Английская Википедия:2020 Bas-Rhin municipal elections

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Шаблон:Infobox election

The 2020 Bas-Rhin municipal elections took place on 15 March 2020, with a second round of voting initially expected for 22 March 2020. Like the rest of France, the second round was initially suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. On 22 May, Prime Minister Édouard Philippe announced that the second round of voting would take place on the 28th of June.

Incumbent and elected mayors

Right-wing politicians have remained largely dominant in the department. Already weakened during the last elections by losses in Schweighouse-sur-Moder, Vendenheim and Schiltigheim. The left lost further ground in Erstein, Illkirch-Graffenstaden and Ostwald to the benefit of centrist and unaffiliated candidates. Even with divisions in her list during the second round of voting, Jeanne Baseghian, the mayoral candidate for Europe Écologie Les Verts, was able to maintain control of Strasbourg for the left.

Commune Population


Incumbent mayor Party Elected mayor Party
Barr 7 238 Gilbert Scholly bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR Nathalie Ernst bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR
Benfeld 5 753 Jacky Wolfarth bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| DVD Jacky Wolfarth bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| DVD
Bischheim 17 093 Jean-Louis Hoerlé bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR Jean-Louis Hoerlé bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR
Bischwiller 12 538 Jean-Lucien Netzer bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| MoDem Jean-Lucien Netzer bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| MoDem
Brumath 9 986 Étienne Wolf bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR Étienne Wolf bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR
Drusenheim 5 154 Jacky Keller bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR Jacky Keller bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR
Eckbolsheim 6 857 André Lobstein bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR André Lobstein bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR
Erstein 10 630 Jean-Marc Willer bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| DVG Michel Andreu Sanchez bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR
Eschau 5 303 Yves Sublon bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| DVD Yves Sublon bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| DVD
Fegersheim 5 737 Thierry Schaal bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| DVD Thierry Schaal bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| DVD
Geispolsheim 7 540 Sébastien Zaegel bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR Jean-Michel Schaeffer bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| DVD
Haguenau 34 504 Claude Sturni bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| DVD Claude Sturni bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| DVD
Hœnheim 11 215 Vincent Debes bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR Vincent Debes bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR
Illkirch-Graffenstaden 26 780 Claude Froehly bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| PS Thibaud Phillips bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR
Lingolsheim 18 324 Yves Bur bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR Catherine Graef-Eckert bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR
Molsheim 9 312 Jean-Michel Weber bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR Laurent Furst bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR
Mutzig 6 011 Jean-Luc Schickelé bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| DVD Jean-Luc Schickelé bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| DVD
Oberhausbergen 5 381 Cécile Delattre bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| UDI Cécile Delattre bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| UDI
Obernai 11 279 Bernard Fischer bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR Bernard Fischer bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR
Ostwald 12 604 Jean-Marie Beutel bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| PS Fabienne Baas bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| ECO
Val-de-Moder 5 096 Jean-Denis Erdelin bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| DVD Jean-Denis Erdelin bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| DVD
Reichshoffen 5 396 Hubert Walter bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR Hubert Walter bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR
Rosheim 5 149 Michel Herr bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| UDI Michel Herr bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| UDI
Saverne 11 239 Stéphane Leyenberger bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR Stéphane Leyenberger bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR
Schiltigheim 31 894 Danielle Dambach bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| EÉLV Danielle Dambach bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| EÉLV
Sélestat 19 252 Marcel Bauer bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR Marcel Bauer bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR
Souffelweyersheim 8 001 Pierre Perrin bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| UDI Pierre Perrin bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| UDI
Strasbourg 280 966 Roland Ries bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| DVG Jeanne Barseghian bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| EÉLV
Vendenheim 5 664 Philippe Pfrimmer bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| DVD Philippe Pfrimmer bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| DVD
La Wantzenau 5 841 Patrick Depyl bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| MoDem Michèle Kannengieser bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| DVD
Wasselonne 5 652 Michèle Eschlimann bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR Michèle Eschlimann bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR
Wissembourg 7 537 Christian Gliech bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LREM Sandra Fischer-Junck bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| DVD

Results by number of mayors elected

Change in number of elected mayors by political party
Party Incumbent mayors Elected mayors Change
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| EELV 1 2 +1
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| PS 2 0 -2
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| ECO 0 1 +1
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| DVG 2 0 -2
Total left 5 3 -2
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| MoDem 2 1 -1
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LREM 1 0 -1
Total center 3 1 -2
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| LR 14 15 +1
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| UDI 3 3 =
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| DVD 7 10 +3
Total right 24 28 +4
Total 32 32 =

Results in communes with more than 5,000 residents


  • Incumbent mayor: Gilbert Scholly (LR)
  • 29 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 7,238 residents)
  • 12 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (CC du Pays de Barr)
2020 Barr municipal election results
Файл:Barr Conseil Municipal 2020.svg
Leader List First round[1] Seats
Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Nathalie Ernst LR 1,364 80.47 27 11
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Pierre-Yves Zuber RN 331 19.52 2 1
Valid votes 1,695 96.14
White votes 22 1.25
Rejected votes 46 2.61
Total 1,763 100 29 12
Abstentions 2,830 61.62
Registered voters - voter turnout 4,593 38.38


  • Incumbent mayor: Jacky Wolfarth (DVD)
  • 29 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 5,753 residents)
  • 6 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (CC du Canton d'Erstein)
2020 Benfeld municipal election results
Файл:Benfeld Conseil Municipal 2020.svg
Leader List First round[2] Seats
Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Jacky Wolfart * DVD 602 100.00 29 6
Valid votes 602 86.87
White votes 45 6.49
Rejected votes 46 6.64
Total 693 100 29 6
Abstentions 3,131 81.83
Registered voters - voter turnout 3,814 18.17


  • Incumbent mayor: Jean-Louis Hoerlé (LR)
  • 33 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 17,093 residents)
  • 3 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (Eurométropole de Strasbourg)
2020 Bischheim municipal election results
Leader List First round Second round[3] Seats
Votes % Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Jean-Louis Hoerlé * LR 1,212 45.87 1,307 50.77 25 2
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Gérard Schann EELV 812 30.73 918 35.66 6 1
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Christèle Laforêt UDI 366 13.85 349 13.55 2 0
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Estelle Fraass PS 252 9.53 0 0
Valid votes 2,642 97.06 2,574 98.28
White votes 27 0.99 23 0.88
Rejected votes 53 1.95 22 0.84
Total 2,722 100 2,619 100 33 3
Abstentions 6,309 69.86 6,416 71.01
Registered voters - voter turnout 9,031 30.14 9,035 28.99


  • Incumbent mayor: Jean-Lucien Netzer (MoDem)
  • 33 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 12,538 residents)
  • 8 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (CA de Haguenau)
2020 Bischwiller municipal election results
Leader List First round[4] Seats
Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Jean-Lucien Netzer * MoDem 1,971 84.23 31 8
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Michèle Grunder-Rubert ECO 369 15.76 3 0
Valid votes 2,340 96.42
White votes 37 1,52
Rejected votes 50 2.06
Total 2,427 100 33 8
Abstentions 4,431 64.61
Registered voters - voter turnout 6,858 35.39


  • Incumbent mayor: Etienne Wolf (LR)
  • 29 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 9,986 residents)
  • 6 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (CA de Haguenau)
2020 Brumath municipal election results
Leader List First round[5] Seats
Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Etienne Wolf * LR 1,626 57.70 23 5
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Jean Obrecht DIV 991 35.16 5 1
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Jean-Michel Delaye DVG 201 7.13 1 0
Valid votes 2,818 97.37
White votes 38 1.31
Rejected votes 38 1.31
Total 2,894 100 29 6
Abstentions 4,405 60.35
Registered voters - voter turnout 7,299 39.65


  • Incumbent mayor: Jacky Keller (LR)
  • 29 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 5,154 residents)
  • 6 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (CC du Pays Rhénan)
2020 Drusenheim municipal election results
Leader List First round[6] Seats
Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Jacky Keller * LR 1,040 100.00 29 6
Valid votes 1,040 85.67
White votes 73 6.01
Rejected votes 101 8.32
Total 1,214 100 29 6
Abstentions 3,192 74.45
Registered voters - voter turnout 4,406 27.55


  • Incumbent mayor: André Lobstein (LR)
  • 29 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 6,857 residents)
  • 1 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (Eurométropole de Strasbourg)
2020 Eckbolsheim municipal election results
Leader List First round[7] Seats
Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| André Lobstein * LR 691 100.00 29 1
Valid votes 691 82.56
White votes 103 12.31
Rejected votes 43 5.14
Total 837 100 29 1
Abstentions 3,838 82.10
Registered voters - voter turnout 4,675 17.90


  • Incumbent mayor: Jean-Marc Willer (DVG)
  • 33 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 10,630 residents)
  • 11 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (CC du Canton d'Erstein)
2020 Erstein municipal election results
Leader List First round Second round[8] Seats
Votes % Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Michel Andreu Sanchez LR 1,231 45.49 1,542 57.79 27 9
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Patrick Kiefer DVC 1,011 37.36 837 31.37 5 2
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Kévin Diebold RN 464 17.14 289 10.83 1 0
Valid votes 2,706 96.85 2,668 97.94
White votes 47 1.68 29 1.06
Rejected votes 41 1.47 27 0.99
Total 2,794 100 2,724 100 33 11
Abstentions 4,982 64.07 5,070 65.05
Registered voters - voter turnout 7,776 35.93 7,794 34.95


  • Incumbent mayor: Yves Sublon (DVD)
  • 29 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 5,303 residents)
  • 1 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (Eurométropole de Strasbourg)
2020 Eschau municipal election results
Leader List First round[9] Seats
Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Yves Sublon * DVD 940 100.00 29 1
Valid votes 940 89.61
White votes 45 4.29
Rejected votes 64 6.10
Total 1,049 100 29 1
Abstentions 2,808 72.80
Registered voters - voter turnout 3,857 27.20


  • Incumbent mayor: Thierry Schaal (DVD)
  • 29 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 5,737 residents)
  • 1 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (Eurométropole de Strasbourg )
2020 Fegersheim municipal election results
Leader List First round[10] Seats
Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Thierry Schaal * DVD 891 100 29 1
Valid votes 891 86.67
White votes 71 6.91
Rejected votes 66 6.42
Total 1,028 100 29 1
Abstentions 3,296 76.23
Registered voters - voter turnout 4,324 23.77


  • Incumbent mayor: Sébastien Zaegel (LR)
  • 29 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 7,540 residents)
  • 1 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (Eurométropole de Strasbourg)
2020 Geispolsheim municipal elections
Leader List First round[11] Seats
Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Jean-Michel Schaeffer DVD 1,544 72.93 25 1
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Jacques Fernique EELV 573 27.06 4 0
Valid votes 2,117 98.05
White votes 24 1.11
Rejected votes 18 0.83
Total 2,159 100 29 1
Abstentions 3,394 61.12
Registered voters - voter turnout 5,553 38.88


  • Incumbent mayor: Claude Sturni (DVD)
  • 39 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 34,504 residents)
  • 23 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (CA de Haguenau)
2020 Haguenau municipal election results
Leader List First round[12] Seats
Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Claude Sturni * DVD 4,379 65.71 33 20
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Armand Marx EELV 1,485 22.28 4 2
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Patrick Muller RN 800 12.00 2 1
Valid votes 6,664 97.73
White votes 55 0.81
Rejected votes 100 1.47
Total 6,819 100 39 23
Abstentions 16,388 70.62
Registered voters - voter turnout 23,207 29.38


  • Incumbent mayor: Vincent Debes (LR)
  • 33 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 11,215 residents)
  • 2 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (Eurométropole de Strasbourg)
2020 Hœnheim municipal election results
Leader List First round[13] Seats
Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Vincent Debes * LR 1,965 100.00 33 2
Valid votes 1,965 93.00
White votes 80 3.79
Rejected votes 68 3.22
Total 2,113 100 33 2
Abstentions 5,658 72.81
Registered voters - voter turnout 7,771 27.19


  • Incumbent mayor: Claude Froehly (PS)
  • 35 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 26,780 residents)
  • 6 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (Eurométropole de Strasbourg )
2020 Illkirch-Graffenstaden municipal election results
Leader List First round Second round[14] Seats
Votes % Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Claude Froehly * PS 1,873 31.06 2,173 34.51 6 1
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Richard Hamm EELV 710 11.77
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Thibaud Philipps LR 1,650 27.36 2,500 39.70 25 5
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Pascale Gendrault DVD 1,084 17.97 1,142 18.13 3 0
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Rémy Beaujeux DVD 712 11.80 481 7.63 1 0
Valid votes 6,029 97.70 6,296 98.41
White votes 71 1.15 57 0.89
Rejected votes 71 1.15 45 0.70
Total 6,171 100 6,398 100 35 3
Abstentions 11,772 65.61 11,534 64.32
Registered voters - voter turnout 17,943 34.39 17,932 35.68


  • Incumbent mayor: Yves Bur (LR)
  • 33 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 18,324 residents)
  • 4 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (Eurométropole de Strasbourg)
2020 Lingolsheim municipal election results
Leader List First round[15] Seats
Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Catherine Graef-Eckert LR 1,738 54.02 26 3
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Valérie Wackermann PS 1,048 32.57 5 1
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Xavier Dannel DVD 431 13.39 2 0
Valid votes 3,217 97.54
White votes 43 1.30
Rejected votes 38 1.15
Total 3,298 100 33 4
Abstentions 8,703 72.52
Registered voters - voter turnout 12,001 27.48


  • Incumbent mayor: Jean-Michel Weber (LR)
  • 29 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 9,312 residents)
  • 10 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (CC de la Région de Molsheim-Mutzig)
2020 Molsheim municipal election results
Leader List First round[16] Seats
Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Laurent Furst LR 1,995 60.45 24 8
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Jean-Michel Weber * LR 1,305 39.54 5 2
Valid votes 3,300 98.21
White votes 25 0.74
Rejected votes 35 1.04
Total 3,360 100 29 10
Abstentions 2,837 45.78
Registered voters - voter turnout 6,197 54.22


  • Incumbent mayor: Jean-Luc Schickelé (DVD)
  • 29 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 6,011 residents)
  • 6 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (CC de la Région de Molsheim-Mutzig)
2020 Mutzig municipal election results
Leader List First round Second round[17] Seats
Votes % Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Jean-Luc Schickelé * DVD 729 45.05 817 51.25 23 5
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Claudio Fazio ECO 523 32.32 580 36.38 5 1
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Raymond Bernard DVD 366 22.62 197 12.35 1 0
Valid votes 1,618 96.71 1,594 98.09
White votes 28 1.67 16 0.98
Rejected votes 27 1.61 15 0.92
Total 1,673 100 1,625 100 29 6
Abstentions 2,061 55.20 2,116 56.56
Registered voters - voter turnout 3,734 44.80 3,741 43.44


  • Incumbent mayor: Cécile Delattre-Van Hecke (UDI)
  • 29 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 5,381 residents)
  • 1 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (Eurométropole de Strasbourg)
2020 Oberhausbergen municipal election results
Leader List First round[18] Seats
Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Cécile Delattre-Van Hecke * UDI 862 56.41 23 1
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Théo Klumpp DVD 406 26.57 4 0
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Jean-Marc Lotz DVD 260 17.01 2 0
Valid votes 1,528 98.77
White votes 10 0.65
Rejected votes 9 0.58
Total 1,547 100 29 1
Abstentions 1,853 54.50
Registered voters - voter turnout 3,400 45.50


  • Incumbent mayor: Bernard Fischer (LR)
  • 33 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 11,279 residents)
  • 13 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (CC du Pays de Sainte-Odile)
2020 Obernai municipal election results
Leader List First round[19] Seats
Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Bernard Fischer * LR 2,127 62.70 27 11
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Catherine Edel-Laurent DVD 1,265 37.29 6 2
Valid votes 3,392 97.30
White votes 32 0.92
Rejected votes 62 1.78
Total 3,486 100 33 13
Abstentions 5,691 62.01
Registered voters - voter turnout 9,177 37.99


  • Incumbent mayor: Jean-Marie Beutel (PS)
  • 33 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 12,604 residents)
  • 2 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (Eurométropole de Strasbourg )
2020 Ostwald municipal election results
Leader List First round Second round[20] Seats
Votes % Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Jean-Marie Beutel * PS 833 29.12 997 34.37 5 0
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Fabienne Baas EELV 785 27.44 1,355 46.72 25 2
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Vincent Florange DVD 666 23.28
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Claude Steinle DVD 576 20.13 548 18.89 3 0
Valid votes 2,860 97.25 2,900 97.48
White votes 38 1.29 32 1.08
Rejected votes 43 1.46 43 1.45
Total 2,941 100 2,975 100 33 2
Abstentions 5,149 63.35 5,143 63.35
Registered voters - voter turnout 8,090 36.35 8,188 36.65


  • Incumbent mayor: Jean-Denis Enderlin (DVD)
  • 33 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 5,096 residents)
  • 3 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (CA de Haguenau)
2020 Val-de-Modor municipal election results
Leader List First round[21] Seats
Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Jean-Denis Enderlin * DVD 767 100.00 33 3
Valid votes 767 89.19
White votes 17 1.98
Rejected votes 76 8.84
Total 860 100 33 3
Abstentions 2,773 76.33
Registered voters - voter turnout 3,633 23.67


  • Incumbent mayor: Hubert Walter (LR)
  • 29 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 5,396 residents)
  • 8 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (CC du Pays de Niederbronn-les-Bains)
2020 Reichshoffen municipal election results
Leader List First round[22] Seats
Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Hubert Walter * LR 926 54.40 23 6
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Jean-Yves Jung DIV 465 27.32 4 1
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Joseph Contino DIV 311 18.27 2 1
Valid votes 1,702 97.48
White votes 8 0.46
Rejected votes 36 2.06
Total 3,486 100 29 8
Abstentions 2,250 56.31
Registered voters - voter turnout 3,996 43.69


  • Incumbent mayor: Michel Herr (UDI)
  • 29 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 5,149 residents)
  • 8 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (CC des Portes de Rosheim)
2020 Rosheim municipal election results
Leader List First round[23] Seats
Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Michel Herr * UDI 1,141 60.43 24 7
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Philippe Elsass ECO 747 39.56 5 1
Valid votes 1,888 98.03
White votes 13 0.67
Rejected votes 25 1.30
Total 1,926 100 29 8
Abstentions 2,291 54.33
Registered voters - voter turnout 4,217 45.67


  • Incumbent mayor: Stéphane Leyenberger (LR)
  • 33 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 11,239 residents)
  • 17 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (CC du Pays de Saverne)
2020 Saverne municipal election results
Leader List First round[24] Seats
Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Stéphane Leyenberger * LR 1,800 64.79 28 14
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Nadine Schnitzler DVD 649 23.36 3 2
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Laurence Wagner DVD 329 11.84 2 1
Valid votes 2,778 96.59
White votes 40 1.39
Rejected votes 58 2.02
Total 2,876 100 33 17
Abstentions 4,486 62.76
Registered voters - voter turnout 7,722 37.34


  • Incumbent mayor: Danielle Dambach (EELV)
  • 39 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 31,894 residents)
  • 7 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (Eurométropole de Strasbourg)
2020 Schiltigheim municipal election results
Leader List First round[25] Seats
Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Danielle Dambach * EELV 3,169 55.29 32 6
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Christian Ball LR 1,179 20.57 4 1
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Hélène Hollederer LREM 746 13.01 3 0
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Raphäel Rodrigues DIV 329 5.74 1 0
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Francis Guyot DIV 197 3.43 0 0
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Denise Grandmougin EXG 111 1.93 0 0
Valid votes 5,731 97.10
White votes 57 0.97
Rejected votes 114 1.93
Total 3,902 100 39 7
Abstentions 12,485 67.90
Registered voters - voter turnout 18,387 32.10


  • Incumbent mayor: Marcel Bauer (LR)
  • 33 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 19,252 residents)
  • 21 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (CC de Sélestat)
2020 Sélestat municipal election results
Leader List First round Second round[26] Seats
Votes % Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Marcel Bauer * LR 1,969 36.66 2,355 41.25 24 15
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Denis Digel DVC 1,725 32.12 2,216 38.81 6 4
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Caroline Reys EELV 1,262 23.50 1,138 19.93 3 2
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Jean-Marc Kestel-Koffel DVG 414 7.70 0 0
Valid votes 5,370 96.70 5,709 97.37
White votes 47 0.85 70 1.19
Rejected votes 136 2.45 84 1.43
Total 5,553 100 5,863 100 33 21
Abstentions 8,438 60.31 8,116 58.06
Registered voters - voter turnout 13,991 39.69 13,979 41.94


  • Incumbent mayor: Pierre Perrin (UDI)
  • 29 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 8,001 residents)
  • 1 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (Eurométropole de Strasbourg)
2020 Souffelweyersheim municipal election results
Leader List First round[27] Seats
Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Pierre Perrin * UDI 1,676 86.57 27 1
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Odile Ngo Yanga DIV 260 13.42 2 0
Valid votes 1,936 97.24
White votes 30 1.51
Rejected votes 25 1.26
Total 1,991 100 29 1
Abstentions 3,517 63.85
Registered voters - voter turnout 5,508 36.15


2020 Strasbourg municipal election results
Файл:Strasbourg CM 2020.svg
Leader List First round Second round[28] Seats
Votes % Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Jeanne Barseghian EÉLV-PCF 13,532 27.87 21,592 41.70 47 35
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Alain Fontanel LREM-Agir-MR-MoDem 9,642 19.86 18,099 34.95 11 8
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Jean-Philippe Vetter LR-SL-LC-UDI 8,862 18.26
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Catherine Trautmann PS-PRG 9,601 19.77 12,080 23.33 7 6
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Hombeline du Parc RN 3,044 6.27
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Kevin Loquais LFI-G.s-REV 1,452 2.99
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Chantal Cutajar UL 1,058 2.17
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Patrick Arbogast DIV 583 1.20
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Clément Soubise NPA 399 0.82
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Louise Fève LO 212 0.43
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Mathieu Le Tallec POID 149 0.30
Valid votes 48,540 98.34 51,771 98.32
White votes 284 0.58 502 0.95
Rejected votes 537 1.09 380 0.72
Total 49,361 100 52,653 100 65 49
Abstentions 94,239 65.63 90,985 63.34
Registered voters - voter turnout 143,600 34.37 143,638 36.66


  • Incumbent mayor: Philippe Pfrimmer (DVD)
  • 29 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 5,664 residents)
  • 1 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (Eurométropole de Strasbourg)
2020 Vendenheim municipal election results
Leader List First round[29] Seats
Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Philippe Pfrimmer * DVD 1,100 100.00 29 1
Valid votes 1,100 89.07
White votes 75 6.07
Rejected votes 60 4.86
Total 1,235 100 29 1
Abstentions 3,379 73.23
Registered voters - voter turnout 4,614 26.77

La Wantzenau

  • Incumbent mayor: Patrick Depyl (MoDem)
  • 29 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 5,841 residents)
  • 1 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (Eurométropole de Strasbourg)
2020 La Wantzenau municipal election results
Leader List First round[30] Seats
Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Michèle Kannengieser DVD 1,395 55.51 23 1
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Patrick Depyl * MoDem 701 27.89 4 0
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Martial Schillinger DVD 417 16.59 2 0
Valid votes 2,513 98.39
White votes 26 1.02
Rejected votes 15 0.59
Total 2,554 100 29 1
Abstentions 2,324 47.64
Registered voters - voter turnout 4,878 52.36


  • Incumbent mayor: Michèle Eschlimann (LR)
  • 29 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 5,652 residents)
  • 10 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (CC de la Mossig et du Vignoble)
2020 Wasselonne municipal election results
Leader List First round[31] Seats
Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Michèle Eschlimann * LR 1,103 57.38 23 8
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Philippe Schnitzler DVC 819 42.61 6 2
Valid votes 1,922 97.46
White votes 21 1.06
Rejected votes 29 1.47
Total 1,972 100 29 10
Abstentions 2,183 52.54
Registered voters - voter turnout 4,155 47.46


  • Incumbent mayor: Christian Gliech (LREM)
  • 29 seats to be elected to the conseil municipal (population in 2017: 7,537 residents)
  • 15 seats to be elected to the conseil communautaire (CC du Pays de Wissembourg)
2020 Wissembourg municipal election results
Leader List First round Second round[32] Seats
Votes % Votes % CM CC
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Sandra Fischer-Junck DVD 1,297 47.26 1,867 60.97 24 13
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| Christian Gliech * LREM 834 30.39 1,195 30.02 5 2
bgcolor=Шаблон:Party color| André Krieger DVD 613 22.33 Withdrew 0 0
Valid votes 2,744 96.93 3,062 96.29
White votes 27 0.95 71 2.23
Rejected votes 60 2.12 47 1.48
Total 2,831 100 3,180 100 29 15
Abstentions 2,916 50.74 2,561 44.61
Registered voters - voter turnout 5,747 49.26 5,741 55.39


Шаблон:2020 French municipal elections