Английская Википедия:Ancient aesthetics

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Ancient aesthetics refers to the perception of beauty and form in the ancient world and the importance it was given in many ancient cultures.

Файл:Sanzio 01 Plato Aristotle.jpg
Plato and Aristotle, School of Athens. Raffaello Sanzio.[1]

Aesthetics Definition and History

Aesthetics is defined as the perception of art, design or beauty.[2] Aesthetics is derived from the Greek word "aisthetikos" [3] defined as a perception of the senses. In aesthetics, there is a process of individual analysis, perception and imagination.[4] Perception is defined as an individual's neurophysiological process of awareness and interpreting external stimuli.[5] Therefore, aesthetics is highly subjective and differs by individual.[6]

Aesthetics can also be used as a synonym to define taste or style[3] encapsulating artistic expression and activities such as rhetoric, tone, harmony, painting, composition art and music.[4] Aesthetics also encapsulates the look, feel, or sound of natural forms.[4] Aesthetics also encompasses the science of how an individual or a society perceives, feels, senses or knows an external stimuli.[5]

As a philosophy, aesthetics was developed in 18th century Germany by Emmanuel Kant.[7] However, Greek and Roman philosophers such as Aristotle[8] and Plato[9] engaged in the rhetorical debate of aesthetic perception and properties as a separate branch of philosophy in defining the parameters of art and beauty.[7] Ancient aesthetics shows the origin of aesthetic debate and influences modern aesthetic definitions.[4]

Ancient civilization

Ancient is defined as an early historical period that is identified by the oldest known civilizations.[10] Ancient history is the study of life and events during this period.[10]

Civilizations that fall under classification of ancient are: Ancient Greece (800 B.C. and 500 B.C.), the Incas (1438 A.D – 1532 A.D.), the Aztecs (1345 A.D – 1521 A.D), the Romans (550 B.C. – 465 B.C.), the Persians (550 B.C. – 465 B.C.), Chinese civilization (1600 B.C.E. – 1046 B.C.E.), Mayan civilization (2600 B.C. – 900 A.D.), Ancient Egypt (3100 B.C.E. – 2686 B.C.E.), Indus Valley civilization (3300 B.C. – 1900 B.C.) and Mesopotamia (3500 B.C. – 500 B.C.) [11]

Ancient Greek aesthetics

Файл:Bronze Zeus or Poseidon NAMA X 15161 Athens Greece.jpg
Bronze Zeus or Poseidon. Athens, Greece.[12]

Ancient or archaic Greece is the time period between 800 B.C. and 500 B.C.[13]


Beauty in ancient Greece (800 – 300 B.C.E.) was referred to as κάλλος. The history of ancient Greek aesthetics spans centuries. Philosophical theories of beauty through this era are proportion, functionality and form.[7]

Greeks Gods

Influence of beauty was derived from the gods.[7] who took a divine human form and inspired their perception of beauty. Temples were created to worship gods, contained their lifelike images.[14]


Ancient Greeks focused on the aesthetic form of the ideal human body.[14] captured through the art.[15] Sculptures were initially inspired by the monumental art of the Ancient Egyptians.[14] Sculptures were considered at their peak of aesthetics when the human form was captured in a unique way and emphasized a divine or godlike quality. Proportion, poise and perfection of the human form were the artistic and aesthetic ideals.[16] Stone and bronze monuments are iconic of this civilization.[16]

Ancient Egyptian aesthetics

Ancient Egyptian Art and Beauty.[17]


Ancient Egyptians regarded physical beauty of the utmost importance and performed rituals to enhance their appearance.[18] Recovered artifacts support ancient Egyptian beauty ideals[19] including makeup, copper and silver handheld mirrors, and combs. Makeup was created using siltstones palettes to grind minerals such as green malachite or kohl.[19] Human hair was used to create extensions and wigs.[19] Jewelry enhanced beauty such as a string of beads and carnelian pendants in the shape of poppy heads.[19]

The afterlife and tombs

The Ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife. Tombs were created for the dead and decorated with the highest form of their aesthetic principles.[20] Mummy masks and coffins emphasized painted eyes lined with dramatic black outlines.[19]


