Английская Википедия:4th Congress of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia

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The Communist Party of Yugoslavia (CPY) convened the supreme body for its 4th Congress in Zonenland, Dresden, in Weimar Republic on 6–12 November 1928. It was held outside Yugoslavia because the Yugoslav authorities had banned the CPY.


The delegates attending the congress included Sima Marković, Milorad Petrović, Živojin Pecarski,[1] and Kočo Racin.[2]

Destruction of Yugoslavia

The Communist Party of Yugoslavia set the destruction of Yugoslavia as one of its main goals, which was to be achieved by strict adherence to the right to the self-determination of nations.[3] The strategy of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia relied on nationalistic anti-Serbian movements.[4] This strategy was based on the resolution of the Third Congress of the CPY aimed against Serbian bourgeoisie perceived as "oppresor" who evolved from "oppressive Serb people".[5] It was also based on the conclusions of the Fifth Congress of Comintern which posed the principle of "federal system of national states",[6] setting the stage for the Croatian secession, independence of Macedonia and supporting Albanian nationalistic movement.[7]

Croatian separatism

The 4th congress gave new impulse to the Croatian separatists and presented communists as deadly enemies of Yugoslav state.[8]

Montenegrin nation

The 4th Congress formulated the party's first reference to an independent Montenegrin nation.[9]






Шаблон:League of Communists of Yugoslavia Шаблон:Authority control

  1. Шаблон:Harv
  2. Шаблон:Harv: "Although Koco Racin was not one of the new members of the young generation in a narrow sense - he was a Macedonian delegate at the fourth congress of the CPY in 1928 in Dresden -, he developed positions quite similar to theirs."
  3. Шаблон:Harv: "...КПЈ и КИ су поставиле као један од својих битних циљева разбијање Југославије помоћу стрик- тне примене права..."
  4. Шаблон:Harv: "... сукоба, када је на ред искрсло тзв хрватско национално питање, комунистичка стратегија се видно ослањала на националистичке антисрпске покрете. На четвртом конгресу... "
  5. Шаблон:Harv:"... was corroborated by a resolution of the a resolution of the Third Conference of the CPY with the conclusion about the Serbian bourgeoisie as an "oppressor" evolved as a position on the "oppressive Serb people"",
  6. Шаблон:Harv: "... At its Fifth Congress (in June 1924), the Comintern expanded its position by posing the principle of "federal system of national states"
  7. Шаблон:Harv: "In Dresden on the 4th congress of the party in 1928 the CPY accepting fully the principles of the Comintern stuck up for the secession of Croatia, establishing an independent Macedonia, supported the national movements of the Albanians, ..."
  8. Шаблон:Harv: "Нови импулс хрватским сепаратистима пружио је Четврти конгрес КПЈ одржан у Дрездену 1928.године, сво- јим обрушавањем на југословенску државу на начин који је комунисте представио смртним непријатељима те државе."
  9. Шаблон:Harv: "The first reference to "Montenegrin-nation" came at the fourth congress of the CPY in Dresden (1928), which also advocated"