Английская Википедия:Arad ostraca

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Шаблон:Short description

Arad ostracon
Файл:Tel Arad DSC03799 (9).JPG
Ruins of the fort in Arad.

The Arad ostraca, also known as the Eliashib Archive, is a collection of more than 200 inscribed pottery shards (also known as sherds or potsherds) found at Tel Arad in the 1960s by archeologist Yohanan Aharoni.[1] Arad was an Iron Age fort at the southern outskirts of the Kingdom of Judah, close to Beersheba in modern Israel.[2]

One hundred and seven of the ostraca are written in the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet and dated to circa 600 BCE. Of the ostraca dated to later periods, the bulk are written in Aramaic and a few in Greek and Arabic.[3]

The majority of the Hebrew ostraca are lists of names and administrative letters to the commanders of the fort; everyday correspondence between military supply masters, requests for supplies, and so on. Most of them are addressed to Eliashib (also transliterated Elyashiv; not to be confused with the biblical high priest Eliashib), thought to be the quartermaster of Arad.[4]

Eighteen ostraca consisting mainly of letters addressed to Eliashib were found in a chamber of the casemate wall of the fort.[5] These are known as the Eliashib Archive.

Literacy rate

In 2020, an algorithmic handwriting study revealed that the Arad ostraca must have had at least twelve different authors, of which 4–7 were stationed at Arad.Шаблон:Sfn Since Arad's garrison is estimated to only about 20–30 soldiers, the result supports a high literacy rate for the Judahite kingdom.Шаблон:Sfn The author of the study suggested that the high literacy rate could mean that some Bible books were written before the Babylonian conquest of Judah.[6]


Ostracon 1

ʾl ʾlyšb w- To Eliashib: And
ʿt ntn lktym now, give to the Kittim
yyn b(tm) 3 w- three ba(ths) of wine, and
ktb šm hym write the name of the day.
wmʿwd hqmḥ And from the remainder of
hrʾšn t- the first flour you will de-
rkb ⊢ 1 qmḥ liver one measure of flour
lʿšt lhm l- for them to make b-
ḥm myyn read. Of the wine
hʾgnt ttn[7] from the mixing bowls, you will give (them some).Шаблон:Sfn

The Kittim were Greek mercenaries, probably from Cyprus and the Aegean islands, employed by Judah to defend the southern frontier.[8]

Ostracon 3

Nadav Na'aman translates the text as follows:Шаблон:Sfn Шаблон:Quote

Ostracon 7

Seems to refer to the celebration of the day of the new moon as a sabbath. On such days 'men of god' were consulted for oracles.[9] Many in Ezekiel are said to be delivered on such. [10]

Ostracon 16

The ostracon is inscribed both on the front and on the back (recto and verso). The frontside reads:Шаблон:Sfn

ʾhbk ḥnnyhw šlḥ lšl- Your friend, Hananiah, (hereby) sends greet-
m ʾlyšb wlšlm bytk br- ings to (you), Eliashib, and to your household. I bl-
kt[k] lyhwh wʿt kṣʾty ess [you] by Yahweh. And now, when I left
mbytk wšlḥty ʾt your house, I sent
sp[r] zkh lpny gʾlyhw b- recei[p]t to Gealiah in (the)
y[d ʿ]zryhw wʾt hṣrwr ha[nd of A]zariah – the purse,
šʾ ʾtk whšbt[m?] k[lw] carry it with you! And return a[ll of] i[t].
ʾm ksp 5 [ḥʾr] wʾm y[š b]- If (there is still) money, look for 5 sheqels. And if there is still, at
[m]sbk šmn, šlḥ your [p]ost, any oil left—send it!
...hnḥ wʾl tšlḥ (As for the other thing,) drop it, don't send it/one
[unintelligible traces]

And the backside:Шаблон:Sfn

ʾm hyyn tšlḥ < wkl ḥpṣ- If there is any wine, send (1/2? 1/4?). If there is anything (else) you ne-
k tšlḥ wʾm yš h[ ... ] lh[m] -ed, send (= write to me about it). And if there is still [...], gi[ve] th[em]...

When the ostracon was found, the text side on the backside were unintelligible but in 2017 a team of researchers were able to reconstruct the text using multispectral imaging techniques.Шаблон:Sfn

Ostracon 18

Ostracon 18, also known as the House of Yahweh ostracon,[11] has an inscription that reads:

ʾl ʾdny ʾly- To my lord Elia-
šb yhwh yš- shib: may Yahweh inq-
ʾl lšlmk wʿt uire after your well-being. And now,
tn lšmryhw give to Shemariah
⥊ wlqrsy a measure (of flour), and to the Kerosite
ttn ߈ wld- you will give a measure (of flour). And concerning the mat-
br ʾšr ṣ- ter about which you co-
wtny šlm mmanded me, it is well.
byt yhwh In the house of YHWH,
hʾ yšb[7] he is staying.Шаблон:Sfn

The Kerosite may refer to someone who was a Nethinim, a temple servant.Шаблон:Sfn

The ostracon is notable because of the ending, "house of YHWH", which, according to many scholars, may be a reference to the Jerusalem temple.[12] Philip J. King and Lawrence E. Stager argues that since the temple at Arad was demolished 100 years prior to when the ostracon was written it therefore must refer to the Jerusalem temple.Шаблон:Sfn Other scholars doubt whether the inscription refers to the Jerusalem temple.Шаблон:Sfn

Ostracon 24

Ostraca 24 reads as follows:

mʿrd ⌉ wmqyn[h...] From Arad, 50, and from Kin[ah...]
wšlḥtm ʾtm rmt ng[b by]- And you shall send them to Ramat-Nege[b by the ha]-
d mlkyhw bn qrbʾwr whb- nd of Malchijah the son of Qerab'ur and he shall
qydm ʾl yd ʾlyšʿ bn yrmy- hand them over to Elisha the son of Jeremi-
hw brmt ngb pn yqrh ʾt h- ah in Ramat-Negeb, lest anything should happen to the
ʿyr dbr wdbr hmlk ʾtkm city. And the word of the king is incumbent upon you
bnbškm hnh šlḥty lhʿyd for your very life! Behold, I have sent to warn
bkm hym hʾnšm ʾt ʾlyš- warn you [Eliashib] today: [Get] the men to Elish-
ʿ pn tbʾ ʾdm šmh[13] a: lest Edom should come there!Шаблон:Sfn

The letter has been interpreted as ordering the commander of the fort to dispatch reinforcements to withstand an Edomite attack.Шаблон:Sfn

See also







  1. Шаблон:Harvnb; Шаблон:Harvnb
  2. Шаблон:Harvnb; Шаблон:Harvnb; Шаблон:Harvnb; Шаблон:Harvnb
  3. Шаблон:Harvnb; Шаблон:Harvnb
  4. Шаблон:Harvnb; Шаблон:Harvnb; Шаблон:Harvnb
  5. Шаблон:Harvnb
  6. Шаблон:Harvnb
  7. Перейти обратно: 7,0 7,1 AHARONI, Y. “Hebrew Ostraca from Tel Arad.” Israel Exploration Journal, vol. 16, no. 1, 1966, pp. 1–7. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/27925035. Accessed 7 Dec. 2023.
  8. Шаблон:Harvnb; Шаблон:Harvnb; Шаблон:Harvnb
  9. 2 kgs 4.23
  10. Шаблон:Cite book
  11. Шаблон:Cite web
  12. Шаблон:Harvnb; Шаблон:Harvnb
  13. Aharoni, Yohanan. “Three Hebrew Ostraca from Arad.” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, no. 197, 1970, pp. 16–42. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/1356384. Accessed 9 Dec. 2023.