Английская Википедия:2011 in science

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Файл:Curiosity Mars Science Laboratory Rover.jpg
26 November 2011: NASA launches its Curiosity rover (pictured), the largest Mars rover yet built.

The year 2011 involved many significant scientific events, including the first artificial organ transplant, the launch of China's first space station and the growth of the world population to seven billion. The year saw a total of 78 successful orbital spaceflights, as well as numerous advances in fields such as electronics, medicine, genetics, climatology and robotics.

2011 was declared the International Year of Forests and Chemistry by the United Nations.[1][2]

Events, discoveries and inventions


18 January 2011: scientists prove that sharks are functionally colorblind.
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20 January 2011: researchers demonstrate a medical technique that renders human T-cells (pictured, right) resistant to HIV.


3 February 2011: the Kepler space telescope discovers a planetary system of six planets orbiting the star Kepler-11 (artist's impression pictured).
  • 2 February – The Linac Coherent Light Source, an X-ray source a billion times brighter than previous sources, becomes operational at Stanford University. The device could potentially revolutionize 3D bioanalysis techniques, especially in the analysis of proteins and viruses.[38]
  • 3 February
    • A blood test to detect vCJD is developed by British scientists, who say it could identify healthy people who are carriers of the disease.[39][40]
    • Further data from the Kepler space telescope published in Nature reveals that the star Kepler-11, located 2,000 light years from Earth, has a planetary system including six planets, which range between two and four-and-a-half times the radius of Earth, and between two and thirteen times its mass. Five orbit the star closer than Mercury orbits the Sun, and all are likely to have atmospheres made of light gases, and to be too hot to support life. The data also includes details of more than 1,000 additional exoplanet candidates.[41][42]
  • 4 February – Scientists reveal a tiny artificial brain, derived from rat neurons, that exhibits 12 seconds of short-term memory.[43][44]
  • 7 February – Scientists at Oxford University successfully test a universal flu vaccine, which should work against all known strains of the illness.[45][46]
  • 9 February – Using 25 years of evidence from over 470,000 participants, researchers show that sleep deprivation and disrupted sleep patterns can have long-term, serious health implications.[47]
  • 10 February – Scientists identify the root molecular cause of a variety of illnesses brought on by advanced age, including waning energy, failure of the heart and other organs, and metabolic disorders such as diabetes.[48]
  • 11 February – Scientists show that stem cells delivered via a nasal spray lead to an improvement of motor functions in rats with Parkinson's disease-like symptoms.[49][50]
  • 15 February
  • 16 February – Researchers find a way of manipulating tiny swimming robots, just 1.3 millimetres long, using electric currents in water.[54][55]
  • 17 February
    • Scientists build the world's first anti-laser, capable of absorbing an incoming laser beam entirely.[56][57]
    • A hummingbird-like "Nano Air Vehicle" is demonstrated for the first time, in an attempt to secure a DARPA contract to create small surveillance aircraft.[58]
  • 20 February – Stanford University researchers create new stretchable solar cells that could power artificial electronic 'super skin', capable of detecting chemicals and biological molecules. The potential applications include clothing, robotics, prosthetic limbs and more.[59][60]
  • 21 February – New research indicates that bilingual speakers are better at multitasking, because they are better at editing out irrelevant information; this overturns previous assumptions of bilingualism causing confusion, especially in children.[61][62]
  • 22 February
  • 28 February


18 March 2011: the MESSENGER probe (artist's rendering shown) becomes the first spacecraft to orbit the planet Mercury.
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27 March 2011: American scientists successfully demonstrate a fire-suppression system which uses electric fields to extinguish open flames.


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6 April 2011: scientists in Japan grow working retinas from mouse stem cells.
21 April 2011: a modified anti-malaria gene is successfully introduced to a population of mosquitoes.


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12 May 2011: astronomers state that the exoplanet Gliese 581d (artist's impression pictured) could potentially support Earth-like life.
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26 May 2011: American scientists successfully transmute human skin cells directly into neurons (pictured).


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1 June 2011: two new chemical elements, 114 and 116, are officially added to the periodic table.
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12 June 2011: the Nabro Volcano erupts in Eritrea (ash plume pictured), despite having been considered extinct.
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22 June 2011: Stanford University engineers develop nanowire electronics that can be attached to nearly any surface (gold nanowires pictured).

26 June


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7 July 2011: Swedish surgeons successfully carry out the world's first artificial organ transplant, giving a cancer patient a new, lab-grown trachea.
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16 July 2011: NASA's Dawn spacecraft successfully enters orbit around the asteroid 4 Vesta (pictured).
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21 July 2011: the final mission of the Space Shuttle program, STS-135, ends with the landing of Space Shuttle Atlantis (pictured) at Kennedy Space Center.


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10 August 2011: a new gene therapy successfully kills off leukemia lymphocytes (pictured) in three advanced patients.
19 August 2011: the American Office of Naval Research successfully tests a new class of conventional explosive, reportedly five times more powerful than existing explosives.


2 September 2011: scientists create a working electric motor made from a single molecule (molecular-scale computer pictured).
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14 September 2011: NASA publishes the design of its future heavy-lift rocket, the Space Launch System (concept art shown).


12 October 2011: scientists reconstruct the genome of the Black Death which devastated Europe in the 14th century.
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26 October 2011: the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, the first major airliner to significantly incorporate composite materials, completes its first commercial flight.
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31 October 2011: the world population reaches seven billion, according to a United Nations estimate.


4 November 2011: the MARS-500 isolation experiment (facility diagram shown) ends in Moscow, having simulated a 520-day human mission to Mars.
  • 1 November
  • 2 November
    • China's uncrewed Shenzhou 8 spacecraft robotically docks with the orbiting Tiangong-1 space station module, marking China's first orbital docking, and a major milestone in its efforts to construct a full-scale space station by 2020. (BBC)
    • American researchers delay, and in some cases even eliminate, the onset of age-related symptoms such as wrinkles, muscle wasting and cataracts in mice. The development may have significant implications for the study and treatment of such symptoms in humans. (BBC) Шаблон:Doi-inline
    • Morocco is chosen as the first location for Desertec – a German-led, €400bn project to build a vast network of solar and windfarms across North Africa and the Middle East, with the aim of providing 15% of Europe's electricity supply by 2050. (The Guardian)
  • 4 November
    • Six men emerge from the 520-day MARS-500 isolation experiment, which aimed to simulate a human mission to Mars. The experiment, undertaken at a Moscow scientific institute, was intended to investigate the isolation of long-duration spaceflight and its effects on the human body and mind. (BBC)
    • A 20-year-old alternative solar cell design using dye-sensitized nanocrystal cells (DSC) could lead to cheap, printable cells, revolutionising solar power use worldwide, according to a new study. (KurzweilAI) Шаблон:Doi-inline
  • 5 November
    • An American doctor claims that brown eyes can safely and permanently be turned blue by using short laser pulses to destroy pigment in the iris. (BBC)
    • An official White House report states that "The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race." It furthermore asserts that there is "no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye." Although odds are "pretty high" that there may be life on other planets, "the odds of us making contact with any of them—especially any intelligent ones—are extremely small, given the distances involved." (UniverseToday) (White House)
  • 6 November – Dopamine-producing brain cells that are killed off by Parkinson's disease have been grown from stem cells and grafted into monkeys' brains by American researchers, in a major step towards new treatments for the condition. (The Guardian) Шаблон:Doi-inline
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8 November 2011: Honda releases an enhanced version of its Asimo humanoid robot (earlier version pictured).
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26 November 2011: NASA successfully launches its Mars Science Laboratory mission, which landed the Curiosity Mars rover (artist's impression pictured) on Mars in 2012.[79]


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1 December 2011: Oxford University scientists successfully induce quantum entanglement in two diamonds, the first time entanglement has been achieved in objects visible to the naked eye.
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14 December 2011: scientists develop an imaging system which can capture images at one trillion frames per second, allowing it to image the motion of individual light waves.
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21 December 2011: researchers report that non-native snakes have devastated populations of small mammals in the Florida Everglades.


Abel Prize


Nobel Prize



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11 February 2011: Christian J. Lambertsen, the inventor of the SCUBA device, dies aged 93.




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1 March 2011: John M. Lounge, a former NASA astronaut, dies aged 64.


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5 April 2011: Baruch Samuel Blumberg, a Nobel Prize-winning American physician, dies aged 85.


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30 May 2011: Rosalyn Sussman Yalow, a Nobel Prize-winning American physicist, dies aged 89.



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23 July 2011: Robert Ettinger, the "father of cryonics", dies aged 92.



14 September 2011: Rudolf Mössbauer, a Nobel Prize-winning German physicist, dies aged 82.


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5 October 2011: Steve Jobs, an American technology entrepreneur and co-founder of Apple Inc., dies aged 56.



See also


  1. International Year of Forests 2011 – Celebrating Forests for People. Retrieved 1 November 2011.
  2. International Year of Chemistry 2011 – About IYC Шаблон:Webarchive. Retrieved 1 November 2011.
  3. Шаблон:Cite web
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  8. The article was published in the March 3 issue of the journal.
  9. Шаблон:Cite web
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  15. (MSNBC)Шаблон:Dead link
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  65. Шаблон:Cite arXiv
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  70. Шаблон:IETF RFC. Шаблон:Cite web
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  73. The paper was presented at the CLEO conference on 2 May, and published on 9 May.
  74. Шаблон:Cite news
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  82. Dr. James J. Rahal, 77, Virus Expert, Dies
  83. Rudiger 'Roger' Haugwitz, chemist who used science to create art, dies at 79. Washingtonpost.com. Retrieved on 2011-10-10.
  84. Harold Kosasky, 83, pioneer in treatment of infertility. Boston Globe, 26 September 2011. Retrieved 2011-11-19.
  85. Dr. Max Harry Weil dies at 84: pioneer in critical care. Articles.latimes.com (2011-08-06). Retrieved on 2011-10-10.
  86. Dr. Charles C. Edwards, Influential F.D.A. Commissioner, Dies at 87
  87. Fritz Bach, Who Aided Transplant Survival, Dies at 77
  88. William Kannel, 87; force behind pioneering Framingham Heart Study. Boston.com (2011-09-18). Retrieved on 2011-10-10.
  89. W. B. Kannel, Who Led Historic Heart Study, Dies at 87. Nytimes.com (2011-08-23). Retrieved on 2011-10-10.
  90. Dr. William Wolff, Colonoscopy Co-Developer, Dies at 94
  91. Bruce Dan, Who Helped Link Toxic Shock and Tampons, Is Dead at 64. The New York Times, 10 September 2011. Retrieved 2011-11-03.
  92. Dr. Richard Koch dies at 89; medical pioneer. Los Angeles Times, 8 October 2011. Retrieved 2011-11-03.
  93. Dr. J. Willis Hurst, Cardiologist to Lyndon B. Johnson, Dies at 90
  94. Morris Chafetz, 87, Dies; Altered View of Alcoholism
  95. Dr. John F. Burke, Dies at 89; Created Synthetic Skin
  96. "T. Franklin Williams, Early Geriatric Specialist, Dies at 90". The New York Times, 3 December 2011. Retrieved 2011-12-08.

External links