Английская Википедия:Attorney General v Davy

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Attorney General v Davy (1741) 26 ER 531 is a UK company law case, which establishes this small but essential point of law: the default rule is that a majority of a corporate body can determine what it does.

Equivalent rules in contemporary company law are s 168 Companies Act 2006, which allows shareholders to remove directors through a simple majority, Foss v Harbottle which presupposed that a majority of shareholders can always take action to litigate, and the rule in Automatic Self-Cleansing Filter Syndicate Co Ltd v Cuninghame,[1] which raises the requirement to 75% of the shareholders if they are to give instructions to the board.


King Edward VI had incorporated twelve people by name in a charter to elect a chaplain for the church of Kirton, just outside Boston, Lincolnshire. A clause stated that three of the twelve would choose a chaplain for the Sandford church as well, another village within the Kirton parish, with the consent of the majority of Sandford residents. A late vacancy had been created. Two of the three chose a chaplain with the majority of residents' consent, but the third dissented. The question was whether the choice was valid.[2]


Lord Hardwicke LC held that the chaplain was validly elected, for a corporate body can act by a majority vote at any duly summoned meeting of members.

Файл:Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of Hardwicke (1690-1764) by William Hoare of Bath.jpg
Lord Hardwicke LC


See also

Шаблон:Clist co constitution



Further reading

  • R v Varlo (1775) 1 Cowp 248

  1. [1906] 2 Ch 3
  2. The Report cites the summary and facts as follows, "Case 169.— in the Vacation of Trin. Term , 1741. S. G. cited 1 Ves. 419.—Where a certain number are incorporated, a major part of them may do any corporate act, though nothing be mentioned in the charter. King Edward the Sixth, by charter incorporated twelve persons by name, to elect a chaplain for the church of Kirton, in Lincolnshire , and by another clause three of the twelve were to chuse a chaplain to officiate in the church of Sandford, within the parish of Kirton , with the consent and approbation of the major part of the inhabitants of Sandford. Upon a late vacancy, two of the three chose a chaplain, with the consent of the major part of the inhabitants of Sandford, the third dissented; and the question was, Whether this was a good choice."