Английская Википедия:Agnes Schierhuber

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Шаблон:Short description

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Agnes Schierhuber

Agnes Schierhuber (born 31 May 1946) is an Austrian politician and Member of the European Parliament (MEP). She is a member of the Austrian People's Party, which is part of the European People's Party.

Schierhuber has been a member of the European Parliament since 1995 and currently sits as a full member of the Agriculture and Rural
Development Committee
. She is also part of the Delegation for relations with Canada. As a substitute member she sits on the Employment and Social Affairs Committee. She is the vice-chairwoman of the EPP-ED Group working party on agricultural and budgetary issues.


  • Completed agricultural school (1964)
  • Passed specialist examination (1975)
  • Member, ÖVP Local and District Executive (since 1975)
  • Member, Executive Committee, Lower Austria Farmers' Federation (since 1985)
  • Vice-chair, Ottenschlag Farmers' Chamber (1975-1995)
  • Ottenschlag Women Farmers' Representative (1974-1994)
  • Vice-chair, Ottenschlag Raiffeisenkassen supervisory board (since 1980)
  • Member, Regional Executive, Farmers' Social Insurance Institute (SVB) (1983-1998)
  • Member, Lower Austria Regional Chamber of Agriculture (1985-1986)
  • Member, Bundesrat (1986-1996)
  • Member of the European Parliament (since 1995)
  • Appointed Ökonomierat (2000)
  • Vice-chair, EPP-ED Group working party on agricultural and budgetary issues (since 2003)
  • Chair, Austrian Association for Medicinal and Herbal Horticulture (since 1993)
  • Chair, Waldviertel Specialist Growers' Association (since 2003)




External links

Шаблон:Authority control Шаблон:Austria-MEP-stub