Английская Википедия:Au fond du temple saint

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"Шаблон:Lang" ("At the back of the holy temple") is a duet from Georges Bizet's 1863 opera Les pêcheurs de perles. The libretto was written by Eugène Cormon and Michel Carré. Generally known as "The Pearl Fishers' Duet", it is one of the most popular numbers in Western opera – it appeared on seven of the Classic 100 Countdowns conducted by ABC Classic FM. It is sung by Nadir (tenor) and Zurga (baritone) in act 1.


After a self-imposed absence, Nadir returns to the shores of Ceylon, where his friend Zurga has just been elected Fisher King by the local pearl fishermen. The two had once fallen in love with the same woman, but then pledged to each other to renounce that love and remain true to each other. On meeting again, they sing this duet, remembering how they first fell in love/were fascinated with a veiled priestess of Brahma whom they saw passing through the adoring crowd.

A key moment in the opera, this duet is the clearest depiction of the triangular relationships between the protagonists. The obvious situation at this point is that males will value their friendship higher than a heterosexual relationship.[1] Peter Weir uses this duet in his 1981 film Gallipoli without the heterosexual aspect, purely to express male mateship and loyalty between a pair of doomed soldiers.[2] A different view is possible by a reading of the duet as a "pair of parallel monologues",[3] emphasizing the rivalry and deceit between the men.

This duet reappears at the end of the opera, but is sung in unison as the soprano Leila and the tenor Nadir sing together of their love which will transcend all their trials—while Zurga sacrifices himself, knowing of their love, as he lets them flee to safety.


Range (transposed 1 octave up)
<score>\new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" } { \clef treble \key es \major f' bes }</score> <score>\new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" } { \clef treble \key es \major d' es}</score>
Nadir Zurga

The duet starts in the key of E-flat major and the time signature of common time (Шаблон:Music); after a general pause following the words "Elle fuit!", the score briefly omits all signature accidentals, and the time signature changes at "Non, que rien ne nous sépare" to Шаблон:Music before returning to the starting configuration on "Oui, c'est elle" in the final duet. Nadir's part ranges from F3 to BШаблон:Music4 with the tessitura between A3 and G4. Zurga's part ranges from D3 to EШаблон:Music4.[4] Depending on the version and on cuts to the recitatives within the aria, it takes between 4 1/2 to 6 minutes to perform.


<poem>Zurga</poem> <poem>C'était le soir !

Dans l'air par la brise attiédi, Les brahmines au front inondé de lumière, Appelaient lentement la foule à la prière !</poem>

<poem style="margin-left: 1em;">It was in the evening!

In the air cooled by a breeze, The brahmanes with faces flooded with light, Slowly called the crowd to prayer!</poem>

<poem>Nadir</poem> <poem>Au fond du temple saint

paré de fleurs et d'or, Une femme apparaît !</poem>

<poem style="margin-left: 1em;">At the back of the holy temple,

decorated with flowers and gold, A woman appears!</poem>

<poem>Zurga</poem> <poem>Une femme apparaît !</poem> <poem style="margin-left: 1em;">A woman appears!</poem>
<poem>Nadir</poem> <poem>Je crois la voir encore !</poem> <poem style="margin-left: 1em;">I can still see her!</poem>
<poem>Zurga</poem> <poem>Je crois la voir encore !</poem> <poem style="margin-left: 1em;">I can still see her!</poem>
<poem>Nadir</poem> <poem>La foule prosternée

La regarde, étonnée, Et murmure tout bas : Voyez, c'est la déesse Qui dans l'ombre se dresse, Et vers nous tend les bras !</poem>

<poem style="margin-left: 1em;">The prostrate crowd

looks at her amazed and murmurs under its breath: look, this is the goddess looming up in the shadow and holding out her arms to us.</poem>

<poem>Zurga</poem> <poem>Son voile se soulève !

Ô vision ! ô rêve ! La foule est à genoux !</poem>

<poem style="margin-left: 1em;">Her veil lifts slightly.

What a vision! What a dream! The crowd is kneeling.</poem>

<poem>Both</poem> <poem>Oui, c'est elle !

C'est la déesse Plus charmante et plus belle ! Oui, c'est elle ! C'est la déesse Qui descend parmi nous ! Son voile se soulève Et la foule est à genoux !</poem>

<poem style="margin-left: 1em;">Yes, it is she!

It is the goddess, more charming and more beautiful. Yes, it is she! It is the goddess who has come down among us. Her veil has lifted and the crowd is kneeling.</poem>

<poem>Nadir</poem> <poem>Mais à travers la foule

Elle s'ouvre un passage !</poem>

<poem style="margin-left: 1em;">But through the crowd

she makes her way.</poem>

<poem>Zurga</poem> <poem>Son long voile déjà

Nous cache son visage !</poem>

<poem style="margin-left: 1em;">Already her long veil

hides her face from us.</poem>

<poem>Nadir</poem> <poem>Mon regard, hélas !

La cherche en vain !</poem>

<poem style="margin-left: 1em;">My eyes, alas!

Seek her in vain!</poem>

<poem>Zurga</poem> <poem>Elle fuit !</poem> <poem style="margin-left: 1em;">She flees!</poem>
<poem>Nadir</poem> <poem>Elle fuit !

Mais dans mon âme soudain Quelle étrange ardeur s'allume !</poem>

<poem style="margin-left: 1em;">She flees!

But what is this strange flame which is suddenly kindled in my soul!</poem>

<poem>Zurga</poem> <poem>Quel feu nouveau me consume !</poem> <poem style="margin-left: 1em;">What unknown fire is destroying me?</poem>
<poem>Nadir</poem> <poem>Ta main repousse ma main !</poem> <poem style="margin-left: 1em;">Your hand pushes mine away!</poem>
<poem>Zurga</poem> <poem>Ta main repousse ma main !</poem> <poem style="margin-left: 1em;">Your hand pushes mine away!</poem>
<poem>Nadir</poem> <poem>De nos cœurs l'amour s'empare,

Et nous change en ennemis !</poem>

<poem style="margin-left: 1em;">Love takes our hearts by storm

and turns us into enemies!</poem>

<poem>Zurga</poem> <poem>Non, que rien ne nous sépare !</poem> <poem style="margin-left: 1em;">No, let nothing part us!</poem>
<poem>Nadir</poem> <poem>Non, rien !</poem> <poem style="margin-left: 1em;">No, nothing!</poem>
<poem>Zurga</poem> <poem>Que rien ne nous sépare.</poem> <poem style="margin-left: 1em;">Let nothing part us!</poem>
<poem>Nadir</poem> <poem>Non, rien !</poem> <poem style="margin-left: 1em;">No, nothing!</poem>
<poem>Zurga</poem> <poem>Jurons de rester amis !</poem> <poem style="margin-left: 1em;">Let us swear to remain friends!</poem>
<poem>Nadir</poem> <poem>Jurons de rester amis !</poem> <poem style="margin-left: 1em;">Let us swear to remain friends!</poem>
<poem>Zurga</poem> <poem>Jurons de rester amis !</poem> <poem style="margin-left: 1em;">Let us swear to remain friends!</poem>
<poem>Both</poem> <poem>Oh oui, jurons de rester amis !

Oui, c'est elle ! C'est la déesse ! En ce jour qui vient nous unir, Et fidèle à ma promesse, Comme un frère je veux te chérir ! C'est elle, c'est la déesse Qui vient en ce jour nous unir ! Oui, partageons le même sort, Soyons unis jusqu'à la mort !</poem>

<poem style="margin-left: 1em;">Oh yes, let us swear to remain friends!

Yes, it is she, the goddess, who comes to unite us this day. And, faithful to my promise, I wish to cherish you like a brother! It is she, the goddess, who comes to unite us this day! Yes, let us share the same fate, let us be united until death!</poem>



External links


Шаблон:Georges Bizet Шаблон:Authority control