Английская Википедия:Anyeint

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Шаблон:Short description

Eternal Rose group performed as comedians in Singapore
Comedians performing together as part of the Htawara Hninzi troupe (Eternal Rose) in Singapore on 6 Mar 2011.

Anyeint (Шаблон:MYname; Шаблон:IPA-my; Шаблон:Lang-my; also spelt a-nyeint) is a traditional Burmese entertainment form that combines dance with instrumental music, song, and comedy routines, in theatrical performances.[1][2] It is a form of pwe, the Burmese word for traditional entertainment. While classical pwe can be quite formal and almost ritualistic, anyeint is considered light entertainment.[3]

In recent years, popular anyeint troupes such as Thee Lay Thee & Say Yaung Zoun (Шаблон:My) and Htawara Hninzi (Шаблон:My) have performed overseas, including Thailand, Singapore and the United States, which have large Burmese immigrant populations.[4][5] VCDs of popular troupes' performances are also widely distributed; politically insensitive ones, including Say Yaung Zoun (Шаблон:My), have been banned by Burmese authorities.[6]


The lead singer and dancer in an anyeint performance is called the anyeint minthami (Шаблон:My). Well-known film actresses and singers, including May Than Nu and Yadana Khin, are often featured as lead anyeint actresses.[7] The anyeint minthami dances to instrumental music and singing either a cappella or to music are interspersed with comedic dialogue and slapstick performed by clowns. The result is a sequence of solo and group dances. The costumes of anyeint performers are identical to those worn by puppets in traditional marionette theater.[8] Although lead actresses were once the main focus of performances, the focus has now shifted to the comedic skits performed.

Slapstick comedians, known as lu shwin daw (Шаблон:My) or lu pyet (Шаблон:My, although this term is falling out of usage) provide entertainment while the minthami changes outfits.[9] Zaganar and Kutho were successful comedians in early anyeint revival. In more recent times, well-known film actors and singers, such as Ye Lay, Nay Toe and Htun Htun, Kyaw Kyaw Bo, have featured as comedians.[10] Comedians typically dressed in checkered-patterned Taungshay-style longyi (sarongs) and wear loose coats, a development innovated by U Po Sein, an influential 19th-century performer.[9]

A small all-male music orchestra, led by the pattala (xylophone) music, accompanies the performance.[11]


Anyeint performances begin with a recitation and explanation of ancient verses, followed by a pari kamma (Шаблон:My), a formal speech by troupe members to introduce themselves and thank the show's patron.[11] Comedians then provide an introductory slapstick skit, before inviting the lead actress to the stage for a performance, during which they will provide improvised jokes and playful insults to the audience.[11] At the end of the dance set, comedians direct jokes at the actress, who rebuts them and defends herself.[11]

In the past, the anyeint performance was concluded with a verse play called zat kyi (Шаблон:My), although this portion is now omitted from contemporary anyeint programmes.[9]


The name "anyeint" comes from a Burmese language word meaning "gentle". The form originated as a royal court dance performed by female dancers and was originally confined to the royal court.[1][11] However, after the end of the Konbaung dynasty in 1885, anyeint troupes were forced to seek work outside and popularized a hybrid dance and comedic performance that has become popular throughout Burma,[1] especially appealing to the growing merchant class in British Burma, who patronised and sponsored these performances.[11] The first known anyeint troupe was formed in Mandalay around 1900, by comedian U Chit Phwe and his wife, dancer Ma Sein Thone.[11]

In the colonial era, famous anyeint actresses often became recording artists and were the headlines of anyeint shows, as composers wrote individual songs and dances suited to them.[11] However, the importance of the lead actress has diminished.[11] Anyeint reached its height in the 1970s, during a period of socialist rule, with one of the most influential troupes being Mandalay's Lamin Taya (The Hundred Moon Troupe).[11] In 1973, the troupe's scriptwriter, Maung Myat Hmaing wrote Dancer of the Ganges, which was one of the first Burmese plays to include the concept of democracy.[11]

During the colonial, U Nu and Ne Win administrations, troupes commonly included political satire and critiques, including social commentary, as part of their skits.[1] However, since 1988, regulations have become stricter, with comedians who perform political satire subject to arrest.[12] From 1988 to 1992, a military curfew at night prohibited all-night anyeint performances.[11]

Since the release of the anyeint play Hninzi Thakhin (Шаблон:My, lit. "Rose Master") in 2010, censorship of play contents have become stricter; the Myanmar Motion Picture Enterprise, the censorship body that regulates all anyeint troupes in the country, now mandates a full dress rehearsal to audit for any questionable content (such as jokes targeted at government officials, or cross-dressing scenes).[13]

The Burmese comedian, Zarganar, has frequently performed in anyeint.[14] In 1986, he formed the Mya Ponnama Anyeint troupe, whose performances have appeared on television. The Burmese performance art Htein Lin has also performed anyeint, which is an influence in his performance art.[15]


