Английская Википедия:2007 Swiss federal election

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:Use dmy dates Шаблон:Infobox legislative election Elections to the Swiss Federal Assembly, the federal parliament of Switzerland, were held on Sunday, 21 October 2007. In a few cantons, a second round of the elections to the Council of States was held on 11 November, 18 November, and 25 November 2007. For the 48th legislative term of the federal parliament (2007–2011), voters in 26 cantons elected all 200 members of the National Council as well as 43 out of 46 members of the Council of States. The other three members of the Council of States for that term of service were elected at an earlier date.[1]

On 12 December 2007, the newly elected legislature elected the Swiss federal government, the Swiss Federal Council, for a four-year-term.

The results reflected yet another rise in support for the strongest party, the right-wing populist Swiss People's Party, at 29% of the popular vote, and the growth of the Green and Green Liberal parties at the expense of the Social Democrats.[2]

National Council

Шаблон:See also The Swiss People's Party successfully came out of the election as the strongest party, rising another 2.3% to 29.0% of the popular vote. Among the left-wing parties, support of the Social Democrats eroded to the benefit of the Green and Green Liberal parties.

The right-wing parties won 64 seats made up of the SVP with 62 seats and a single seat of the Christian right Federal Democratic Union and the regional Ticino League respectively. The left-wing parties won 65 seats, with 43 of the Social Democrats, 20 of the Green party, and the Christian-left Christian Social Party and the far-left Labour Party with a single seat each. The centrist parties won 71 seats, with the CVP and the centre-right FDP each having won 31 seats, and the remaining 9 seats won by minor parties: Liberals, 4 seats; Green Liberals, 3 seats; Evangelical People's Party, 2 seats.

59 of 200 seats (29.5%) were won by women, as compared to 50 in 2003. Ricardo Lumengo (Social Democrats, born in Angola) is notable as the first black Swiss national councillor. 23 incumbents did not get re-elected and lost their mandate, among them Zürich right wing politician Ulrich Schlüer (SVP). The turnout of the election was 48,9% a rise of 3,7% from the previous elections in 2003.


Шаблон:Election results

By constituency

Constituency Seats Electorate Turnout Party Votes Seats
Aargau 15 380,189 186,551 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 942,792 6
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 465,119 3
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 354,366 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 351,915 3
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 211,343 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 110,702 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Liberal Center Forum 107,256 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Federal Democratic Union 30,222 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss Democrats 17,287 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Family Party 6,319 0
Appenzell Ausserrhoden 1 36,990 12,332 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 7,780 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Others 3,029 0
Appenzell Innerrhoden 1 10,901 2,300 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 1,736 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Others 317 0
Basel-Landschaft 7 183,917 92,083 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 177,852 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 157,008 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 106,081 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 85,854 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 71,063 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 17,364 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss Democrats 4,987 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Federal Democratic Union 2,948 0
Basel-Stadt 5 113,890 60,817 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 102,522 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 53,832 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 35,301 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 33,073 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Liberal Party 23,325 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 21,494 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 10,406 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | People's Action 4,262 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss Democrats 2,000 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Federal Democratic Union 1,463 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Citizens' Party 557 0
Bern 26 700,435 325,042 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 2,781,616 10
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 1,754,359 6
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 1,252,001 4
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 1,067,741 3
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 450,506 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 305,392 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Federal Democratic Union 294,168 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss Democrats 127,106 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Liberal Socialists 87,980 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Independent Health Party 69,540 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Freedom Party 51,017 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Men's Party 18,299 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Interest Group Against Mismanagement 15,987 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Jörg Stettler 6,675 0
Fribourg 7 173,530 83,216 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 140,154 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 128,576 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 124,683 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 78,220 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Social Party 40,185 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 35,819 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free List 6,012 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Federal Democratic Union 4,972 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 4,349 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | For More Logic in Politics 1,589 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Independent Citizens' Movement 1,349 0
Geneva 11 232,572 110,376 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 245,239 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 222,531 3
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 190,735 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Liberal Party 172,132 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 112,993 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 90,219 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Solidarity 57,021 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Citizens' Movement 29,205 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Party of Labour 21,689 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 13,909 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | The Communists 8,626 0
Glarus 1 25,550 8,326 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 4,292 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 2,712 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Others 723 0
Grisons 5 132,200 55,331 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 92,036 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 62,828 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 53,911 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 50,759 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Federal Democratic Union 4,137 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Daniel Trappitsch 1,525 0
Jura 2 49,571 22,109 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 15,803 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 10,695 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 5,855 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 5,713 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Social Party 4,737 0
Lucerne 10 247,330 131,062 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 385,819 3
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 322,633 3
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 278,480 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 146,671 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 120,797 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | CHance21 12,694 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 9,559 0
Neuchâtel 5 107,147 53,816 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 67,591 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 60,446 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Liberal Party 34,470 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 33,126 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 24,481 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Party of Labour 23,914 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 8,731 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Liberal Party 4,073 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 3,209 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free and Independent Party 740 0
Nidwalden 1 Elected unopposed bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 1
Obwalden 1 23,903 14,274 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 4,523 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 4,462 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Lukas Gasser 3,095 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 1,589 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Others 60 0
Schaffhausen 2 48,685 31,815 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 23,860 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 20,885 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 16,288 0
Schwyz 4 94,048 49,198 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 84,324 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 37,697 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 31,375 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 26,092 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 6,284 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 1,771 0
Solothurn 7 168,927 85,668 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 158,321 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 122,435 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 118,979 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 113,697 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 58,338 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 10,313 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss Democrats 2,232 0
St. Gallen 12 300,034 140,365 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 605,670 5
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 352,902 3
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 242,580 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 224,477 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 104,572 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 33,542 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Federal Democratic Union 16,249 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss Democrats 10,937 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | For Children and the Youth 6,995 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Animal Welfare is Human Protection 5,984 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Catholic People's Party 3,867 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | For Independent Ideas and Solutions in Politics 2,724 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | The East Swiss Party 461 0
Ticino 8 205,754 97,428 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 208,633 3
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 179,055 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 134,378 2
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Ticino League 104,249 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 64,907 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 35,656 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Party of Labour 9,411 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Humanist Party 4,755 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | The Liberalists 1,051 0
Thurgau 6 153,214 71,849 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 177,039 3
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 63,524 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 50,575 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 48,826 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 42,778 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 11,839 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Federal Democratic Union 10,975 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss Democrats 7,964 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Alternative List 2,970 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Catholic People's Party 1,590 0
Uri 1 25,712 6,206 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 4,527 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Others 661 0
Vaud 18 389,191 183,426 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 666,818 5
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 654,769 4
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 433,474 3
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 424,705 3
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Liberal Party 240,348 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 166,881 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Party of Labour 140,024 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Liberal Party 109,174 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Solidarity 62,742 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Federal Democratic Union 37,438 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 32,380 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss Democrats 7,416 0
Valais 7 196,984 117,833 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 286,809 4
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 129,306 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 124,626 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 114,613 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Social Party 62,522 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 30,670 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Liberal Party 7,853 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Liberal Party 7,753 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Alternative List 3,985 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Citizens' Movement 2,037 0
Zug 3 70,478 37,864 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 31,288 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 25,074 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 23,132 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Alternative Kanton Zug 18,285 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 9,763 0
Zürich 34 844,381 413,454 bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss People's Party 4,738,494 12
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Social Democratic Party 2,767,366 7
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Free Democratic Party 1,837,851 4
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Party 1,448,189 4
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Democratic People's Party 1,055,571 3
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Green Liberal Party 979,377 3
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Evangelical People's Party 514,285 1
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Federal Democratic Union 295,976 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Alternative List 155,798 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Swiss Democrats 75,477 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Party of Labour 31,919 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Hanf Ueli 21,444 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Christian Social Party 20,541 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Freedom Party 11,236 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Humanist Party 9,512 0
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Marian Danowski 7,757 0
Source: Bundesblatt, 27 November 2007

Council of States

Шаблон:Main Contrary to the developments in the National Council, the Council of States remains dominated by the traditional centrist parties FDP and CVP. Robert Cramer (Geneva) is the first member of the Green Party to be elected to the Council of States, joined in the second round by Luc Recordon of Vaud. Verena Diener (Zurich), formerly of the Green Party, wins a Council of States seat for the newly founded Green Liberal Party. Christine Egerszegi of Aargau (FDP) is the first woman councillor elected in that canton.

Шаблон:Election results

By canton

Canton Seat 1 Party Seat 2 Party
Zurich width=5px bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Felix Gutzwiller Free Democrats width=5px bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Verena Diener Green Liberals
Bern bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Simonetta Sommaruga * Social Democrats bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Werner Luginbühl Swiss People's Party
Lucerne bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Helen Leumann-Würsch * Free Democrats bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Konrad Graber Christian Democrats
Uri bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Hansruedi Stadler * Christian Democrats bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Hansheiri Inderkum * Christian Democrats
Schwyz bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Alex Kuprecht * Swiss People's Party bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Bruno Frick * Christian Democrats
Obwalden bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Hans Hess * Free Democrats N/A
Nidwalden bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Paul Niederberger Christian Democrats N/A
Glarus bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Franz Schiesser * Free Democrats bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| This Jenny * Swiss People's Party
Zug bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Peter Bieri *[1] Christian Democrats bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Rolf Schweiger *[1] Free Democrats
Fribourg bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Urs Schwaller * Christian Democrats bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Alain Berset * Social Democrats
Solothurn bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Rolf Büttiker * Free Democrats bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Ernst Leuenberger * Social Democrats
Basel-Stadt bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Anita Fetz * Social Democrats N/A
Basel-Landschaft bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Claude Janiak Social Democrats N/A
Schaffhausen bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Peter Briner * Free Democrats bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Hannes Germann * Swiss People's Party
Appenzell AI bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Ivo Bischofberger[1] Christian Democrats N/A
Appenzell AR bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Hans Altherr * Free Democrats N/A
St. Gallen bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Erika Forster * Free Democrats bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Eugen David * Christian Democrats
Graubünden bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Christoffel Brändli * Swiss People's Party bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Theo Maissen * Christian Democrats
Aargau bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Christine Egerszegi Free Democrats bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Maximilian Reimann * Swiss People's Party
Thurgau bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Philipp Stähelin * Christian Democrats bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Hermann Bürgi * Swiss People's Party
Ticino bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Dick Marty * Free Democrats bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Filippo Lombardi * Christian Democrats
Vaud bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Géraldine Savary Social Democrats bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Luc Recordon Greens
Valais bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Jean-René Fournier Christian Democrats bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| René Imoberdorf Christian Democrats
Neuchâtel bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Didier Burkhalter Free Democrats bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Gisèle Ory * Social Democrats
Geneva bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Liliane Maury Pasquier Social Democrats bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Robert Cramer Greens
Jura bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Claude Hêche Social Democrats bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Anne Seydoux-Christe Christian Democrats
* indicates a candidate that was re-elected.

Notes and references



External links

Шаблон:Swiss elections Шаблон:Portal bar

  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 The date of the election of the members of the Council of States is a matter of cantonal law. 24 cantons have chosen to let the elections coincide with the federally regulated National Council elections. Two cantons are electing their members of the Council of States at an earlier date: Zug reelected its incumbents Peter Bieri and Rolf Schweiger on 29 October 2006, while Appenzell Innerrhoden elected Ivo Bischofsberger as its one representative in that Council on 29 April 2007.
  2. main migration of voters was from SPS to GPS and GLP. Minor movements from CVP to GLP, and some migration from all of SPS, CVP and FDP to SVP [1]