Английская Википедия:Asociación de Guías de Cuba

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Шаблон:Infobox WorldScouting The Asociación de Guías de Cuba (Girl Guides of Cuba) was started by María Abrisqueta de Zulueta, a Spanish citizen settled on the island, also founder of the Girl Guide Movement in Spain,[1][2] and two Cuban sisters surnamed Brull.[3]

The association is a former member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, last mentioned in 1969. Law-Decree 2118 of 27 January 1955 declared the Asociación de Guías de Cuba of public utility, and therefore approved national scale organization throughout the Republic.[4]

See also




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  1. García Rodríguez, María Luisa; Valeria Vittoria, Aurora Bosna (2009), Notas Hitóricas del Gudismo en España (1929-2009), Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, p. 198. ISSN 0212-0267 (in Spanish)
  2. García Rodríguez, María Luisa (2007), Fundamentación pedagógica del escultismo femenino, Papeles Salmantinos de Educación, No. 8, Facultad CC de la Educación, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, pp. 291–5. (in Spanish)
  3. Echebarria, Amparo; Alboniga-Txindurza, Belén; Mari, Paloma; Cormenzana, M. Teresa; Zulueta, Maritxu (2006), María Abrisqueta, Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, Spain, Шаблон:ISBN p. 38.
  4. Law-Decree 2118 of 27 January 1955.