Английская Википедия:Aydin Mammadov

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:Infobox scientist Aydin Balamirza oghlu Mammadov (Шаблон:Lang-az) is an Azerbaijani historian, scientist-demographer, specialist on historical demography, Ph.D. in history, and associate professor of the department of "source study, historiography and methods" of Baku State University.[1][2] He is one of the 100 Notable alumni of Baku State University.[3]


Aydin Mammadov was born in 1967 in Sumgait. In 1975–1983, he studied at secondary school number 10 in Sumgait. He graduated from the Baku Pedagogical College named after Mirza Alakbar Sabir in 1983 and served in the Soviet Army in 1987–1989. He graduated with honours from the History faculty of Baku State University In 1989–1994 and was awarded a scholarship named after Karl Marx for excellent study at the university. He worked at Sumqayit State University and at various preparatory courses in 1994–1997.

In 2013, he received a PhD in history on the topic "Turkish policy of Germany and its historiography at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries", speciality 5509.01 - "Historiography, source study and methods".[4]

Since 2001, he has been working at the Department of Baku State University, "Source Studies, Historiography, and Methods".[5]

In 2019, Aydin Mammadov wrote the first textbook "Historical Demography" in Azerbaijani language. In the same year, he was awarded “Baku State University 100th anniversary medal”.

Since February 27, 2020, Aydin Mammadov has been an absentee doctoral student at the Faculty of History of the Baku State University, speciality 5509.01 - "Historiography, source studies and methods of historical research" for the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences.[6]

Participation in international conferences, symposia, seminars

  • Attempts by Germany to use national, moral and cultural values in Turkish politics of the late XIX - early XX centuries // Cultural diversity as a socio-political value II National Forum of Cultural Studies Baku, 2010, pp. 201–203.
  • Turkish policy of Germany in the late 19th - early 20th centuries and its historiography // Azerbaijan on the way to a developed society: realities, prospects: Materials of the republican scientific-practical conference of young researchers dedicated to February 2 - Youth Day Baku, Azerbaijan University February 2, 2011, pp. 221–222.
  • Economic and political roots of Germany's attempts to gain a foothold in Turkey in the context of historiography // Materials of the International Scientific Conference "Actual Problems of Sustainable Development in the Context of Globalization" dedicated to the 88th anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev and the 93rd anniversary. modern Azerbaijani statehood Baku, Azerbaijan University May 4–5, 2011, pp. 460–461.
  • "The role of museums in strengthening student memory in history lessons." The I Republican Scientific Conference "Research, popularization, protection and restoration of national values protected in museums, archives and libraries" was held at the National History Museum of Azerbaijan, June 20, 2017, pp. 141–145.[7]
  • The role of museums in teaching historical demography in history lessons. II Republican scientific conference "Research, popularization, protection and restoration of national values protected in museums, archives and libraries", 2018, pp. 170–175.[8]
  • Issues of historical demography in the studies of Ahmad bey Agaoglu. PROCEEDING International Conference on Sustainable Development And Actual Problems of Humanitarian Sciences, May 14–15, 2018, pp. 469–475.
  • Scientific knowledge on the historical demography of the Azerbaijani people. The place and role of the Faculty of History of Baku State University in the socio-political life of Azerbaijan. Republican scientific conference. Baku, October 8–9, 2019.[9]
  • Impact of the Second World War on the socio-economic and demographic situation of the population in Azerbaijan // International Scientific Conference "Azerbaijan during the Second World War", June 22, 2020.[10]
  • Issues of historical demography in the historiography of Azerbaijan in the second half of the twentieth century. III International Scientific Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, April 6, 2021.[11]
  • Issues of historical demography in the studies of Azerbaijani historians of the second half of the twentieth century. Materials of the IV Republican Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Researchers, April 9, 2021.
  • Demographic views on the influence of natural factors on the population in the work of Nizami Ganjavi. PROCEEDING International Conference on Works by Nizami Ganjavi as a literary and historical source, May 7, 2021, Baku, pp. 82–85.[12]
  • Historical and demographic views on the family model in the work of Nizami Ganjavi // Materials of the scientific-theoretical conference dedicated to the 880th anniversary of Nizami Ganjavi "Nizami Ganjavi: predecessors and successors - Medieval manuscripts and historical problems of Azerbaijani culture", Institute of Manuscripts named after Muhammad Fizuli ANAS, 22 November 2021.[13]
  • Population problems in studies on primitive society in the historiography of Azerbaijan in the second half of the 20th century // Proceedings of the I International Conference on the Fundamentals of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Baku, December 24, 2021.[14]
  • Problems of historical demography in studies on the territorial and demographic issues of Azerbaijan in the XIX century in the historiography of Azerbaijan in the second half of the XX century - the beginning of the XXI century. IV International Scientific Conference "World Azerbaijanis: History and Modernity", Baku, December 29–30, 2021[15][16]
  • Issues of historical demography in the study of the processes associated with the ethnogenesis of the Azerbaijani people in the national historiography in the second half of the XX century - the beginning of the XXI century. Proceedings International conference “Ethnogenesis of the Azerbaijani people and the national identity issues”, Baku, October 28, 2022.[17]
  • Influence of political processes taking place in Northern Azerbaijan in the 19th century on the demographic situation of Shusha in the historiography of Azerbaijan in the 21st century. Republican scientific conference "Historical and cultural heritage of Karabakh in the museum", Baku, November 1, 2022[18]
  • Historical and demographic issues in the scientific creativity of Azerbaijani historian and archeologist Mammadali Huseynov. AICNHS 1st International Conference on new horizons in science, January 12–15, 2023, Cairo, Egypt. pp. 108–113.[19][20]
  • Issues of historical demography in the research works of Azerbaijani historians on medieval period in the second half of XX century // I International Scientific and Practical Conference «Modern science: experience, traditions, innovations», January 31 – February 1, 2023, Berlin. Germany. pp. 27–32.[21]

Selected works

Featured articles and programs

In Azerbaijani

In Russian

In English

Scientific books

External links



Шаблон:Authority control

  1. Department of "Source study, historiography and methods"
  2. Кафедра «источниковедения, историографии и методики» БГУ
  3. 100 Notable alumni of Baku State University
  4. Məmmədov, Aydın Balamirzə oğlu. Almaniyanın XIX əsrin sonu - XX əsrin əvvəllərində Türkiyə siyasəti və onun tarixşünaslığı Шаблон:In langШаблон:Dead link
  5. http://history.bsu.edu.az Məmmədov Aydın Balamirzə oğlu Шаблон:In lang
  6. Шаблон:Cite web
  7. I respublika elmi konfransının materialları-2017
  8. % B1n% C4% B1n_materiallar% C4% B1_-2018.pdf II respublika elmi konfransının materialları −2018
  9. Azərbaycanın ictimai-siyasi həyatında Bakı Dövlət Universitetinin Tarix fakültəsinin yeri və rolu
  10. “Azərbaycan II dünya müharibəsi illərində” mövzusunda beynəlxalq virtual Elmi konfrans keçirilib
  11. Шаблон:Cite web
  12. Aydın Məmmədov. Nizami Gəncəvinin yaradıcılığında təbii amillərin əhali məskunlaşmasına təsiri ilə bağlı demoqrafik baxışları. PROCEEDING International Conference on Works by Nizami Ganjavi as a literary and historical source, May 7, 2021, Baku, s.82-85 [PDF]
  14. I Beynəlxalq Humanitar və ictimai elmlərin əsasları konfransının materialları (24 dekabr 2021)
  15. Шаблон:Cite web
  16. Dünya azərbaycanlıları: tarix və müasirlik. IV Beynəlxalq Elmi konfransın xülasələri. Bakı, Bakı Universiteti nəşriyyatı, 2022, 302 səh
  17. Azərbaycan xalqının milli kimlik məsələləri beynəlxalq konfransda müzakirə olunub
  18. Muzeydə “Qarabağın tarixi – mədəni irsi” adlı Respublika elmi konfransı keçirilib
  19. AICNHS 1st International Conference on new horizons in science, January 12-15, 2023, Cairo, Egypt.
  21. I International Scientific and Practical Conference «Modern science: experience, traditions, innovations», January 31 – February 1, 2023, Berlin. Germany.
  22. A.B.Məmmədov. Tarix fənninin tədrisində incəsənətlə tərbiyə BDU-nun Xəbərləri humanitar seriyası N3, səh.123-128, 2015.
  23. "Şeyxülislamlığın tarixi" kitabının təqdimatı
  24. Azərbaycan Xalqının daşla bağlı inanclarında tarixi demoqrafiya məsələləri. GeoStrategiya № 02 (44) mart-aprel, 2018. Aydın Məmmədov - BDU-nun Mənbəşünaslıq, Tarixşünaslıq və metodika kafedrasının müəllimi, dosent
  25. Azərbaycan xalqının daşla bağlı inanclarında tarixi demoqrafiya məsələləri,
  26. Aydın Məmmədov. Azərbaycan xalqının su ilə bağlı qədim inanc, adət və mərasimlərində tarixi-demoqrafik baxışlar s. 26-32
  27. Aydın Məmmədov. Nizami Gəncəvinin əsərlərində ətraf mühit, təbii-coğrafi amillər və məskunlaşma problemləri
  28. Tarix, insan və cəmiyyət, 1 (34), 2022
  29. Шаблон:Cite web
  30. Tarix, insan və cəmiyyət, 2 (35), 2022
  31. Tarix, insan və cəmiyyət, 3 (36), 2022
  32. Bakı Universitetinin xəbərləri (humanitar elmlər seriyası), № 3, 2022
  33. Tarix, insan və cəmiyyət, 4 (37), 2022
  34. Шаблон:Cite web
  35. Шаблон:Cite web
  36. Шаблон:Cite web
  37. nplg.gov.geШаблон:Dead link Шаблон:In lang
  38. Ильхамов Дониѐр Арипджанович. Проникновение Германии на Ближний и Средний Восток и русско-германские противоречия. Ташкент, 2014. с.96
  39. Историография Банковско–кредитной политики Германии в Турции в конце XIX – начале ХХ века / А. Б. Мамедов // Гілея: науковий вісник. - 2014. - Вип. 83. - С. 132-134.
  40. Культ Солнца в доисламской системе верований Азербайджанского народа. АКАДЕМИЧЕСКАЯ ИСТОРИЯ И МЫСЛЬ, IV, 2017
  41. Культ Солнца в древней системе верований азербайджанцев. İrs-Наследие, №5 (89), 2017. стр. 32-37.
  42. Айдын МАМЕДОВ. К символике орнамента на азербайджанских коврах // İrs-Наследие, №110, 2021
  43. Aydin Mammadov. Study of historical demographic issues in pre-Islamic funeral ceremonies of Turkic peoples in Azerbaijani historiography. Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergi, Cilt:8/sayı:2/Haziran, Ankara, 2021. [PDF]
  44. Aydın MAMMADOV. Study of historical demographic issues in pre-Islamic funeral ceremonies of Turkic peoples in Azerbaijani historiography
  45. Annali d’Italia, №40, 2023
  46. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science, №102, 2023
  47. Deutsche internationale Zeitschrift für zeitgenössische Wissenschaft
  48. Scientific discussion, Vol 1, No 77, 2023
  49. Шаблон:Cite journal
  50. A new book of associate professor of history faculty of Baku State University published Шаблон:In lang