBV 45,311 0.16
Шаблон:IRL Sinn Féin – The Workers Party SFWP 43,942 3.28
Шаблон:Flagu Alliance Party of Northern Ireland A 39,026 0.29
Шаблон:BEL Flemish People's Party VVP 34,706 0.64
Шаблон:FRG European Workers Party EAP 31,822 0.11
Шаблон:FRG German Centre Party ZENTRUM 31,367 0.11
Шаблон:DEN Christian People's Party KrF 30,985 1.77
Шаблон:Flagu United Against the Common Market UACM 27,506 N/A
Шаблон:NED Leschot List LL 24,903 0.44
Шаблон:BEL E-NON E-NON 22,187 0.41
Шаблон:Flagu Ecology Party EP 17,953 0.13
Шаблон:BEL PLW-PLE PLW-PLE 17,566 0.32
Шаблон:BEL Workers Revolutionary League LRT-RAL 16,911 0.31
Шаблон:Flagu Mebyon Kernow MK 10,205 N/A
Шаблон:LUX Alternative List AL 9,845 1.01
Шаблон:BEL PPB PPB 9,704 0.18
Шаблон:BEL PFU PFU 7,273 0.13
Шаблон:Flagu United Labour Party ULP 6,122 1.1
Шаблон:LUX Liberal Party LP 5,610 0.58
Шаблон:LUX Revolutionary Socialist Party RSP 5,085 0.52
Шаблон:BEL POE POE 4,617 0.08
Шаблон:Flagu Workers' Party WP 4,418 0.8
Шаблон:Flagu Unionist Party of Northern Ireland UPNI 3,712 0.6
Шаблон:IRL CDI CDI 3,630 0.27
Шаблон:Flagu International Marxist Group IMG 1,635 N/A
Шаблон:Flagu Ulster Liberal Party ULP 932 0.2
Шаблон:Flagu EFP EFP 497 N/A
Шаблон:Flagu Europe – Self-Management List PSU 382 0.00
Шаблон:Flagu Regions-Europe RE 337 0.00
Source: [17], with exception of some UK results

See also

Шаблон:EU history



External links

Шаблон:Commons category

Шаблон:European Parliament elections