Английская Википедия:African Economic Community

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:More citations needed

Файл:Map of the African Union.svg

Шаблон:AU History Шаблон:Politics of the African Union mini

The African Economic Community (AEC) is an organization of African Union states establishing grounds for mutual economic development among the majority of African states. The stated goals of the organization include the creation of free trade areas, customs unions, a single market, a central bank, and a common currency (see African Monetary Union) thus establishing an economic and monetary union.


Currently there are multiple regional blocs in Africa, also known as Regional Economic Communities (RECs), many of which have overlapping memberships. The RECs consist primarily of trade blocs and, in some cases, some political and military cooperation. Most of these RECs form the "pillars" of AEC, many of which also have an overlap in some of their member states. Due to this high proportion of overlap it is likely that some states with several memberships will eventually drop out of one or more RECs. Several of these pillars also contain subgroups with tighter customs and/or monetary unions of their own:

These pillars and their corresponding subgroups are as follows:

Pillars Subgroups
Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD)
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)
East African Community (EAC)
Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS/CEEAC) Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC)
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA)

West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ)

Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)
Southern African Development Community (SADC) Southern African Customs Union (SACU)
Arab Maghreb Union (UMA)

Pillar membership

Шаблон:Legend Шаблон:Legend Шаблон:Legend

Founding states (1998):

Joined later:

Founding states (1994):

Joined later:

Former members:
Founding states (2001):

Joined later:

Founding states (1975):

Joined later:

Former members:
Founding states (1985):

Joined later:

CEMAC-99: CEMAC state from 1999
Founding states (1986):

Joined later:

Founding states (1989):
Founding states (1980):

Joined later:


1 The UMA (Arab Maghreb Union) does not participate in the AEC so far, because of opposition by Morocco

Overlaps illustrated

Шаблон:Supranational African Bodies

Файл:RECs of the AEC.svg
REC pillars of the African Economic Community. Шаблон:Legend Шаблон:Legend Шаблон:Legend Шаблон:Legend Шаблон:Legend Шаблон:Legend Шаблон:Legend Шаблон:Legend
Файл:Active RECs of the AEC.svg
Active REC pillars of the African Economic Community. Шаблон:Legend Шаблон:Legend Шаблон:Legend Шаблон:Legend Шаблон:Legend

Other blocs

Файл:Other trade blocks in Africa.svg
Other trade blocs in Africa not part of the African Economic Community. Шаблон:Legend Шаблон:Legend Шаблон:Legend Шаблон:Legend Шаблон:Legend

Other African regional blocs, not participating in the AEC framework (many of them predating AEC) are:

Their membership is as follows:

2005 membership:

Joined later:

1976 membership: 1984 membership: 1970 membership: 1973 membership:

Joined later:

1 Only African GAFTA members are listed.
GAFTA and MRU are the only blocs not currently stalled.


The AEC founded through the Abuja Treaty, signed in 1991 and entered into force in 1994 is envisioned to be created in six stages:

  1. (completed in 1999) Creation of regional blocs in regions where such do not yet exist
  2. (completed in 2007) Strengthening of intra-REC integration and inter-REC harmonisation
  3. (completed in 2021) Establishing of a free trade area and customs union in each regional bloc
  4. (to be completed in 2023) Establishing of a continent-wide customs union (and thus also a free trade area)
  5. (to be completed in 2025) Establishing of a continent-wide African Common Market (ACM)
  6. (to be completed in 2028) Establishing of a continent-wide economic and monetary union (and thus also a currency union) and Parliament
  • End of all transition periods: 2034 at the latest


Stages progress

as of September 2007

  • Stage 1: Completed, only Arab Maghreb Union members and Sahrawi Republic not participating. Somalia is participating, but no practical implementation yet.
  • Stage 2: Steady progress, nothing factual to check.
  • Stage 3:
  Regional blocs - pillars of the African Economic Community (AEC)
CEMAC Common UEMOA WAMZ Common SACU Common
Free Trade Area stalled progressing 1 fully in force fully in force proposed for 2007 ? fully in force proposed stalled fully in force progressing 2 stalled
Customs Union stalled proposed for 2008 fully in force fully in force proposed for 2011 ? fully in force proposed for 2007 stalled fully in force proposed for 2010 stalled

1 Members not yet participating: DR Congo (in talks to join), Eritrea, Ethiopia, Seychelles (in talks to join), Swaziland (on derogation until SACU gives permission for Swaziland to join the FTA), Uganda (to join very soon)[1]
2 Members not yet participating: Angola, DR Congo, Seychelles [2]

  • Stage 4: In March 2018, 49 African countries signed the African Continental Free Trade Agreement paving the way for a continent-wide free trade area. The continental free trade area became operational in July 2019, after 22 ratifications.[4][5] As of 2021, 34 signatories have effectively become parties of the treaty.
  • Stage 5: no progress yet
  • Stage 6: no progress yet

Overall progress

Regional bloc Free Trade Area Economic and monetary union Free Travel Political pact Defence pact
Customs Union Single Market Currency Union Visa-free Border-less
AEC Partially In Force proposed for 2023 proposed for 2023 proposed for 2028 proposed for 2023 proposed for 2023 proposed for 2028 proposed for 2028
CEN-SAD proposed for 2010
COMESA in force 1 proposed for 2008 ? proposed for 2018
EAC in force in force proposed for 2015 proposed for 2024 proposed for 2018[6] ? proposed for 2023
ECCAS CEMAC in force in force ? in force
Common proposed for 2007 ? proposed for 2011 ? proposed proposed proposed ? in force
ECOWAS UEMOA in force in force proposed[7] in force
WAMZ ? proposed for 2012
Common proposed 2 proposed for 2007 proposed[8] proposed in force 1 proposed proposed in force
SADC SACU in force in force de facto in force 1 ?
Common[3]Шаблон:Dead link proposed for 2008 3 proposed for 2010 proposed for 2015 proposed for 2016

1 not all members participating yet
2 telecommunications, transport and energy - proposed
3 sensitive goods to be covered from 2012

Шаблон:African Economic Community

African Free Trade Zone

Шаблон:Main The African Free Trade Zone (AFTZ) was announced on Wednesday October 22, 2008 by the heads of Southern African Development Community (SADC), the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and the East African Community (EAC).

In May 2012 the idea was extended to also include ECOWAS, ECCAS and AMU.[9]

See also




Шаблон:African Union Шаблон:Authority control