Arsen Aydinian contributed immensely to the work of Armenian linguistics and grammar. He was from the Viennese Mekhitarist Order, and spoke both Classic or Modern languages. He held several offices, including that of Abbot General of the Viennese Mekhitarist Order. In 1887, he was the leading figure in the establishment of the official journal, Հանդէս ամսօրեայ (Handes Amsoreay), where he published many articles on linguistics.[3][4] However, Aydinian’s biggest achievement was Քննական քերականութիւն աշխարհաբար կամ արդի հայերէն լեզուի (Critical Grammar of the Vernacular or Modern Armenian Language) published in 1866, which remains a highly important achievement in Armenian linguistics till this day.[5] This book was especially significant due to the fact that the Armenian people at large were demanding the use of a more vernacular language in the literature and arts. This was a breakthrough since Grabar (classic Armenian) was the language mainly associated with priesthood and high-ranked members of society.