Английская Википедия:23rd Golden Eagle Awards

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Шаблон:Short description The 23rd Golden Eagle Awards were held October 27, 2006, in Changsha, Hunan province.[1] Nominees and winners are listed below, winners are in bold.

Television series

Best Television Series

  • Ren Changxia/任长霞
  • Eighth Route Army/八路军
  • The Qiao Family Grand Courtyard/乔家大院
  • Showing Sword/亮剑
  • Witness of Memories/记忆的证明
  • Lu Liang Heroes/吕梁英雄传
  • Jiangtang Prison Camp/江塘集中营
  • Home with Kids/家有儿女
  • Sha chang dian bing/沙场点兵
  • Papa, Can You Hear Me Sing?/搭错车
  • Beautiful Field/美丽的田野
  • Sky of History/历史的天空

Best Mini-series

  • Chenyun in Linjiang/陈云在临江
  • Stone Lock Channel/走进石锁沟
  • Aurora Borealis/北极光
  • True Love/真情
  • Tiny Me/小小的我
  • Xibaipo/西柏坡

Best Directing for a Television Series

Best Writing for a Television Series

Best Actor in a Television Series

Best Actress in a Television Series

Best Art Direction for a Television Series

Best Cinematography for a Television Series

  • Cheng Shengsheng for Beautiful Field

Best Lighting for a Television Series

  • Yao Zhuoxi for Nine Phoenixes

Best Sound Recording for a Television Series

  • Sound recording group for Sha Chang Dian Ping

Favorite Actor

Favorite Actress

Literature and art programs

Best Literature and Art Program

  • 2005 CCTV New Year's Gala/中央电视台春节联欢晚会
  • 100 Anniversary - Deng Xiaoping/纪念邓小平诞辰100周年
  • Midmoon Special Program/半个世纪的团聚――中秋特别节目
  • 84 Anniversary of CCP Celebration, In Guangdong/南粤先锋颂――广东省庆祝中国共产党成立八十四周年大型文艺晚會
  • 2006 Hunan TV Spring Festival Gala/和和美美过新年――湖南卫视2006年春节联欢晚会
  • For Justice and Peace/为了正义与和平

Best Directing for a Literature and Art Program

Best Cinematography for a Literature and Art Program

Best Art Direction for a Literature and Art Program

  • Art Direction group for 60 Anniversary of Taiwan Retrocession Commemoration (Our Chinese Heart)/中华情――纪念台湾光复六十周年大型文艺晚会


Best Television Documentary

  • The Forbidden City/故宫'
  • No. 236 Pere David's Deer/236号麋鹿.孤独者的故事
  • Singer Cong Fei/大爱无疆·歌者丛飞
  • New Tibet/新西藏
  • Mei Lanfang/梅兰芳

Best Short Documentary

  • Backing Soul/归来,殉难亡灵
  • Construction Site/工地
  • Rosy Cloudy/霞映长空

Best Writing and Directing for a Television Documentary

Best Cinematography for a Television Documentary

Children and teens programs

Best Animation



External links

Шаблон:Golden Eagle Awards (China) Chron