Английская Википедия:Acrididea

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:Automatic taxobox

Acrididea including the Acridomorpha[1] is an infraorder of insects that describe the grasshoppers (thus also locusts) and ground-hoppers. It contains a large majority of species in the suborder Caelifera and the taxon Acridomorpha may also be used, which excludes the Tetrigoidea.[2] Both names are derived from older texts, such as Imms,[3] which placed the "short-horned grasshoppers" and locusts at the family level (Acrididae). The study of grasshopper species is called acridology.


The Orthoptera Species File lists the following superfamilies: most families and species belong to the Acridoidea.



External links


  1. Orthoptera Species File: infraorder Acrididea (Retrieved 20/7/2017)
  2. Encyclopedia of Life: Acridomorpha (Retrieved 20/7/2017)
  3. Imms AD, rev. Richards OW & Davies RG (1970) A General Textbook of Entomology 9th Ed. Methuen 886 pp.